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Posts posted by Siciid1986

  1. Mudanayaal Ka Tarsan Xisbiga UDUB Oo Taageerayaashooda Ugu Baaqay Inay Codka Siiyaan Xisbiga KULMIYE.



    Hargaysa(Ramaas) June 24, 2010 - laba Mudane oo ka tirsan Golaha wakiilada Somaliland, kana soo baxay Xisbiga talada haya ee UDUB ayaa maanta taageerayaashooda ugu baaqay inay maalinta Sabtida ee codbixinta doorashada Madaxtooyada codkooda siiyaan Xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE.


    Xildhibaan Cali Aareeye iyo Xildhibaan Cabdikariim Aw Cali Shabeele oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Hargaysa ayaa sheegay in Xisbiga UDUB uu baaba’ay oo aanay ku hadhin cid ka qayb gasha tartanka doorashada madaxtooyada, waxaanay shaaca ka qaadeen in Xisbigaasi ay ku hadheen oo kaliya Madaxwayne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo Ku xigeenkiisa Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin.


    Xildhibaan Cali Aareye oo ugu horayn halkaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in uu Xildhibaan ahaan ka soo baxay Xisbiga UDUB, balse aanu garanayn Gole dhexe iyo Gole fulineed mid uu ka tirsan yahay wakhtigan xaadirka ah.


    “ Anigu reerkayagii (Ciise) siyaasada Xisbiga UDUB way ka soo horjeesteen, waxaanay ugu yidhaahdeen anaga ha noo iman adigoo UDUB cod u raadinaya, waxaan ummada reer Somaliland u sheegaynaa in Xisbigii UDUB uu nagu dul baaba’ay oo aanay maanta joogin cid ka qayb gasha tartanka doorashada.” Ayuu yidhi Xildhibaan Cali



    Ramaasnews Desk

  2. Election Fever Too Much For Rayaale


    Monday, 21 June 2010 17:45


    Hargeisa(Horn) -The incumbent president and the ruling party’s candidate Dahir Rayale Kahin, baffled his supporters in Borama last week, when he apparently couldn’t know which day was it as he was addressing the public.


    As he began his speech, the president thanked the people of Borama and Awdal in general asking them to vote for him in the next week’s Election Day. “I am aware you’ve gathered in this hot sunny day and that it is almost time for the main Friday prayers, but I just want to say that I am thankful for you all” the president said, not knowing it was Tuesday.


    The president realized his mistake after a senior official next to him whispered correcting him into his ear, and he awkwardly corrected himself, saying that was just a slip of a tongue.


    Though it seemed so, however, some of the observers of the campaign rallies have confirmed that it was intentional and he did not know which day was it. This is because, they said, of the fierce challenge from the opposition parties his party has been facing recently, which the president noticed just lately.



  3. kulm-ceerig2.jpg



    Ceerigaabo-(Berberanews)-19, May, 2010-Gudoomiyha xisbiga siyaasiga ah ee kulmiye Axamed Maxmed Maxmuud (siilaanyo) ayaa kumanaan katirsan taageerayaasha xisbigaasi kala hadlay fagaaraha beerta xoriyada Nuura ee magaalada Ceerigaabo.


    Guddoomiye Siilaanyo oo shalay fiidkii soo gaadhay magaalada, ayaa Waxa socdaalkiisa ku wheliya Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaad ee xisbiga Muuse Biixi Cabdi, Gudoomiye kuxigeenka sadexaad C/raxmaan Tanyanle iyo Gudoomiyaha ololaha gobolada bari Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose.


    Boqollaal dadweynaha reer Ceerigaabo ah oo ku gaashaaman calanka astaanta u ah iyo boodhadh ay ku xardhanyihiin halkudhigyo ay ku taageersanyihii Axmed Siilaanyo oo ay garab socdaan raxan fardooley ah, ayaa saaka ku waaberiistay fagaaraha Beerta Xoriyadda.


    Gudoomiyaha xisbiga kulmiye Axmed Siilaanyo oo dadweynaha halkaa kala hadlay, una mahadceliyey sida ay u soo dhaweeyeen, ayaa sheegay in gobolka sanaag uu go’doon ka yahay gobolada kale ee Somaliland taasina ay sabab utahay xukuumada madaxweyne Rayaale oo ooku eedeeyey inay noqotay hoygii musuqmaasaqa iyo wax-isdaba marinta.



    Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE waxa uu sheegay in gobolka sanaag oo Ilaahay ku nimcaystay khayraad dabiiciya, isagoo ballanqaaday inuu sii kordhindoono horumarinta gobolka Sanaag.


    Gudoomiyihii hore ee xisbiga UDUB ee dhawaan xilkaa iska casilay Cali Ismaaciil Barre (Cali Qasaaye) oo halkaa ka hadlay, ayaa sheegay inuu si buuxda ugu biiray xisbiga KULMIYE islamarkaana xukuumada madaweyne Rayaale aanay dalka waxba uqaban loona baahan yahay isbedel deg deg ah.


