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Posts posted by PhiL

  1. As a certified bookworm, it was hard to limit myself to 3 books, but adhereing to the rules of the questions here are my 3 of the many favourites. In no particular order.


    1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevesky

    2. Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journey of a Sceptical Muslim by Sardar Ziauddin

    3. Long walk to freedom by Nelson Mandela.

  2. I'm with F.F with this one. Xaliimo doesn't know what she's gettin' herself into. I don't trust this Faarax character. He comes across as cocky...but I guess if Xallimo likes the less than subtle approach, who am i to complain.


    BOB > good story though... the people want more smile.gif

  3. I wouldn't trust a man with bigger breasts than myself... am of course, referring to the sumo wrestler guy with what appears to me an incredibly uncomfortable attire sitting in a compromising position. Enough Said.

  4. Phil is a girl's name. To those inquiring, it means 'of radiant beauty that can be seen from the top of Mount Olympus' . That or , it could be short for Phillip. ;) Give or take, am cool with either one. smile.gif