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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. It would very wise for Puntland to get it since bosaso is our main business center with over 200 factories, it will be very cheap since it's really only Bosaso that would need it faster communication, while the other parts of Puntland can stick with the current technology. The Somcable project was totally unrealistic for somaliland since berbera is dead and rolling out that cable to hargeisa is to costly. It is an officially canned project according to it's website. Puntland is joining the communication race and I wish to see a guul on this front. Faster communication will have great economical advantages for the state. I hope to see Kismayo in the near future join the race, who also has the strategical positioning of its financial heart on the coast and political heart separate at bu'ale. The separating of politics and business as is evident in PL and JL also has developmental and security reasons. Kismayo basically can be built by the private sector, whereas bu'ale would take advantage of political infrastructure and other commercial factors will boomm for it since its hosting the capital, it also has security implications 'not putting the eggsnin one basket' incase we lose it all thru war again or other natural phenonem. As per usual sahal thinking ahead
  2. Will Puntland get fibre to the node..Exciting since SL fibre project has been officially canned guul soo hoyatay.
  3. Dahir Alasow is at it again, showing his usual clan hand on everything. This guy makes me sick and shows you the mentality were dealing wuth ''maxan cuna'' ''kula duuqa'' mindset. This guy wants it all for nothing. The HAG don't even behave as a capital let alone federal. They also have the nerve to question us about sharing mogadishu constantly of course its going to be shared cause ifs using a name that common to all of us 'somali'. Drop the unuka mindset. No place for unuka in a capital. The guy is insane he basically wants to make the regiins behave federal but not enjoy federal things like foreign aid, federal institutions, foreign meets, etc. Yet he wants to behave regional while enjoy federal fruits. You can hear the innfamous hag clown here
  4. What doctor kennedy is getting at is we might become just satelllite states kind of like like how america rules puerto rico or european countries remotely ruling islands from a distance. You think those countries next to us will just use some sort unsom trusteeship for its satelitte states?
  5. Dr Kennedy thats a very scray prognosis you just said and with the internal division as it is, their is a strong possibility it might head down that ppsth cause I cant foresee the HAG giving up the capital status to save the disintergreation since they think from a 'maxa cuna mindset' and see they have nothing else other then hamqr, central regions isnt a rosy place for them and its future.
  6. You been captured in Bosaso, you frickin 300k terrorist were cleaning out your moryans from ssc as it should be and then bringing charges for morgan properties in hargeisa. Ninkan cirka marayo miyusan xishoon meel ba lagu saraya adiga iyo jaadkagiba. As usual your another one facing the wrath of the macavities as noone slips under us and lives to tell any tales.
  7. ciidan think we dont read reports, sxb you have only 5 tanks and 4 bms http://consultancyafrica.com/ACMM/43860/ACMMJuly2013/files/assets/basic-html/page44.html Ive got reports SSC alone has 6 tanks let alone PL. We got about 12 easy. Old weapons laguma faani kare, ee manta wax cusub ma haysa? sheesh this ciidan kid maba isku xishooda, adiga dhan ban cirka ka garaci kara aniguna hal qof igama dhimanayo waana hadlaya, afkaga gabso gadaal ayaan uu dhacday dhanka hubka
  8. ciidan hub kontan sano ba ku faanayso miyaa? frickin poor prick, man it even can move without falling apart waa guul for you, let alone handle one gunfire. you have no new weapons we got em all airforce, f350,bms,tanks and even the old weapons your showing off about, checkmate
  9. ciidan, yeah I can see we are defeated, the harti men fighting over their habars. You dont have on soldier their, as usual habar watching their men as it should be. You will always be ruled under somalia as it should be and you know it, you are not going anywhere my friend, waxaa ku sugayo somalia keliya
  10. Tilmamook their getting desperate as their time is up, so their just trying to cause one more wedge between ssc and puntland by saying PL held talks with them. It's a last minute gasp of air move and everyone knows it. The 300k terrorists cant outsmart the macavities.
  11. Oh by the way, those pictures of somaliland with the IC used to work back in the 60s not today buddies, your really a long way behind us politically. All those pictures are courtesy(begging) calls by SL arriving uninvited, unofficial and taking pictures since all the people their meeting all have social media accounts and expose it via facebook, twitters. You will not find one foreign meeting SL has had thats official and invited, their all photo opportunity which anyone on the street can ask for. Wallahi somalis are right when they say somalilnd tuugsi maka daasheen kkkk
  12. desperate by the 300k terrorists, their nothing that gaas needs to talk about to moryans seeking land that isn't theres. The sfg constitution is clear on this matter 18 states per 1991 not 1960, so what legal justification does somaliland stand on? I can hear and international tribunal throwing out somaliland from court. PL has a legal right to SSC since it's based on the 1991 borders as per our federal constitution. We have SSC support as they took part in creating Puntland, all their clan elders were present and they reiterated they will hold talks with PL. As can be seen thru the emerging states the clan elders have the last say with the international community, not tigrays. PL shares geoegraphical proximity too ssc as evident thru las anod distance to Puntland capital, its 1 hour drive. Whereas its 5 hrs drive to hargeisa. We share economical ties since SSC uses bosaso port not berbera. We share a tribe since the country civil war was based on tribal lines not colonial lines. Plus we share a one somalia political platform. There is just way to many points that links SSC to Puntland no amount of tigray will change that. If tigray is your ally he would've recognized you not seen you as PL sees your another state. Somaliland arguments are as usual pathetic and easily debunked. Marriages with SSC won't help cause if I have marriage ties in America doesn't mean I can claim it. I love this argument by SL since the rebuttals clowns them out. As for colonial borders arguement it's dissolved with the federal constitution based on 1991 borders, if you dont believe me go to an international court and find out. All somaliland arguments rejected, court rules in favor of Puntland, Court adjourned. It's not PL crying on TV as of late since we know our plans are well under way to incoperate SSC to where it belongs. It's somaliland breathing its last as is evident with the constant cries on TV. Go learn politics kiddos.
  13. The biggest problem is ciidan and his folks not realizing what the mogadishu boys are doing, if PL and SL said we will not accept this, somalia might start evening out again but HAG politicians are smart they keep SL focussed on sahal boogeyman, while they go totally unchecked and by the time ciidan realizes its to late and most of hisfolks would have moved to mogadishu work, drying out SL revenue to survive and imminent collapse would follow. Ciidan put aside the sahal beef, ask yourself what have u ever gained from this irir alliance? pretty much zilch, I can see the HAG gained heaps since they go unchecked and invest in mogadishu for their economical warfare on the rest of non hags, but u seriously gain nothing. It's not even in your interest but yet you support it. If HAG were any good surely abdiqasum till hassan sheikh they would have somethng to show for Somalia don't you think? yet their is nothing that can be shown that has been inherited just more lost time for the somali ppl. Their needs to be a new policy out from hargeisa regarding mogadishu, this irir garbage didnt work, its failed whether u want to accept it or not. It's time ww minimize the HAG and by doing so we might start seeing results delivered for our nation. But what is ciidan is doing terrorism in Bosaao, its stupid idea, irirism failed and he still dont get it. HAG have seriously outsmarted the snm, cause they getting everything.
  14. Aren't garowe,kismayo somali? bal firiya xaq daradan markas waxaa lagun oranaya halaysku imaado. Im not against mogadishu progress but their othrr cities in Somalia who contributed a heck more to Somalia then those hamar folks have. If Abdillahi yusuf didnt come there would be no federalism, if farole didnt come we wouldnt have a constitution, if gaas didnt come we would not have recognition because he did what took the other transitionals 10 years to complete. PL did all of this without them we would be still watching usc jeeb ku riddis and stuck in transition for another decade. It's totally unfair dadka PL kaadidooda bay uu soo cabeen somalia hadana horumarka walaga xiraya ma war ba? Put this way from abdiqasim till hassan sheikh there is nothing they left behind other then fill their pockets, their is nothing we can say if it wasnt for USC somalia would of lost this. They have contributed nothing to our nation yet mogadishu is taking the lion share of foeign aid. This is injustice and leads to conflict down the track. The only thing I can think of that USC leaders came with that we still use for Somalia is 4.5, quite shameful isnt it? their is nothing lese I can pinpoint that we have inherited from them from all their leaders, I know they inherited alot for their pockets but they left nothing behind that we use that we can consider good. If you consider 4.5 good, go right ahead, I sure dont.
