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Posts posted by Saxardiid

  1. Hamas boss Sh. Abdul Aziz Rantissi 'killed in air strike'

    May Allah give sheikh Rantissi Jannah and forgive all his dunuub. Aamiin.





    The head of the militant Islamic movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Abdul Aziz Rantissi, has been killed in an attack on his vehicle.

    Mr Rantissi was driving his car in a Gaza suburb as an Israeli helicopter fired missiles at it, witnesses say.


    At least two other people were also killed and several more wounded.


    The attack came hours after a suicide bomber killed himself and an Israeli soldier at the Erez checkpoint just north of the city.


    The BBC's Peter Greste, in Gaza City, says people are speculating that the attack was in response to the suicide bombing.


    The militant Hamas leader was one of Israel's top targets after it assassinated Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in an airstrike last month.


    'Israeli crime'


    The Palestinian Authority condemned the killing of Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi, accusing Israeli of "state terror".


    "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this Israeli crime and state terror," he said.


    "It is evident now to the world that the Palestinian people need international protection more than ever," Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb Erekat told Reuters.


    Mr Rantissi was one of the most forceful spokesmen against compromise with Israel.


    He described himself as one of seven founders of Hamas and was considered second in importance only to Sheikh Yassin


    Khaled Meshaal - Hamas' politburo chief in exile - was declared the group's overall leader after Yassin was killed.

    click for link

  2. more outcry! what shook these people to their core? I don't know. "oohinta orgiga ka wayn". :rolleyes:


    I M Lewis and Riyale group join hands to impair Somali Unity while the rest of us whimper in submission


    April 5, 2004 Markacadeey




    An old nationalistic song which SYL members sung during the struggle for Independence recites: "Tulud geela oo dhacantaa toban-toban u laysaane ma dalkiinnnii o tagaybaa ninna dhagax u tuureeneh".


    This implies the current campaign by the secessionist group of Hargeisa administration coupled with foreign opportunists most of them British who try to play the colonial card to hammer the aspirations of Somali populace both in the north and the South. It appears that the secessionists are relentlessly raising their voices while the rest of us are inept whispering in despair (fadhi ku dirir).


    The role the Ethiopians have played in the mischievous trip of Mr Riyale deserve to be put in the limelight since the Addis-Ababa shepherds have been consulted before and after his visit to Britain. The rulers of Ethiopia believe in superstition they see Somali unity as bad omen for their survival-they are hell bent on recruiting the most notorious Somali criminals as their pawns in order to thwart any progress toward restoration of the Somali State, they blindly follow a hunch.


    Recently even Kenya which shared some of their concerns ridiculed their position and distanced away from the stereotypical nature of their decisions. The Ethiopians, the ICG, I M Lewis and others are working in tandem with Mr Riyale group only to cause as much harm as possible to the Somali unity and the well being of its people.


    It came to nobody's surprise that I M Lewis hastily produced his Mickey-Mouse article to the advocacy for the diplomatic recognition of Somaliland just few days after Mr Riyale's delegation left UK. Such a dubious undertaking on the part of Prof Lewis which has been concocted in the hotel Lobbies of London during the visit of Mr Riyale is doomed to fail, similarly all the newly assigned architects of deception and phoney image makers for the authorities of Hargeisa will have the same fate.


    I M Lewis's article is far from being a piece of work of a wise elderly

    intellectual, he went badly wrong in most of his assertions lacking facts and figures to support it, it carries therefore no credibility. Probably this is his latest quirks and foibles as the Professor gets older or maybe he is experiencing serious lapse of memory, whichever the case maybe, this campaign is the most dangerous adventure to misrepresent the Somali cause and falsify its history.


    Few stories cited in I M Lewis article prove to be self-defeating as he depicts the northerners as quislings of British colonialists, or perhaps as orphans of British Empire as Adna Ismail has conspicuously put it. He also depicted the struggle of Sayyid Mohamed Abdille Hassan as scar in the historic relationship between Britain and the people of northern Somalia, such a statement is tantamount to elegise the colonialism and condemn

    struggle for independence. This Somali hero and those who came after him like Timacadde, Barkhadcas, Farah Omaar and others who gave the British a bloody nose are considered felons in the eyes of Prof Lewis and his misguided friend Riyale as their aim to cash in from the misfortunes of the Somali people for a short term gain.


