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  1. How can the "government" do anything if they have no base inside the country? Beleive me, I would like to see the "government" and the parties Unite and find some common ground. But, I do not think it will ever happen as long as the Ugandans are there. Like it or not, ash-Shabab and Hizbul al-Isam, etc. are the legitimate parties in the country. TFG can only join them or risk being defeated. It is best for TFG to make a deal before it is too late. To make a deal, they must ask the Ugandans to leave.
  2. As-Salam Alaikum, I want to thank the author of this very valauble piece of African history, especailly of Somalia. It ias clear now that the Somali nation is well on its way to peace, reconciliation and unity, when thinking men and women begin to study our history to understand what went wrong or right and why. Indeed, Nkrumah said that history points to ideology. And, correct ideology is what is needed now to rebuild Somalia.