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Posts posted by RaMpAgE

  1. *Italian teams<---too defensive, makes the game boring.

    *English teams<---too plain, words u might here "lanuch it too the freaking BOX"<<man utd style icon_razz.gif


    Spanish teams<----very opened, very skillful, properly most exciting out of the top leagues.


    German teams<----Varied, bayern is defenisve, while teams like borussia dortmon are very attacking side.



  2. Today, islam is been targeted from every corner,the best way too stand up too these people is too learn more about islam, but also learnt important facts from their relgions. so heres a few questions and facts u can use aganist christians if ur in a debate. :D



    * The Bible was never in English during the time of any prophet (not even Muhammad) - because English did not exist until after 1066 AD!


    * What was the original language of the Bible?


    * Who actually wrote it?


    * The Bible does not exist in the original form anywhere on earth


    * The Catholic Bible has seven (7) more books than the Protestant Bible


    * These two Bibles have different versions of the same books


    * Mistakes and errors are from the very first verse right up to the very last verse


    * 'Born Again Christians' teach concepts that are not from the Bible


    * There is no word "Trinity" in the Bible in any version of any language


    * The oldest forms of Christianity do not support the 'born again' beliefs


    * Jesus of the English Bible complains about the 'crucifixion'

    ("Eli! Eli! Lama sabachthani? - My God! My God! Why have You forsaken me?") [Mk 15:34]


    * How can Jesus be the "Only Begotten Son" of John 3:16? When in Psalms 2:7 David is God's "Begotten Son?"


    * Would a 'Just' God, a 'Fair' God, a 'Loving' God -- punish Jesus for the sins of the people that he called to follow him?


    * What happens to people who died before Jesus came?


    * What happens to those who never hear this message?


    * What about innocent children who die although their parents are not Christian?


    * Didn't God create Adam from dirt? -- So, why does he need Mary to make Jesus?


    * How can God create Himself?


    * How can God be a man?


    * How can a man be a God?


    * How can God have a son?


    * The Bible says "Seth (is) the son of Adam, the son of God." [Lk 3:36]


    * Can't God just forgive us and not have to kill Jesus?


    * Jesus did not even carry the cross -- Simon Cyre'ne, a passerby did! [Mk 15:21]


    * Jesus of the Bible was NOT on the cross for longer than six (6) hours -- NOT three days -- (from the 3rd to the 9th hour) [Mk 15:25 & 15:33]


    * Jesus of the Bible did not spend three days and nights in the tomb -- Friday night - until Sunday before dawn -- is not 3 days and nights!


    * Jesus DID NOT claim to be God - or even equal to God!



    *** i hope u enjoyed, and will also contribute** :cool:

  3. saxiib...somalis are new to the areas u mention and to most countries...most somalis came too these countries as rufeges in the last decade where they have lost everything back in somalia.

    so living in rich areas isn't a priority.sucess doesn't come over night..maybe 10 years down the track u might see somalis living in rich areas. :cool:


    ps. by the australia doesn't have any ghettos icon_razz.gif



    Between 18 & 20, a woman is like Africa; Half discovered, half wild; naturally beautiful with fertile deltas.


    Between 21 & 30, a woman is like America; Well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.


    Between 31 & 35, she is like India; Very hot, relaxed, & convinced of her own beauty.


    Between 36 & 40, a woman is like France; Gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit.


    Between 41 & 50, she is like Yugoslavia; Lost the war, haunted by past mistakes. Massive reconstruction is now necessary.




    Between 51 & 60, a woman is like Russia; Very wide and borders are unpatrolled. The frigid climate keeps people away.


    Between 61 & 70, a woman is like Mongolia; With a glorious and all conquering past but alas, no future.


    After 70, they become like Afghanistan; Almost everyone knows where it is, but no one wants to go there.

  5. how far did arsenal get in europe??


    and how far man utd get in europe??

    look at the paths man utd had compared that to the clubs arsenal played. why is that every year man utd have easy group matchs? redface.gif :confused:

  6. The way we develope our future lays in our hands.

    What the older generation leave will affect us when their gone and our children.


    so basicaly the future is in our hands, the only thing is if we want too take the opportunity. :cool:

  7. man utd kills the term "FOOTBALL" ..their style boreds everyone ...they have been playing the same old style for the last hunderd years i wonder how their fans surive.


    if i was too give an award too the most useless player it would have too be rio.jeez the guy is dopy ..doesn't know what too do..no wonder ronaldo screwed him icon_razz.gif .iam gonna sue the FA for leting a useles player in the game. :cool:


    anways as for arsenal ..i think we got a big big chance too win it. as northern said two big games coming up from man tud..charlton and everton...hopefuly one will win.