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Everything posted by Nephissa

  1. How would a Somali one sound like? He [husband] came at me with a butcher knife on our wedding night, for he could not open my stitched up Cambar? Give us an example here, CL & SS.
  2. Riyoole, only in your dreams, addeer.
  3. Haneefah, you had a biker hit on you, and you turned him down? Naa ina addeeray boring sanidaa! Yaa chance kaas heli karaba, in mooto lagugu soo wareejiyo magaalada..sitting sideways ofcourse with your hijaab blowing in the breeze. Ahh!
  4. Maya abbaayo. Madina waa la igu cabsiin jiray, haddaa qadada cuni waysid Madina lagugu soo tuuraa, aa la i dhihi jiray!
  5. Originally posted by Cadaan: I couldn't help but notice that the girl in the red mini-skirt is way too skinny. My arms are bigger than her legs!! :eek: L0L, you mean your fingers? b/c I'm skinny as a toothpick and one of my skinny toothpick arms is bigger than her legs combined. Aliyah, marna kutub noola soo bax, marna Shaydaankan jilbaha madooow oo isku niikinaayo waa "favourite" kayga la soo shirtag! Like Ibty said in another thread: Xaggee laguu raacaa?
  6. Hah, waxaa ii cayday b/c "waan kaa wareegtay?" Bitterness is wasted energy, my brotha! Too bad. I actually liked you, and am a bit disappointed you had to copy the words of -->your<--nemesis...ridiculous! Don't tell me a pea brain like you could not think of anyone worse than the little brainless bimbo to compare me with.. @A&T
  7. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Nephy, cuz you have to have your meher for a wedding to be legal..shaash saar is unnecessary if you dnt have the means right? Aliyah sis, the whole thing is 'unnecessary' if you ask me. I'm not entirely certain that it is money well spent. With the current Somalia situation, there are dad gaajo u dhimaanaayo oo oga baahan caawimaaad, more than nimankan qooqay.
  8. Originally posted by Juje: L0L. the man is remarkably gifted.
  9. Am I the only one getting tired of Aakhiro isku xuux-siiska? :rolleyes: A&T, maxaan kuu dhimay, walaal, that you just had to come and be so condenscending towards me FOR NO REASON?
  10. they had no problem throwing one for these young and able men, why not equally help the poor and more deserving brides? @Aliyah. Maxaa aniga korka iga saaray.
  11. L0L@don't they have pride. Gaajaa haysa I suppose but really kinda sad. What about the brides though? will there be a mass Shaash-saar aswell?
  12. And as all the fairy tale books say: And they live happily ever after..
  13. maanta cariish ku taala yemen of all places buu ku dhuumanayaa ! ahahhah! . Labo eri & hal dooro-na waxaa loogu xiray moorada si uu uga listo caano. Yementaa siisay.
  14. D@mn! Okay, Sheikh, you are a traitor. You went and met with Cadowga Ummada Somaliyeed. While you are at it, why don't you swing by and visit Yusef Yeey so the Shabaabs can drop a laser guided bomb on his head and kill two birds with one stone. :rolleyes:
  15. Man!! the one @ the gate, L0L.. reminds me of my mom. She'd stop way too far away to reach the ticket dispenser, "waryaa deg soo qabo" un baad maqli. Drive thru yada iskaba iloow.. oh bless her!
  16. ^ Party pooper! bahahaha too funny Siren. Cry aa? I've never heard of it, and can't really understand why a man would, unless he's crying over guilt or something. Gee Ms DD, too full of yourself aren't ya? Maybe it's 'OMG I will never get those 2 seconds of my life back again' ..kinda tears Hadaad nin Somali ah ka sheekaynaysaan ...Waa habeen xalay tagay inuu waxaas oo kale u ooyo. ahhahah Faheema, I so feel you on that one..Somali men are not suppose to cry during sex, they're suppose to growl, bite, and scratch! Then afterwards, roll over and fall asleep or have a cigarette.. . People who cry during xaax-da obviously didn't use enough energy during sex cause they have enough energy ay ku oo-ooyaan.. kkkk!
  17. nuune, tib micneey. Thanks. L0L@kaalay soo wada tuugsanee. Good 1. Maalin ayaa islaan waxay soo raratay siisoow ay ka buuxdo dooro markii ay controlka xamar ay imaatay, ayaa isbetoore nin u diray si uu u sameeyo inspection,ninkii lasoo diray ayaa inta siisoowgii soo koray ku yiri: eedo doorooyinka meeqo xabo waaye. Islaantii aa inta xanaaq la fuurtay ayey kab askarigii baabuurka kaga soo tuurtay. Iyagoo murmaayo ayaa kii isbatoorihii isyiri dhexgal naagta iyo askarigiisa markaasuu inta baabuurkii koray u yiri: xaa ku baalal badan yahooy dooradaan xagaad u wadaa? Islaantii ayaa inta sii xanaaqday tiri: dee kii ugu weynaa baa naag hoosteeda wax ka sheegaya dee nimankani walaween bilaa edebsanaa.. lol lol
  18. *Ain't no sunshine when he's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime he goes away...* My Person Of The Year's gone missing.. :mad:
  19. Nephissa

    What Next?

    Salaamaat my good ole friend. I feel like I don't even know you anymore! What happened to us?
  20. Haneefah, soo taan la yaabay maaha, cunuga intaas la'eg suu u hanjabaayo! Alloow hanagu soo daynin. Suxulka suu u duubaayo aanba ka baqay, afka inuu jebiyuu rabaa.
  21. Nephissa

    What Next?

    ^L0L@battery operated. Exactly what I was thinking, b/c I looked up "equipment" in the dictionary and it defined it as: "necessary items; tools, instruments or other objects for completing a task." My only question to Mr. NG is, is the word "Equipment" equivalent to " -- " [yes I can't type L0L] by any chance? Because if so...WATCH OUT, BABY!!
  22. Originally posted by Xidigo*: quote:Originally posted by Nephissa: Aliyah adiga cayaalkaan 5 jirka hadii lagu dhex geeyo waa ku rifaayaan har cad! Adiga maxaa Aaliya lagaa siiyaa baryahan? Aaliya let me know hadaad hiilin u baahan tahay Hadii kale iska celi haha haha Xidigo, gabadha abbaayadeed ka ween aan ahay, ayadaba waa ogtahay inaan jeclahay.. Laakin adi, cayaalkaan oo kale aa u hadli jirtay 6bil markaa jirtay xitaa, waa kaa muuqataa wallee!
  23. rifida ta u maleenesid maaha abbaayo, maskax nadiif baan kugu aqiinay, L0L mar-mar baad ilaa Ducaysane noqotaa? rifid as in bullying, baan u jeeday..
  24. ahahah, uulu, uulu waa maxay? war na sawir dee na sawir! kkkkkkk. I like how the fourth one from the left is bullying everyone, even the tall boy. Aliyah adiga cayaalkaan 5 jirka hadii lagu dhex geeyo waa ku rifaayaan har cad!
  25. Nephissa

    What Next?

    iihi eh', waa wakhtigiiisii! :rolleyes: