Legend of Zu

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Posts posted by Legend of Zu

  1. Originally posted by sheherazade:

    It was me who 'twisted' it. I was making a personal comment. I don't believe in making FGM a male/female issue but was pointing out the lack of empathy men generally have.


    If everybody else jumped on the band-wagon, that's their business. There can never be enough said about FGM in my opinion. Someone may have benefited from reading some of what I've posted. If the post had been about the young boys, how much could have been said about their tragedy? Not much and nothing beneficial would have come of it.


    Agreeing that it is a heinous crime does nothing to eradicate it. Which one of us is actually doing something about FGM?


    You may return to discussing the boys if u so wish.

    So you are the culprit..hmmmm (closin his eyes as a Kungu Fu master would do)... I thought this tragety was highlightin the bad practices of witchcraft it wasn't about the Circumcision of Males... and choppin off the penis does not eqaul FMG..Altho I could see why you had drawn the comparison of the situations...You would think these Witchdoctors had they needed female sexual organs they would have chopped off more than FMG practitioner would have... wont you agree???


    If you wanted to know how everyone of us is contributin to the issue of "War Against FMG" (dont mind borrowin Bush's fav phrase) then you could have started another topic..couldnt you?


    but you are right..if anyone has jumped onto the bandwagon..then It aint your fault... ;)


    Back to the War on FMG..I have my own ways of contributing it... :D

    So back to the Mutilated Kids...

  2. I dont know how this thread has turned into female V male or FMG?? didnt we exhaust all possible arguments about the Battle of the sexes or FMG... I thought majority had fundamentally agreed on FMG being one of the worst practises and anyone of us should do their part to stop it.


    Now we have twisted this thread into something that it isn't.


    Waar waaba yaabka yaabkiis...



  3. Originally posted by OG_Girl:

    What I just want understand is : what they are doing is legal?


    Do they have Authority to take "hodood Allah"?


    Who gave them the authority? . Not every one just sit in place and put laws!!.


    Before they punish, did they give protection for the poor girl and likes her?


    Did they educate them or just jump to the punishment?.


    What I know Allah protected human dignity and sent to us messegers , prophets and holy books to educate humanbeen before punishment.


    As far as I know the Hudood of Allah can only be applied under the Khilafah or under Hakim Adel... No thief can be punished without the khilafah, or fully Islamic Goverment.


    Allaho A3lam.



    Well said OG -Girl . . .

    Simply These so-called sharia law courts (Without khalifah or Islamic Government) have no basis in Islam nor in the tradition of the Prophet(SAW). One has to wonder whether these courts were established to give Islam bad publicity or hurt the poor/defenseless muslims.





    Yes she admits she commited fornication...The Shariah Law exists for a reason and people cant hide behind flimsy exucuses.


    They have no right to punish her whether she admits it or not....


    I wonder if these judges are even qualified Ulama or know anything about Islam. It is time, for Us Muslims, to stop these kind of misuse of the Islamic Sharia.

  4. Originally posted by OG_MOTI:

    First of all I did not ask more, and i didnt ask to be BOSS, I am asking a position to protect somalia and to give some payback to our suffering nation..


    Arabs will not put a foot in Somalia.. that is a final decision, and I will ask not to be under the minister of interrior ..

    Somali Arabs? : Any person who has somali blood will enter with specific conditions


    Condition one: They will be taken to a camp, and we will do Dhaqan celis for 6 months then given a test to see if we can trust them to join our civilized nation..


    Condition Two
    they will not take part in politics


    Codition Three
    they are not allowed to own any land or business unless they prove to be full somalis and pass the dhaqan celis test


    Few nations that will be very much controlled


    1. Gulf countries
    - Visa and stay in the country not more than 3 weeks with one day speding in the Airport for questioning and one day in the ministery of interrior for further questioning


    2. Western World
    Visa from inside somalia, embessies can not issue Visas for them, and it must not exceed 3 days.. one day questioning in the Airport


    3. Asian
    India, Philippines iyo waxeynu garanweynay.. No visa unless kafiil or sponsor and must not leave their hotels while stay in Somalia


    4. America
    special case.. no entry under any conditions, their embassy must be run by a Somali and should not be bigger than a 2 room house with no flag on top, maybe Somali Flag ..


