Gordon Gekko

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Posts posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. Well, you obviously havent read my previous pro-SL posts here at SOL and are unaware of my neutral stand concerning the Somaliland independency case.


    Hows that for being articulate?

    Yes, your ******* humor is very entertaining albeit a bit ******* for a man of your age.


    [ June 18, 2007, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  2. ^^ Nope, cant confirm from news sources but its not a secret that certain 'SL politcians' drink. I happen to know a manager at the airport though which I received this info from but sure, lets sweep it under the carpet for now.


    Regarding the issue on who was first to dismiss the other; my impression from BBC radio and from the article at Somaliweyn.com was that it initially was a decision from Ethiopian Airlines and that the SL ministries comments came after that.




    I heard this and i heard that will not cut it here on SOL

    I'm gonna bookmark this one to see if you practice what you preach.


    The rest of your post is not worth it really

    Easy there buddy, I sense compressed anger in your posts. Why dont you elaborate more articulately on why you think my post is useless instead of resorting to petty oneliners?

  3. Originally posted by N/AA:

    Sadly, clan opportunities
    threw in their money and resources
    and came to dominate the maneuvering of the entity and that is why it ceased to exist.

    Essentially the rise of the ICU was fuelled by capital and support from the business community of Muqdisho which wanted to introduce market regulators so the presence of clan money was in itself a clear incentive for the birth and evolution of the organization.

  4. From what I have heard, the concerned minister was a bit drunk and aggressive at the time of incident. Also, it was Ethiopian Airlines that first told the media it was cancelling its Hargeisa route, the SL Government probably wanted to save its face and make it look like they were behind the decision. In any case it's extremely ridicilous for top politicians to make such a big situation out of this, so publicly. Just recently, swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt had to travel without his bodyguards after they got stopped at Heathrow, so he was travelling without security to Sweden, no fuss about that, he only wrote in his blog "this is the state of affairs in our world today". And here we have an unrecognized, completely persona non grata "politician" complaining about being searched. If the SL admin think their so untouchable, why dont they charter their own jet or buy one instead of travelling with the usual Faaraxs?



    Secondly, this is a zero-sum game where Somaliland has lost and if this situation is prolonged it will cause significant economic repercussions. Just think of the thousands of diaspora settlers that had easy access to an international and professional carrier that could bring them comfortably to Hargeisa and which now will have to look after other, low-quality airlines like Daalo (yes, Daalo sucks, any customer survey will show this). I'm not saying nobody will travel with other airlines to get to Hargeisa, I'm just saying that this number might decrease because of this.


    I'd also like to add that since Ethiopian Airlines is fully government owned, I wouldn't be surprised if they started flying to Aden Adde International or Bosaso.

  5. Although I'm not a pro-secessionist and really enjoyed reading the publication by NSPU, I would say it's a bit over-kill to predict civil unrest and anarchy in the regions controlled by the Hargeisa administration. While I might understand the aggressive rhetorical stance that NSPU, a political party, is practising in their campaign against the northern secessionists, I would recommend a slightly different mode of procedure in getting that camp more pro-Union.


    In order to convey the message of the pro-unionist to the secessionist, the pro-unionist must find a method to wisely capitalize on the current momentum of stability, security and integrity that has been built up in the northeastern part of Somalia. The main instrument that should be used for this endeavour is sophisticated somali politicians that can discretely re-ignite and instill the Somali nationalistic thought into the mindset of the northeastern ppl.


    The first principal that these senior politicians need to adhere to in order to follow the procedure of the above mentioned strategy is simple: fix the southern bonanza and turn it back to its past glory.



    Disclaimer: I'm not saying this is the universal solution to solve the secessionist case. I'm just presenting an alternative I thought would be fruitful.

  6. Since Hargeisa airport can't be open for night-time landings, the prospects for an increased air traffic at Egal International looks scary.


    I say start with the ground first and invest heavily in the airport before looking at the sky.

  7. Masuuliyiinta DFKM iyo Ehelada Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Aadan Cadde oo ka wada hadlay sidii aas qaran loogu sameyn lahaa

    Posted to the Web Jun 09, 12:33



    Muqdisho:-Masuuliyiinta DFKM iyo ehalada madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Soomaaliya Aadan Cabdulle Cusman oo shalay galab ku geeriyooday magaalada Nairobi ayaa ku heshiiyay in maydka madaxweynaha laga soo duuliyo magaalada Nairobi maalinta isniinta ah si loogu aaso magaalada Muqdisho.


    Heshiiskan ayaa waxa uu yimid kadib wadahadal dhex maray madaxda sare ee dfkmg iyo qoyska marxuum Aadan Cadde oo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi halkaas oo shalay galab uu ku xijaabtay madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Soomaaliya markii Soomaaliya ay qaadatay xoriyada sanadkii 1960kii.



    Madaxweyne Yuusuf iyo ra'iisal wasaare Geedi ayaa xiriir dhinaca taleefanka ah la sameeyay reerkii uu ka tagay Aadan Cabdulle Cusman madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Soomaaliya ayagoo ka wada hadlay sidii aas qaran loogu sameyn lahaa madaxweynaha geeriyooday.


    C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa tacsi u diray guud ahaan umadda Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan qoyskii uu ku tagay Aadan Cabdulle Cusman, ayagoo sheegay in maamuus qaran loo sameyn madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee dalka Soomaaliya oo noqday hogaamiyihii ugu horreeyay oo African ah oo xilka si nabad gelyo ah isaga wareejiya kadib markii doorasho looga adkaaday.



    C/qaadir Osman


  8. It has to be noted that these actions primarily are for deterrent purposes; the TFG want to flex the muscles of the governmental duties its posesses in order to claim back the authority of the central government.


    The recent actions will make companies more aware of this newly gained influence of the TFG authorities and initially, lead to less waste of tax revenues from the business community (as more companies will be obedient and pay). This is the aim purpose of the actual actions that were described in this thread. The negative effects of this are that it will shut down close companies or family owned "one-man firm" businesses as they wont be able to pay taxes and meet their margins. Companies that are dependent on the Mogadishu Port are also more exposed to similar bankruptcy, shut-downs. Only the most financally strong or creative business will survive.


    Its evident that the TFG isnt like your usual political administration, introducing labor market stimulating or enterprise friendly programs, but then again, its only living up to its name which is - transitional - .


    Nevertheless, these incrementally imposed measures and regulations of the TFG towards the business community remain a crucial foundation for the long-term prosperity of the Somali economy. The state of the market can always be taken care of by introducing action plan programs but before one can walk you'll have to learn how to crawl. The TFG is only focusing on setting the rules for the players. It is for the next administration to start the game.

  9. ^^ I'm not a pot smoking libartarian hippie. I believe that Somalia should have free-zones and low corporate taxes but I also support regulations of certain markets such as telecom, in order to have a balanced competition in the society and to enable companies to sell functional services.


    Being for free trade however doesnt have to make one naïve and inapt of configuring ones business into its local environment (if the managers wants this business to survive).


    Businesses worldwide continually analyze the geopolitical factors that affect their activity and adjust them accordingly in order to prevent their shops from being closed. For case examples, look at Google in China, or ISPs in UAE. Looks to me some somali companies havent done their homework. This is just the beta-version of a fully functional government though, so the overall industry still got some time to steer away from anarcho-capitalism.