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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. Meiji, Al-Shabab may be guilty of the crimes you've outlined but that shouldn't lead you to excuse the possible presence of murderous mercenaries in our country.



    The extremist warlords have already deployed murderous mercenaries from Pakistan/Afganistan and elsewehere. These murderous mercenaries who have introduced suicide bombing and assasination of civilians are excused by the supporters of the extremist warlords.


    Blackwater and whatever corporation are not the 'boogeyman'. We know who that is, and a murderer can not accuse others of murder.


    The extremist warlords are the last persons to accuse others of massacring civilians by using highly explosive devices (suicide trucks etc).

  2. Bilaal,


    You should not fall for the Propaganda of the extremist warlords. This is nothing but 'the pot calling the kettle black'


    Few questions:


    - Are the extremist warlords not known for their ruthlessness and obscurity?


    - How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords assasinate influential men who had just finished Fadjr prayer and were heading to their families?


    - How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords jeopardized civilian lives by firing from Suuqa Bakaaraha (heavily populated market place)and other crowded places just to ran away with no consideration for the hunderds of civilians who had to endure the mortar rains?


    - How many times did the masked men of the extremist warlords commit suicide bombings with mostly civilian casualties?


    - Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have brainwashed and drugged 10-15 year old Somali kids and made them to drive suicide cars?


    - Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have invited foreign Jihadi fighters to Somalia and promised to share with them our farms (land) and our daughters (mothers of the nation)? Abu Mansur (then spokesperson of the extremist warlords), 1.26 minutes


    - Are the extremist warlords not the ones who have committed suicide bombing in Beledweyne-Medina Hotel and in the process killed influential traditional/religious and civil society leaders just to assasinate Col.Cumar Xaashi and Laqanjo? How many civilians died that day? 20 civilians died.


    So, what exactly makes Shamow hotel suicide bombing different from the Medina hotel suicide bombing? Didn't they assasinate key ministers of the foreign-created regime just like in Medina Hotel of Beledweyne. Why was the Medina Hotel the work of the extremist warlords and is the Shamow hotel bombing not?


    And lastly,


    How come suicide operations, assasinations, road-side bombings occur in places not controled by the extremist warlords? In Hargaisa, Bosaso, Gaalkacyo, Beledweyne, Mogadishu etc?


    How come suicide operations, assasinations, road-side bombings are directed against people who are associated with the other camp..which automatically dispells all conspiracy theories?


    Lets not delude ourselves, the extremist warlord's whole organisation is obscure. Their leadership structure is obscure (for all we know a Non-Somali person can be the leader). Their organisation applies terror tactics to inflict maximum damage on their opponents and in the process create confusion and fear in the society (why else whould they cover their faces and go on an assasination spree?)


    The news report of the extremist warlords is an insult to our intelligence. As far as we know, they are the same as blackwater or any other corporations that they want to use as ''boogeyman''.

  3. I strongly welcome this very unpopular move by the extremist warlords.


    They are making it very clear to the Somali nation that their ideology is not one of Somalinimo but a deluded ideology imported from Afganistan/Pakistan etc.


    We have already heard news reports stating that the current leader of the extremist warlord organisation is a non-Somali. This move to ban the BLUE FLAG only makes it very clear that their struggle is not in the interest of the Somali nation but in the interest of foreign Jihadi organisations such as Al-Qaida.

  4. Where are those deluded supporters of the extremist warlords who were propagating that the extremists warlords were the only option left for the Somali people who love their country and freedom?


    Today the extremist warlords have made it very clear that they are against the symbol of Somaliweyn: The blue flag.




    Sheekh Muqtaar Roobow “Calan aan aheeyn Kan Madow ee Towxiidka Alle ku qoranyahay mayeelayno in meelka mid ah Soomaaliya uu ka taagnaado” (SAWIRO)




    To Extremist warlord supporters like Che and others: Change your blue flag in your avatar into a black flag if your support for the extremist warlords is sincere.

  5. Dhiig Geel-Jire.


    When you go up North from Beledweyne you come in the historic region of Mudug (Galgaduud-Mudug) which is known for the fierce, independent, free and stubborn Nomads (Geel-jire) that settle in that barren land and would fight to the death for a couple of stones on the ground.


    Mudug is a region that has shaped Somalia, more than 5 of the SYL men came from there. Most influential leaders of Somalia came from Mudug. During the Somali Civil War all Somali people were saying that the problem of Somalia is Mugdi Mudug.


    Back in 2004 to 2008, two subclans (CabdiQabdiids subclan and that of Gelinsoor/Cadaado) were fighting to the death for some desert-towns. The two populations of the two subclans were all electrified by the conflict and the Diaspora was sending money back home like there is no tommorow.

    That alone shows that Mudug is a region where two brothers would fight to the death for their honour.


