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Posts posted by Malika

  1. A marriage to be sucessful is only though equal partnership, communication.If both parties invest equal effort into the marriage its bound to be a sucess,but if one is lagging behind and is constant a pain in the neck, it will go down hill.


    Marrying someone you get along with, have same aim in life, enjoy doing almost similar activities in your spare time,basically marrying someone that will not only be your lover,best friend but also someone you share values, principles etc etc.


    The Asian marriage is sucessful,because its a shameful thing to get divorced,even if your hate each other guts.One would rather committ suicide then get divorced.I definetly dont want to live the life of an Indian woman,trapped in a loveless marriage for the sake of family or society.But I do respect their committment.

  2. ^^^Loool there goes a voice of


    Why are men so afraid of those three words? Some are convinced if the utter those words, they loose their musculinity...


    I think everybody, be female or male once your partners kind of surrender with his love or her love you do take advantage of the security it other words thats the time to bring out the

  3. How is that for generalising the Xalimoos, some indeed do enjoy their dozen of kids,heck!! they make more money than I do by staying at home and dragging their kids around.


    So what do we say about the white woman next door, whom works ful time, is an active parent,does all the cooking,ironing,cleaning,driving around the kids from A-B-C activities..wearing her mini skirt and high heels,have to be size 10 or he leaves...Is she conquering the world?


    What cancerous morals & Ethics in Diaspora are you talking about? Please enlight me




  4. Originally posted by Hunguri:

    Muniira will suggest you some good tablets against xoqqashada. Dont worry sxb. We have lots of virtual good Drs in SOL

    Is this the SOL way of saying welcome sis?...thanks guys, I feel right at home now! :D:D As for suggesting good you only need to take regular showers :D:D:D

  5. My mother and Grandmother are still alive, I am still alive too!!we havent died by the struggles of bringing kids single handedly,earn the bread ..actually its has made us stronger!


    I believe the Strong Black Women are still alive, just look at the Xalimoos pushing their push chair,drugging other two toddlers along,carrying her shopping bags,getting on a london bus..ah the strenght of that black woman!!

  6. That movie is thought provoking, was justice served? was she innocent? was it premeditated murder? out the faraaxs!!! the xalimos would soon upgrade from bacdaa madoow to

    I know they are two different battered and one neglectful...just prewarning my

  7. I believe the stigma lies within the culture,which has strongly been influenced by colonialism and slavery.The lighter you are, near you are to the white man.How can beauty be measured from using products that not only make you look like a chipanzee's *** but destroys your skin?

    I hope my sisters wake up from this stigma , ofself hate and embrace the beautiful coco brown soft skin Allah has created on US.

    Black is beauty...


    ehhmm..I had to mention the brother's hand, Mashaallah..[typical sex in the city]

  8. A soothing shower after a long day..thank god for water.

    A mug of tea..

    My daughter's laughter,bless her!

    My father's warm greetings..

    The sound of rain on a sunday morning,tucked in bed,watching a soappy movie..ah

    Listening to Quran,bliss!

  9. Oh God, raising kids is hard work, there is a saying "Giving birth is a child play compare to raising a child".


    Post natal depression is very common in the west,where support systems for the new-mother is scarces.Well back home, a new mother was taken care by the immediate family,she didnt have to worry about her other children as well..people too care of all the running of the house etc.

    Where here,after the exhaustation of giving birth,you come home,where if your lucky the hubby is a caring man and helps.The late nights with a baby, the morning with the other kids needing your attention,the hubby sulking because he didnt get dinner last wonder the poor women get ill.


    Only last year, a few women I know got severe depressed,were sent home for the traditional treatments, with Wadaads and some TLC from their families.

    This is an issue to be address in out community,especially how to support and tackle post natal depression.

  10. That was a long read,but nevertheless you have highlighted an interesting issue.


    I would say,personally most of my female friends,neighbhours that are somalis have indeed gone as far as getting married/dating non somalis,due to the same reason you have written about.


    I am sure due to many facts many females/males find the somali culture,or a way of life to be dull or not fitting in with their new found cultures.


    anyways,could it be that we have finaly been exposed to other cultures ,way of life we seem to find it confusing.which to follow?

  11. Fartun,


    I believe it to be genetic thing,cant explain it,but it has to be,I mean if you look at even the skinnies somali girl/woman you would notice she has some hips,a little booty.So as soon as she gets married,have a kid..boom!!

    but hey we still beautiful even as heavy,in some african cultures, you would be bidded to the highest they love volumptous women.


    am sure our men still love us just the same,apart from those brain washed,by the gay fashion setter..whom says a beautiful woman must look like skinny boy.

  12. Could it be we are much more intune with our feelings,or our bodies produces far more certain hormones then men.Hey all I know is,I am usually quite aware and have a sense when one feels down,is sad movie just makes me cry,a woman raped,I weep..a hungry child,I am in pieces..could this be just a natural reaction as we[women]are the birth mothers..we feel more,even though we are not even yet mothers?