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Everything posted by Qudhac

  1. Allaah yaa rahma raximiin to all those who perished in the hands of tyrany, a tyrany that was defeated and destroyed by those xaq u dirir somalilanders who stood up this war machine that was hell bent on the destruction and massacre of whole section of what used to be called somalia once apon a time. people whose crime was simply because they from that region. History is written by the victors and history shall judge those who perpetuated this henious crimes harshly. this was and will always be a black day for us and it will always be a reminder for you shall learn from history if it is not to be repeated again. hence the slogan "never again" that you will hear from somalilanders young and old..... never again shall we put our destiny in the hands of those whom history has judged as failure in all aspects. indeed never again.
  2. Daawo Axmed Karaash “Ciidankii Naga Kala Yaac, Gudahana Khaatumo Lagama Ogala Waxaanu noqonayna jabhad dadka dhacda xoolaha iyo Gadiidkaba Posted to the web on Jul 07 Holnews-Axmed CilmiCismaan oo la hadlayay taageerayaasha mashruuca Khaatumo ayaa waxaa uu muddo 30 daqiiqoah ka hadlayay dhaqaalo la’aan iyo kaajo ba’an oo ku haysa Taleex isagoo aad uga hadlay in ciidanka uu meesha ku hayay oo uu qiray in ay ahaayen oo kaliya qoyskiisa ay kala yaaceen. Karaash waxaa uu sheegay in Khaatumadii lagu balamay aysan waxba ka fulin oo wixiiba ay riwaayad noqotaywuxuu caddeyay in balanqaadkii beelaha ee ahaa in ciidan iyo calafba la keeno aan la fulin. Axmed Karaash waxaa uu aad uga hadlay in gudaha dalka gaar ahaan gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn aan laga ogolayn wax Khaatumo la yiraahdo dadkuna ay u diideen in ay wax xoola ah siiyaan ciidanka. Waxaa uu qiray Axmed Karaash in aysan jirin ciidan Khaatumo leedahay balse ciidanka uu wato ay yihiin oo kaliya beeshiisa kuwaaso uu sheegay in ay maalin waliba su’aalo weydiiyaan gaar ahaan “maxaa kaligayaga na kalifay? miiye dadkii kale? wuxuuna in taa ku daray in ay ku adkaatay sidii uu ugu jawaqbi lahaa. Waxaa uu Karaash caddeyay in lacag la’aan darteed ay ciidankii ka kala yaaceen oo ay isaga tageen inta yar ee soo hadhay ayuu sheegay in uu ku badbaadin doono wada kasta oo suura gal ah. Waxaa uu sirasmi ah shaaca uga qaaday in uu bilaabi doono dhicida gaadiidka wadada maraya isla ma,rkaana ay kala degi doonaan waxa saaran. Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay in uu dadka xoola dhaqatada ah ka soo dhicidoono xoolaha si loogu badbaadiyo ciidanka yar ee beeshiisa ah ee u soo hadhay. Axmed Waxaa uu eedeyan duysha uga tuuray laba Cali(cali Khaliif iyo caliCiise) oo uu sheegay in ay markii hore balan qaadeen in maamulkan iyagu deberidonana balse wax lala yaabo noqotay ayuu yidhi in muddo 7 bilood ah ka dib la baryayo islaan caydh Yurub ku qaadata. Axmed waxaa uu sirasmi ah u shaaciyay in mashruuca Khaatumo ku eg yahay oo kaliya xooga qurbajooga ah oo aan ka war hayn xaalada wadanka isagoo sheegay in dadka gudaha aysan aqoonba wax Khaatumo la dhaho
  3. Oodweyne First of all warm greeting friend, i couldnt help notice that you objected to the said community having this meeting and while i understand that you believe there is a bigger fish to fry (literally in the case of the said pirates), however i have come to the conclusion that as somalis we must not denounce what we are, our culture our traditions and our ways after all these traditions and practices are what makes us who we are. We have our own ways of solving problems, bringing communities together and working for the better of all somalilanders. Initially when i heard that libaaxyada (for want of a better word) were having a get together i was dead against it despite the fact that i hail from this community i thought that this will be hijacked by politics and usual fadhi ku dirir folks which will lead to more divisions and chaos as politics usually leads to with the usual suspect taking the lead i.e Waddani, Ummada amongs others. I however had a change of heart when i listened to the organisers over and over again repeating themselves that this meeting was of a traditional kind and while all those who hail from this community includind politicians are free to come along initially to pay their respect and give their views but they will only be spectators for this will be about the good old boring traditional stuff which will be lead by a commitee. I thought to myself if these red bearded old men who have time and time again held our communities together with their wise heads can bring their wisdom to the fore once more against the backdrop of beatifull daallo mountains then why not..... why should we always leave our distiny in the hands of suit wearing af-qalooc politicians who who foam from the mouth and wouldnt mind selling their own mothers for bit leverage.... anyways brother hows life treating you oo waxaan islahaa he is the one leading the Guurti of old men in Daallo maxaa kugu dhacay lol
  4. more to come as the gacan ku rimis fake taarikh is unravelling and those who were bottle fed it have no answers
  5. ) Taleexdan reerku ku waashay nin Dhulbahnat ma ku dagaalamay? Dhulb se qalcada Taleex ay ku waasheen darajo ma ku lahaayeen?*, taasi waa maya oo waataynu hore u soo sheegnay dagaaladii Taleex daraawiishtii ku dhintay 1920gii, *Taleex ma Dhulbahnataa ku aasan qudbiyada ay dul baanaan? Wixii kacaankii Afweyne ka danbeeyay reerka lagu wada shubtay in qalcada Taleex 6da qudbi 3 ka mid ah ay ku aasanyiin Cabulle Xasan( waa Maxamed aabihii) iyo Carro Seed Magan oo hooyadii ah , qudbiga 3xaadna waxa ku aasan bay yidhaahdaan faraskiisii Dhoodi-meer (loooooooool) ama gabadh u dhaxday. waaxani taariikhii cusubaa ee la seemayay 1970yadii. Baryahan danbe dhowr jeer bay cajalado ka soo duubeen Taleex ayagoo is leh dadkiina qiiro galiya, laba cajaladood oo youtube, ninba qudbiyadaa Taleex ku dhex yaal wuxu ka maqlay odayaashii Kacaanku waalay ayuu ku tilmaamay, labada cajaladood waxay se ku sheegeen qudbiyadaas dadka ku aasan sidatan: 1 Saydika aabihii Cabdulle Xasan, 2- Hooyadii iyo faraskisii Dhoodi-Meer.( youtube ka daawo) 3 wadaad u ka mid yahay qaadigii Taleex ee Cali, iyo hooyadii Carro iyo xaaskiisii Maryama. Suaashii ahayd meeshan Dhulba u waashay ee Taleex maxay ku sheegtaan , suaashii ugu danbaysay ee ahayd ma cid ayaga ah oo Daraawiish ahayd baa ku aasan waa maya, cid Dhulb sheegata oo Daraawiish 3da qalacdood midna taariikh ku leh ma jiro South of the main cave-well is the considerable tomb of ‘Abdullah Hasan senior (father), well plastered inside and out; it is now said to be empty. Adjoining this on the west is a walled garden with massive gateway and guard-house; the rest ofthe wall is not more than 5 feet high and plastered. There are still odd bushes and signs of cultivation to be seen, but the comparatively deep well in the middle is dry. To the east lies a row of four tombs. The most northerly is that of one Soldan Nur of the Habr Yunis tribe; the next two, neither being plastered. and the first with the top left unfinished, are those of Hawiya notables whose names my Somalis did not know. The most southerly tomb is that of a man of the Habr Jaalo tribe. The isolated tomb still farther east is that of AbdullahHasanâ's mother. All the tombs are provided with narrow but very massive wooden doors, swinging about vertical extensions from top and base of one side. A little east of Suldan Nurs (The Suldan of Hy) tomb is a shallow nulla, seen as a dark line in the photograph, and known as Hed Kaldig, the Place of Blood. This was the execution ground where those to whom the Mullah had taken a dislike were shot, with or without torture. Had such anticipated trouble and escaped, any members of their families on whom hands could be laid, including women and children, are said to have been shot in their stead, and their bodies left for the hyaenas. After the capture of Taleh pious Somalis collected the quantities of human bones found hereabouts and gave them burial. However this may be there are no human bones about now. Taleh by W.A. MACFADYEN ) Duulankii Hagoogane iyo Gebagebayntii Darawiish Qoraxay 1920
  6. Sharif seems to be out numbered he seems to be lost amids deligation of somaliland he cuts very small figure lol
  7. from this picture its clear who is the boss and who is wannabe boss. sharif looks like someone who is saying hello to his favourite uncle. lool
  8. When ever the Islamist are kicked out of somalia these things seem to always rear their ugly heads again. http://oodweynenews.com/news/183234-12-hablood-oo-caruur-badan-oo-la-dhoofinayey-si-jidhkooda-looga-faaidaysto-oo-shalay-lagu-qabtay-garoonka-berbera-maanta-hargeysa-lagu-soo.html
  9. Aadan my dear friend 26 of june is glorious day in our history like bright star in dark sky it was the day we led somalis from the darkness of colonial masters its day we dared to dream of what could be but its a day that is tingled with sadness and what may have been.. indeed its a day we led with our hears and not with our heads but we shall not look back. but it is sad our youngers do not know their history like most youngers everywhere they think somaliland was always like it is today with its bright cities and tall shinny building.. they do not know that their fathers shed their blood to make this possible for them their mothers shed their tears and went hungry so this generation will never have to go throught what they went through... indeed we must educate our younger generation so they must not make the same mastake that their forefathers did.
  10. Well what does he expect he is interviewing bunch of teenagers who born in 1990s or 80 at most. In somaliland today mojority of people there today were not birn or were babies when somalia was one functioning state... and there will come a time when there is only few old men who will talk such time ( maybe myself) when there was country called somali republic until those are gone as well ... So you could say the somaliland indoctrination is well and trully in place
  11. somalia am afriad that this time khaatumo folks were right and that sl and pl collabarated on this one lool, basicaly it has been a gentlemans agreement between pl and sl that tukarag was better left to puntland as its so close to garowe but they lost it to khatumo folks and for whatever reason they were unable to get it back so they asked for help from sl who today cleared the khatumo folks and handed the small village back to puntland boys. but honestly puntland boys need to learn to fight they are terrible they coulnt get tukarag back from khatumo for weeks...
  12. there was no war this was in fact joint operation between small unit from somaliland and puntland to clear the isbaaro that was put in place by khaatumo to take money from trafic... so i am afriad that khaatumo folks were right on this issue and that the sl and pl collabrated... they were both in the town this morning before sl unit went back to their base.. the understanding betweent somaliland and puntland has always been that tukarag was better left to puntland as its less than 10 km from garowe as somaliland does not want to stretch its millitary. this move was instigated by puntland who asked sl for assistance in getting rid of khatumo from tukarag as it become clear for what ever reason that puntland was unable to get rid of khaatumo from tukarag... somaliland cleared them this morning with only small unit before handing the small village back to puntland who badly need it for revenue and somaliland would needs puntland to be here for obvious security reasons.
  13. can you remove this edited image imediately you ff*cking 1mbecile, how dare you put the towxiid next to the zionist jewish symbol you st*pid 1diot, dont you have any shame REMOVE THAT IMAGE ASAP, will you even trample on tawxiid on your quest to insult your fellow somalis there plenty of images/flags withought the tawxiid on it why use this one. SHAME ON YOU
  14. thankfull how was the booty spread amongs the family, i saw a horrible news report of faroole gang looting a hostipal in galkacayo i saw patient beds taken like they they were gold, i saw roofs being stripped in record time like only budhcad badeed can. have some shame and stopp this looting and day light robbery.
  15. The faroole loyal bandits have finally shown their true colours just like they torch lasanod public buildings on their way out they have commited wide scale looting and widespread killings of civilians in galkacayo once budhcad always a budcadh as soon as this kicked off faroole gang started stripping the area of anything of value... i was shocked to see the hospital they looted while there were patients there. and the doctor was still there they even took the matts of the patient beds.... and once they were kicked out by few teenagers its now alqaeda, alshabaab, galmudug muqdisho, ssc they are fighting... remember all that weeping about sheikh Atom being helped by somaliland loooooooooooooooool
  16. what is the problem with foraale no matter where he goes he cant help but get himself kicked out.. since pirate boys are once again running from a battle and are once again crying "alqaedaa beat me up" i wonder whats the future of galkacayo and of faroole the running man. there is a fast animal in in africa called SOOMAJEESTE, thats faroole new nick name
  17. Odweyne One has to understand the different cultural that profails in Somaliland and somalia, for Somalia they seem to have inherited this mafia culture that seems coarse through their blood. In Italy the man that is valued the most and sociaty looks upto is the guy who is provebial Bastar6 the thief, the lair, the womaniser the bulsh1ter... all these are characters that are looked as GOOD quality to have for MEN... now somalia seems to inherited these social attitudes, the man who reaches the top is the cruel, the dictator, the thief, the brutal and the the corrupt, so neptosism, corruption bribery mismanagement and embezzelment are not really seen as such bad taboos in this sociaty take a look at Mr. Berlosconi the italian priminister as example, men in italy look upto him and his characters... this exacly what happens in somalia they VALUE discusting traits and characters as good things for man to have.. as all things reflect the sociaty they stem from politics is no different... thats why in somalia a politician doesnt care about the REALITY on the ground as long as he can wear a cheap suit and BULSH1T his followers will proclaim him to be biggest DOG in town. How else can can a warlord who kidnappes people, has road blocks, owns the national airport still have followers from the same people he is abusing... because they VALUE these things and see it as good traits Now sheikh sharif or any other politician is the same he comes from a world where what matters is what you can convince people rather than REAlITY on the ground as you put it ... as long as he can can be biggest chatter of bull in town people will look up to him Whether he does anything Good for them or not... This is in essence the yard stick their sociaty will judge on an in dividuall as to how far he will get in social ladder. so when kids from somalia in here scream where are the pictures you can understand why,,, because to them that yardstick they measure any success for politician to them as long as he can talk the talk nothing else really matters... So when sharif is sitting in the "VILLA HOUSE" (Dilapidated Derelict House) giving decrees and phantom orders while BAHUKU BAHAKA gives the next orders to bomb the bakaaraha, he may as well be sitting in the white house as to him and sociaty in somalia he is doing nothing wrong.. he is just being the biggest bul-shitter therefore the top dog ...... So you see my friend you cannot be too harsh on these little ones its the only thing know all you can do is educate them so they dont fall to same pits that their fathers have fallen since the Italians Assimulated them into their culture...
  18. jacayl baaro sxb masayr ka yar ee cantaykaa inaga daa, burco wixii u kordha somaliland ayuun bay u korodhaye
  19. indeed the Arabs have changed their tune big time. since Egypt Government bit the dust and others are teetering they seem to have come to their senses. somaliland must take every advantage of this new political wind blowing in Arabia.
  20. this speaks volumes while some anarchist are planning to kill, uproot, and destroy their people and towns, somaliland is laying the foundation for the next generation. with this university and boarding school just few of the many protects under way.
  21. Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland oo Maanta Tagay Magaalada Laascaanood Kulamana La Qaatay Waxgaradka Gobolka Sool Laascaanood-(OWN)-Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Dr:Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose ayaa Maanta gaadhay magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobolka Sool taasi oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay. Wasiirka arimaha Gudaha Somaliland aya waxaa si weyn ugu soo dhawweayay magaalada Laascanood Maamulka Gobolka Sool kan Degmada iyo waxgaradka Gobolka kuwaasi oo wada hadlay arimo dhawra oo ay ugu muhiimsanaayen xoojinta amaanka ee gobolka iyo ka hortagista cid kasta oo abuulaysa rabshad iyo amaan daro laga dhaxlo gobolka sool. Kulanka maanata dhex maray wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Dr:Gaboose iyo waxgaradka Gobolka Sool ayaa ku soo dhamaaday mid guula kuwaasi o isla qaatay sidii looga wada shaqaynlaha xoojinta amaanka. Wasiirka Wasaarada Aimha Gudaha Somaliland Dr:Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose oo isagu dhawaanahanba Socdaalo ku joogay Gobolada Bariga Somaliland ayaa socdaalkiisan ku micneeyay inuu yahay mid uu ugu kuur galayo xaalada nololeed ee dadka gobolada Bariga sida ay tahay isagoo dhanka Bulshadana weydiinaya baahiyaha ugu daran ee haatani haysta. Ugu danbayntii waxaa si weyn looga dareemayaa magaalada Burco soo dhaweynta Wasiirka arimaha Gudaha Somaliland oo la filayo inuu maalinta Beri ah yimaado magaalada Burco. Maxamed Cawad Maxamed Oodweyne News/Burco Office
  22. ^^ i dont debate with people who are constantly angry and emotionally charged.... bilan and taleexi you have just proven that ssc group have no principle and will go to the highest bidder, surely if he was the third highest ranked man in ssc junta and he came so cheap what makes you think the foot soldiers will be trouble...... what makes you think he is important as an individuall, he is just means to an end.... its politics dont blame me for doing what i gata do.
  23. indeed keyse got great reception in widhwidh, because there was already an agreement between the elders of widhwidh (barkhad) and sl government to fully bring in from the cold. and keyse was the last man from this area who was part of the now defunct ssc group, (who are by the way negotiating with somaliland government for the last few weeks mainly in nairobi and london) but anyways here is the video of keyse in action in widhwidh yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/user/oodweyne?blend=1&ob=5#p/a/u/1/RQ7JcpUroPY as for the ssc its now devided into two main camps whose who want to continue goarila war and those that want to negotiate.. and somaliland government has had gentlemans agreement with alot of the ssc not to fight anymore, and its in diect negotiation with some figures. the word is somaliland is after one guy really badly and sees his converstion more than anything else and that guy is ali sabarey. apparently since he has left buhoodle there has been contact......
  24. Kornaylka;699635 wrote: "Wefti miisaaan culus oo iskugu jira wasiirro iyo saraakiil ka tirsan xukuumadda Somaliland,ayaa galabta u kicitimay gobolka Sanaag,si ay u soo darsaan xaalada nabadgelyo, dhaqaale, abaareed iyo siyaasiyadeed ee uu gobolkaasi ku sugan yahay." Lool,@ wefti miisaan culus, miyay wada buur buuranyihiin tolow? Teeda kale sawirradii nimankan culus meeye, mise bac baad noo dhiibaysaa? you will see when they arrive at capital of sanaag ceerigabo whats the rush.