    Fortunately, History has recorded how the brave Somali people have defeated their aggressors and preserved their identity, culture and religion over the last 500 years and their national heroes are recorded in a golden page, these brilliant records in history cannot be altered by I M Lewis, President Riyale and their ilks.


    Prof I M Lewis admits quote: "Following the jihad, no missionary activity was permitted by the British, and the colonial office insisted that no action likely to disturb the Somalis should ever again be undertaken. This was of course in many ways a negative development. But it had the positive effect of making the Protectorate sympathetic to Somali interests." It may be clear to all of us that without the noble campaign of Sayyid MA Hassan our faith would have been seriously endangered.


    Apart from few exceptional remarks Prof I M Lewis article was a pure hogwash, it contained no practical elements as to believe this was a piece of work done by an anthropologist embedded in Somali society since 1955, moreover his instant panacea for Somali saga was astonishingly the secession itself of the northern province now called Somaliland.


    He asserts quote: "If as I hope Somaliland soon receives the international recognition to which it has long been entitled, I hope equally that this action will provide a new impetus to social reconstruction in Somalia" Interestingly his recent peace overtures suggest the way Nairobi conference was failing Somalis and that pressure has to bear upon the warlords who walked away from the conference to accept power sharing, By the same token he was hoping for the total collapse of the conference, which would raise his expectation that chances of Somaliland getting diplomatic recognition were several notches up.


    Let us sober people up and get down to the nitty-gritty, the recognition of Somaliland as separate entity can only come from the Somalis themselves, first and foremost those living in the Old British Somaliland protectorate in free and fair referendum (not in their totality as to avoid the dictation of one clan upon another but rather a proportional one), such an exercise should be supervised and endorsed by a Somali State, this is the only way the Act of union enshrined in the Somali constitution can be repealed.


    Neither Uncle Sam nor Uncle Tom would dare to take such an initiative, since it neither fits their geopolitical interests nor is worth opening the Pandora box of Africa, which will certainly lead to new waves of African dismemberment and relocation of their borders at a time the whole African continent is making serious efforts of integration; It is a wrong issue which came at a wrong time.


    Having said that, the authorities of Hargeisa knowing well the obstacles they face, are hiding their embarrassment for the recent visit to Britain and try to keep flapping about diplomatic recognition in order to secure their grip on the power, not to mention how they squander the scarce resources to pay their so called image makers and hoax masters.


    The Hargeisa administration ought to do more for the well being of their constituency and fight the endemic corruption that plagued their administration. They should create jobs and spend their scarce resources in the proper way rather than squandering for unattainable dreams and wasteful adventures. They should also concentrate for the betterment of their brothers and sisters in the south rather than being subservient of the Ethiopian rulers who pay no attention to their cause.


    Alas and alack,I don't expect them to heed to my advice since most of them are heartless mammon worshipers who do not pay attention to the common cause of their people, they are the likes of Mogadishu warlords in their moral standards, the visible difference though is they came by peaceful means albeit deception and badly rigged elections.


    My guess is these low moral standards in the Somali leadership will continue to haunt us for years to come even in the best possible scenario that a government of national unity is agreed upon and warlords are excluded from the highest positions.

    click for the full articale

  3. Originally posted by Yasmine:

    ^Sooyaal^, the issue is not one of tribe dominance... it's about imparitiality in journalism.

    Sister if you read the whole article the message it enforces is that bbc is monopoly, impartial etc because of this trio tribal kinship, it must be a conspiracy. That is what i'm against. Secondly in my view the writer failed to mention that the bbc did reported what happened inside the parliament which was very important. In fact they reported favourably for Somaliland delegation by not mentioning the disruption that the good prof caused in the meeting.



    what they are suppose to be is information gateway for somalis everywhere and not another political motivated medium that we have become so used to in the last decade especially on the internet, all they should be doing providing impartial news, facts and educational progams, but instead everything they report has political spin to it, they give extra importance to political issues, and the rest of the news are two days old recycle from bigger broadcasting media, that you have heard days ago


    they hardly have any educational programs that somalis abroad and back at home need desprately, i have never heard programs that encourage people back home to live together peacefully and turn their backs on warlords and voilence,


    when you look at other somali information meduims you can see how unprofessinal they are, how unimpartial they are due to the fact somalis are new to this proffesion, but you would think a co-operation like the bbc somali service woudnt be so primitive as to how they conduct their journalism.

    I must agree with you most of those things you said about the bbc. The reason is that the sponsor which is the British foreign office doesn't care what they broadcast as long as droves of Somalis back home listen their crab.

  4. xidig


    Who wouldn't? Every media org in the world, there are always a few people who decides which info goes out and the bbc is no difference but maybe they are less experienced or they have less skills to cover.



    since the days of siade barre the co-operation became more and more politicised meduim and at the moment its become sorry state and a shadow of its once great importance, if you listen to it it hardly has any news about back home unless its a political issue.

    I think this is unfair to them. It’s very difficult to satisfy Somalis. Unless ones tribe is dominating the org is bias and against their tribe or political entity. The article reinforces usual tribal scare mongering and usual tribal conspiracies. So there is nothing new in it sxb.

  5. Will Somalis ever stop blaming the messenger and concentrate solving their problems?


    The Fall Of The BBC Somali Service -and The Trio


    It is alarming to see the BBC Somali service of today is like a third world dictator's broadcasting station.


    Strangely enough, the BBCsomali radio and its website are controlled by two cousins of Abdulqasim Salad Hassan who to his credit, Infilitrated the BBC during his short period as a leading Somali warlord, or as he calls himself Somalia's TNG President. The two cousins in control at the BBC Somali are are Yusuf Gerad and Mohamed Mohamoud Ade .


    Last month, the BBCsomali website refused to report a word about the visit of the Somaliland president and his delegation to Britain. While the BBCSomali radio reported few demonstrators in Mogadishu about 6000 miles away against Somaliland sovereignity, simply because it was organised by Uncle Abduqasim. 2 days before, they refused to report over 5000 demonstrators in support of Somaliland just 2 miles away from Bush house (on March 17,2004) Again, because it doesn't serve the interest of the ---- trio- Abdulqasim Salad Hassan,Yusuf Gerad Omar and Mohamad Mohamud Adde.

    It is hard to believe that This is a branch of the BBC world service of today (2004) It truly reflects the Radio Mogadishu of 80s ??? Read on

  6. the escape goat continues


    I.M. Lewis's Daylight Gaffe


    By M.M. Gure


    Why would someone so critical of the SNM in its early days so suddenly become the mouthpiece of secession? Where does Lewis's apparent hatred to Somalia and Somalis spring out? Is he settling a score with someone, some groups or Somalia in general? Or is it just for the money since we know that he is on the secessionist payroll?


    I.M Lewis starts his infamous article “Somaliland ' came into being as a British Protectorate in the late 19 th century, as treaties of ‘protection' were signed with the local Somali clans.” Not uncharacteristically, Mr. Lewis deliberately ignored the existence of three Somaliland territories divided between Britain , France and Italy . The word Somaliland was never limited to only the British occupied territories.


    Secondly, he unwittingly admits that Britain had entered treaties with the Somali clans, of course not as one community but as separate communities with distinct leadership and fiefdoms. (edited here for tribal garbage by the poster). Therefore, legitimacy to secede requires the consent of the seven sub-clans in the region before any legal process is considered. Moreover, the marriage between the south and north can legally be dissolved only after the republic is restored and referendum of the five regions in the north carried out under the supervision of the international community .


    Mr. Lewis also admitted that Britain had no intention of creating a sovereign Somaliland state in that part of the divided Somali territories. The fact of the matter is that Britain had encouraged its enclave to join their southern brothers when the later was poised to gaining its independence from Italy on 1 st July 1960 . Otherwise, the north would have remained in colonial hands for decades like Djibouti .


