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Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen: 'Eid in Mogadishu
Shaakirullaah replied to Shaakirullaah's topic in Politics
Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen: 'Eid in Mogadishu
Shaakirullaah replied to Shaakirullaah's topic in Politics
In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful Praise be to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the prophet of Allah, his family, companions, and followers. On the first day of the blessed 'eid ul-fitr of the year 1430 Hijra, an overwhelming number of residents from the capital, Mogadishu, gathered at Mogadishu stadium to perform the 'eid prayer with the leaders and the soldiers of Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen. This is the first gathering of its sort since the Ethiopian crusaders were defeated and fled in shame from Muslim Somalia. The prayers were led by the Wali of hte islamic province of Banadir, Sheikh Wali Mohamed Hussein - may Allah preserve him. Sheikh ABu Muaadh al-Mudni - may Alla preserve him - gave a most eloquent khutba and conveyed warmest Eid congratulations to the Muslims. in general, and in particular to all the mujahideen around the world - may Allah preserve all of them. He also conveyed the warmest of greetings to Muslim peoples all over the world, especially to our people in East Turkestan and Palestine. Following that, there was a military parade by the al-Usra Army in which no less than two hundred mujahideen participated. Afterwards, the mujahideen distributed different types of gifts to the Muslims whose faces shone with signs of happiness and gladness on the occasion of this joyful 'eid. O Allah, Revealer of the book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the parties, defeat the Crusaders, and their apostate allies! O Allah, make them and their equipment easy booty for Muslims! O Allah, destroy them and shake them! O Allah, You are the one who helps us and the one who assists us, with Your power we move and by Your power we fight! Allaahu akbar! { But honor belongs to Allah, and thus to His Messenger, and to the Believers; but of this the hypocrites are not aware } (Partial Koranic verse; Al-Munafiqun 63:8)
Two Martyrdom Operations Strike The Most Secure Strongholds Of The Crusaders' Military Leadership At The Mogadishu Airport After careful monitoring and high security measures, and after prayers and supplication to Allah in the last 10 days of Ramadhan, especially on the 27th of Ramadhan, the Mujahidiin brothers executed this latest operation in the Winds of Victory Campaign. On the 27th of Ramadhan 1430, corresponding to September 17, 2009, Allah empowered your brothers in the Martyrdom Brigade to confuse the plans of the enemy targeting our Islamic Ummah and her sons the Mujahidiin. This occurred through the destruction and demolition of two of the safest, most forbidding headquarters of the crusader's military leadership at the Mogadiscu Airport. One of the headquarters belonged to the high-ranking officers and officials from the crusader mercenaries known as AMISOM. At the moment of the explosion, a meeting was being conducted between the apostate government's security chiefs and high-ranking officials from the leadership of the African crusaders. They were planning to initiate a broad operation after Ramadhan against the fortresses of the Mujahidiin. {Those before them indeed plotted, but Allâh struck at the foundation of their building, and then the roof fell down upon them, from above them, and the torment overtook them from directions they did not perceive.} Thus their headquarters was completely destroyed and most of the people inside were either killed or injured. Praise be to Allâh The other headquarters belonged to NATO, an ally of the northern fleet and security advisors for the United Nations and European and American security companies who came to aid the apostate government and liquidate the Mujahidiin. This headquarters were subject to tight security, but Allah forced their intrigues down their throats and their dreams were scattered. As for the reasons for targeting these two headquarters, they are as follows - 1. Revenge for the Muslim people killed daily in cold blood, when they are guilty of nothing but keeping faith in Allah Alone and sheltering the Mujahidiin. 2. Revenge for the brother, the Commander Abu Yusif Salih al-Nabhani and his 3 brothers - may Allah accept them - whose pure blood has not yet dried. 