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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Rudy you are not the only one my dear boy. I too, have received emails a while ago from this girl from Montreal. She is beautiful, absolutely stunning, in a state that all that came out of me while chatting were typos of the worst kind. If I didn't get a hold of myself immedeately she would believe that I was an utter fool, a dimwit if you may. The woman lambasted me with emails of vivid conviction. Logically, it would be much to my delight as kindness in kind is a virtue much to the delight of the few, yet to the dismay of the many that rarely descends upon the congregating flock despite the yearning of the mass for the said object. Therein in that divine moment, the structured structure of my brain transgressed as I did not find her as attractive as she was before. She robbed me from my hunting instinct, by presenting herself as a young, bewildered wildebeest sacrificing itself for the remaining millions of wildebeests before the majestic lioness. Much to the delight of the stomach, satisfaction is far sought after and absent. It simply doesn't taste as good as it does when drained with a mix of your sweat and her blood.
  2. Yoonis, I wholeheartedly agree that the tall man is worth a tall amount of praises for his admirable work in Jowhar. Noting that the centre of central Somalia; Gaalkacyo can take a leaf from Jowhar, a town just a stonethrow away from Muqdisho.
  3. Originally posted by Jumatatu: They must be good btches, cause they made sure the scums which you revere never set foot in Juba... Yes yes, they must be first-class btches indeed. I can imagine Morgan enjoying the latest Dayniile articles printed out by one of his arronboys while sipping on his hot cinnamon tea enriched with clouds of milk, and then stumbling on a very familiar big beard - a beard that is not his - on the very next page. Thereby reciting to himself the famous words of Ian Fleming - The Englishman that gave birth to James Bond in Jamaica - without an ounce of reservation he might feel to others present within the four walls, with a distinct Somali twist: "The Warlord Who Shagged Me!". Again, indeed they must be good btches. My dear chap by the name of Morgan can attest to that as he's still scratching the wounds caused by the stilettos of these infamous btches a good 6 years ago.
  4. ---------> BTW. Alexus, what the hell are you doing here? Go hit the books!
  5. Those two 'governors' are - how do I put this delicately? - ********* [ September 13, 2005, 21:50: Message edited by: Admin ]
  6. The speaker deserves to get beat up everywhere he goes.
  7. Sky


    True, there are websites where you can check who blocked you. Many killings and other tragedies have occured because of this new possibility. People tend to become very emotional when blocked on MSN by someone they trust, love or/and respect. Mo Technology, Mo problems.
  8. Originally posted by Nazra: lol, i'm freaked out. Are u for real...??? :eek: PMS my name then we will see if u are for real. I'm not PMing your name. I'm saying it right now, your name is Nazra.
  9. Sky


    Google my name once a while, since we submitted a dude's name to a gay website years ago. Even though we cool again, but that was some funny shit. The worst was when he called my mum like a little girl. I really got my azz kicked that night.
  10. I climbed Mt. Seymour. The one with easiest access, but a whopping 4766 ft nevertheless. :cool: I know it sounds dorky, but you should go to Science World. Its cool. PS. Allright than, I promise not to step on those puppies by accident.
  11. 3. Keep Clean: Cleanliness is next to Godliness goes a Hindu proverb. Lets not worry about the origin of the phrase but concentrate on the message. No woman likes a smelly man. Sweat is not sexy, neither is bad breath or yellow teeth. Shower atleast twice a day and brush after every meal… this is the only way you’ve a shot at ‘scoring’. So if I smell like poop, my game-rating will be zero or less? I didn't know that. :rolleyes: 7 of nine, I'll print out your "How to be a good slave" list and use it as toiletpaper. :mad:
  12. Animal Farm you scared me there for a moment. Femme you live in Van right? I would say go climb the Rocky mountains. I did that and it was a great experience. I'll never forget Whistler. One love for Capilano too. I'm gonna study next year in Nanaimo, Malaspina Business School. I know your adress and I'll come bust into your room aight. Just kiddin. Originally posted by CHE': Give Condi Rice a face lift, all might be well after that. Condi needs more than a facelift. You know what I mean. As in matter of fact the condition of her face is so messed up, she's beyond help. There's nothing we can do for her.
  13. Originally posted by Modesty_Chick: Would you change anything in your life? And what would that be? To have $1 million in my bank account. You know what I mean.
  14. Sky

    Re: Godey

    Yoonis Lol I haven't you seen you this angry before. Keep up the good work, because I enjoy your posts. Just ignore that dude. If it had been about Cabudwaq, he would be singing another tune.
  15. Are you guys racists or something. Black people shouldn't donate. Like we are little kids or something and we need to stay put and know our place. The experience of giving is so much more powerful than receiving. It enriches one's soul/ Don't deny that to Africa, no matter how poor we are. We still deserve our dignity.
  16. who is nice,educated,religious which i cannot say the same for, the guy i am with. Lol than why are you with that dude? We would get married to each other if i was not married by the time i am 25. It works for some people. And disastrous to others. Bit confusing, and i am not going into it. Go into it. Make my day. Come on.
  17. how about a MUTUAL respect? whatever the wife does for the husband, the husband should do for the wife! Yada Yada Yada! And Warrior of Light, you wanna cause me a heartattack or something? No for real though, such a wife would scare the shit out of me. I like daily fights in my house, neighbours calling the cops on us and shit, kids screaming. Than I feel comfortable in my house.
  18. Sky

    Re: Godey

    I am very much impressed by Godey. But I do have a lot of questions Yoonis. Where the hell do those buildings come from? What is going on in Godey bisinka? Do the Ethios have plans for Godey or are the OGs stepping their game up a notch or two? The construction that I witnessed is not small potatoes. I don't think, except for Muqdisho's buildings pre-1991, any Somali inhabited city can top what Godey just showed.
  19. Originally posted by Ducaqabe: Big time misplaced priority. More like A$$ kissing donation. I wonder what they'll get in return. Definetily misplaced priority. But I also take pride in this. It indicates a level of dignity. Something the richest nation in the world lacks.
  20. Maxamed Qanyare Afrax , whose real name is Daahir Qanyare Afrax, (God knows why he changed his name.) became a police officer of his clan hometown of Ceel Buur. He became a police officer solely, because the Somali police was supported by the US and the American tactic was adopted by Gen Maxamed Abshir Muuse to turn criminals into police officers. As expected he didn't have the ability to quickly rise through the ranks as many did. Being stuck, his wife who is from the Northeast (Puntland) asked Gen Maxamed Abshir, the Police Chief, on basis of kinmanship to consider her husband for promotion. Gen Maxamed Abshir, known to be anti-tribalism, rejected it. Than the military staged a bloodless coup and he got a job in the budget department of the Police. After a while his criminal nature took over of him and he stole police salaries worth 30 000 Ssh and fled to Kenya. While in Kenya, he hussled. After that he joined the SNM and transferred to the USC when it was formed in 1989. When the government fell in 1991, he was appointed interior minister by Cali Mahdi. Finding himself under the patronage of Cali Mahdi, he made a habit of cussing Caydiid left and right on the radio. When the conflict between Cali Mahdi and Caydiid reached and all-time height, Qanyare further instigated the conflict for hiw own interests. After the big showdown between Cali and Caydiid, Qanyare switched over to Caydiid's side and co-founded Salballaar. When Salballaar was set, Qanyare advocated to invade Baydhabo, leading to Baydhabo, city of death. When Xuseen Caydiid got kicked out of Baydhabo by the RRA forces. Qanyare quickly collected troops and stationed them in his current base Dayniile. In this period, Carta came to effect and Qanyare increased in importance and fame. Currently he rules Dayniile with terror through his evil sons. Boys whom ironically have maternal roots in the Northeast, are known as Qusay and Uday in how they treat the Mog populace. One manages the vehicles, technicals and Dayniile airstrip while the other manages the militia and the taxes. What a family business! Lucky as he is, for the man is not blessed. He is the boss of the speaker of parliament, Sharif Xasan. Nobody knows what kind of dirt he has on the Sharif, but he sure has full control over the speaker. With this new political tool, Sharif Xasan, he works to destroy the new Somali government. The last hope for the Somali people.
  21. Sky

    Troll Corner

    I'm having Computer Applications class right now and it smells so so bad in here. It smells like huuro in here Allaahu Akbar. Somebody ate garlic for sure. I'm suspecting this Russian dude. This is the kinda smell that makes you cry out of pain. :eek:
  22. I was 16 and got a job as a parking controller. It was great, it didn't feel like work because my working group consisted of my friends only. We just sat around getting paid and one of us would occasionaly lead a car to its parking spot. We got free pizza and soda. And the money wasn't too bad either. Every night, after work, we would go downtown and just hang out, spending our not-deserved money. Spitting in burgers at good ol' McDonald's. :mad: