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Posts posted by Gabbal

  1. It is mid-day for Kismaayo and the word reaching out is that President-elect of Jubbaland State Barre Adan Shire's inauguration is underway attended by many recognized members of Jubbaland civil society, traditional leaders, and army officials.


    Also, word reaching me is that Kismaayo has exploded in celebration and the streets are flooded with virtually the entire town celebrating the inauguration of President-elect Barre. Men, women, children, elderly are parading with signs and pictures of the new President of Jubbaland State.


    We will need to wait for updates and testimonials after media has picked it up.

  2. And so what is the result? Appeasement? Why did they not think about this when they disavowed the reconciliation of the state, when they started a partisan process, and when Madoobe even stole from those who were in on it with him?


    Ahmed Madoobe rode into Kismaayo thrice my friend:


    1. With the ICU to remove Barre

    2. With Al Shabaab to remove Barre

    3. With Kenya to seize charcoal exports


    He is and has always been an enemy of the state.


    This man will never become the President of Jubbaland and will never be allowed to even claim it. He doesn't have the respect for it, the support for it, or the base for it.


    Appeasement is out of the question and a false peace is never an end to conflict but a continuation of it.


    With that said, President-elect Barre Adan Shire has not once spoken about war or fighting. He has simply accepted the verdict of a congress that disavowed the foreign engineered one and accepted their nomination of him.


    Xamaasada iska kala yareey.

  3. Men like Xiin and Zack have relied on Gedoweb consistently to endorse a Gedo pro-Jubbaland conference narrative, much to my amusement really. They called the medium informed and brave.


    That same medium has broadcasted an editorial which I now endorse as being the closest to the truth. They say Ahmed Madoobe's blood less coup and delegitimizatiom of a process they have supported for years in the making has resulted in a simultaneous blood less coup from President-elect Barre Adam Shire. They conclude by analyzing it is ninkii roon reerka ha u haro.


    Nasiibka Jubbaland,Doqonimada Axmed Madoobe, iyo Soo Noolaashaha Col Hiiraale


  4. Things have speeded up and reality requires immediate decision making.


    1. The Somali government finally put in a formal complaint against Kenyan political interference (last card used to save relations)

    2. Somali military has ordered all Somali government troops in that sector to follow President Barre's command

    3. Formal political recognition will be bestowed in a legitimate interaction

  5. A very compelling and frank interview. In it, the President-elect of Jubbaland State Barre Adan Shire "Barre Hiiraale"


    -Details how the conference came to be

    -Describes who elected him and for how long

    -Calls Ahmed Madoobe a Kenyan puppet and says another shady and mysterious foreign led conference took place somewhere else in the city

    -Says that conference is harmless nuisance to people of Kismaayo if foreign backing is tackled

    -Labels Kenya a problem to the people of southern Somalia and Kismaayo

    -Calls for the departure of Kenyan forces from the Somali Republic

    -Says he has tremendous supporters and is secure and confident in his post to secure the entire southern regions


    It is important to understand the context of this interview in that President-elect is inside of Kismaayo, which is jointly held by multiple Somali groups and Kenyan invasion force.


  6. I am not angry at all Xiin. That is your bias. I am actually laughing.


    If Aw-Libaax, Ghandi, Raadeer, Cali Madoobe, etc were all there and Ahmed Madoobe got even 52% in a wide spread participated vote, I would feel a project I never supported would have legitimacy.


    Be mad about this?


    For the past two months, beyond anything you have been like a child Xiin. This umbrella thing, your conduct, your writing, your rationale, even your behaviour has been beyond juvenile.


    Like I said, Jubbaland has a new President and if you do not support go somewhere else. I am quite content things have happened they way they did if God is my witness. I never supported this conference but I felt it had too much legitimacy from internal actors that kept it afloat. For me, a most beautiful finish was achieved.


    President Barre is president-elect of Jubbaland and this is what this topic celebrates.


    As I have always considered you, your opinion on this subject is irrelevant.

  7. The President-elect of Jubbaland having preserved in a simultaneous election says;


    1. I have been elected to 4 year term

    2. Admits there was a partisan congress occuring somewhere else in the city

    3. Thanks the people of Jubbaland for their confidence in him

    4. Announces first policy objectives of his new term in office


    Col. Barre Hiiraale oo sheegtay In uu Madaxweynanimada Jubbaland




    Kismaayo (RBC) Col. Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale oo galabta shir saxaafadeed ku qabtay hoygiisa magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku sheegtay madaxweynanimada maamul goboleedka Jubbaland.


