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Posts posted by Senora

  1. will you find it differently if they asked you in real life.e.g at the bus station or at the school

    LOL, duuuhhh, they obviously already know what city you are in.....your point was a mission that failed before it started

  2. I knew that it would turn out like this...


    What i find even more annoying is how people in here are so fake......


    "I'm not a racist, i dont feel superior compared to other non-somalis, we all come from Adam, and i see no difference, I dont feel threatened"......




    "its aigt aint wrong with that!...... step down to their level.......oh well faraxs we have a mission to stop this 'DAANQUURS' from doing damage ......sanka dhuudhi.....W'up with Somali girl's addiction to blck men these days.....


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  3. This is a big thing, and I have to admit its really starting to bug me...before I just wouldn't say anything, and thats realy because no one else would say anything about it....


    But now, its pushed so mainstream, you can't even eat your food in peace withouth having this being shoved down your throats


    Right now, I feel that when it comes to discrimination, I'm in favor of the gays. I don't think its right when they are denied certain access to things because of their sexial preferences...and Im just talking about them applying for jobs, or other things that don't have anything to do with their "gayness". Now of course there are special cases, but in general, if a gay were to be fired from a job because he was gay, or if a student recieved lower grades in a class because the teacher just didn't like the fact that he was gay....then to me thats not right.


    What i just can't find myself to tolerate is how they are going about certain things....Allah has forbidden this, so it really gets me upset to here them say that this isn't a choice, and that they were born like this....i am not in their shoes, and i will never understand what they go through, but trying to think about it will only get me to question my faith, and i wouldn't do that for anything....



    So what do You think?What do you think is gonna same-sex marriage gonna win this case?Whats your take on this issue?

    I believe that eventually, gay marriages will be legal. How soon, its hard to tell because this whole issue to me has just blown up out of thin air, so i wouldnt be surprised if by next year this wouldnt be an issue anymore...

    The whole idea of getting married for some is to benefit from being married( social status, as in acceptance....and tax cuts, etc).


    ...same sex marriage is legal t.o. and so many ppl from different countries come here to get their marriage license.

    Yeah but the problem stems from not being able to be recognized as a married couple in other areas,(i.e; United States) and thats where there problem arises with these people


    See, they have a hidden agenda here that really boils me.....they want us to change our attitudes on this, and i find that very disrepectful...they are going around talking about how we need to respect the fact that this is the way they want to live their lives, but they don't respect the fact that I don't agree with this, and I never will


    I have met and been aquainted with gays and lesbians before, and whenever this sort of thing arose, i always let them know that personally, I dont agree with it, and i know that its wrong....if thats what you chose to do with yourlife, then you'll be judged for that.....but if they want my support in getting married, then I would say no

  4. QacQaac ,caramel_kisses and garab tuujiye ?nothing to say about them except the fact they are the 3 musketeers of the SOL

    I think so to, Bambina.....It seems like they seem to be looking for each other in every topic :D .....then it doesn't really matter what the topic is anymore, because it became a Qac, caramel, and Garab convo icon_razz.gif

  5. A man with a clean cut look and a good sense of style is always more appealing than the rough looking guy.

    Ok, i think most of us agree that cleaniness and just plain grooming yourself isn't all that bad....but all this prettyboy crap....its not attractive at all...


    I hate the whole idea of a man wearing gel in his hair...and gets his eyebrows done, and wears fitted jeans with their shirts tucked in to show off his "blingin'" belt!! Or the guys wearing three different color shirts( each one under the other is about a half an inch longer), so that they can match with their shoes( or even worse, get different color shoe strings to match the shirts)walking all funny, cause of all that weight he's carrying....i guess there really isn't any harm done...but that justshows me that he just a bit to self-indulgent for me.....


    I'm much more attracted to simplicity...just wear your clean shirt, pants and shoes......and honey, those rough ones are way more sexy than those scrawny stylish "Ohh, look I think i got a spot on my shoes!" men...

  6. are ya doll? I didnt know who were at first until i saw others responding to you with the scorpion nick....Hows school and everything, and your sis? I would have PM'd you, but i clicked the reply button instead :D ...


    since you didnt want any girls responding to the topic, I'll let it be..



    SIKE--->those guys are the socially challenged weirdos who lack those communication skillz you were talking about...( I couldnt help myself, but you have to give me credit on keeping it brief smile.gif )

  7. You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and outgoing. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.