  15. Hawdian somalia has a boqortoyo only somalis dont know, remember what hassan sheikh said regarding king kong death ''wuxu ka soo jeeda boqortoyo soo jireen ah'', war waxan hadal iskama ah waa wax jiro. For example dad badan wa isku magacabi kara boqor and theirs a few who have lakin tarikhdooda marki la baadho waxaa la ogaanaya inuusan waxba ka jirin oo iskisa isku magacabay. I am the only clan suitable to be named royal family of somalia, hassan sheikh knows, do you see him complaining? no Meeshan cadayn ayaa laysku hor dhiga, qof isku been shegi karo ma jirto somalida, cadaynta meesha tagto ayaa laysku raca. For example why u think PL was called the mother of somalia? because they are the only clan who helped themselves, didnt genocide tribes, loot ppl properties, or attack other ppl land and at the same time helped somalia and left behind many things that all somalis today enjoy. Sxb waxgaradku aasess evidence, present it for each clan and without a doubt PL comes out on top, thats if u accept the evidence if u dont fadhi ku dirirkas hiranonline ku laabo
  16. Hawdian somalia has a boqortoyo only somalis dont know, remember what hassan sheikh said regarding king kong death that h comea from boqortoyo jiro, war waxan hadal iskama ah waa wax jiro, boqortoyo manta laysku magacabay ma aha waxaan dhowr qarni ayuu soo jiray and is the only clan that can be deemed the royal family of somalia, hassan sheikh knows, do you see him complaining? no Meeshan cadayn ayaa laysku hor dhigo, qof isku been shegi karo ma jirto somalida, cadaynta meesha tagto ayaa laysku raca. For example why u think PL was called the mother of somalia? because they are the only clan who helped themselves, didnt genocide tribes, loot ppl properties, or attack other ppl land and at the same time helped somalia and left behind many things that all somalis today enjoy. Sxb waxgaradku aasess evidence, present it for each clan and without a doubt PL comes out on top, thats if u accept the evidence if u dont fadhi ku dirirkas hiranonline ku laabo
  17. As usual rhe dr is here to set the record straighr with this faile project of irirism, who are breathing their last gasp of air as they are removed from somalia politics altogether. Federalism is going very well and we know full well hassan sheikh is trying to stop it by confusing the baidoa conference but we will stop it because were hosting the rra folks in garowe to settle their sfg staged dispute and propose how this system is in their interest also and only losing party are the duo of division and destruction. PL and JL has accepted federalism and once baydhabo does it's game set and match. The spoilers will be seen as irir who are refusing the federal system that all somalis have accepted, not a good image at all to have infront of the world. We have already disturbed the north with soldiers in buhodle, 30 kilometer south of las anod at tukaraq and were all in sanaag up to erigavo. We are also going to make sure awdal spoils the day for the 300k terrorists who also share this central policy since it will be hargeisa and hamar managing both regions. The days of centralism are over, no somali will accept it and irir I urge you to give up on this doomed project. Pls ask yourself as a HAG what has HAG left behind for somalia? destruction, looting, warlords, jeeb ku ridis pōiticians, their nothing tangible I can point to and say 'hey thats what hag left for somalis' quite a shame if you ask me. What has the 300k terrorists left behind? living in morgan home, attacking lands thats not yours, division of our country. Is there anything that you can point to and say 'damn snm left something that all somalis can use today' you won't find it, your a duo of destruction and division and your the most useless clans in Somalia. I asked Xunjuf the other day, what have your ppl done for somalia ever in history or today that we can be proud of? you know what he said? I built hargeisa, I laughed and said well I built galkayo, garowe, bosaso anyone build help their clan, I said what have u left behind for all somalis, he said nothing. So I told him he was going to be like egal and silanyo who when they die they only be buried and rememberrd by their clan since they left nothing for anyone else to remember them by. Thats where the big differencd lies between sahal and irir, we leave something all, they leave nothing for anyone. Even in Abdillahi yusuf time, he left behind the somali flag raised high in villa somalia and federalism which all somalis today enjoy and are building administrations, farole even left behind a constitution for all somalis that we all use and settle our dispute through, gaas even in his short time finished the roadmap and got the sfg recognition which today muqdishu is progressing on. Forgrt about the things Sayid, Darwish, SYL, Revolution, Flag, Anthem, and what our fathers leave behind. We simply are not the same ppl, you irir attack ppl land like moryans, we dont. You irir live in sahal property we dont, you irir leave nothing good behind but we do. I realized we not the same, irir are the same animal very short sighted. Just remember when i die i aim to be buried by all somalis, so I must leave behind something in order for that to occur, but when you guys die, you will be buried by your clan and forgotten in history book as insignificant. Two very different mindsets and thats the truth.