3. To shuffle the papers of the enemy and confuse their plotting to perpetrate more crimes against the Muslim people. The two operations were conducted by the Heroes of the Martyrdom Battalion belonging to Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen, who mounted two car bombs and then with the aid of Allah, drove smoothly and easily into the depths of the enemy. They blew up the strongholds of the cross, giving the infidels and their minions a drink from the cups of humiliation and shame. Through this work, Allah treated the chests of the Faithful people and drove the rage from their hearts. Praise be to Allah once and twice, and thanks be to Allah the Eternal one. two hours after the operations, the crusaders admitted that 9 crusaders, most of them officers, were killed. Among them was the second in command of the AMISOM forces, the Burundi general Joefinal Ningaruza. The military commander of the crusader AMISOM, the Ugandan general Nathan Mujissa received injuries to his head - may Allah hasten his death. However, our information confirms the gravity of the enemy's losses which have been concealed until now. There were serious losses in the ranks of the security company officers, nearly 40 of whom were gathered at the spot at the time of the explosion. Soon, by the permission of Allah, we will bring you the details and the latest developments and the final count of the enemy's losses, so do not forget us in your supplications. we say to the enemy after these two devastating operations: We do not sleep on injustice. We will take our vengeance, even after a time. We will not forget even a single drop of blood that falls to the earth, and you will pay the price of every crime committed against the Muslim Ummah. With Allah's aid, the future will be more bitter and calamitous, and the oppressors will learn that what goes around, comes around. O Allah, Revealer of the book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the parties, defeat the Crusaders, and their apostate allies! O Allah, make them and their equipment easy booty for Muslims! O Allah, destroy them and shake them! O Allah, You are the one who helps us and the one who assists us, with Your power we move and by Your power we fight! Allahu Akbar! {But honor belongs to Allah, and thus to His Messenger, and to the Believers; but of this the hypocrites are not aware} The Media Section of Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen
I am sure Shaakirulah is living in a Infidels country counting his benefits money in one hand and proudly showing off his infidel passport on the other. It is entirely unnecessary and not really convincing to attack me personally by writing unfounded accusations which you can not prove. Don't you have nothing better to argue with in defense of your beloved apostate puppet government?
The puppet government has hired the world's biggest accountancy firm, PricewaterhouseCoope rs, to help ensure international aid is spent correctly. The embattled apostate administration has been "asked" by donors to demonstrate that funds will be spent properly, and not embezzled by their corrupt officials. "PricewaterhouseCoop ers has been appointed to hold and manage the pledged and allocated funds for institutional capacity building and development" the firm said in a statement. PwC will administer via a central bank account some of the $213m (£132m) pledged by donors in Brussels in April towards boosting security in the failed Horn of Africa state. They will check Somali ministries' spending plans tally with donor expectations, before releasing the cash and ensuring it is spent transparently. Lastly, it is understood the firm will receive a commission of between 2-4% on all funds that reach their intended destination.
because of the broad circulation of lies, distortions and suspicions, it sometimes can be difficult to distinguish truth from falsehood. After listening to the recent recording below, you'll undoubtedly have a better understanding of the motives and objectives of Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen insha Allah. Sheikh Ali Mohamud Raage (Sheikh Ali Dheere), the official spokesman for the movement answers different questions in which, among others, the following topics will be discussed: - Why "Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen"? Has the name of the movement changed? - Objectives of the movement: to free Somalia or to liberate the entire world? - Why the movement does not consider the current state of the country as free but under various forms of foreign domination. - The African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM): peaceful peace keepers or brutal occupation forces? - Apostate Sharif: the treacherous defector and puppet of the infidels. - Why does the movement not engage in talks with the apostates of the puppet government? - Is there a Pakistani Al-Qaeda commander fighting within the ranks of the movement? - The issue of the muhaajireen: foreign aliens or equal citizens under the Islamic state? - A stern warning: If you want your soldiers to return in coffins or to end up as food for our dogs and cats, send them to Somalia. - Regarding the ties betwain the movement and the Al-Qaeda Organisation. - Why does the movement refuse to recognize the United Nations and their international law? Click here to listen to or download this interview.