    I'm at a point in my life where nothing seems right to me anymore, I'm confused about so much, and I question everything i hear now...but hopefully I'll reach the day when I can honestly say, I know whats right and whats wrong, and what I want.....But that last part sounds very believable to me right now....

  8. I thought this was a PMS topic....


    ...I would just go as far the horrible mood swings

    LOL, I dont even think i would be that gentle to the audience..I was ready to spill all :D


    But anyways, ya been? I'm guessing you've been busy with school, I haven't seen you posting here in a while?


    I can't believe you would even think for once that something was wrong with you just because you haven't found any interest in the guys that have shown you interest! I like how Kool_Kat put it..."Being with a man does not make you any cooler than you are..." And we don't need any more proof to know how cool of a gal you are :D ....


    Xena_Fan said something that i agree with.."And the longer your friendships last with males you learn more of what you want and is important to you in life generally"



    The same could even be said with those who date others...its a learning process....with every experience your learning more about yourself...just go with your heart

  9. we see all too much of what/how we should live like... i think a lot of us forget that we are all brothers and sisters..the oneness of brotherhood and sisterhood should bring us together to realize that this world is for all of us to share, and we should equally preserve and care for it, and provide it for every human being......we've in a sense become so greedy, and worry more about our own needs, rather than worry about human kind and what we could do for everyone......we've been bllessed with so much, but yet its like were in competition with everyone to achieve more than what they have.....we've lost purpose in life as whole, and were so concieved with the idea of attaining and seizing all of these things believe that it will better us, straing away from what really betters us??...........I don't know.......

  10. Is grooming one self really a feministic trait?

    i think that shoud be a practice followed by all humans.....or is it just the excessiveness about it that makes it less masculine?..and in that case...would caring for one-self excessively be more of a womans trait than a man??And why is that?..


    if a woman were not to focus much of her time on her appearance or lifestyle, would that make her less of a woman?


    why isn't a man who cares so much for himself seen more as an egocentric, or self-indulgent & self-centered, or other "labels" that also could fall under this circumstance?? rather than him being seen as " a man in touch with his feminine side"?

  11. that is the case then it is a matter of agreement between the two parties involved


    But im pretty sure that there is some way that you guys can put pressure on some of these groups. If the buses are owned by the city, you guys can contact you local city officials...either writing, calling, attending some open to the public city hall meetings....especially those who can't get to school, or work....

  12. but the ones who think they are taking women to a whole different side with idealogies like this.. we are after... and those ones are opi, x quisit,
    , raula.. and many more... we are here to shutter their illusions.. into reality check...

    I've said what I had to say about what I support and what I dont im not getting into that....


    I dont agree with what you say all the time, and sometimes I dont really understand you, but I try to tolerate and respect it ( sometimes icon_razz.gif )...but since you cn't seem to do the same, then thats something I'm not willing to work I'd appreciate it if you would leave me and my "illusions" alone....( I really don't want to see you mentioning me anymore, unless we acknowledge each other) no need for you to give me a reality check :rolleyes: ......

  13. maroodiguu takarta fuushan ma arkee, takalu arkay.........


    My father use to tell me this a lot...I'm going by memory, so if I have any errors, forgive me...I belive this is the saying Despondent-n- Disillusioned had mentioned?( gosh what a mouthful, I miss Bee) :D

  14. Originally posted by Kaafi:


    North America

    United States



    Washington DC


    New York






    I like how you made your list longer by naming the continents and the countries of the following cities you've already named :D ...but i wont point you out.......anyway, I didnt know anyone else here whose lived in Chicago....well hey there former neighbor smile.gif ...


    as for me, I've only lived in Chicago and Atlanta..( i really dislike the whole moving about thing...permanently you know?!) but just b/c i've seen others do it, I'll name the places i visited ( I know, I know, its not part of the rules, .....but they started it!!)



    I've visted Chicago lol :D


    New York

    Kansas City


    Daytona Beach

    Athens(GA, lol)





    Gary Indiana




    vendamm, (holland)


    Jigjigga( did i spell that right?)


  15. has she already posted something like this on somaliaonline......?


    I dont think its fair that your already beginning to scold her for something that she hasn't even done yet..( here on this website)...


    what about those of us that dont know much about her.....were already going to have our pre-judgements of her..and we might even expect such behavior from her....


    i'm not condoning what she's done....let's just condemn her on this site for something she's done on this site!


    p.s. i understand your motive....i just dont agree with your action...maybe a private message would've been a bit more appropriate.. smile.gif