    Moreover, the words of the late British Foreign Secretary Mr. Ernest Bevin whose plan was to gather the fragmented Somali territories into one sovereign state are still respected and honored by many Somalis. Mr. Bevin said “At about the time we occupied our part, the Ethiopians occupied an inland area which is the grazing grounds for nearly half the nomads of the British Somaliland for six months of the year. Similarly, the nomads from the Italian Somaliland must cross the existing frontier in search of water. In all innocence, therefore, we proposed that British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland and adjacent part of Ethiopia, if Ethiopia agreed, should be lumped together as a trust territory, so that the nomads should lead their frugal existence with the least hindrance and there might be a real chance of decent economic life as understood in that territory.”


    If Bevin sought the reunification of all Somali territories in 1949 with the pretext of commonality and homogeneity, why would Lewis and his likes are so passionately reiterating the fragmentation and destruction of the unified territories, which Britain itself played an important role in its realization in the first place? What are the motives of those who are advocating for the creation of sub-clan based mini-states in Africa in the new millennium? What is the booty and who is funding their crusade against the Somali people?


    The foreign supporters of the secessionism in northern Somalia can be divided into four groups:


    1- Former colonial civil servants who remember little of the past and know nothing of the present. Though this aging group has no apparent motive, however, their support to secession could be more of a show of solidarity with their former Somali subordinates than wanting to revisit the region for safari adventures to shoot lions and leopards in the northern plateaus. This group gives moral support and helps in lobbying by establishing contacts in the government to encourage MPs and other influential individuals in the Labour government to at least give an ear to what the secessionists are saying.


    2- Foreigners married to Somali women from the north- This faithful group is in support of their spouses, who themselves are under pressure from the secessionist leaders and continually demanded to press their foreign husbands to support the secession. This group, depending on their position in their organizations and contacts in higher places, are more dangerous than the above group. They can write articles, contact people in governments and even become activists in the secessionist movement. However, they are prone to bribery and could be recruited as advisers to the secessionists to make money out of the people's misery. The most notable figure in this group is Mr. Matt Bryden who published an article in support of secession in the ICG website in 2003.


    3- The parliamentarians- Some parliamentarians in the UK and in other European countries who face political uncertainty are courted by secession sympathizers in their constituencies in return for their votes in the upcoming elections. The MPs need the votes but they forget that the majority of the Somali immigrants in the UK and Europe are from the south and northern regions which don't support secession. It is a gamble which could eventually prove them wrong as the majority of the Somali-British will vote against those who support the destruction of their homeland. The MPs' dilemma may be that they have been misinformed and fed with false accounts of the demography of the Somali community here in the UK . The MPs should reckon the grave mistake of supporting secession in Somalia before the elections come and Somali voters exercise their civic rights to elect their right candidate. What is seen an opportunity of few more votes could back fire if political calculations are based on false assumptions?


    4- The bounty hunters - This group mainly consists of former advisers to previous Somali governments and so-called analysts on Somali affairs. The reason I call them ‘bounty hunters' is that they had made fortunes out of Somalia 's miseries. As advisers, earning high salaries in foreign currency, the hard currency needed to develop the poor country's economic infrastructure, they led luxurious life in Mogadishu , once referred as the pearl of the Indian of Ocean, not to mention the number of books written on Somalia , which brought them even more fortunes. However, they shamefully betrayed and misled those who trusted them by giving ill and destructive advices until they swayed from the right path to good governance and the Somali state collapsed. Once the state collapsed, some of them supported the secession in the north. Why? Of course not ideologically, but because they are hired and handsomely paid by the secessionists with the aid money provided by the international community for the development of hospitals, schools and other public services for the region. They are hired hands equipped with laptop computers and know how to fool their unsuspecting employers. They very well know that helping the north secede will have a dire consequence on the volatile region of the Horn of Africa and Somalia in particular. After all, they claim that they are Somali affairs experts and had served different Somali governments in the past four decades. The most prominent individuals in this group are I M Lewis and John Drysdale, who both served different Somali administrations and wrote number of books on Somalia .


    Apparently, Lewis's article didn't demonstrate enough reasons why the north has to secede. He incoherently advocates that the north was a British colony and that the south is unsettled. Well, Mr. Lewis forgets or may be doesn't know that the south was in British hands from 1941-1950 after Italy was defeated in the early years of the Second World War. What logic does it carry or pretext does it give to secede because Britain colonized the north? Shall we demand the separation of united Yemen , because southern Yemen was a British colony for over a century? Or shall we force India , Pakistan and Bangladesh to be reunited because they were all once a British colony? Lewis's blunt talk has no leverage and lacks justification for the idea he so blindly supports. May be it is the money that makes him talk.


    However, the injustices committed by the military regime were not limited only to the northern towns. Injustice and genocide of far reaching scale were carried out in the Mudug, Galgadud, Hiran, Mogadishu and Lower Jubba . But the unfortunate truth in the north today is that majority of all those who are in power in Hargeisa played an important role in the suppression, detentions and murder of civilians. For example, the regional administrator Mr. Riyale and his Interior Minister Mr. Ismail alias Faqas (criminal) were the head of the security apparatus which violated the human right of many northern people. Electing or allowing such men in leadership positions certainly raise legal and moral questions of why secession becomes the first option. If oppression was the cause of resorting to secession, why elect those who caused so much pain and committed heinous crimes against civilians? Or was it just motivated by sheer clannism?


    The question of political settlement in Somalia is painstakingly difficult one. But that doesn't mean breakthrough of the current political impasse is impossible and from desperation, Somalia must be divided along side clan fiefdoms. Lewis and others who advocate for the creation of clan-based mini-states shamefully ignore the grave consequences that it will have on the volatile region of Horn of Africa and other multi-ethnic or tribal regions in Africa . It will create hundreds of basket case clan/tribal states which could easily be manipulated by organized crime, drug traffickers, terrorists, money launderers, etc.


    As the world becomes global village and countries of mutual economic and political interests integrate, there is no point of creating more basket case mini-states in this part of the world. Lewis's dream of weakening Somalia to allow others in the region to flourish and dominate will not materialize. His wicked flattering of some parts of Somalia will not fool the great majority. His old tactics are very much exposed as his ideas become obsolete, unreliable and irrelevant


    MM Gure


    click here for link

  7. sooner or later they will be free as the rest of the world. i hope it will be sooner, insha Allah. the pictures show how desperate Israelis become as they realising by the day that their elligal occopation is falls apart.

  8. plain and simple big NO. why its xaraam in islam to burn and torture human. and its also inhumane to say the least. what they could do and i think will be more productive to take them as hostage as bargaining chip.

  9. thanx Ayuub for this great but very rere news. i also thank all somali people who despite all the difficulties they face day-in day-out made posible to eradicate this desease with the help of Allah. it also shows that when Islamic leader shoulder their responsibilties they will always win and recieve prease from all sections of the society and international organisations alike. So Allow dib ha ugu soo celen cudurkaan kuwa kalena ka qaad. sidoo kalena inta uu dhibaatadaan uu haysto ka qaad. aamiin

  10. Originally posted by garab tuujiye:

    Soyaal What is the nationality you use when you go to the immagaretion? what is the back ground nationality and passport you use when asked were you from? Somaliland ?

    i don't carry somali passport as its useless to travel to most of the world and its also fake. in fact anyone can make one and no authorised/legitimate authority that can claim resposability over it. Having said that i am somali national born and bread in Mogadishu city and i am not a somalilander so there is no need to apply a somaliland passport coz i am already carrying my adopted country's passport. is that answer your question sxb.

  11. “You can’t just come here once and go,” he says. “I’m a Somali. If I don’t help, who will?” He’ll stay for a few more weeks, and then return again for regular visits.

    they are undoubtedly good men, i think this is one thing we can do for our country and its people. thanx sxb for the artical

  12. if Taiwan is using her passport without much international recognition why not somaliland? its better to use authentic somaliland passport for sland people than use fake old somali passport.

  13. Somali women held for wearing Muslim veil

    March 27 2004 at 03:57PM




    Mogadishu - Seventeen women have been arrested in southern Somalia's Middle Shabbelle region for ignoring a decree banning women from wearing veils, a spokesperson for the the area's administration said on Saturday.


    "Seventeen women have been arrested for defying a decree that banned women from wearing the Muslim veil," spokesperson for the region, controlled by warlord Mohamed Omar Habeb, said on condition of anonymity.


    Independent sources in Jowhar, 90km north of the capital Mogadishu, confirmed the arrests.


    Habeb banned the Islamic veils on Thursday in a bid to foil male would-be attackers who could be disguised as women.


    He has also banned vehicles with tinted windows from operating in his fiefdom, his spokesperson said.


    "Any vehicle with tinted glasses will be impounded from Monday. This is a security threat that can undermine peace in Jowhar and neighbouring areas," he added.


    In his decree last week, Habeb pointed out that he was a devoted Muslim but was compelled to act to avoid bloodshed by religious extremists, such as those who allegedly killed a Kenyan aid worker in the self-declared republic of Somaliland this month.


    The decree is the first of its kind since Somalia was founded in 1960.

    click for link

  14. as provided by Financial Times Information Limited March 14, 2004





    GRAHAM JOHNSON Investigations Editor


    AN urgent probe has been launched after thousands of pounds went missing from a

    Comic Relief campaign backed by comic Billy Connolly.


    Rogue charity workers - not connected with Comic Relief - are accused of

    siphoning-off money meant for sick African children and splashing out on

    expensive cars, lavish salaries and new houses.


    An investigation into a suspected benefits fraud in Britain is also under way.

    The Somaliland Refugee Action Group (SORAG) was pledged pounds 246,917 by the

    Red Nose fund after Connolly made a heart-rending appeal from the war-torn

    desert last year. So far SORAG has received pounds 111,680, the first instalment

    of a three-year grant.


    But the Sunday Mirror can reveal that investigators are trying to trace pounds

    83,000 earmarked for the children's wings of two of the poorest hospitals in the



    The charity's directors admit that NONE of the Comic Relief money has been

    spent on helping needy kids.


    A donation of pounds 51,000 sent to Somalia cannot be accounted for and the

    charity official who cashed the cheque has disappeared.


    The rogue worker absconded with at least pounds 20,000 in cash after being

    suspended and another charity worker embezzled pounds 7,000.


    A further pounds 32,000 which should have gone to Somalia to help people with

    mental disorders was not sent but is said to have been spent in Britain on

    "management, administration and rent" at a new office.


    One former board member is accused of investing funds in a property



    Police and health authorities in Somalia say they are desperately trying to

    trace the missing funds.


    And Ali Scott of Comic Relief said: "It's frightening. It's hideous. No more

    money will go to SORAG."


    The Big Yin's January 2003 appeal from the Hargeisa Group Hospital in

    Somaliland - a province of Somalia which is fighting for independence - was one

    of the most harrowing in the history of Comic Relief. The one-hour BBC1

    documentary, called Billy Connolly - Not a Feelgood Nicey Nicey Film, raised

    record donations.


    The comic described the wards where goats run wild and the steriliser dates

    back to 1953 as a "glimpse of hell".


    A boy with a broken bone sticking out of his arm who had waited three days for

    treatment moved the tough Glaswegian to the point of tears.


    Before Billy's visit, Comic Relief had never given money to the hospital.

    Later he insisted that a donation must be made to improve in-patient care at

    Hargeisa and another clinic in Berbera.


    SORAG was set up in 1990 to help physically and mentally disabled Somali

    refugees in the UK. Last year they set up an international wing to fund projects

    in Somalia.


    So big-hearted Billy will be shocked to learn that Somalian health officials

    accuse some SORAG staff of blowing money on houses and cars.


    Directors have admitted that there is suspicion over a former treasurer who

    bought a large house and rented it out to a Norwegian aid organisation for

    pounds 2,000 per month.