Sharif Ahmed arrives in Addis Ababa requests Ethiopian troops
Shaakirullaah replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
The submissive puppet dog is desperately begging his master for protection lol -
Heshiis la dhex dhigay Beelo Walaalo ah Kulan balaaran oo Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Magaalada Jowhar soo qaban qaabiyay ayaa lagu heshiisiiyay labo Beelood oo Walaalo ah oo horey Colaadi uga dhaxeysay. Kulanka oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen Mas’uuliyiin Maamulka Gobolka ah & Odayaal Dhaqameedyo labada Beelood ee heshiiyay ka socdey ayaa lagu soo afjarey Colaad in muddo ah ka dhaxeysay. Heshiiska Labada Beelood ee Walaalaha dhex marey ayaa qeexayay in wixii horey u dhex marey Labada Beelood ay ka heeshiiyaan wixii hadda ka dib dhex marana ay ku xalistaan sida Shareecada Islaamku qabto. Sidoo kale in wixii colaad ah ee horey labada Beelood uga dhaxeeyay ay iska ilaawaan baal cusub oo Hashiis & Walaalnimo ku dheehanna ay furtaan. Labada beelood ee heshiiyay ayaa wada dega, deegaano dhaca dhanka Bari ee Gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe. Intii ay socdeen Dagaalada dhex marey Labadeed ayay ka dhasheen khasaarooyin Badan oo Naf & Maalba leh. Odayaal labada dhinac u Hadley ayaa sheegay inay ku qanacsan yihiin Heshiiska Taariikhiga ah ee dhex marey, sidoo kalena ka sheqeynayaan dhaqan gelintiisa. Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Magaalada Jowhar Sh C/fataax Xasan Xuseen oo goobta isna ka Hadley ayaa sheegay heshiiska dhex marey Beelaha walaalaha ay soo dhaweynayaan dhiirina gelinayaan. Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay inay jiraan dhex dhexaadin kale oo ay ka dhex wadaan Beelo kale oo colaadi dhex taalo. Maaha markii ugu horeysay oo Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Magaalada Jowhar ee Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab uu heshiis dhex dhigo Beelo Walaalo ah oo horey diriri u dhex martey. Heshiista Xoogaga Muqaawamadu dhex dhigaan Beelaha Walaalaha ee isku qabta Daaqa & Biyaha ee deegaanada ay wada dagan yihiin ayaa ah kuwo si aad ah loo soo dhaweeyo.
To maintain order, prevent anyone from transgressing against others and protect against injustice, the Islamic Administration in MERCA chopped off the right hand of a thief accused of stealing a cow in Lower Shabelle region on Thursday, witnesses and officials said. Witnesses said Mohamed Islaaw, a 30-year old man was accused of stealing a cow in Gandaabe Village in Lower Shabelle region in southern Somalia. Hundreds of people gathered in a park in Merca town, the regional capital of Lower Shabelle region, where the convicted man’s hand was cut off in accordance with Allah's command. Sheik Abdirahman Kismaayo, the governor of lower Shabelle region warned the people to be alert on banditry and theft, adding that such crimes will result into the hadd punishment being carried out. Meanwhile, the Islamic Administration in the Middle Shabelle region has ordered the women in Jowhar town, 90 kilometers north of the Somali capital Mogadishu, to wear full hijaab, officials said. Sheikh Ali Ghedi, a deputy head for security affairs of the Islamic Administration told reporters that all the women in Jowhar town are required to wear the full hijaab with in 10 days, adding that any one who refuses the commands will be brought before the court and face legal repercussions according to the shari'a.