  18. 300k terrorist capacity is limkted to a jilib, odaygu ma oggo miyaa censuska dhacay mise waa soo waalan raba, war anaga hal qof nagama dhimanayo cirkan ka garacay adaa maydkaga soo gurbinaysid uun, maskin sana odaygu. Hadu capacity leeyahay wiilo buhodle joggo kuma eersadeen iskaba daa ssc oo hal meel ujeedo iyo puntland oo 6 jeer ka badan dhaqaale, military, population. Odaygu waa nin iska hadlay bal anigu waxan uu cabsi gaba burco. He is really playing with fire siilanyo, he dont have the population let alone the military capacity for a war with someone that is 6 times their size in every dimension. I urge Siilanyo to stay in his clan territory, if he cant he will suffer a ĥuge loss there.
  19. I am a very big supporter of sahal lobby group who I see as the saviour of beesha especially in it's coordination on powerful subclans among the family. I urgr that we stick on this policy front of minimizing mogadishu to be a symbolic govt whereas the power is in the region. I urge for a coordinated foreign policy strike on the irir clans through ddsi heavy influence on Ethiopia foreign policy towards Somalia and Garissa heavy influence on kenya foreign policy. I urge Puntland to play a huge role in the western and middle east foreign policy towards Somalia. We need to keep streghtening ties with kuwait,uae,yemen. We also need to bring Oman to our side,which we haven't exploited as of yet which is very advantageous to us. I urge we shape UNOM foreign policy thru nuradin diriye and igad foreign policy thru afey. It's time to take our respective role for the good of the nation or else it will be just a continous nightmare if we keep watching this nonsensenin mogadishu. I urge that Jigjigga keeps developing and also garissa so if Somalia burns the irir lose it all, but we got somewhere to go, this is the strategy we need to put to these ppl caqli kale malaha, sahal needs to keep playing a big role in Somalia or else their is many fronts on which they will lose the most. I ugrge irir time is up you had 20 years the duo of destruction and division, you failed to use your time effectively when sahal was begging you too, but now thats it, we will make sure your removed from the picture all together and this nation can see peace for once in its life. We need to use irir weakness which is somalia being their only home to our advanatge to scare them into submission that we got somewhere to go but where will they go if it all burns. I think this will make them think twice. PL will enjoy its Bosaso port, Kismayo will enjoy its port. JL must take the kenya and somalia trade via road while uilizing its most fertile somalia soil where all the rivers meet to be an agriculture powerhouse. PL must lead the way in fishery and livestock sector. OIL must be exploitrd onshore and offshore in both regions to guarantee the success of our future generation. PL and JL must form their domestic policies simulataneous thru sahal lobby and exchange of ministers in both administratiin. Sahal must coordinate Jigjiga and Garisa on domestic front in Somalia to ensure smooth foreign policies of both countries towards Somalia. I've honestly had a gutful, we need to use our advantage and just take over Somalia once and for all, because how long can we sit by and watch the duo of destruction and division go on? nimankan waxba ma soo wadan, 20 sano waxba ma soo wadin, manta inu wax soo wado ha moodina. Sahalow tashada, waxan haysan wax walbo aan uu bahan nahay haday ahan lahayd labo deked half od somalia econmy, xeeb, dhul, resources, iyo foreign policy wacan. Inaan iska fadhino ma aha, lets take the head of irirism out of somalia and rehabiliate this nation. As for the anti sahal forces, their not much can be done to stop this, its already been decided by sahal group on beesha siyasad and their is no going back, you had your time in the destruction and division, ninki laha ayaa soo noqonayo.
  20. The oromo's have taken harar, they have taken dire dawa, infact I think 2 zones they live in dire dawa somalis, xafad issa and around the taiwan area, they've become so insignificant in that town, most amhara are the big business owners, oromos are just scavengers really with no progress at all in dire dawa other then bajaj drivers. I recognize the threat of oromos jot only for ddsi but somalia also, it was shocking how their bus drivers in bosaso, typical line of work they dominate in the transport industry. I don't know how we as somalis can really survive against them, their in the range of 40 million, whereas somalis are 9 million in somalia, 5 million ddsi, 1 million in jabuti and nfd. Plus around 1 million in the diaspora. Were roughly 15-16 million worldwide somali population not even half oromos. The best way to defeat oromos is border control or wallahi we will become like dire dawa, go check it today, its really sad how it is knowing it was somali town and today it's breathing its last, plus all the settlement outside of dire dawa are all oromos and nothing else. Oromo must be deported to maintain our population or consider us become like dubai minorities in our own land, this is very possible if oil production begins, can u just imagine the flood of oromos? that will kickstart the great downfall of somalia in my opiniin if not watched carefully
  21. The ppl of jigjiga are happy, their progressing at rapid rates and if they want secesssion it's available in the ethiopian constitution. In Africa due to poverty, money can buy you anything and if they wanted secessionn in those areas cash can do it quick. Your idea of this european union style for 8 million ppl in the most poorest part of the world is just economically insane. To divide Somalia means to make it even poorer and have number of djibouti style states. Federation is enough to satisfy ppl autonomy, the big question is how the federal power will be shared equitably and the relatiin between the feds and regions. Your idea of separate nations under this political and economic union is exactly what federation achieves internally similar to the UK but externally we need to be one. I am not sure why you want external powers because thats all your proposed union will give you that federation can't. The world sees it, federation is the only feasible system all somalis can work under. Xunjuf union will only give him foreign powers and pretty much nothing else that federation can't. Xunjuf forget it your system is unworkable and not feasible, you gain nothing extra thru that other then foreign meets and greets which can also be shared in federation. Forget this idea that since ssdf folks came up with federalism, it must be bad, it aint. PPL are not stupid they cant be lied to. Interesting to noone has yet provided me any information to suggest what irir have contributed to our nation other then destruction and division, what dhaxalgal can I look at and say wax ayuu dalka uu soo kordhiye? Untill I get an answer, I rest my case. Irir is the problem and they need to fix themselves.
  22. We gave up the development of our areas and invested in mogadishu since we thought dadku waa somali wax lama kala laha but we learned a rude response. Sxb if sahal can only just recover its investment in mogadishu, its triple anything hag or snm have. I mean for god sakes look at how bosaso and galkayo rised and that was mainly with a small amount of diaspora. Let alone if all our businessmen ship from abroad and not to mention the oil, sahal will always be fine economically if not the wealthiest. You can just tell in dubai who owns skyscrapers and businesses there about the business community of sahal. We also have the biggest diaspora presence in mpls largest diaspora city. I am not so much concerned about that, I know wh sahal aint investing much, we lost the most wealth in 91, ppl still fear a repeat of such a thing today. Even my dad has 3 properties in hamar, 1 overseas, well into 3 million dollar assets and were average mj nothing special. Not to mention ive nearly saved my deposit for a house overseas too. Sister owns her own salon, and then plus all livestock we have in puntland from my awoowe, its insane. Sahal wont invest much untill his guaranteed safety, even I wont. Sahal is by far the richest clan hencee less corruption compared to hag who are hungry.
