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Everything posted by -Serenity-

  1. ^Then I think I'm turning into one. I volunteered to work yesterday and ended up doing a 12hr day on a sunday - imagine that! I hate it, but I think I'm also becoming too concerned about the work and cant literally pull myself apart unless things are the way I want them, or reasonably good.
  2. How many hours do you have to work in a week to be considered a workaholic?
  3. Cara, accept the position graciously, come up with a good victory speech & name your cabinet!
  4. I think the thanks should go the girl who will be wearing a purple lipstick NG, this should be a lesson for you not to put your foot in it.
  5. What does this poll say about SOL? - that we like intelligent, unbaised, level headed (and very witty) people Way to go Cara!
  6. NG, make sure you send the wife and kids and my money on saturday. We will negotiate the 'finer' details of how we are going to do this later - after all, you never mentioned specifically that I'd have to meet you.
  7. Originally posted by Ms DD: Should married men be a non-no, is he a game? I hope thats not a serious Q. My interest in a guy totally switches itself off the moment I learn he is married/committed. Totally. I think its because it makes the whole process of getting to know him complicated and cumbersome as you start questioning his fidelity (provided he reciprocates any advances) not the mention the feeling of guilt for the hurt you might cause another women, shame that could come from 'stealing' or 'sharing' another woman's man, and then the inkling that it might not work out and you've gone through a lot for naught. Too much madax canuun.
  8. Wax qabadkaygu wuxuu noqon lahaa hadaan doorashada hello: - Stopping any PM's. members are not benefitting equally from this service. Rag baa iska xidhay markuu ka batay dalabkii, anaguna magaca PM waan maqalaa uun. FAIRNESS ayaan u halgamayaa! - Banning all TFG supporters, and making 'praising Yey' a punishable offence. - Creating synergy and linkage between women section and men section (to be created under my admin). - Ban misfits from the political section, and open a forum called 'PALAVAR' for xaaji et al. - Intrdouce a system whereby kids are detectd and confined to 'children section'. Dhulqarneyn knows what I am talking about. - Immediately fire Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqyaar from his current role. He failed to do his job. - replace one-time lucky, otherwise novince, Nuune from moderating the Sports section. - Decalre Ngonge ' a National Asymptote' no women should fear to be around him. And a lot of reforms. Absolutely hilarious. (altho I've no idea what 'asymptote' means)
  9. You didnt say anything about meeting - I'll send you proof via email!
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: [QB] Serenity with purple lipstic on = £120 Done. Ibtisam, thats my charitable contribution.
  11. Originally posted by Caano Geel: First of all, dear all in US of America, welcome back. yours, the rest of the world
  12. Originally posted by Norf 1: I didn't really care until this week. I still think he is a poor speaker He is not Clinton or Blair, but he can hold his ground, and he speaks with a certain honesty and integrity that is unmatched.
  13. Not true? He hasnt even started. Not sure what your problem is - we just went through the Bush era. This is going to be better on ANY measure. If he lives up to his own agenda, he is going to withdraw from this unholy war, going to close that unholy prison in cuba, reduce taxes for businesses earning less than 250K, going to put pressyre on insurance companies denying paying up patients healthcare, etc etc etc! These are all directly opposite what the Bush Admin propagated and momentous in benefits for the American people! Conspiracy theorists need to give their motor mouths a rest. Obama is simply magnificent on the American presidents scale and this election is historic and symbolic of how far the American people have come in their attitudes towards race!
  14. Get outta here! p.s. this post didnt go through the 1st time because apparantly I posted two replies in one minute LOL. Something about forum flooding protection. Where is this when Ibtisam is posting?
  15. Wadaad kulaha... haduu Xiin wadaad yahay, ana waxaan ahay wadaadad
  16. Its not the words in the speech, but the promise and vision it presents of a better tomorrow!
  17. Literally brought tears to my eyes this morning.
  18. I got a box of celebrations on my way and I was going to give that away, but it looks like we have already had all the visitors we're going to get, and my mother gave away the Ferrero Rocher I got for my birthday - both boxes are empty! What do kids know about luxury chocolate
  19. oh nevermind this post ppl... all too fired up now!
  20. Originally posted by Xidigo*: In what seems a bit ironic, some Somalilanders wished the fire in the South would continue, at least until they receive their coveted recognition. Alas, wishing on a fire to rage in your neighbor's house while yours remains safe is spitting into the wind. Were is the logic in this? The problems in the south are solely the outcome of irresponsible governance by the people in the south. Fix up first and save the criticism for where it matters and then speculate about who is wishing you misfortune.
  21. That other Somali news in the Metro I mentioned the other day - News! READ!
  22. The last time I checked this topic, it was 7 pages! WOW! Is this your way of reviving the women's section ladies? A woman-only-troll-corner? LOL!
  23. You should have named and shamed too rooble. Now it just looks like most of those quotes belong to Xiin? Hmm!