    The extremists have lost 100s of men in Guriceel, Dhusomareeb, CeelBuur, Maxaas, Waxbo etc.


    The funny thing: The extremists have already difficulties with entering the Southern gate of Mudug: Galgaduud.


    Mudug has played a key role in the creation and destrion of Somalia. In the near future it will play a keyrole in the resurrection of Somalia as it has proven to be a bufferzone against extremist warlords with their foreign ideology imported from Afganistan/Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.



    PS: When you analyze the demography of Mudug you can not help but to notice the fact that the multiple subclans that settle in that region play a dominant role within their respective overal clan-family.

  6. The silly surprise incursion of the extremists into Dhusomareeb was swiftly dealt with by the Sufi forces with the geeljire blood.


    Galgaduud is truelly the graveyard of the extremists, their main leaders have perished there: Cayrow, TimoJilic and many more to come.




    Xaalada Degmada Dhuusa Mareeb oo degan iyo Qasaarihii dagaalada oo sii kordhay


    Xaalada degmada Dhuusa Mareeb ee Gobolka G/gaduud ayaa saaka degan, iyadoo ay ku waabariisatay Bandow ay ku soo rogeen Culimada Ahlu Sunah, kadib markii shalay gelinkii la wareegeen.


    Sida ay sheegayaan wararka waxaa sii kordhaya qasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkii shalay, waxaana dhimashada ay hada mareysaa ilaa 40 ruux oo dhimasho ah, kuwaasi oo isugu jira dhinacyadii dagaalamayay.


    Ciidamo fara badan ayaa lagu arkayaa gudaha Degmada Dhuusa Mareeb, kuwaasoo ammaanka si adag u sugaya, waxaana wararku sheegayaan in Ciidamo fara badan xalay ku baxeen wadada aada dhanka Koofureed oo aheyd halkii Shabaabka ka soo weerar tageen.


    Saraakiisha Ahlu Sunah ayaa guulo ka sheeganaya dagaalka, waxaana dad goob joogayaal sheegeen in magaalada xalay ay bilqanayeen Meydad fara badan oo ahaa dhinacii ka soo horjeeday ee Shabaab.


    Xarakada Alshabaab oo magaalada gacanta ku hayay 10-saacadood ayaa laga fara maroojiyay galabnimadii shalay, markii gurmad xoogan ay Ahlu Sunah ku rogaal celisay dagaalka, kadib markii aroortii hore laga soo saaray.


    Ka sokow qasaaraha ayaa waxaa jira dad si bareer ah loo dilay iyo kuwa la gowracay oo lagu eedeeyay in ay geysteen Shabaab, markii ay la wareegeen Magaalada, waxaana dadka la dilay ku jiray nin madax ka ahaa Shirkada Isgaarsiinta Telsom.


    Boqolaalka ruux ee ka barakacay magaalada ayaa afka aadiyay deegaanada miyiga, waxaana ay ka cabsi qabaan in hadii ay soo laabtaan in dagaaladu ay saameeyaan, waxaana dadka ay yihiin kuwa eegaya hadba xaalada sida ay isu badasho.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee dagaalkii shalay ayaa ahaa mid labada dhinacba ay jilbaha isugu dhigeen, kuna waayeen dad muhiim ah, waxaana dagaalkaas uu ahaa kii ugu xumaa ee abid labadan dhinac dhex mara, tan iyo markii dagaalada ay ka dhex bilowdeen sanad ka hor.


    Hoyga wararka Somaliyed

  7. Sorry to wake u up from your wet dreams but the extremist warlords have been chased away from Dhusomareeb.


    Dhusomareeb-Guriceel-Cabudwaaq-Balanbale and everything upwards is the lands of true Somali geel-jire who can not be brainwashed by the foreign ideology imported from Afganistan/Pakistan/Saudi Arabia.


    The extremist warlords can not subdue the original Somali geeljire.



    Shabelle: DHUUSAMAREEB.




    Saraakiil katirsan maamulka Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca oo lahdlay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in galabta uu mar kale dagaal ka dhacay qeybo kamid ah degmada Dhuusamareeb ee gobolka Galgaduud kaasi oo u dhaxeeyay Ciidamada Maamulka Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Wajamaaca iyo Ciidamo katirsan Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab.




    Waxa ay sheegeen Saraakiishaasi in caawa ay iyagu gacanta ku hayaan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud islamarkaana ay ka saareen Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al Shabaab sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.

  8. Some people mitigate the brave resistance those Somalis have put against the US rangers on 3th of october because they think of Gen.Aideed.


    Remember, on that day ordinary Somalis took up the weapons to defend themselves against the US rangers who have massacred more than 1.000 innocent Somali civlians on that day.


    Grow up and leave behind the cuqdad.

  9. Thats the other side of the story of the socalled 'Black Hawk Down' movie.



    3 October 1993 was a historic day in which Americans were defeated and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu.


