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Everything posted by Batta

  1. The last one very very true, its not even a joke!!!
  2. دعاء التوبة إلي الله اللهم إني أستغÙرك لكل ذنب خطوت إليه برجلي أو مددت إليه يدي Ùˆ تأملته ببصري أو أصغيت إليه بأذني أو نطق بهالساني... أو أتلÙت Ùيه ما رزقتني ثم استرزقتك على عصياني Ùرزقتني ثم استعنت برزقك على عصيانك Ùسترته علي وسألتك الزيادة Ùلم تحرمني ولا تزال عائدا علي بحلمك وإحسانك يا أكرم الأكرمين... اللهم إني أستغÙرك من كل سيئة ارتكبتÙها ÙÙŠ وضح النهار أوسواد الليل ÙÙŠ ملأ٠أو خلوة ÙÙŠ سر٠أو علانية Ùلم أستحيي منك وأنت ناظر إلي... اللهم إني أستغÙرك من كل Ùريضة أوجبتَها عليّ ÙÙŠ الليل أوالنهار تركتÙها خطأً أو عمدا أو نسياناً أو جهلا وأستغÙرك من كل سنة من سنن خاتم النبيين محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم تركتÙها غÙلةً أو سهوا أو نسياناً أو تهاوناً أو جهلا... أستغÙر الله وأتوب إليه مما يكرهه الله قولاً أوÙعلا باطناً أوظاهرا أستغÙرالله وأتوب إليه.. I hope people can actually read and u would be luckier if u were to understand the meanings, i try n post it if i can next time, Allahuma taqabal minaa wa minhum. ameeen.
  3. salaam calykum, For me family is very important, n i think raising kids in this dysfunctional world is difficult whether u r a working mum or not. I would not of course agree from the beginning not to work after i marry but of course when i have kids and i have to stay home i will for as long as they need me, n then go back to work. I was raised by a working mum who is an accountant and all the gals in my family r degree holders and my father was very supportive of my mum so why should not this so called Mr perfect!!!! N let me tell u about a house wife's work at hoem it never ends, u think its stress free and she can stay beautiful :rolleyes: . That is out of the question ,but u know she can be happy and be great wife and a mum if those men who think staying home mums or working mums should do everything and still be presentable at all times!!! Good bless my mother and urs too.
  4. Salaam to everyone, Marraige is good of course, but i hope we dont get married for teh wrong reasons, cos many divorces are happening! And lets think hard b4 we tigh the knot! I was listening to another psycologist analysing the reasons, n according to him cos most of the ppl get married cos they r lonely, or family is forcing them ,or wtever other reason , n tehy totally forget that they wil have to co habit with a totally strange person(no matter how many yrs u went out with him/her), n marriage is not all about one thing,that we all know!!! their r many things we should consider and not 100% love . religeon ,morals,education(its important that ppl should be of same level,but of course its not always). and family should be willing to accept this person, cos at some point u will blame this person for taking u away from ur family. anyways all the best to us unmarried ppl, and lots of prayers to those who did it
  5. Salaam calykum, Bro Nur this an excellent topic to tackle ,i myself was told to wear the headscarf when i was living in one of the arab countries n i was 13 yrs old, but Alxamdulilah i never removed it. However i had many school freinds who used to remove it as soon as they come into school. Anyways ,teh parents have to do more than forcing their children to wear the scarf, they have to first tell them why its good to wear it? wt does it mean to be muslim gal? and of course the scarf part will come naturally And the most important thing is to teach the children about the morals, unfortunetly most of the mothers are worried about their gals covering then they r about teh morals. Of course the mothers have to be good rule models for their children in the department of morals!!!! I had an encounter with a lady who ran away with her children from north America to a country i was in in Africa, the gals were taken to islamic schools, they were told to wear a certain way n all. Unfortunetly i witnessed how the mother was talking to one of her workers at their home, n that gives a wrong message to her children and the worst part is that SHE DOES NOT REALIZE THAT SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO ABUSE THAT PERSON JUST COS SHE PAYS him/her. So to all of u ppl when u pray ask Allah to give u high morals too. Allahuma ini as'aluka al cifa wa xusn al quluqwal ridaa bil qadar. Ameen.