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Posts posted by Saxardiid

  1. Even more disturbing because of the ominous omen for Somalia's future is the lack of education available. The Somali tradition of secular education is extinct. The schooling that does exist is financed by Arabs, which means Arabic has replaced Somali in school curriculums. This is tragic, especially because writing in Somali was in its infancy when the state collapsed - the standardization of the script having been adopted in 1972 - and Somalia is the only African country with a population numbering in the millions to boast of having one unifying language. This will no longer be the case if Arabic continues to be the medium of instruction in schools.

    Although I don't agree with him on Secular education in Somalia i.e. leaving religion out of the classroom but I totally share with him his anxiety about Arabisation of school curriculum. I for one who supports multilingual Somalia but one puts great emphasis on Somali language.

    Lets not reverse the progress of the last 30 years on Somali language.

  2. were using fake Itoobiyaan passports that were made in Suuqa Bakaaraha in about an hour on that same day.

    It must be the fastest and the most flexible passport office in the world. :D


    And the article's other main points, maxaa sameyn karnaa, anagaa saas iska dhignay, adduunka in aan gees ka raacno waa diidnay, in aan isa soo saarno waa

    Recognizing the problems and talking about them are the first steps of recovery and I think we are on to that route. Insha Allah we will pass these hard times.

  3. Realities we always ignore.


    Can we, Somalis, be responsible if our country becomes a terrorist haven when we do not own it - a Somalia where anyone can come and go without our authority; where American soldiers allegedly go in and out and abduct possible suspects; where Ethiopia invades at will; where our beaches are the dumping sites of other country's nuclear waste; where Arabs alter our educational system and secular tradition?

    Read on

  4. The practice of some Islamic groups in Somalia in late 90s showed what Islamic government will look like given the opportunity. Gedo and Bari regions experienced and tasted how Islamic government works and who will be running the institutions if any. In Gedo the Islamists forced their doctrine in every part of life and they started dictating it. Sometimes people where beaten up by religious militia for smoking cigarette in the street. In bari although they haven't settled as in Gedo nevertheless they briefly dominated the region. We all know what happen to both experiences. The population supported local clan based groups to kick out the Islamists. Now our people are Muslims but they never come under any Muslim rule even when they were fighting with infidels in Ethiopia. To organise an Islamic government it needs people who can trust each other and work accordingly. But its not the case in Somali context, for example I can't find any group be Islamic or non-Islamic -Communist, liberal, nationalist etc.- that can last without internal tribal fight for a decade. What happen to Islamic groups Al-Itihad, Al-islax (damaged by tribal infighting but not dead yet), Al-wuhda al islami, Al-Akhwan(sh. Mohamed ma'alims (may Allah reward him Janna) group and so fourth? Other groups haven't done better either SYL party, Xisbiga Kacaankii, all other parties from early years. My point is that there is fundamental problem with our Somali culture one of them is tribal the other is anti organisation. Instead of saying lets get Islamic government in Somali now, we need to explore and tackle the barriers that will eventually destroy it.

  5. Whatever our point of view in West vs. Muslim world lets prey for all Muslims and this poor Somali man for safety.


    I have strong view on wider issue of insurgents, resistances, jihads, alqaida and so forth fighting with occupiers and their so called collaborators. If this poor man and countless others who are struggling to feed their families and help the people of Muslim countries such as Iraq, Somali, Afghanistan are collaborators that must be treated like the enemies themselves why many of us work and contribute physically, financially and mentally to these western society i.e. enemy societies? Aren't we hypocritical lot who condemn everyone else for doing things themselves do every day?


    Why are we all seem so desperate and want to kill and be killed? Where is out iman and sabr? Did we forget that our prophet (PBUH) ordered his companions not to fight while they were in Mecca and show more sabr then just fight lose it.

  6. Originally posted by Fyr-Kanten:


    Interview with the Kenyan ambassador to Somalia, Mohamed Abdi Afey.


    HornAfrik: Many Somalis feel the absence of Somaliland, the break away regions in northern Somalia, from the peace talks so did you set this conference only for the people in southern Somalia?


    Afey: absolutely not, we believe the upcoming government would represent the entire country.


    I see a civil war on the scope when I hear these kinds of statements.

    Do you care what outsiders say about the issue? Civil war between who? Kenya and Somaliland? :D

  7. Although i am 100% support for Islamic government but there are real problems of how to implement since tribalism is the real dominant practice. I never met any Somali who is against an Islamic gov but they always point you out how disorganised are the Islamic parties. The trust in that part of the world is also very limited and many Somalis don't trust anyone to lead them.

  8. I agree most of what you said about 4.5 but situation in Somalia -especially its peace talks- became some thing of a nightmare. I think most Somalis belief that any agreement is good one. Most "minority" tribes live very serious situation in Somali. They experience daily killing, rape, their land stolen and so forth. I belief first thing first freeing them from captivity is the priority, then we can talk equal representation in the forth coming national parliament. Where have the so-called nationalist been for the last 14 years during which these tribes experienced all sorts of violence.

  9. I think current admin in Somaliland has every right to stop those who are magnifying the effects of the Somali conference (warlord get together) in Kenya for dubious reasons. Let the actual democratic process take place i.e. parliament elections. If Kulmiye has any teeth let them show in that day. In the meantime let the government do whatever they were elected to do without fear from the opposition.

  10. Maybe there are real threats from opposition parts such as Kulmiye, UCID and other individuals. People have to trust their government to do the right thing. All successful nations trust their governments and focus improving their lives. The Riyals government is no different.

  11. The Somaliland government should follow in the footsteps of Kenya and UAE on this issue and bann the passport of Somalia. Nobody should be allowed to enter Somaliland using a passport from Somalia, instead Somaliland should open an embassy in Mogadishu where special visas could be issued for Somalia citizens wishing to travel to Somaliland. This Somaliland embassy in Mogadishu could screen the people on its premisis in Mogadishu before allowing entrance to Somaliland.

    lol. With little imagination they can do it.

  12. SomSYL2.gif


    Great heroes of all time and real founders of the Republic of Somalia. God bless their soul and reward them in paradise. Amen.

  13. As much as I support the people of that region for their independence, I can't see how Somalia can give any meaningful support except moral and verbal one. The people of the region must take charge for their affairs and not seek directions from Somalia. As Somalis say "Labo Qaawani isma Qaado".

  14. I heard some people from Abudwaq had some discussions about joining PL with Ina Yusuf when he was visiting London. The big reason behind this thinking was that xeraale fight was disaster for people from Abudwaq because other tribes united to defeat them and they didn't have anyone who can come to help them. Even their injured folks were transported to Galkaio while their opponents had luxury to be treated either in Dhusamareb or Mogadishu. Now some people from Abudwaq are thinking may be if they were in PL administrative boundary they wouldn’t be in that helpless situation and they could avoid any future similar situation.

  15. Muslims we need to have right to free speech like any other concept in democracy. But it must be in our terms i.e. free speech, which is in line with our beliefs and cultures. Free speech is not bad as a concept but it depends on what bases? On Homosexuality issue in Muslim societies it must be challenged from all sides, Culturally, morally, as a health issue i.e. Aids etc.

  16. Originally posted by Shaheed Rantisi:

    Sooyaal, what have we achieved here? Are we living the promised dream?

    i don't know about you but my situation is something near promised land. I travelled From civil war and distruction in mogadishu in 1991 and came to peaceful country where i can have job, education etc. That is where most people are trying to get in to. What are you expecting people who are under civil war and hopeless situation? As long as Somalia stays the way its now i'm afriad lot of people will be trying to escape.