    They got what they deserved, and the victims of the massacres the Americans committed have rejoiced the defeat of the US rangers on that day.

  10. Originally posted by NASSIR:

    It's amazing that all of this is happening when the Galka'yo dispute has turned into a deadly, clan warfare.



    No internal disputes while the enemy is fighting us in Galka'yo?


    I hate to break i down for you, but the animosity between the folks in Galka'yo wont solve the internal disputes in Sanaag/Bari nor unify your people. Those tribal skirmishes between the communities of Sanaag and Bari were there centuries ago, and will be there for the foreseeable future.

  11. Dagaalo sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo Maalintii labaad ka dhacay Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta gobolka mudug iyo Barakac ka dhashay.


    Shabelle: GAALKACYO

    Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta Gobolka mudug ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in maanta gudaha Magaaladaasi uu ka qarxey dagaal xoogan kaasi oo la sheegayo in uu daba socodo kii shaley halkaasi ka dhacay.




    Dagaalkan ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in uu u dhaxeeyo Ganacsato kasoo jeeda dhanka Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo Ciidamada Dowlada Hoose ee Puntlad, waxaana dagaalkaasi ka dhashey qasaaro xoogan oo dhimasho iyo dhaawac ah.




    Inta la ogyahay waxaa dagaalkaasi ka qarxey gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ku dhantey 8-ruux oo isugu jira dad rayid ah iyo dhinacayada dagaalamayey waxaana ku dhaawacmay ku dhowaad ilaa iyo 25-oo rayid u badan.




    Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya dadka uu dagaalka u dhaxeeyo waxaana wararka qaar ay sheegayan in ay is heystaan beelo kala dega Koofurta iyo waqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo,Hase ahaatee dagaalkan ayaa waxaa uu cabsi xoogan uu ku abuuray dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaasi iyadoona lasoo sheegayo in ay hakad galeen ganacsiga iyo isu-socodka dadka iyo Gaadiidkaba.




    Waxaana sidoo kale la sheegayaa in guud ahaanba magaalada Gaalkacyo si aad ah looga maqlayo,Madaama labada dhinac ay isku adeegsanayaan Hubka noocihiis kala duwan.




    Dadka ku dhaqan qaar kamid ah Xaafadaha Magaaladaasi ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen in meelaha qaarkooda ay kusoo dhaceen tiro madaafiic ah iyadoona aan si dhab ah loo agoon qasaaraha Madaaficdaasi ay geysteen.




    Dhanka kale iyadoo dagaaladaasi ay ka socodaan gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa waxaa hadana la sheegayaa in magaalada uu ka bilowday barakac xoogan oo ay sameynayaan dadka xaafadaha ku dhaqan.




    Si kastaba ha ahaatee Odoyaasha magaaladasi ayaa waxaa ay wadaan dadaalo ay ku doonayaan in lagu qaboojiyo dagaalkan kasoo cusboonaadey magaalada Gaalkacyo e Xurunta Gobolka Mudug in kastoo wali aaney jirin wax hadalo ah oo kasoo baxay dhanka saraakiisha magaaladasi.

  12. "Foreign jihadis are the ones who are calling the shots. They are the ones who are behind the waves of suicide bombings, which have caused horrific civilian casualties. And increasingly, they are alienating those people who have a local agenda."



    "International (read: Western) organisations are the ones who are calling the shots. They are the ones who are behind the waves of 'reconciliation conferences', which have fueled the Somali civil war and have caused horrific civilian casualties. And increasingly, they are alienating those people who have an independent agenda (Islamists-Nationalists)."

    Foreign mercenaries are the same from a Nationalist point of view: the mercenary who came from Afganistan is no different than the mercenary who came from Uganda. Both are causing destruction and aiding warlord factions. Both should leave our Somali soil and stop interfering with our national affaires.


    Al-Qaida and the shady anonymous Jihadi organisations are also no different than the Western-controlled web of organisations: International Organisations ,Regional Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations etc.

  13. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv:

    The African occupiers and "Sheikh" Shariffs thugs should stop occupying Muqdisho and return to central Africa.

    Agree, and while we are at it let the Arab/Afgani/Pakistani mercenaries and the Alqaida-affiliated Somalis stop their terror campaign in Somalia and return to wherever they came from.


    Somalia is for Somali people, and all foreigners and foreign powers/groups who meddle in our national affaires should be opposed.

  14. if the dead consisted soley of tfg ministers, ugandan mercanaries I might believe AS was behind it ... otherwise you would have to provide very damning evidence it was them. [/QB]

    Yet in Beledweyne they murdered elders, businessmen, women and civilians just to assasinate Col. Cumar Xaashi.


    No single foreign soldier was murdered that day, only 60 Somali civilians.


    The extremists were behind Beledweyne bombing, and were behind that of Mogadishu no matter what their supporters tell us.