Hogaanka sare ee Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Bay & Bakool oo la badelay Kulan Maanta gudaha Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobalka ay ku yeeshee xubno sar sare oo ka tirsan Maamulka Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujahidiin ee Bay iyo Bakool ayaa waxaa uu ahaa mid is badel loogu sameynayay Maamulka. Gudoomiyaha Maamulka Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujahidiin ee labadani gobal Sheekh Xasan Maxamed Cali Abuu-eyman waxaa uu goobta uu kulanku ka dhacey ka sheegay in wixii maanta ka danbeeya uusan aheen Gudoomiye. Waxaana intii kulankaasi uu socodey Abuu-eyman si dhab ah uga wareejiyey xilkaasi loo magacaabay Sheekh Mahad Cumar C/kariim oo noqonaya Gudoomiyaha cusub ee Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Gobolada Bay & Bakool oo hoos taga Dhaq-dhaqaaqa Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab. Hase yeeshee Guddoomiyaha cusub mar uu isna goobta kulanka ka hadley ayaa waxaa uu sheegey in uu ku faraxsanyahay xilka loo magacaabey isagoona balanqaadey in uu is badel uu ku sameyn doono labadani Gobal. Qeybaha kale duwan ee Bulshada Bay & Bakool ayaa magacaabista Gudoomiyaha cusub ee Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Goboladan soo dhaweeyay, balse Gobolaha Aqoonyahanada ee Goboladan ayaa ku booriyay Maamulka in balaarin Maamulka lagu sameeyo. 3 Bilood ka hor ayey aheed markii Abuu-eyman xilka loo dhiibey bacdanaa maanta isna xilkaasi iska wareejey.waxaana sidoo kale uu sheegey in aaney jirin wax dhib ah oo isagu xilka u wareejiyey.
The islamic forces of Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen conducted operations in the Bakaro market in Mogadishu on Monday. During these operations, the mujahideen discovered expiry food stored in stores in the market. The governor of the Banadir region, Sheik Ali Mohamed Hussein showed reporters in Mogadishu expiry food and drugs. Mujahideen stand in front of a store in Bakaro Mogadishu 29 June 2009 Sheik Ali warned the business people in Bakaro against keeping expiry food in their stores and gave five days to display it. He also called the people in Bakaro market in Mogadishu to work for the hygiene in the places they are doing their businesses. It is not the first time that the islamic forces of Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen conduct such operations in Bakaro market and discover expiry food. In the end of last year for example, the mujahideen performed operations in the same market, disclosing perished sweets and beverage.
Alshabab Hizbul Islam are planning their biggest attack on Muqdisho.
Shaakirullaah replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
This apostate puppet government will be destroyed soon with the permission of Allah. -
Nin horay u Kufsaday islamarkaana dilay Gabar yar oo maanta Lagu Rajmiyay degmada Wanlaweyne ee gobbolka Sh/hoose Nin horay Falal Kufsi iyo dil ugu geystay Gabar ka soo jeeda Deegaanka Yaaqbari weyne degmada Wanlaweyne ee gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in maanta Lagu Rajmiyay oo dhagax lagu dilay Gudaha degmadaasi Wanlaweyne. Maxkamadda ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka ee degmada Wanlawweyne ee gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa maanta xukun Rajmi ah oo dhagax Ku dilis ah ku fulisay nin gacan ku dhiigle ahaa oo 28-kii bishii May ee Sanadkaan ku dilay gabar yar oo 18-jir ah oo lagu magacaabayay Faadumo Tifow kadib Markii uu kufsaday. Ninkaani ayaa waxaa gacanta ku soo dhigay 30-ka May Ciidamada Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin kadib howlgalo balaaran oo ay sameeyeen, waxaana Baaritaano iyo Maxkamadayn la saaray ninkasi uu ku qirtay dambiga loo heystay. Qaadiga maxkamada ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka ee degmada Wanlaweyne oo lagu magacaabo C/baasid ayaa ku dhawaaqay in ninkaasi eedeysanaha ah lagu fuliyo Xukunkaasi Rajmiga ah waxaana uu dilkiisu ka dhacay Maanta meel fagaare ah oo ku taala deegaanka Yaaqbari weyne. Halkii uu falkaasi ka dhacay ayaa waxaa soo buux dhaafiyay dadweyne aad u farabadan iyo Masuuliyiin ka Tirsan xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo ay wehlinayeen odayaasha Dhaqanka. Dadweynaha ku dhaqan degmada Wanlaweyne ee gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay xakunka ninkaasi lagu dilay waxaa ay ku booriyeen maamulka islaamiga ee degmadaasi in ay sii wadaan dadaaladooda ku aadan dhinaca dhaqan galinta shareecada Islaamka.
