Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: Taako, have you noticed there are two groups making the most noise here. 1, Secessionist who fear the TFG more than anyhthing 2. The clan court groups [ south Mogadishu clans] , who are still licking their wounds. Most here used to support the warlords. These two groups are speaing for "Somalia" funny really. Right on.
  2. Originally posted by mystic: quote:Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: 30-60 days ppl, and we wont hear of any so called insurgents anymore. That is what you said when the Ethiopians were coming, and they are not insurgents they are freedom fighters. Mogadishu will only see more gun battles as more AU troops arrive. I don't recall writing an estimate before. In any way, I support the goals of the peacekeeping force which is to bring peace and stability to the country. It's also pretty obvious that gunfire might occur in the process of cleaning the streets of Mogadishu from the wretched morbids that previously reigned there. It's a logical fallacy to conclude that the AU force's deployment is an occupation based on these vague factors taken out of context.
  3. Funny thing was that the "insurgents" got chased by soldiers on foot. Wow that was some real hardcore insurgents I must say lol. 30-60 days ppl, and we wont hear of any so called insurgents anymore. Could deport them to Bagdhad were they are much needed instead.
  4. Those guys two somali guys behind him are translators. [/QB] I hope that "ya-walad" guy doesn't ****up again lol! "YA-WALAAD!"
  5. Wishful thinking. Most of the somaliland secessionist ideology is based on this kind of "I want a home in africa" crap. Let's face it ppl, when Mogadishu becomes a solid and renewed capital and the farms of the south is activated no so called 'somalilander' will call for independence but unity. If you don't believe me just wait and see for yourself in the coming 20 years.
  6. Actually Mr. nuune, it's mostly from sign-on bonuses, golden hand-shakes, legal corporate fee's.
  7. Originally posted by Garaad Bari: All i knw and been reported b4 is that Geedi bought John Grand's house in Nrbi South C and paid for $12millions,,,,, that raises alarm!!!! The correct price tag on his house in Nairobi is $500 000 (USD). And no, this is not a rumour.
  8. Who cares about a college students ponderings anyways? I bet he just wrote it to get some academic credit. Probably wants to transfer to an Ivy-league next semester.
  9. Berbera port has a long way to go ppl, let's not trick ourselves. Djibouti port invests $6 MUSD, Berbera a puny $640K, you don't even have to do the math. Berbera needs to refine it's administration, I liked the idea of a port authority as one member here mentioned. I think the hardest part is getting the necessary funds though as the ports maintenance and system is evidently poor. Finding a financier for this kind of project can be hard.
  10. I think the so called 'somali mujahideens' should be very careful in their tactics, especially the jihadist founded ones. I'm thinking of the opening of the following Hadith which brings to mind how some 'mujahids' might end up, looking at how violent acts towards both foreign, governmental and civil people are encouraged; Hadith Qudsi 6: On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [ The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire.
  11. I like the Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses that Barre used to sport.
  12. Your uncle should drink from the hell, I say! [/QB] Be careful for what you say in the heat of the debate. You don't have the authority to send ppl to hell or paradise, never less doom a man that claims to be a muslim and is conceived as a muslim to hell.
  13. So a bisad is Somalilands new weapon of choice? 'Meow'
  14. ^^ I'm eagerly waiting for the first somali suicide bomber. As things proceed though, it seems I'll most likely see 'mujahideens' using civilian as shields. I guess the modifications didn't stop with establishing Clan Courts Sharia, but also Clan Courts Warfare.
  15. The thing is, were giving away alot of lands to these minnow resource hunters when the optimal thing to do would be to negotiatie with the big giants. It's a desperate act as I see it.
  16. Taako Man, excellent post brother. I second that.
  17. Taliban, Any somali, including me, General Duke and all the other TFG supporters would give affirmative answers on your first question; 'Do you support Sharia'. It is the following question that we oppose us against, since we actually know, from observing the actions of the ICU that they werent based on pure Sharia but on a modified, clan biased version.