    These are my plans and not subject for negotiation... I must be given that position inshaAllah


    I hope You are being sarcastic here!!!..If not so.. You wonder why we will neva get anywhere... a Country ruled by warlords and its citizens are full of ignorants and some of those who learned have the above ideologies or too selfish to engage!!!


    Allah helps us all!!

  5. All of us beleive that Allah is Just...but imagine this..At the Day of Judgement..when everyone is being judged for the good and the bad things they have done..and your sins include backbitting or bad words about someone you beleived was goin to hell..and instead due to those extra sins you go to hell..Inaa Lilaahi wa inaa Ilayhi Raajicuun that is a bad scenario brothas...


    just remember the way Allah will punish/reward him for his deeds so is you. Think about that...



  6. Originally posted by sheherazade:

    OG_Girl, no name tag. DA, yes, it was the knowledge that u have in dreams. U just know. In fact in the dream, the moment I looked up and saw him talking to my sister I just KNEW. I thought, 'She has met the Prophet(saw) and kept it to herself!'.


    I did not see his face and even if I did there would be no way of my confirming it as being his as I have never seen the Prophet(saw). And the same goes for the rest of us who never had the privilege to meet him.


    All I know is this:

    "He who sees me in a dream has certainly seen me, because Satan can not take my form."


    How u interpret form, I don't know. Only one who had met the Prophet(saw) would know for sure that it was him. The rest of us have a pleasant dream to look forward to, inshallah.


    It never occurred to me to pray for a dream in which I saw the Prophet(saw)- a lot of people devote much time to this. But I always wished beyond anything that I can describe that I was there in his lifetime, praying in his congregations and listening to his words.


    The dream did bring me comfort at the time but I do not cling to it or interpret it or think of myself as ahl al Jannah as a result. Such thinking would only be folly and leave me drifting. I can't afford yet another reason(albeit a delightful one) to go astray from the straight path. I have enough weaknesses as it is. There can be hidden tests in the most rewarding of experiences.


    At any rate, I wish u all pleasant dreams from Allah.

    I do agree with you... just wanna make two points


    First: The ginuene sight of the Prophet (SAW) in a dream is when you are able to describe him as the Sahaabah described him. That conforms with the Hadiith you mentioned above Since Shaytan cant take his form.


    Second: You are right the individual should not cling onto dreams and become negligent with his/her duties and obligations towards ibaadaad.


    getta run.. .


  7. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate:

    quote:hey ladies whats the thing that makes u fall for guy

    So like I'm walking, right. And then I see this guy. He is all like looking at me and everything. I am not feeling him at all. So I want to lose his attention. So everyone tells me that I got this "walk" right, and it just happens to be one of those days where I have a pep in my step. So I try to change it because this guy is like staring me down and in the midst of it all, I lose my step and fall.



    And there you have it folks. That is the way that DA falls for a guy.
    I can just imagine one day While sittin outside a cafe'..enjoyin the beautiful weather.... DA walks by....and ooops..she falls..Ngonge tries to catch her..She Yells " Dont Touch me Odayahow"...

    hehehe...sorry..couldn't resist...dont mind me..read the next post



  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique:

    quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

    True. Except just few votes including Hiiraale and Warsame who weren't there for personal reasons.

    That took me by surprise :eek: , especially considering recent political activities.


    I'm starting to think their is more to this man then meets the eye
    , but he could be the one to bring the Somali state back? Who knows, but Allah.


    I just hope he is given the support to do it from all sides (which he seems to be getting even from his enemies as of yesterday), and I hope he doesn't try any funny business, as I am most definitely sure we will be back to square one. :rolleyes:
    Dont be surprised sxb..I know a Man who made all that possible (of course with the help of good campiagners)!!!...one of the shrewdest politicians I have eva seen!!!..and Time will come when he will emerge from behind the scenes!!!!



