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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Originally posted by Kashafa: Weren't colonised countries being granted indepedence left and right during the 50s and 60s, and Somalia's turn just came ? I don't think all or most colonized countries were handed independence on a silver platter without some sort of armed resistance or struggle. Remember the Kenyan Mau Mau insurgency, the millions Algerians who lost their lives to liberate their country, Cameroon's People Union (CPU) which was involved in armed struggle to obtain independence, the anti-colonial leader Patrice Lumumba of Congo who helped to win its independence from Belgium, iwm?
  2. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: I'll tell you, most of the colonizers new that the muslim world wern't going to except direct colonization and so they replace their military with loyal puppets. Now were in the second type of indirect western colonization. Pardon me, are you saying the SYL leaders were loyal puppets of the colonialists? In a sense, I agree with you colonialism is still indirectly with us. For example, we are only allowed to adopt a system of governance that has the approval or rubber stamp of the ex-colonialists.
  3. Originally posted by Jaylaani: How come Somalis are the only society who put more emphasis with the presidency when there is a PM in the government? I don't think this is unique to Somalis. Many African and non-African governments have a prime minister, and emphasis is with the presidency. The list includes Egypt, Algeria, Djibouti, Rwanda, Tunisia, iwm.
  4. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Looters and thugs becoming sheikhs overnight and from sheikhs to mujahids and soon we will see u lots claiming that the Clan mujahids have become angels and what have u. The clan president is about to fire his prime minister and disband his government for stealing $millions. Now, who are the looters and thugs? You, I and others know it's the TFG. You, I and others also know the ICU mujahideens aren't looters nor thugs. You better get that right and run away with the TFG before it's too late, otherwise, willingly or unwillingly, the mujahideens will resort to force to kick the occupiers, traitors and collaborators out of Somalia, insha'Allah.
  5. Taliban


    Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Looters and what have u are no mujahids! Are you saying it's the TFG traitors and collaborators who are mujahids?
  6. First, this topic isn't meant to belittle, underestimate or depreciate the SYL (Somali Youth League). It's meant to inspect its achievements. Some people attribute grandeur achievements to the SYL. So, here are my questions; what did the SYL achieve? Did it have an armed resistance? An insurgency? Was it involved in armed struggles to liberate Somalia from the colonialists? Did Somalia achieve independence because of the SYL? Is it true it was the UN that handed Somalia its independence? Discuss, and please no flamebaits.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: The most thing i hate is the smell of the shiishah ,,,,, How does it smell? Like Cuban cigars? ,,,,,,
  8. Taliban


    Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: YUSUF GARAAD ABSHIR BACADLE ADAN HASHI AYROW SH. HASSAN DAHIR AWEYS ABU MANSUUR May Allah protect those noble mujahideens, amin.
  9. Originally posted by Emperor: First of all, What is Dhaqan and as why it is sacred? Two examples of Dhaqan; FGM & siyaaro. To some, it's sacred because their forefathers practiced it for decades, not because of Islam.
  10. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: Garbasaar is bidcah! I am curious, when did Garbasaar come to Somalia?
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: "Ethiopia does not and will not rule Somalia" ..President A/Yusuf Ahmed.... The clan president isn't telling the truth. Somalia is ruled by Ethiopia. Evidence:
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: But the article does not even mention who stole these millions. The way I see it, this sort of stuff is common with this sort of government, just like the Afghan and Iraq governments, where $billions are missing.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: What evidance have they? Since you're close to the clan president, how about you him ask a little evidence? I mean, he's about to fire his prime minister, according to the article.
  14. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: you must be beside yourself, she truly wounded what little pride you had left in yourself. Nah.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: So goobjoog.net is not reliable outlet for clan courts propoganda. I don't know about that site. I can only speak about those I mentioned which I trust. Don't forget that you too trust Qaadisiya.com; how it reported Sheikh Sharif wasn't yet in Yemen, how many sites you trust misled you about Sheikh Sharif being already in Yemen.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: Goobjoog.net is not reliable enough for the clan courts supporters? Qaadisiya.com is considered the CNN of the ICU. Kismaayonews.com is another reliable site. So is Aayaha.com. If you don't have this report on those trusted sites, then something isn't right with Goobjoog.net's report.
  17. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Ninku wuu qafiifay. Dabeel maa ku martay markaad yareed, ^? There's no need to get personal; if you got nothing to say about the article, better not make a comment.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: As for the city of Mogadishu every important location, all check point, air & sea port are all in TFG held. They are expanding through the city. Troops are being trained in Bali-doogle, Kismayu, Manaas, Danuunay. Well, we'll see if your prediction materializes in a couple of months. Good luck to your clan president, for he needs a lot of luck.
  19. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: Malaayiin Doolar oo soo gashay Dowlada ayaa ilaa haatan la garanayn meel ay ka baxday waana midda keentay in la hakiyo Deeqihii soo gali jiray Dowladda. A mafia government? Man, this foreign government never ceases to amaze me.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: You seem to forget the success of taking the weapons of the warlords more than 160 technicals and ammunition with over a 1000 men were handed over to the TFG. That was a PR stunt to give the impression that the era of the warlords is over. Far from it.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: The TFG has the support of the people 99% of them, but lacks the support of the 1% that wanted to live of the loot that group acquired during the early 1990s. Are you kidding? 99%?
  22. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: anyway I doubt the authenticy of this article as a real somali person would not say this let alone ICU commander I also share the doubt. Besides, Qaadisiya.com and other reliable sites didn't report this article.
  23. The important thing is, the ICU will adapt and make corrective measures. It's healthy and natural to have minor disputes sometimes.
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: There has not been any operations to stabalsie the city since the clan courts ran away and left the guns to the warlords, criminals and clans.. This is the first one of its kind, if you have any other info do tell. What about the failed operation to collect arms and weapons in 3 days?
  25. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: The Interior minister of Somalia today said in a press briefing that the government will soon start a broad initiative to pacify and stabilise the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu. So, what's the name of this new operation that aims to stabilize Mogadishu? And how come the previous operation failed?