  18. peacenow, In order to give an objective analysis of the current political situation in Somalia, one needs to circle and take into account the various actual factors behind the 'casus belli' and the current state of affairs. It's a complex procedure that calls for much more in-depth examinations and refections, than subjective opinions derived from mere observations from the sideline. So far the news articles and press releases has show that the TFG administration is having severe problems with bringing about peace and tranquility but the press releases has also shown a sincere and eager will to bring about a positive change and a new dawn in Somalia, with the setting up of the foundations for the TFI's as well as the appeal and organization for peacekeeping forces. I understand that many somalis loathe the ethopian precense and that the TFG thus has gained bad PR, but let's not fool ourselves with logical fallacies and become blind of the anarchic situation that has been prevalent in Somalia for the last 16 years. One would have thought that the exchange of peacekeeping forces to Ugandans and muslim Nigerians would have soothed the minds of these 'patriotic somalis' but the general consensus in Somalia seems to be that this measure is in vain. This brings us to finding out to whom these opinions belong? Most probably it originates from the remnants of the ICU who many TFG-supporters believe were de facto organized 'clan courts' who have sent out distorted messages to the unknowing masses of the Somali people, having low literacy levels, and strong religious faith. Although the people's faith was righteous and sincere, the ICUs message wasn't, and this is actually not an opinion I had before, but one I received by discussing with sincere fellow muslims and sheiks from Europe to Yemen about the validity and uprightness of the ICU. So far, I'm putting my vote on the TFG and support them.
  19. Probably off-topic: Mr. Oodweyne, with reference to your alleged UK mid/high-level governmental contacts, could you give us any 'inside info' on these UK officials standpoint regarding Somalilands declaration of independence?
  20. Originally posted by Shucayb: ^Economist, fair and honest question. Although recogntion was 'denied' by these AU nations, does that still deny them any potential recogntion to get from more advanced technologically, financially European countries, than nations of the 'dark' continent? Some of these nations are struggling for their existance, if we even compare some of these nation to somaliland, we could honestly conclude that Somaliland is ahead of them both economically and YES stability by far. So AU is nothing in my view. No not at all, the possibility itself exists, but as you know the process of being acknowledged as a soverign country is far more complex than just indicating certain possibilites. And that takes us to the question of why the international community refuses to acknowledge Somalilands independence, any answer to that?
  21. Another effort from Somaliland officials, ending in embarrassment: Somaliweyn Media Centre Wafdi ay hogaaminaysay Wasiirka Haweenka Somaliland ayaa maanta isaga baxay shir ay lahaayeen haweenka dalalka Uganda, Kenya, Somalia iyo Suudaan kulankaani oo looga hadlayey arrimaha hourmarinta haweenka Soomaalida ayaa wafdiga Somaliland iyo wasiirkeedaba isaga baxay ka dib markii lagu wargaliyey inay ka mid noqoto haweenka ka yimi gobolada dalka Somalia iyadoo loo sheegay inay matalayaan gobolada waqooyi. This, if anything, shows the unprofessional methodology that the govermental institutions of Somaliland is carrying on. They should've at least have gathered enough information about the summit (a non-political one) before they departed in order to prevent such embarrasing negations. Or maybe these officials and ministers representing Somaliland are going by the phrase "it goes without saying" ...
  22. As a young somali living abroad, I frankly don't understand the hole buzz about getting sovereignty for Somaliland, the hole concept has been new to me so I've been opposing it, naturally. Now can anyone change my mind and explain all this? From my point of view, it's still the same race, same ppl living on slightly more arid but developed (infrastructure wise) land. Also, I would like to have a more detailed outline on the relevance between the Somaliland issue and Switzerland/Taiwan as one member pointed out. It seems to be a far-fetched analysis.
  23. Alle-Ubaahne; your sitting here on a forum moaning about "protecting your countries religion from infidels". Tell me, where have you been under the past 16 years of anarchy? US?, Canada? Europe? Indulging in comfortable western living? I beg my pardon if you were in Somalia preaching or in an Islamic country studying Diin all this time - then your efforts and speech makes sense. But if that's not the case I would very much like to know your eager to drum on this hole Moslems vs. Infidels thing (as seen in Afghanistan, Iraq).
  24. It's funny to note how all these columnists that critisize the TFG always has an alternative form of governance that would become so fantastically more prosperous at hand - something they never attempted to air, never less demonstrate, during 16 years of anarchy.