  23. Alpha the sahal boys are the only hope for this nation, read into it, their is basically nothing else except irir warmongers, dividers, destroyers, or the maxan cuna clique. I urge Somalis, put your weight behind sahal if u ever want to see a proud somalia, or forever be stuck with irir madness
  24. Galbeedi dalkan wax kale ma jiran aan raggas sahal ahayn, inta kale wa caqli gaab ana ku sheegayo runta waxan anigu waan soo aqriye, waa dad aan waxba soo kordhin karin for somalia, tolkooda haa, maybe shaksigooda ha, lakin intay dalka wax uu soo kordhiyan ha sugin, weliga ha sugin wa dad caqli gaab ah oo cadow somaliyeed ah dhamantood. Cay igama ah was facts niyahow oo tarikhda ku salayssn iyo waxay hada samaynayan aad ujeedo. Wiilka keliya gacan aan uu taagi kari waa kan Puntland joggo, dadkisa wax taray iyo somalia wax tarayo, do you see how many thousands of homes they built for idps in puntland? they pretty much spend sll the aid they get on other somalis who are worser off anaguna guriyasheena ayaba na lagu haysta hamar wax kaleba daa. Wallahi runtan ku sheegaya wiilashas bariga joggo mooye wax kale dalkan ka nool ma jiro. I am very proud to be from such a great people
  25. Galbeedi you seem like your waking up and realizing injustices can only last for so long. I am big supporter of relocating the capital so somalis can have a fresh start after a 20 year civil war but also because historically mogadishu was never selected by somalis as their capital, it was decided for us by colonialist. I think Somalis have the capacity to decide what will be their capital city or even a splitting of the capital city 3 arms such as the parliament going being based in one region, the judiciary in another region, the executive in mogadishu. At least with this basic form of separation we can achieve good governance where everything isn't in one location under one govt who can threaten to kill people as was seennin thr yusur abrar case. I honestly think it's unworkable the way the SFG is set up now, its going to cause a civil war in the long term. Why is it one clan enjoys being the federal capital, have all it's institutions,all foreign aid, take all the foreign meetings, on top of that they still get an equal amount of parliamentarians, ministers, and presidency. Is this workable? honestly no and it's just going to end up collapsing sooner or later. I've studied somali clan history and present conduct and let me assure the main problem of somalia has and will always be irir, because honestly ask yourself what have they contributed other then war, destruction, division of our country, and looting? Can you honestly name one thing? you won't find it my friend. Now if you look at sahal we brought sayid, darawish, syl created by yasin sharmarke, revolution and somalia was united and happy and had a proud image domestically and internationally. After the revolution what came? the irir era came, what did the bring us? genociding ppl based on clan affiliation, looting, raping, destruction, dismemberment of our country. We were stuck in this phse up untill abdillahi yusuf came and brought federalism, restored somali dignity and rose up the blue flag in villa somalia which irir looted or tore up. What happen after then? we got a bunch of unuka village idiots who think along the lines of maxan cuna aniga? if you look at all their poems and proverbs its always about anjeero, bur iyo biyo or something food related. All we got was as all international reporting communities noted corruption. It was the genius of farmajo and gaas who left behind a govt that wqs recognized for hassan sheikh, you really think they would be able to do that the irir boys? no they cant because i've studied them they are the cancer of our nation. Heck even farole left behind a constitution for somalia, the sahal folks always leave behind something that is of good to the whole nation equally. The USC have this mindset of leaving behind something good for themselves as individuals, the snm are more about leaving something for their clan, its always that sahal boy leaving behind something for the whole nation in history and today. Galbeedi, i've read into this and wallahi xaq darada wa iyaga. Can you imagine sahal claiming hobyo based on keenadid? or sahal saying hamar port is our, it was build by siyad? it's always irir looking for war, looting, destruction, etc and the boy in hamar is one hand of destruction the boy in hargeisa is one hand on division. Absolutely nothing positive they contributed to our nation and i've honestly read into this topic. I think once you cure these sick idealogy of irirism and see it has brought nothing for you to be proud of, then we might start getting somewhere as a nation and recover whatever is left of this irir damaged nation. You need to get into their thick skull that sahal don't start wars, we arent seeking irir lands, we are seeking war with them, dee anaga hana dhaafan. We are wanting to do something for our nation, because we see it as our responsibility wa dhaxal awoowe dalkan. Galbeedi you won't find any problem with sahal folks who are peaceloving and care for their nation, just go speak to that irir guy both in hamar and hargeisa I call them the duo of destruction and division. On a final note if you think the SFG is non tribal, then please explain to me how it makes any sense that the sfg fought its ally jubaland militarily and then economically saying they don't have any rights to manage their own seaport and airport but at the same time hand over somalia airspace to hargeisa? if this aint irirism, then shoot me dead, I don't know what is.At the same timethe SFG wants jubaland to abide by the agreement signed in addis, but fails to abide by the PL agreements signed in garowe and galkayo for over 4 years now. The boys in hamar really need to decide if they want to be a regional entity or a federal one because right now their double dipping tring to be both which is unworkable. Mogadishu if it claims federal then it simply needs to look federal not regional or else you will need to claim your regional status. It won't work that they get all these priveledges of claiming to be federal capital yet also enjoying the priveledges of regionalism. It's either one or the other, it surely can't be both. Mogadishu claims to represent somalia, it needs to start behaving like it or pass the job to someone who can fulfill the duties at federal level. Bossaso and Kismayo never claimed to represent Somalia, so it's ridiculous to ask them to abide by such standards, their both regional and represent their regions only.