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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^wat in da hell are u talking about (is this KENTUCKY DERBY in britishland :confused: )
  2. Gals..I assuming that many females misread me in my original post. When I said someone else’s’ husband , I did not imply that you steal from the other wife (nooooo! That would be erroneous, although there are husband-snatching about). However, I was intending to paint the picture that, since he is married and is allowed to have more than one wife; if interested in you (*a spinster) would you go for someone in such a circumstance? (One who is already married with or w/out children?). *guyz assume that you have it all covered(meaning the financial responsibilities, your 1st wife don't mind-or for other reasons such as infertility(barren), etc-)and you see this Suave, fresh, tempting, solo female and you are mesmerized by her-would you care to make her your 2nd/3rd/4th wife? MEENAH, J_11 & BEE ! I think I had too much of EARL GREY that brings such rousing thoughts to my over-worked cranium SHUJUI huyu sheikh ni cazo wa adeer wa my shemeji ( Ali kilombili ) wa my cousin-sis kutoka upande wa mama kambo -and he can hook us up for free
  3. do you think about anything else except FOOTIE for instance, like TAARAB na MANZIs'(MA DEMU, WASICHANA-ama baado hukafika-yaani HAUJA BALEGHE -mwambie J_11 aku tafsirie hii)
  4. ^^I see mad SHUKANSI bubbling here..good luck..but watch out, she BITES
  5. ^^^kik kik kik kax kax kax....walaahi u earned some points there..laakin the race is still on yah!
  6. Excuse' moi forum members SAREEDO -walaahi ariin cajiib ah ayaad isheegte, lakiin sug bal an kasofikire walaalo haye
  7. On another note, thanks BAASHI for noticing that Iam DHUUBO dax yar (certainly a flashback song.." dhuuboy dax yare..so dhowow dhuubey ila dheel, lugta ii dhib Baashi, daqaaji garbaha.. ) (I would add though, IYO KADARAN BA )
  8. Raagyahow! daqdaqda badan iskadhaafa-eh! mesha hadaan wax kuheysin sida SHUJUI-1, so bandhiga dee. SHOOB, and BAASHI , you 2 disappoint me- FUULEYAAL XAAR KULUL ( CIGAAL shidaad numero quatro' ) SHUJUI -kijana Mpenzi wa SOL Kama utanipikia UGALI na INGOKHO / OMENA?MBUTA halafu u top it with TAARAB , basi tuende tupeleke kwa sheikh wa SHAURI MOYO(if you know where this is ) NGONGE -oo managtadii baad ani daraadey ufurtey? (rocks to "... sidii leila iyo qeys...inan noqono lamahuraan ...." I will take care of you sweetie, NO WORRIES MATE ). BEE -why u say i think like this-coz honey I gave up on chasing CAWAALE's that dont jist' my manuevers( I really think Iam pretty old for my age-u know how I look-pretty petite, model-marble and marvelous )
  9. ^^walaalo coz Iam PHOBIC (in particular, they are my worst fears on earth, more that witnessing a hairy-naked guy ran a marathon )-T'is then for that reason(and because they are aware of it)that they keep threatening me with *****(even the name I swear gives me goosebumps :mad: )
  10. No comments yet for SHOOBARO, Shujui, Baashi, etc. Let me think about the offers
  11. ^^I see that clearly CL gal-thank you feero armaajo Dameer :mad: :mad:
  12. ^^true kenyan..beenta dhaaf laakin, u can't even run a mile
  13. ^^^ (maxaad kataqanaa somali adi, laftigaaga baaba liite.kkkk leta KATAMBULISHO hadaad wadani tahay )
  14. ^^Iyah! cappuccino ah! naa isodhiib yaqee..madaxii baaba iqarxayee...( goes ahead to pour some EARL GREY in a mug! )
  15. ^^^haa wan ujedaa inuu hal marduuf mesha kuyaalo and me loves you so quit picking on them poor leaves, and look over here( - embarrased to even glance-xishoode ) Queen Bee (like I said before, sci-fi characters are my weakest fantasies )-stop acting like u got SOME BALLS like u gonna castrate some BULL Gal I know your muddy hoaxes; trifling with connubial man (don’t make me attest to them now) :rolleyes: SHUJUI-I wonder though how many secrets you've got so far OG(Original G[J]areer)gal-I will knock some senses into your kuwaiti-kenyati *** ..NAYAA! are u saying that the prophet(S.A.W.) and others before/after him were sharing UNDERWEARS ? :mad: XISHOOW hedhe. Later nomads!
  16. Iam wondering if any of the (spinisters/single)ladies have ever thought about being the 2nd/3rd/4th wife to someone else's husband? Guys, have u ever approached or did it ever cross your mind to asking a single lady to be your 2nd/3rd/4th wife? *And I very much understand (plus all other lurking variables[statistically speaking]-i.e. satisfying all the conditions prescribed in the religious doctrine) that for those who reside in western cultures/societies; such practice of polygamy is illegal, but still some muslim men still practice this aspect of our religion and culture. * Iam not confused, cynical, desperate, nor depressed * just a passing thought
  17. raula

    ???? physical?

    ^^U are learning from the best teacher(s)-This proverb probably explains your enthusiasm and eagerness to learning the language:- " Mchovya asali hachovi mara moja"-He who dips his finger into honey does not dip it once.
  18. Alaa! Raula iska baadey. Mandhow , Raula xaykutarte Ariiree Raula iska dhaaf mandow, laakin hadi ad dhoneysid inadh minyaaro kadhigatid, banaanka isasodhig mandhow , makaste :cool:
  19. ^^^^ala he just called me and my kind FAT african bureaucrats .
  20. raula

    ???? physical?

    (*peacefully sits in a yoga-position*)
  21. Orig. posted by Khayr I DON'T THINK THAT THE 'OLD OG GIRL' COULD WRITE LIKE THIS B/C HER ENGLISH IS NOT AS STRONG AS HER ARABIC AND HER MANNERISM WAS MUCH BETTER. NOT AS ARROGANT. SHARIAH GIRL, WHO IS YOUR GHOSTWRITER??????) woooooooow :eek: what a shocker! :confused: :confused: (if OG_gal is viewed like this..what about moi :eek: subxanallah!)
  22. lol Meenah..I did deliver them services..but your demanding behind said that I wasn't giving you your money's worth :rolleyes: ..so I retrieved from it :mad: , not to mention that I was instructing the best kind of swahili( SLANG Swahili=SHENG !) .
  23. raula

    ???? physical?

    ^^now this I understand, thus I spoke should I say :rolleyes: wateva people. Viking-walaalo waelezee watu hawa wenye maringo kuwa sisi tulikuwa tunazumgumza kingeta(kingereza)B4 mababu zao wazaliwe (watawakimbiza waengereza, hata radhi(footsteps) yao hawatafika) And for those who suggested that there should be a monotonous language spoken in this site..I say Nay! and from now on..I will add my 2 swahilis to every post..until I get banned..shuut! wat happened to freedom of speech? and from a common perspective I really dont give a HUUT if some do not understand me or not..life not needed be stressed coz you will die one day anywayz. (* shakes her head-slowly returns to reality and sensehood *)
  24. good then, I dont have to stress no more about expressing myself in SWA for some forum members here At last Iam liberated :rolleyes: