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Posts posted by Senora

  1. Big Ups to that crazy gal Sue...


    It was really nice chatting with you Lot ( look sue, im pickin up on it already :D ) first it seemed like a girl chat, cause there weren't any guys in there( well except for the confused superfragalisticdiva ;) )....but all in all it was fabulous...


    and Urban, who knew you had a much wider vocabulary then Sophist icon_razz.gif

  2. he didn't make a scandal out of the situation???


    then how did this happen?

    but believe me it did happen and it was all over the news a month or so ago.



    I'm really confused about the whole..he committed the greatest act of forgiveness....why didn't he forgive his wife?


    He didn't tell him in the car that he was going to his wife, but he brought his friend over to the same house, which ultimately led Abdi to find out that his friend was the woman's husband?


    i definitely agree with pessimist here in that this whole story is a bit sexist......a woman is cast aside because of her faults, and another is pushed off to get married, but the abdi remains the friend, and everyone is happy with Rashid'd anger management skillz......give me a break!!!

    double standards consistent with sexist views living in a patriarch society

  3. Obviously sidaad adigu uu fahantay iyo sidaan anigu uu fahimay way kala duwanyihiin....


    sheekadan meelno ma gaadayso --like i said it will just go in circles...


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: ( I too can add emoticons to put emphasis on what i say icon_razz.gif )

  4. For the moment, or well i have been a bit of a reality show freak...but overall i am a tv junkie


    I liked watching top model

    and i enjoy watching the apprentice

    as far as others, i enjoy my wife and kids

    friends( although its losing its spark to me)

    Will And Grace


    Oprah( Luuv her) and Dr. Phil once in a while

    I really love watching those documentaries on the public broadcasting channels( they're so interesting)--and i always catch the news hour


    as far as best tv series, i dont know if i could place these on that pedastool, but i have heard so many good things about CSI and 24, so i might go and catch these shows a bit

  5. You know, i can't remember the poltician who said this, but he pointed out the small percentages of those in the bUsh adminstration who are war veterans, or who have served in a military branch....


    One thing about Kerry that I really respect was this interview he took once....his daughter said that one thing she remembers from asking her dad about the Vietnam war was when she asked her dad how he recieved the silver medal (i think it was).... he told her that he saved his crew from being blown up by a Vietnamese....but she later found out that he ommitted the fact that he had killed that guy, so that his whole crew wouldn't die....well anyways when he was asked about this incident he said that " thats the biggest thing that you have to deal with as a soldier, and a lot of people and this administration don't understand that"...' they are so quick to say, we'll send out our boys to war, bring them on, and so forth"....but they aren't the ones going out there, they aren't the ones risking their lives....they are so arrogantly quick to use military force, that they don't see it as a problem".....


    I really hope that he can really bring a bit of change, and i really hope that he was sincere about this...but i find this to be a real strong point for kerry

  6. LOL^^.oh gosh, so many of my pics at home are like that....and whats even funnier is how they can finish a whole roll with pics in that garden in basically the same pose, and positions...., maybe a few minor changes, like this time abtiyo's right eye is closed, and my ayeyo probably took her angry face in a different angle



    IMAN is the most Attractive quality without a doubt, for if Allah judges us by that, then what better way to like someone then based on their IMAN.


    Fi Amanallah

    Oh, this is beautiful Khayr, I 'm going to use this, any copyright restriction i should be aware of



    I read the definition of beautiful and it said that beauty is a quality that delights the senses, esp. the sense of sight.....which just goes to show that beauty is subjectively judged ( if that sounds right)


    so for some, it can be physical features, and so on.....personally to me it can go both ways.....i may see a someone with exceptional physical features but personality-wise i'm not that fond of of, and i wuld still consider them to be beautiful.....and in contrast, there was this girl i knew in my old neighborhood in chicago that was indian, who at first glance many wouldn't belive her to posses any physical beauty, but despite that had a heart of gold, and whenever i would talk about her, i would always describe her as my beautiful and charming old basically my point is, i dont think anything is wrong with saying that beauty to them is the physical attractiveness

  8. LOL, seeing this all over again is making me crack up like it was the first time....


    anyways, I heard of 15 minutes of fame, but you only got me on one movie, surely my years of devotion to acting school haven't gone to waste like that


    and yeesh, your gonna have to reitre some of these folks..... icon_razz.gif

  9. there are a lot of light skinned girls I know to be very pretty, and a lot of darker girls to be pretty...and there are those in between...


    i never really grew up with many somali's and I didnt even know that many somali women were using this until a few years back. I became acquainted with many of my cousins a few years ago, and this is when i actually started fidning out about bleaching creams. A lot of the girls i know to use this were very pretty to begin with, and I really have no earthly idea as to why they use this...but it was around last year when i became exposed to the usage...