    Dhawaaqa Col. Barre Hiiraale ayaa soo baxay wax yar kadib markii*ergadii ku shirsaneyd hoolka Jaamacada Kismaayo ay doorteen*gudoomiyihii maamulka Kismaayo, horeyna u ahaa guddoomiyihii Kooxda Raskambooni Sheekh Axmed Madoobe.


    Col. Barre Hiiraale ayaa wariyaasha u sheegay in isaga loo doortay muddo afar sano ah inuu hogaamiyo maamulka Jubbaland oo saldhigiisu yahay magaalada Kismaayo.“Waxaa i doortay oo kalsoonidooda i siiyey dadweynaha dega Jubbooyinka oo dhan, hadey tahay oday dhaqameed, haween, shalinyaro iyo waxgarad.” ayuu ku jawaabay mar la weydiiyey cida dooratay Col. Barre Hiiraale.


    Barre Hiiraale wuxuu ku baaqay in dhammaan beelaha ku nool deegaanada Jubbooyinka ay isugu yimaadaan wadahadal iyo dib u heshiisiin isagoo sheegay in laga fogaado colaad.


    Mar la weydiiyey Barre Hiiraale in doorashada madaxtinimada ee uu sheegtay ay ku soo beegantay doorashada Axmed Madoobe wuxuu sheegay inuusan jirin cid uu ku xumeynayo ama uu ka soo horjeedo. Wuxuuse sheegay inuu ogaa shir u socday dhinacyo taageersan Axmed Madoobe, halka uu sheegay in isagana dad taageersan ay shir ku lahaayeen Kismaayo.


    Barre Hiiraale wuxuu sheegay inuu dhiowr jeer wadahadal ugu baaqay Axmed Madoobe welina uu diyaar u yahay inuu la kulmo. Balse wuxuu diiday inuu Axmed Madoobe yahay madaxweynaha*maamulka cusub ee Jubbooyinka.


    Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Sheekh Axmed Madoobe iyo shir guddoonka shirkii ka socday magaalada Kismaayo ee maanta lagu doortay Axmed Madoobe inuu noqdo madaxweynaha Jubbaland.Dhinaca kale isgaarsiinta magaalada Kismaayo oo illaa shalay go’neyd taasoo ciriiri gelisay in wax xog ah laga helo maamulka Kismaayo.


    Waxaa magaalada Kismaayo iyaguna maanta gaaray wafdi saaka ka duulay magaalada Muqdisho oo ka kooban ergo ay dirtay dawlada federaalka Soomaaliya iyo wafdi odayaal iyo siyaasiyiin ah oo shalay ka degay garoonka Kismaayo balse illaa xalay halkaasi ku xanibnaa kadib markii loo diiday inay magaalada galaan.**


    RBC RadioXafiiska Wararka Kismaayo

  8. Xiin-


    I am not sure if you have realized but for a man who does not have a single village to his name in the named region and received a mere reconciliatory 1/66 "parliamentary" seat in a process he considers most favorable to him, your almost childlike and fickle commentary does not mean much to me.


    Who cares what side on the fence Shabelle is? This is not opinion print; this is audio interview. It's not manufactured news, it is real news.


    Kindly celebrate the election of presidency of Mudane Barre Aadan Shire or tak your leave.


    We wish Barre Hiiraale the best.

  9. It is erroneous to pin this as one clan versus another. Ask yourself why Ghandi was there, even if he had dropped out, to bless that which he started?


    It is past the point of ignoring this as a political difference. This is a man who has come of age when the civil war battles have ended and deserves a fitting response.


    If one can claim to have won that conference where none of the other contestants showed up and won with "495 out of 500", Barre Hiiraale can and has also announced to be President of Jubbaland with an even better mandate.


    Xiin, the audio is coming.

  10. That theory needs to be looked at from three vantage points to guage the feasibility of happening: a legal, professional, and personal view.


    Legally the President doesn't have the authority to sack the PM. The constitution and political reality is very clear. The PM is announced at the pleasure of the President but serves at the pleasure of Parliament through an initial vote of confidence blessing the PM's mandate. The only way a PM can be sacked is by voluntary resignation or a vote of no confidence by Parliament. We cannot predict the PM's voluntary resignation but we can analyze the probability of a vote of no confidence as not being very strong. The PM's mandate through Parliament is quite strong and enjoys considerable goodwill and support from the legislative chamber.


    To get to that point, serious fissure between the President and PM needs to occur that dents their professional and personal relationship. It is enough to say the PM and President are in full agreement on the government agenda and policies and that they are also observed to be very close friends.


    Given these measurements, it is enough to say GaroweOnline is displaying a personal wish and is using retrograde transitional-era models to provide a foundation for hypothesizing that aspired objective.


    I think it is more realistic to predict this PM will be around for quite sometime and maybe even finish the current president's full term.

  11. That's (what we call in the US) a "gotcha" question posed to the PM. The Prime Minister is right but the context in which he spoke was skeweed.


    First, no constitution is truly finalized. The US is the strongest democracy existing and yet constitutional changes and battles from 100 years ago are still being played. The Somali Constitution is a provisional one and the arm of the people entrusted with legislating (the Parliament) is tasked with finalizing the clauses in the constitution. One of these issues deal with federalism and a proper methodology for federalizing the country. The Parliament (with representation from Somali clans and regions) will be be the one reviewing and finalizing the process.


    The journalist made this into a unitary system which comes by decree fom Executive offices and also erroneously gave the false impression constitutions are made to b finalized and static.

  12. These are not mutually exclusive factors. Just because one opposes Kenya's concoction doesn't mean one does not believe in Jubbaland. Jubbaland's existence to be is a self-evident reality. It just will not be built through a flawed and foreign imported project. It will be built with legitimacy from the Somali pople and state and with a foundation that cannot be undermined in the future.

  13. I never understood the Bay and Bakool connection some pin to Gedo. Sure the communities in those two regions compromise some of the minority groups in some districts of Gedo. Beyond that Gedo is more affiliated with commerce and economic issues to neighboring Kenya districts just like the Jubba region. Gedo has Jubba river issues which is shared with Jubba regions such as flooding and shared impact. Gedo's herders go south to Jubba region and never east to Bay. Gedo depends on Kismaayo port and is heavily impacted by its politics more than it could ever by Baydhabo. Truth be told Gedo is as observant of Baydhabo as much as it is of Jowhar or Beled-Weyne. Gedo's people are more invested in the economic vitality and trade of the trans-Jubba communities more than east to Bay and Bakool. Af maay is not the standard dialectof politics, trade, and everyday life wheras it has a complete monopoly on Bay and Bakool.


    In all the metrics of where a state should go virtually there is no rationale reason for lining Gedo with Bay and Bakool as opposed to the Jubba region. It seems the only purpose some bring this up is because of the clan composition of some of Gedo's minority groups. It that is the case, one can make the argument Gedo's majority population is also affiliated with the Jubba region than east. And even then, the minority groups of Gedo have a much healthier and durable relationship with their nighbors living with them and share their destiny than someone in Baydhabo who is the same clan as them.

  14. Xiin-


    I do not know if this is the first communique you have ever read in your life (my assumption is no which means you are being duplicitous here), but this is obviously a political coup for the Somali government.


    The communique was not going to read "Kenya and neighboring countries renounced their strong interference in the domestic politics of various Somali parts and the Somali government seized back sovereignty." The communique was not going to read that way to be interpreted as a win for the Somali government.


    This basically says that IGAD is a supporting actor, it cannot circumvent the political objectives and vision of the Somali government in Somalia, it acknowledges the supreme nature of the present Somali constitution in Somalia which is only interpreted by the organs of the existing Somali government, that IGAD reduces their efforts in Somalia's stabilization to a military one directed to Al Shabaab and not a political strategy.


    It is a political coup as favorable as Somalia coule have hoped. In fact, it is even more so when you realize this is the third sitting since the new Somali government and twice before IGAD countries resisted. Much has changed and many things are changing and the realization is catching on in neighboring capitals that this time Somalia has landed.


    The part about visit to Kismaayo I saw as face-saving gesture to Kenya which has realized it cannot go down in recent Somali history as being seen as a spoiler by Somalis in Somalia. It is a way to leave the entire IGAD with a graceful exist.


    It seems many of the things I had said before the PM started that trip has taken place.

  15. Xiin, being obstinate can only go so far. Any faction or group in Somalia today who wants to waste their time fighting the political resurgence of the Somali state whose state mechanisms is represented by this current government is willfully hurting the national political viability of their communities for some time to come. Go fight a losing battle; I will tell you know the world will work even harder to prop up Villa Somalia in the near future.