    SORAG director Ahmed Yussuf said he was at a loss to account for most of the

    Comic Relief cash. Yussuf, who earns pounds 25,000 a year plus expenses, said:

    "We are investigating a fraud. We have suspended the consultant in Somalia who

    was in charge of the money and he has vanished."


    A board member added: "At the moment I suspect he took at least pounds 20,000.

    Another man was given pounds 7,000 which we didn't know about.


    "We are investigating where the rest is. None of it has gone to the clinics."


    Dr Yassin Arab, director of the Hargeisa Group Hospital, said a SORAG official

    had promised money. But he added: "The hospital has not yet received any help

    from SORAG."


    Somali Mental Health minister Ahmed Omer Hersi said: "We have not received any

    funds or any other form of assistance from SORAG."


    And Minister of Health Osman Qasim has asked for a police investigation.

    Sunday Mirror investigators found that SORAG transferred the charity's funds out

    of the UK using a banking system called Hawala, a money-transfer method. Saad

    Shire, manager of the respectable Dahabshill money transfer agents, said: "We

    have transferred pounds 33,000 for SORAG to Somalia. They (SORAG) were pledged

    pounds 250,000 by Comic Relief." He said he believed pounds 47,000 was passed

    among some SORAG workers and the rest taken out of Britain using different



    In Britain, Social Services are investigating claims that SORAG was paid

    hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' pounds to take care of disabled Somali

    asylum seekers in Britain. But although the cash was paid to SORAG by 12 local

    councils, some patients say they received no care - a fraud known as "ghosting".


    Refugee Ismail Baaw of Greenwich, London, claims the charity used his name

    fraudulently to get pounds 6,000 over six years. Baaw said: "SORAG was paid to

    give me four hours care at pounds 9 an hour per week between 1995 and 2001 for

    cooking, cleaning and shopping. I got no help."


    The care package was stopped in August 2001 after Baaw reported the charity's

    activities to Social Services.


    Greenwich Council has paid SORAG pounds 250,000 this year - and much more in

    total over recent years - to cover 48 contracts. Other Somali war veterans also

    claim to have been ripped off by SORAG.


    Posing as benefit fraudsters, Sunday Mirror investigators visited SORAG in

    Woolwich, London.


    A SORAG official revealed how he duped Social Services into handing out

    benefits. Official: "One option is to say the person is mentally ill."


    Investigator: "So you can get money for someone who is not disabled?"

    Official: "Yes. We sort out everything."


    A spokeswoman for Greenwich Social Social Services said: "We are aware of

    these allegations. We are investigating and currently not buying any new

    services from SORAG."


    After meeting Comic Relief on Friday, SORAG officials reported the fraud to

    the police.


    Comic Relief's Ali Scott said: "We recently became aware of the possibility of

    misappropriation of funds in Somalia and are taking this allegation very



    Last night pounds 30,000 held in a SORAG bank account had already been frozen.

  15. Jaamacad laga baranayo internetka oo Hargeysa laga hirgeliyay.


    Maxamed Raambo "Hargeysa"


    Barnaamij ardayada jaamacadaha Somaliland si toos ah "On line" ay wax uga baran karaan Jaamacadaha Mareykanka ayaa xalay markii ugu horeysay laga hirgaliyey magaalada Hargeysa.




    Barnaamijkaas oo ay ardayda wax uga baranayaan seddax jaamacadood ayey ku baranayaan culuumta journalism-ka, business English iyo Information technology.




    Xaflad loo sameeyay furitaanka waxbarashadan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay arday badan iyo maamulka jaamacadda.




    Baarnaamijkan oo socnaya muddo sagaal bilood ah ayuu ardayga wax la baranayaa ardayda dhigata jaamacadaha Mareykanka.




    Guddoomiyaha jaamacadda Hargeysa Dr. Cabdi Heybe yo xiriiriyaha barnaamijkan oo ka hadlay xafladda ayaa sheegay ahmiyadda uu leeyahay barnaamijkaasi oo saacadaha soo socda bilaabmayo.

    click here for link