    For those women who use it and say that they are using it for other purposes...well I don't want to start jumping down their throat because I started using this lightening cream for my under eye baggage, and it worked pretty well.. I've had under eye baggage since I was young, and doctors have told me that this is a hereditary mother and grandmother both have a severe problem with this..I've tried make-up but I'm not much of a make-up person( I would have to put on make-up just about everyday as opposed to applying a cream once or twice a week), and i even tried the old fashioned never worked, but this has...I admit that there was a time where i began to use it excessively(I'm not as strong as you Hibo), and this was when i was staying with my cousins..but it dramatically made me lighter, and it didnt look right. I actually went cold turkey for a few months...but my bags weren't looking as good anymore, so i went back on, but moderatly..., you can tell that my body is a little darker, but i think i would rather have this look than the dark baggage look


    I don't understand why girls who already have perfect complexions apply this....but i don't see the problem if they are using it for other purposes....


    So I guess what I really wanted to say was beauty isn’t about how light you are it’s actually got to do with you bone structure, facial features and symmetry!

    I believe this,and As Xena stated, we are out biggest critiques, and when it comes to myself, i am very superficial and i tend to over exert myself/ be overly concerned with my looks, and its not that easy to just walk around saying, well I'm happy with the way I am....


    I'm sorry Sue, i didnt mean to go off with what you intended the topic to be like, i just wanted some to know that there are some people who don't have perfect complexions, and using this kind of cream doesn't mean you correlate light skins with beauty

  10. ^^Not everyone^^


    and a lot of the times, you know it in the back of your minds, but it hits even harder when its shown like that...


    Sometimes i think the purposes of this is to get you to think about it, and hopefully in the midst of all that thinking, we DO something about it

  11. You labeled a whole race with a a very ignorant stereotypical feature, and you found nothing wrong with it?....fine :rolleyes:


    This is going to go in a circle, so I'llleave it alone.....


    but I would like for you to translate this into english


    painu vittuun lehma


    sa oot ensimmainen kaks naamainen henkilo joka on ikina elanyt mailmassa joten pida turpas kiinni holmo!!!!!!

    vitun kusipaa aivo, ganuunacaaga nakala tag

  12. Funniest episode was seeing this dude taking her to airport fence, watching over the landing and departing planes. Now, that is romantic!

    LOL, awww well it could have some romance to it



    you dont need money to go out on a date..where's the creativeness here...I personally hate the dates that end up going to the movies, original?!


    On our first few dates, my boyfriend took me to this really expensive restaurant...I found it so boring, b/c evryone was just sitting so upright like they had back problems, the food wasn't good, the scenary was far from comfortable....


    the best date that I've ever had was when one day I called my boyfriend a few months back to go out, and he tried so hard to convinve me otherwise, when he found out i wasn't budging, he told me that right now he's struggling cause he had to send money back home, and he had so much to do that required him of his money....i could just tell that this really bothered him, and i felt this feeling that i can't really explain, but anyways, LOL.....i told him that i wanted to see him, and spend time with him, and said that the place i wanted to go to required no money at all( I actually had to make up this part, but i was amazed at how long it took me to do this)

    so we ended up going to this park, and we climbed this mountain( it was pretty small),and then we went to this lecture about Israel and Palestine( which was so interesting)..and we ended up spending nothing!..( well i bought him gas, and then i made him some dinner)..but that was the best date I've ever had, and we actually ended up closer because of this....


    sorry garab..thisis exactly what you didnt want us to do, but i couldnt help myself icon_razz.gif

  13. "hey...aren't u that girl from ----? or they associate u with a celebrity as if ur gonna be flattered...they expect .." u thought i was halle?'s my # then"....FAT CHANCE!...

    My sister gets those celebrity look alikes all the time...when we were at the mall some weeks ago, there were guys saying " Hey Ashanti, or Aaliyah, or Beyonce"


    I remember we laughed becuase, Beyonce doesn't even fit ther pattern here...but just goes to show what lengths some guys will do to get your attention


    The most recent line I've gotten was when this guy pulled along side me with his car and rolled down his window to ask me if "I had any Grey puppon'"...Do you guys remember that commercial where they were advertising some mustard or mayonnaise, and they had these rich folks pulling alongside each other asking for this?...He made me laugh and then we started conversating from there.....

