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Posts posted by king_450

  1. Renounce Your own Tirbe why? Are you saying a person who has a strong value base toward his own tribe will not be able to negotiate life better?

    Perhaps it is nice to listen when some one speaks because this will tell you if that person is tribalistic,rather than renouncing prematurely your own well being(Tribe).After what happened back in Somalia,especially those tribes that committed the most attrocity are the ones who want to forget and abandon about their own tribe,due to the shamefull act they have committed.Provide to me logical facts and proofs to justify why i should abandon my own Tribe? All i see and hear are voices!.

  2. I wouldn't go far yet for critizing all the Muslim Nations,but again the tell tell sign says all. Ok perhaps we need to look ourself "The Somalis" what are you doing too,can't even reach the reachable goal that is set for us"somali" and here we finger pointing the Arabs, Western and the likes. You know i was wondering in a long time about the Logo of this site"Somali online" just pay atttention the word somali is dark as a charcoal and that is how our heart feels ,dark and talktive society. It proves to me once again never to trust receiving a helping hand from "somalis".Never again will i waste my valuable time with a bunch of doubters and heartless society,peace to y'all.

  3. AJ,bro your point well taken but at this time let's atleast reach the provided tunnel which is $5000 or perhaps pass the tunnel. To supervise the money we donate i don't really care because i blv it will reach the intended subjcts. Remember those of you who go to Star Buck and buy a cup of cofee it costs roughly $4.75 provided what state you are, so why not stop drinking a cup of cofee and contribute for your fellow somalis. Right now we have only $50 dollars. In my hometwon washington dc & its surroundings areas Va,Md we have collected over $75,000 dollars,what is wrong with the SOL peeps? Put up ,this is the time of need.

  4. Well first i want take this opportunity to thank "SOL" Admn my first,for their dedication atleast this time to support the Somalis affected by the Tsunamis. What saddened me is as soon as i saw the site that is dedicated to support the Somalis, i went in and i saw the goal for us(Somalis) to reach is $5000, and guess what so far we have only $20.00 ,what a sad, yes i went in and made my contribution, plz remember these contributions are tax deductable and the tax season is approaching plz support and let's reach the goal or perhaps surpass it. Good luck to those who made the contribution and i wish we post their names. Please act up.

  5. Here is a classic Puppet,if your family were memebers of the Somali Police Forces then you must know or heard about this Puppet was one of the senior buddy of the former dictator,he collaborated and arrested innocent somalis before they were tortured or hanged. Why on earth is he still alive and wondering without any consequences for his ill actions. Well his time is numbered and he will be brought to justice, if he is in the states i make sure he gets his day n court to explain what attrocity he committed?

  6. Raula you have every right to wish what ever you feel, but it is also our right to advise and enlighten each other. so here it goes read it,!

    O Muslims!


    Celebrating the holidays and the occasions of the Kuffar is certainly Haram. You are not permitted to do it. Nor are your rulers allowed to make these (Kufr) holidays as official holidays, since it is an imitation of the Kuffar.

    Celebrating the Christian holidays, such as Christmas and the Christian New Year is part of the Western culture that is imposed on the Muslims. In imposing such culture, the West intended for the Muslims to accept and recognise the Christian rituals, and believe in the equality of Christianity with Islam. We pray to Allah (swt) that the Muslims do not start celebrating the Jewish holidays as they have been celebrating the Christian ones.

    Now y'all know this fact ,you choose which bath you want take?

  7. I did FF,that is why i commented, but the whole article is nothing more than a Propoganda! Bantu or whatever name you want to be called "them" are well treated in Somalia they had the same right as you and me, but my understanding during the excedus and the hollocust in somalia They"Bantus" were also responsible of Raping Somali Teens,Burning houses so please don't elaborate that they are somehow victims. To me I see as Holligans and Rapers untill they come out and apologize what they have committed"Genocide".

  8. I know when i see a fallacious person,am wondering those of you who are side kicks of the Arab sheikdom , did you take an oath to protect them, i know i didn't. Why attack the individuals rather than the argument? even in a good cause we need to know the facts.

  9. It is tragic that the trend continues in 2004 ,we are still talking about "Rape" in Somalia.

    The harm inflicted this poor girl by a rapist i don't care if it caused by any tribe you want mention is an attack on her family and our beautiful culture. None of you in here can imagine the pain stamped on this poor little girl. hope she gets her day in court, if not Allah will take care for her.

  10. Here is how i look the big picture.

    The reality is that men and women have some key differences when it comes to everything.

    Men generally have an "On/Off" switch,and want gratification NOW!.

    Women however have what generally is called a "Volume Knob" and they need to be turned up gradually and i may add in a specific way.

  11. Canjeero sii u kala koreeso aaloo kala qaataa.

    Nin-Yaaban broh, that one i missed, cz i always go with the middle hot canjeero to eat first,how come ,i must be smart then or this maah maah is intended for the opposite of what it stands?

  12. Fights always happens in Sports, but this time i think the fans were rude and disgusting ,The players did what i would have done, beat the hell out of them, no fan has the right to throw bottles or chairs or even pour water in someone's face it is rude and humiliating. Those of you who are siding with the media need to wake up and smell the coffe, this NBA Commissioner is a damn Racist and ****** ,he didn't even see the whole evidence just went to act quickly as a damn sissy. That is who we should be talking about not the players who literally defeneded their life. Horay to the Players.

  13. The only reason i came in to check this thread was to congratulate you,but after reading what is all about your so called proposal, is spreading Sin, my god femme how old is the kid? and how can you even let him propse? is there waco things going in the house ? just kidding, by the way be carefull or you will be charged child molestation!

    i may add stay away from this kid, i bet he will tell his teachers that you are seducing him.

  14. One piece of advise plz get out of these ghetto areas, i think what is happening to Somali community is lack of Motivation,and most of them are not shooting for embetterment of their lives. Look when most of the somlais came to the states sure they were given to low income housing or shall i say "Refugee Camps " , i can't conceivable call these places a house,but a temp ones, so why not work hard and try to move out your loved ones in these horrible living circumstances,or none of you have an ounce of blood. This really sickens me hearing these shootings all the time. America is big move on and try to eat your peice of pie, you can make it,and the opportunity is there. If not go back home"somalia" for God sake.

  15. we Canadians have to stick together and support each other against these Snotty Brits and Arrogant Americans that seem to control and overpopulate SOL.

    Maasha allah since when we forget so soon our heritage true heritage,all i hear is Canadians, British,Americans, Aussie? what happened to the "True Somalis"?