Xarakada Mujaahidinta Alshabaab ((Jayshul Cusrah Fi soomaal)) Xafiiska warfaafinta :: wuxu idin so gudbinaya :: (( Maado muqaal ah )) [(Qazwadi Alfurqaan)] Furaha vol45JKqwnx Dajiso Tayyo sarre 252.22 MB om/41684 Tayyo dhexe 52.06 MB m/files/248768392/fr 2.rar Tayyo hoose 18.6 MB m/files/248766822/fr 3.rar tayyo mobeel 21.85 MB m/files/248779268/fr 4.rar youtube toos uga daawo 1 om/watch?v=HNTQtxwJa s0 2 om/watch?v=x1ZyrCgJc tQ 3 om/watch?v=P8C2pFmbe Do Ducadina wanagsan hanaga ilaawina Xafiiska warfaafinta ee xarakada Mujaahidinta alshabaab
Breaking News : Qarax Is-miidaamin : Cumar Xashi (AUN)
Shaakirullaah replied to Juje's topic in Politics
Allahu akbar, an excellent operation masha Allah! May Allah reward our brother, the courageous and heroic living martyr with Al Firdaws. May Allah kill all apostate traitors by the hands of the mujahidiin, amiin. -
The top police commander for the puppet government was among eight killed Wednesday in clashes in the volatile Somali capital, witnesses and officials said. A day after a battle left six dead in a northern neighbourhood, fresh fighting erupted in the southern district of Hodan when apostates loyal to the puppet government attacked positions controlled by the mujahideen. The traitor Ali Sa'id Sheik Hassan, the most senior police officer for the puppet government in the Banadir region, died a few hours ago after bullets from the gun battle hit him as he was in the area where the fighting was continuing between the mujahideen and the apostate traitors. The puppet government only controls a few blocks of Mogadishu with the help of an African Union occupation force that guards the air and sea ports and other key installations for them. Mujahideen control the rest of Mogadishu.
The blessed revelation of Allah is not subject or subordinate to the reasoning of mankind, but vice versa. Brother, these verses are as clear as the sun on a cloudless day. I reccomend you to read the commentaries and statements of the major mufassireen of this ummah regarding the meaning of these verses. If you subsequently still deny the obvious meaning, you atleast need to provide evidence to support your claim.
Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is alive, blames govt for civilian deaths Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys on Sunday blamed pro-government forces for civilian deaths in the latest month of intense fighting. "We are urging the foreign troops and the self-appointed leadership to stop killing and displacing the people in Mogadishu," he told AFP by phone from the capital. "Those resistance groups that are engaged against the occupation forces are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties," he said. Earlier today, an apostate militia of Ethiopian backed collaborators said its fighters shot Aweys during battles in Wabho town on Friday. Press agency Reuters confirmed this and claimed to have been informed by a family member that the sheikh died or had been seriously injured. Aweys did not comment on the reports but said he would hold a press conference in Mogadishu on Monday to give his assessment of the latest fighting and outline his plans.
Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is dead or seriously injured according to press agency Reuters who claims to have been informed by a family member on Sunday. "We understand that Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys was brought yesterday to his brother's house opposite the football stadium," said the Aweys's family member according to Reuters. "We were denied access but confirmed there were doctors in the area... The mood looks like he is dead. The whole area is surrounded by gunmen and there is no access," he added. An apostate militia of Ethiopian backed collaborators said its fighters shot Aweys during battles in Wabho town on Friday, and claimed he died of wounds later. But Aweys's movement, Hizbul Islam, denied that as propaganda.