  14. there was this guy who was trying to catch my attention while i was walking in my friends neighborhood, and he kept saying "hey, hey!"..i hate being called like that, as if im some piece of meat who's supposed to trot over to him, so i proceeded to put my nose up in the air and kept walking, then he's like.."hey, u dropped something!"....i panicked 'cause i was carrying a bag, and looked back, and he cracked up saying,"i thought u couldn't hear me"...well, that broke the ice, and i laughed it off

    LOL, this happened to me in Toronto ne day. I was in the downtown area, and was with a friend and a cousin...we were walking past a pizza restaurant( i think it was a pizza pizza) and there were a group of guys posted outside...well they tried to get our attention,but we started walking all fast( Im not really sure why, lol), but we were walking like we were practicing for some marathon so when we didnt look back, one of them started yelling that I had dropped something, I looked back and they guy looked like he had picked something up off the ground....gosh, how silly was I,....when he approached me he had his hand sticking out like he was about to give me what I dropped....his hand was balled up pretty small, so i was wondering what i could've dropped that was that small!?..anyways, i stuck my hand out to get the " item", and right when his hand touched mine, he shook my hand and said" Girl, damn you look good, Whats your name? :eek: ....In front of all of his friends was like we were on a comedic tour, the whole block was roaring with laughter..i was laughing too, cause i can't belive i didnt catch on when i relized how small his hand was balled up


    he told me that he was sorry he embarrased me but " we looked like we were about to bust a sprint" LOL

  15. this is what the west gets for trying to separate church and state from their constitution. When a state is build that way, how can u have hypocrisy/double standard, when they are not allowed to marry, cause its morally wrong, yet the state itself claims to be founded on so-called democracy, that religion has no basis in their constitution, that all ppl deserve the same rights, regardless...therefore they are in a lose-lose situation, in a corner, on one hand saying let's abolish the word God from the constituion, the other saying homosexuality is wrong because God says so...

    the whole church and state debate is obviously not flaw proof...Many of the laws created have religous that argument can't go far... but speaking on the people whose main argument for illegalizing gay marriages is that it is a sin to me really irratates me...


    Its bugging me to even say this, but there are many people, who probably didn't even pick up a bible or the quran, and who are far from the word religous, that are using this counter claim....i think its more of a threat issue...these people dont want their attitudes to change on this issue, and they dont want to see their children or their relatives become one of them...and so the most powerful argument they can use is that its what God has forbidden...

  16. The story about the bank teller reminded me of this story my dad told me...


    A guy went to rob a bank, and when he approached the teller and told her that he was robbing the bank, the teller told him to write his name on a piece of paper...and he did :eek: ..when she gave him the money, she called police and i think later that day they caught him.... :D this same incident occurred with a teller asking a robber for his ID, and he gave her that

  17. ^^Samir iyo Iman Walaalo


    may Allah Bless her soul..


    Some women find it cute if their partner is a jealous freak, thinking that it shows the love the man has for them, when in reality, its a way to assert control over the woman

    And a lot of women don't realize it until they are in too deep( but then again, they still really don't realize it, b/c they continue to stay in the relationship)...As Qac Qaac said, it is easier said then done....

  18. whaaat?(like Chappelle says when imitating Lit' John ).



    Reminds of this nuthead who just cut to the chase n' said " May I have ur waalid's(father) #?"



    ANYWHO..This reminda me of the time when I was on the train, and this guy got on the stop after mines and sat next to me. From the corner of my eyes, I could see him looking at me,( on and off, i think iwould have been even more freaked out if he just stared with out even looking away). So it was about a few stops later that he tapped my shoulders,( deep down inside I was like, why!?..why can't he just leave me alone, I'm no t going to give hima chance) He must have seen the look on my face, because when i turned to look at him, he put said " Look, i just wanted to know if you could wake me up when we reach this stop...and just a bit of advice, not evry guy who opens his mouth to say something to you wants to holla"....I felt to embarrassed, but I'm glad i got that reality check...


    this man hit me with his bag, i smiled to show that i was okay, he than started talking to me. okay whatever, its an hour bus ride, but than he asks for my number... QUOI???

    Somealien, your so delightful :D ..but it's hard sometimes to tell where a guy is going with his conversations....I on the other hand, think flirting is cute and fun, sometimes? Over the weekend, i met a guy at the mall who came up to me and we ended up having a wonderful conversation...he was so funny....I know we were flirting, but I didn't want it to go any further, so i did turn him down when he offered to take me out? Normally, I dont give guys the time of day, but sometimes you have those guys that come up with some creative, or clever way to start a convo, and i can't help but be deployed in..