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Everything posted by NIN_NOOL
who can you trust when everything seems out of touch when loyalty is a must when the bubble is about to bust who can you trust when the chips are scarce when competition is fierce when the walls have ears who remains dear? who will be there thru the thick and thin who can you call - a true friend who will be there in the end who can you call on - again and again do you have a person that's down wit ya for life when things ain't going right down in the tunnel - but can't see no light they're there to make sure everything turns - aiight who can you trust with your innermost some secrets - should remains with its' host who can you trust with your goals and hopes who can you trust - they won't burn you like toast who can you trust at the end of the line who can you trust when you're short on time who can you trust - to reveal to you - to what you are blind who can you trust and know they are not lyin' who can you trust - they not playing games who can you trust to not diss your name who can you trust - to not use you for their capital gains who can you trust - when it starts to rain? who can YOU trust?
supafly thanks for checking me sxb, looking forward to ur next flow....... Creatures of habit we got to have it mind borders savage ready to open the package irregardless of a biohazard just as long as the shirt and shoes are matchin' got to get my hands on it doggone it then flaunt it and make other people want it the lastest trend - house of common can't see the problem without a gun they rob them now we're (PILOTS) so we (PALM) them virtual memory biochemistry name on the registry pre-ordained destiny tell me are you ready? The Alpha - The Omega won't find it written in the newspaper The Judge The Jury and The Undertaker the microchip storage won't make you any safer how much is need how much is greed da concrete streets colored red as they bleed mortality under siege we tire from oppression but we won't concede this ain't make-believe it's reality but don't call it virtual just wondering is life very purposeful rising profits as they murda you take all your money then spread dirt on you carcinoma - malignancy of a tumor steadfast we are ant soldiers disguised as consumers spread the rumor if not later then sooner whatever goes UP must come DOWN re-entry at 80,000 miles a second causes it to hit the ground Burning.
Not jumping to any conclusions, but u sure u didnt do it........u sure.......ok . This is indeed a obsessed mind flow very nice scribe !!! almost missed this flava here.
Xpectin love when its none you gave this topic you cannot evade call me sumtin like a daytime maid clean'n up da ish on this page thats tattered and frayed da day walker like blade i got water bombs for da haterz ready made... all poets should love thoughts laid down on da page being selfish is crazed... Xpectin love when you gave no love that was written is like sh*tin without pullin ya pants down da mentality of a clown is what i see and i have to take this point to town we are all fam this act deserves a noun hmmm.... you think it's something special bout ya wordz well... so does everyone else this situation really stinks like dog turdz check my rec. i neva mince my dialect always flow without a saftey net all this of which i speak is a matter of respect love is beautiful neva be scurred to stick out ya neck what da heck... is going on?????????
As i gander ova abstract continents i ponder about how hot it gets in da mental when ya soul is wet even after da sun sets subconcious sounds are supasonic off da chronic tax money grubers are like da bubonic plague stealing my loot like a pilferer on da wrong page age helps ta sharpen da path while others succumb to da laugh gas i jet pass da dumb @sses real fast cause it sucks get'n caught in a morans blast with ya brain in a cast it's the nature of the threat like rass cass bwoy just watch and please don't ask as i form flaming sword like voltron and proceed to slash and bash to open up a gash in both lobes i dispence out direct duties in acient kemetic robes as others stop and pose as if caught in a slow shine'n strobe light tonite da night to display ya incite but if all you do is bite then keep it to yourself cause ya ish aint tyte take time to write or type or free verse recite then maybe you'll be alright nothing like vibes that flow when locked in turbo verbal vertigo herbal flows ya insight really shows whether your brain is actually in turbo or slo mo hold up wait a minute...........
Tight scribe soldier,feeling the flow on this so lets keep the mental bullets flying ...... Better believe in miracles Status post critical They got your number Input the serial Cut eye surveillance canvass with peripheral Communications tapped equipment via digital Unsuspecting minds, life borders miserable Programmed to the bad stuff confirms the habitual Back and forth with the every day ritual Reflex thinking mirrors sitcom situational In the dense fog you vision the mirage 5 to 1 odds can you handle the brain massage behold the soldier by nature in total defiance if you're under parental guidance those at home shouldn't try this locked in your red zone districts as census and statistics by the CIA and the imperial wizards snowbound in the cut like a blizzard years from now they'll say he tried to tell them as they down load information into your cerebellum dark angel in the new milleneum bar codes on the neck like hardened felons escape from New York, Robin Island to Feltham humans as commodities buy em and sell 'em choke hold on the neck with the full nelson feeling like a visitor with a worn out welcome winners hit at this game like LOTTO very seldom siphon out the rations and you foretell the outcome freedom at your expense from here to london tracked thru e-mail, cell phone records and credit reports can't hide in the wilderness of the Siberian north nervous condition leads to whopping cough this war is like none ever before fought you show me your weapon and I'll show you mine no, this war is of the mind bio-chemical changes infused to your neurons kill you off slow no need for smart bombs Lets all get on the bus before we miss it watch as I flip it on a higher conscience forget the nonsense counting down to apocalypse...
Instinct-Poet This is truly tyght on tha mental. keep on speakin' on that truth, i'm lovin' it.
A car door. When it gets hot i can put the window down,when it gets cold i can put it up.
I think youre on to somethin' here. I hecka felt the flow like a warm wind in a spot of some merciless sun blazin' realities. Becouse this is how i feel right now,tired of the daily rigamarole,but i gues i'll get plenty of rest when im six feet under. so if I may... I getz sick and tired/ ticked I'm wired/ like so much explosives/ yet feelings like this ain't nuttin but corrosive/ at most theyre the clossest/ I need to be chilled shoutin' shade, but shady? na but it's all gravy/ can't fade this reality we all need to take five, seen? but it's you and me baby/ you and me my peoples/ quick to debate the evils we seen lately/ in a quest to be equal I seek no less than what's real// enough still/ that it's just the appeal of what's true that moves me/ Truly and the beauty of it all is despite the fatigue we can still stand tall/ empty hands and all. Thanx for the vent session.
Cerebellums are attacked the state of being awake is being jacked / and my brothers are thinking off balance, cause comas sound good / / THE SNORING IS TOO **** LOUD / sheep are tired from jumping fences cause brothers sleeping too long /leaving them defenseless and in jail cells . / /THE SNORING IS TOO **** LOUD / noise assassinates the silence of a mothers mind who finds that her young warrior has been killed cause other warriors thought they were keeping it real / when real is only someone's reality and their reality is someone elses death/ let's boil away the turmoil and see what's left/ an emptiness that defines a lost brothers culture, a void where tomorrow is on sale to the highest bidder/ another brother is behind bars another brother is behind bars /How much is it gonna cost me to stop being blackmailed? / /THE SNORING IS TOO **** LOUD / Operator this is the wake up call, please send a wake up call to every somalian man and woman up here in the qurba...RIGHT NOW!'/ We have five minutes til the revolution begins! No time to waste on sleeping people/ No time for blunts and skinny no warrior runts... Lets kick it in high gear . / /THE SNORING IS TOO **** LOUD / wake up ****** wake up wake up your disturbing my piece.
Aamiin. Ciid mubaarak, and may ALLAH accept all our prayers.
Lois Lane Thanks for the love and support on this. United we shall stand... We all must join the ranks. A shared vision produces unity, productivity and maximum efficiency and effectivenes. Lets dare to imagine what we can be.
On the one hand, without color some may doubt the authenticity of the photo. On the other hand, if you use black and white, you probably increase the likelihood of that coveted Pulitzer. Hmmm, assuming that the camera doesn't already have film in it, and thus I have to load it which will take some time, I probably just use the camera to take a wack at him as he floats by.
Here's a dilemma for you. With all your honour and dignity what would you do? This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. Please don't answer it without giving it some serious thought. By giving an honest answer you will be able to test where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will have to make a decision one way or the other. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous. Please scroll down slowly and consider each line - this is important for the test to work accurately. You're in Florida. In Miami, to be exact. There is great chaos going on around you, caused by a hurricane and severe floods. There are huge masses of water all over you. You are a CNN photographer and you are in the middle of this great disaster The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot very impressive photos. There are houses and people floating around you, disappearing into the water. Nature is showing all its destructive power and is ripping everything away with it. Suddenly you see a man in the water, he is fighting for his life, trying not to be taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move closer. Somehow the man looks familiar. Suddenly you know who it is - it's George W. Bush!!! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take him away, forever. You have two options. You can save him or you can take the best photo of your life. So you can save the life of George W. Bush, or you can shoot a Pulitzer prize winning photo, a unique photo displaying the death of one of the world's most powerful men. And here's the question (please give an honest answer) Would you select color film, or rather go with the simplicity of classic black and white?
Wake up my people... Forge your future from your past. Embrace the lessons that U learned from life as your class. Past instructors leading by example, Bleeding by the handfuls, offering themselves as sacrifices. Assume the role of greatness that is genetically inside us, Hermetically sealed 2 define us as the Kings & Queens of our birthright. Our land is unmistakeably the center of Earth's might, Which is why we're the heartbeat of civilization. It's no coincidence that our culture is endeared by virtually every nation. As soon as we realize our potential, our excellence will be eminent. Wake up my people... Respect each other as equals. Cease the unnecessary clashes that decrease the strength of our masses. In this struggle, we need our warriors prepared 4 the battle. Capable of felling the enemy from his high-horse's saddle. Yet, my forces straggle from our side & continuously commit fratricide . They straddle enemy lines, empowering them mindlessly when another of our soldiers violently dies. We can only be mighty when we unite... Our solidarity will ensure our victory in the fight. The stability of our collective minds will expose the trickery 2 the light. Do what's right & cast away the trivial differences... Only then will we be able 2 concentrate on our true oppositions. Wake up my people... Silence the mouths, let our hearts be the mediums we speak through. Let those words reflect our oneness with ourselves & the Almighty... 4 ALLAH favors those who live righteously. Can U feel our Mother reaching out 2 us, calling 4 our return, Asking 2 teach our brothers & sisters at home all that we have learned? Let us be the factor which determines whether our nation survives... Let us be the factor that protects our nation from a slow demise. Wake up my people Unite.
Lust v.s. Fury Sloth jumped off the mat as he just noticed how the arena was so packed~ Thinking about how this supa battle will be finishing~ That's when fury came in screaming~ like mike tyson Looking menacing~ playing i'm bad by cool j~ Screaming kill kill kill was all he had to say~ While over in the next bay lust loomed and leered at fury then sneered as the crowd cheered lusting for gut busting~ Demons in the back were side betting and hustling while both participants got settled in the ring~ Jinoole announced round one fight three then the bell rang ding!!!! Both lords came out and locked hands~ To see which one was the strongest from man~ knuckles glowed red to white hot as the lords jocked trying to get on top~ The crowd was screaming at a defining pitch not wanting the violence to stop~ That's when fury did a 360 and put lust in a headlock~ Hollering and squeezing trying to make lusts eyes pop~ That's when he did a knee drop on top of lusts dome and then furys eyes shone~ Lust seeing this bit furys leg with teeth made of chrome cause he had a bloodlust~ Fury angered even more said yo b!tch @ss butt im bout ot bust~ That's when lust scooped up fury by his nuts and suplexed him on his neck~ At this someone in the crowd let off some shots from a tek 9~ But no one even turned around to see the crime~ Fury then jacked up lust in a full nelson and dropped him on his spine~ Grinning with the eyes of a madman what fury did next was far worse than unkind~ He rolled lust over and started stomping him in his behind again and again and again and then some more until he stomped right thru the floor then he stomped some more~ After this fury had a blood vessel sticking out his forehead and lust fell to his eternal bed then fury screamed~ Do you want some hardcore? cause i'll kill em all do you want some hardcore? my heart's black and raw do you want some hardcore? i'll tap all y'alls jaw do you want some hardcore? hardcore? hardcore? At a feverish pitch the crowd chanted over and over and over and over you'se a bad b!tch.
This was incredibly thought provoking, emotionally stirring....let the message be heard and free caged minds... Thanks sista.
Sloth v.s. Gluttony Greed steps off the stage in a rage~ Looking for the next lord to eat~ Sloth and gluttony look like tasty treats~ Seeing this Jinoole scouped greed off his feet~ That set the stage for the next death match minced meat~ Sloth slipped and slid up to the ring~ Posturing to the crowd~ Putting in his bid to get rid of gluttony~ and his massive 10 arms and 10 hands that make flesh buttery~ Jinoole flew back to give the pre-fight summary and announce round 1 fight 2~ Sloth v.s. Gluttony People I thought you knew~ Gluttony's fist pounded~ 10 arms blasted the ground and set a shockwave that shook sloth's wig~ Then glut pulled out a flask and took a swig drawing power from the stoners~ Sloth jumped up and cracked one of glut's arms like a twig~ Looks like glut's a moaner~ Sloth backflipped back to the corner of the ring and adjusted his wig~ Then sloth crept like a cat and came with cresent kicks~ Glut blocked all of the kicks with his fists~ Then caught one of the kicks in his arm pits and spun sloth like a top~ Which gave him the sh!ts~ Sloth got slung to the ground~ While glut proceeded to pound 9 fists into sloth's sternum with such fire it looked like gluttony was burning him~ Just as it seemed over for sloth~ He spun out the ring~ His flesh badly burning and his wig torn off~ But then he remembered that glut's heart is soft~ Sloth then put his hands on his knees and feigned a cough~ Glut's mass oozed over~ With the quickness~ Sloth snapped up and swiped glut's feet~ and glut fell like a bronze boulder~ Then charging for his chest~ Sloth snatched out glut's heinous heart~ and watched glut's eyes turn lifeless~ Smiling cause he knows his brothers weakness the best~ Then with eyes blazing~ He yelled out to the crowd~ Who wanna cummmm tesssssss???? an end up n a messssssss!!!!!! after that sloth squeezed and sucked all glut's heart blood up and tossed the empty husk away like it was useless...
Envy v.s. Greed In this first round pride gets the bye~ Cause him be the top guy~ He thinks that he has this contest wrapped around his fat finger~ So he sits back and watches as his corrupt aura lingers...(him be the real dead bringer). Envy and greed step into the ring~ All the demons rave and chant~ They rant as thoughts bring~ Their devilish combined minds to a crescendo~ The looking glass window is closed to all outsiders...(cept I)~ The dark force clouds untrained minds denoted by the pale rider holding a world igniter...(Diligence be the only writer)~ Envy is in the black trunks~ While greed is in green~ Both lords are seen bouncing in their corner until the bell rings~ ding! Greed comes out swinging his firery fists~ Connecting on crunching combos without a miss~ Bodyblow to the kidney then a fierce axe kick to the knee~ From this barrage envy steps to the side~ With his right fist in a tiger claw~ He slashes greed in his eye to blur his vision~ As blood dripped down greeds face~ He was seen noticably wincing~ Thats when envy jumped off the top rope and caught greed in a scissors lock and commenced to neck pinching~ First squeezing squeezing and more squeezing~ then Weezing weezing and more weezing~ Envy likes the drama for the crowd pleasing~ All of a sudden greed arched his back~ Then flipped over like an acrobat~ Broke out the hold~ Put envy in a camel clutch then folded his back in two~ With this last move the crowd saw envy lose... Greed picked up envy's essence and swallowed him whole~ Taking all envy's previous strength as a lesson to all non-believers~ Step to greed and he'll play the grim reaper~ Greed got larger from the merger~ After he ate up envy like a cheeseburger~ Beating his now broader chest~ Greed said I want more~ and until I get it all I will never rest~ who's next?
The first part was a brief poem of each of these guys . Now the WAR can start .
SLOTH..... *yawning* These shorties can't step to me~ Cause everyone on the earth is at least a little lazy~ Trying to get past me is simple crazy~ Look at all the phoneless that's me~ Look at all the jobless that's me~ Look at all the petty robbers that's me~ All these other lords are cheezy~ Spitting out hot air that's breezy~ The world needs me~ More than any other in their life~ I turn young boys and girls to hypes~ To escape working in reality they chew and build mountains~ Stay in bed a little longer~ Cause I understand your pain~
WRATH...... *SCREAMING* Those $tupid fools~ Thinking that they are going to win~ When I get done with them~ They will all be ripped open from @ss to ear~ Cause I supply all of the wars~ And make people fear~ All racist points of views are mine to steer~ Remember your uncle~ That got shot in the head back home~ That was me that did that~ And each daily murder~ Is just a hint of my wrath~ The hulk has nothing on me~ Bush's boiling anger~ Is just a sample of my craft~ I am the true force behind human nature~ And I will rein supreme forever.
LUST...... Screw what those other minor lords are saying~ My influence is the strongest~ And I'm not playing~ I control most minds from puberty to old age~ I stir the caldron until some men burn in rage~ I make feeble brains sex the under age~ And that's just on the first page~ Multi billion dollar industries support who I be~ And all the young fantasize over me~ You know im going to get mine~ Each time your girl tricks off for the knee bend~ And each time you trick off and bust nuts with a grin~ My power multiplies by ten~ So lets have an orgy of ten~ So that I can spread some fake love in the lions den.
GREED..... I gots the gusto~ The war was birthed from my nuts so~ I feel pretty good about my chances~ I'll take control of your soul~ Before you have any time for second glances~ My chaotic melody prances~ Around the globe affecting all shapes and sizes~ Hostile takeovers with no suprises~ Money is the weapon of my vices~ My seductive skills are the nicest you've ever seen~ Men possessed by me have an eerie gleam in both their eyes~ I got ties will all but the most pure~ You say none of me is in you~ Are you sure~ Cause for my spell there is no cure~ Take me to the grave~ But no further~ Cause I cut like a double edged blade~ Fired out of hells mortar.
GLUTTONY..... I am the big daddy of all lords~ Overindulgence is my card~ Once I got a hold of you I'll turn your body into mostly rubbish~ I got people in the qurba letting down their guard~ Indulgence is only one of my decencies~ Cause every lord in excess is me~ I ruin qat heads lives masterfully and with glee~ I make crack heads smoke up their friends like a chimneys~ hee hee hee The construction of my destruction is crafted so well that mostly no one ever flees~ My alcaholic people drink up like the seas and oceans~ worshiping me has become plain to see~ That's why there is no commotion when I step in tha place~ I got souls on lock of every tribe~ Recognise my strength~ and get that confused look off your face~ Cause you know you want another taste.
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