  9. I know someone who knows someone who is close to someone who advises AY... So i think I can tell you..what AY is goin to do...


    He will appoint M Q Afrah as his PM....


    In the Future Dont say "I wasn't Told or wasn't expecting"..I told you!!! so you can tell your friends and relatives...and If someone asks you " how do you know... you can tell them..." I know a guy thru Cyper who knows someone who knows someone who is close to someone who advises AY"... I am sure they will beleive you!!!


    I hope that helps!!



  10. Originally posted by QUANTUM LEAP:

    The contractum trinius was a legal trick used by European merchants in the Middle Ages to allow borrowing at usury, something that the Church fiercely opposed. It was a combination of three separate contracts, each of which was deemed permissible by the Church, but which together yielded a fixed rate of return from the outset. For example, Person A might invest £100 in Person B for one year. A would then sell back to B the right to any profit over and above say £30, for a fee of £15 to be paid by B. Finally, A would insure himself against any loss of wealth by means of a third contract agreed with B at a cost to A of £5. The result of these three simultaneously agreed contracts was an interest payment of £10 on a loan of £100 made by A to B.

    Everyone is missin the point...

    The Islamic banker is buyin the product from the Seller..and then Sellin it to you at a higher price... So Two Transactions have happened here

    Between The Seller -- and the Bank - - - and between you and the Bank... and that is why it is bay3..and not riba..while in the Riba..the Bank makes the money from the Money lent to you and not from the product....


    there is a fine line between the riba and bay3..and one should be carefull...

  11. Originally posted by raula:

    ^^^^me si mtu wa GARISSA...but do you have something against GARISSA :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Garissa..Dusty joint with too many donkeys fartin @ every corner of the street... and It does not have a Sea Shore...


    Just didnt want many SOLers to be misled that Garissa has beaches...


  12. Originally posted by Viking:

    If a man is charming and/or knows how to fine tune a femme, it is usually confused as being a 'playa'.



    Haha haha, was it that bad? Words can be decieving...anonymity does brings the animal out of some people.

    LoooL..I have stories to tell My dear Ol friend Morpheus..er Viking!!!...Naturaly My comment was not based on my experience rather it was about a discussion I had with a friend!!!.


    Made u laugh tho..didnt I..Ol timer!!!



  13. You didn't ask the proper question...

    First..Danger..from where did you get the pics?


    We Need more info to give an opinion... I dont wanna be someone who jumps to conclusions or analyse issues witout the proper data/information.


    Besides you can come up with many excuses for them if you give them the benefit of doubt...


    so..let me hear from you Danger



  14. Originally posted by raula:

    legend of zu- too hip 4 herbal tea! but cool.

    now I know where my BIJA DOUBLE GINGER TEA bags has been disappearing to :mad: you rascal from down under icon_razz.gif


    waa la i nabsanaa soo maha :eek: !!!....anagaa wax aragnay.... -----> walks away ..and looks back...ooh... There are some chinese herbal medicine in the fridge..Dont Touch them!!... :Dicon_razz.gif

  15. Originally posted by mojam:

    Over the moon. We've got the Roon!!


    That's a sign a United fan was holding.

    LoL..Mojam..and let me add this for them Man U supporters ...


    " Over The Moon. They've got Roon!!!..and Gooners will ruin for them!!!!"

  16. Originally posted by OG_Girl:

    Ok here some Nomads :


    Legens of Zu : Short, blackchinesse, can be innocent and do evil act at the same time ...I haven't seen some one can be like that


    heheheh..Fine...nad Let me tell you how I pic u..


    a Female version of Husni Mubarak but darker and larger!! ..large face with small/tiny teeth..


    When she laughs you ca hear from 7 blocks!!.. Always..her Mother yellin " OG!!!... Y u yellin...Dont embarrase me "..Prolly she will say in arabic..but i have translated.



  17. Originally posted by Aeryn Sun:

    Sheh + Xoogsade


    who can eat the most laxoox in the least amount of time
    ' competitions

    I have the record for that!!!! that is when using my hand..and I become fifth when using chopsticks!!! :D:D:D