    Gudoomiyaha ololaha doorashada ee gobolada bari Dr-Maxmed Cabdi Gaboose oo isna halakaa kahadlaya ayaa sheegay in xibiga kulmiye taageeradii gobolada bari uu hantay siiba gobolka Sanaag dadweynaha ku nool gobolkaasi ay diyaar uyihiin inay codkooda siiyaan xisbiga KULMIYE.


    Waxaa isna halakaa ka hadlay gudoomiyahA saddexaad ee xisbiga kulmiye C/raxmaan Maxamed Talyanle oo ku dheeraaday fadhiidnimada iyo wax qabad la'anta xukuumada.


    Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koobaad ee xisbiga kulmiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa isguna dhankiisa si weyn uga hadlay barnaamijka siyaasadeed ee xisbiga oo uu sheegay inuu cadyahay islmarkaana uu yahay cadaalada xukuumadooduna xooga saarayso shaqaalaha dawlada iyo ciidamada




  4. Hargeisa(Horn) -Accusations of corruption and misuse of power has always been on the increase since President Rayaale took the oath of office in 2002. The increasing allegations have made the populace to lose confidence in the present government. The incumbent President has totally failed in tackling this mess in the eight years he has been on the throne.


    President Rayaale is well known to repudiation and condemnation whenever his government is criticized. He always uses the opposition as a scapegoat pointing out that they mislead and divide the public, to change the focus off the criticisms.


    A detailed report which contained the amount of money embezzled by the current government was presented by a senior KULMIYE official. Referring to an early article he published on 5 May 2010, Eng. Mohamed Hashi has again raised the government’s embezzlement of public funds which could have been utilized in developing social services and infrastructure.


    He estimated that, besides the rampant corruption practices in the government, over twenty five million dollars go into the pockets of the senior government officials which don’t appear on the yearly budgets presented to the national assembly. Eng. Hashi presented in depth analysis of the corruption in the revenue collection organs of the government and in particular the customs department, which its revenues make 78% of this year’s budget.


    He presented the details of the revenues that did not appear on the budget while president Rayale has been in office from 2002 to 2009 totaling $227,606,700 which means that $28,400,000 of tax payers’ money is lost to the corrupt government each year.




    Commenting on what his Kulmiye party will do if elected to lead the country, Eng. Hashi stated that apart from implementing it’s manifesto Kulmiye will utilize this un accounted for money to spend on building four full equipped Technical Colleges and four hospitals with 100 bed capacity each, which can cost the exact amount of money stolen from the national treasury in one year. Meanwhile he reminded the citizens to carefully evaluate whether the president and his government have honored their oath of office.




    On the other hand, our Somali edition Geeska Afrika contacted minister of finance Hussein Ali Du’ale (Awil) to seek the government’s response to these allegations and Mr.Awil, the finance minister has totally refuted them and insisted that there is no single shilling that goes missing since the national revenues are under his personal supervision. He said that 60% of the budget is allocated to maintaining national security, an indication as to why the government can not spend much on social services and infrastructures. Responding to a question regarding the public funds embezzlement, the minister said “Mohamed Hashi is a friend I have known many years whose utterance I am always shocked with, all that he is talking about is a mere falsehood. I have asked him many times to go with us to Berbera and see our records and find out the amount of revenues we collect and how we spend it. I don’t know what makes him talk about such lies he is used to.”


    The minister also talked about the on going campaigns and the chances of the ruling UDUB party to win another term to lead the country, saying that he was quite optimistic the people of Somaliland will vote for his party for its good record on governance and maintaining peace and tranquility in the country.


    Answering on why the civil servants have not been paid their salaries for the last two months, the minister stated it was a technical matters caused by the delayed budget endorsement by the national assembly.


  5. The secret behind the maneuver Of the three Presidential aspirants in Sanaag region



    Hargeisa(Horn) -The Far East region of Sanaag has become the core election campaigns showground where the three presidential entrants are positioning most of their influences. Sanaag is the biggest region in Somaliland and the burial spot of most of the ancestors of the tribes living in the country. Sheikh *****, who is buried in the area is the ancestor of KULMIYE and UCD’s aspirants, Ahmed Mohammed Mohamoud Silanyo and Faisal Ali Hussein respectively. UDUB’s presidential candidate, the incumbent president Dahir Rayaale Kahin’s antecedent, Sheikh ********, is also buried in this part of the country.




    It is the first time, in Somaliland’s history, that an Aircraft has been used in a campaign process. Traveling on a special flight to Erigavo, President Rayaale spent several nights meeting with elders in the region.




    Addressing an UDUB campaign rally in Erigavo, President Rayaale asked the Sanaag populace to elect him for the leadership of the country for a second time.




    Attacking the opposition he said, “First of all, if my friends say nothing has been done, let them know that I am the only one who has done something while they exercise abuses and empty words. Let my rivals say what they want. I stand for only one thing. I stand for peace and tranquility to reach all parts of Somaliland.”




    Speaking on the elections, President Rayaale said, “They say that the President doesn’t want the elections to take place. I started elections and up to date I am still stirring it.”




    Discrediting the recent registration process, the President stressed that the process was incorrect and his UDUB party would let it go for the sake of the forthcoming elections but fresh registrations will be conducted for next elections that follow.




    President Rayale renewed his 2003 unfulfilled promises for the Sanaag residents. He promised that the hard rough road that connects the region to Togdeer region will be constructed. “Victory is the hands of God and you. I therefore urge you to vote for UDUB.” He stressed.


    The President explained that Sanaag was the land of the ancestors and where they cast their votes is where the rest of the votes go.



    On the other hand the UCID Presidential aspirant, Eng. Faisal Ali Hussein, who was also in Erigavo advised Sanaag people not to repeat the mistake they made in the last elections where they voted for Rayaale. Eng. Faisal pointed out that the entire Somaliland population’s votes that were given to UDUB were a waist and asked those who voted for Rayaale in the 2003 elections to repent because they share all the good and bad deeds with him on the day of judgment.


    “Today Erigavo has spoken. It has spoken in a loud voice and said, ‘We are UCID!’”, Said Faisal. “He came to you today and he is mocking your dignity showing you that you are worthless. After sleeping for eight years he took a special flight to come here. I told myself that maybe he is checking whether the Sanaag residents have all died as he wished but fortunately you are still alive and we shall save you.”




    Other reports indicate that the KULMIYE Presidential nominee Ahmed Mohammed Mohamoud has also left Hargeisa yesterday, heading for Erigavo to join his Eastern regions campaign manager, the outspoken, Dr. Mohammed Abdi Gabose.

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    Oodweyne June 17, 2010 (Haatuf)-Wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE ahna musharaxa Madaxweyne ee Xisbigaasi Mujaahid Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilanyo ayaa shalay Gobolka Daadmadheedh xaruntiisa Odweyne si weyn loogu soo dhoweyay, waftigan oo labadii maalmood ee u danbeeyay ku sugnaa magaalda Burco ay shalay uga ambabaxeen magaalada Oodweyne ayaa dadweynaha halkaas ku dhaqani si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyeen, iyada oo loo dhigay Rooga Cas ee soo dhawaynta, islamrkaana Kooxda baamboyda ee ciidanka bilaysku kala qaybqateen soo dhawaynta Muj Axmed Siilaanyo .


    Sida uu ku soo waramay wariyaha Haatuf ee gobolka Togdheer Axmed Aadan Yuusuf, Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye Axmed Maxamuud Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) iyo waftiga uu hogaaminayay magaalada Odweyne ay ku sugayeen,Waxana halka loogu sameeyay Casumaad balaadhan oo xoolo badan oo Geel iyo Adhi isagu jira loogu qalay, iyada oo Axmed Siilaanyo meel suuqa dhexdiisa ah loo Goglay Roog Cas oo u ku dul lugeyay kaas oo la dhigay ilaa Guriga loogu talogalay in uu ku nasto iyo masaafo suuqa dhexdiisa ah. Rogaas oo ah ka Madaarada Madaxada lagaga soo dhoweeyo. Waxa sidoo kale arintaa dhinac socday dhalinyaro badan oo ku labisan dharka hidaha iyo dhaqanka iyo astaamaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, kuwaas oo ku luqaynayay Heeso soo dhowayn ah, iyaga oo markay salka dhigeena loo keenay Hadhuubo Caano Geel ah














    Burco ( 16.06.10 Kumanaan kun oo Taageerayaasha Xisbiga KULMIYE ayaa manta Dhoolatuskii ugu Balaadhnaa oo ay ku taageerayaan Xisbiga KULMIYE ka sameeyay Fagaaraha Magaaladda Burco.


    Isu soo baxan ay Taageerayaasha Xisbiga KULMIYE ku muujinayeen Awoodooda Taageero ayaa iskaga kala yimaadeen Dhamaan Xaafaddaha Magaaladda Burco ay ka koobantahay iyaga oo watay Gaadiid aad u Tiro badan oo kala xidhay Wadooyinka iyo Suuqyadda Magaaladda Taageerayaashan oo sitay Astaanta Xisbiga KULMIYE iyo Caleemo Qoyan islamarkaana Buuxdhaafiyay Fagaaraha Qeyriyadda ee Burco ayna dadku qaarkood fuuleen Gidaaraddaha Xaafadaha iyo Dhirtaba.


    Dhoolatuskan uu Xisbiga KULMIYE ku muujinayey ayaa waxay ka duwanaayeen kuwii hore islamarkaa ku muujiyay Xisbiga awoodiisa Taageero oo uu ku leeyahay Gobolka Togdheer.

  7. Borama(Bnn) Maanta ayay ahayd maalintii ololaha ee xisbiga KULMIYE u lahaa, waxaana la filayay maanta inuu kala qayb qaato ololoha doorashada taageerayaashiisa ku nool degmadan Borama,waxaana soo dhawayntiisa ka qayb galaym kumaan kun oo taageerayaashisa iyo mas'uuliyiinta xisbiga Kulmiye ee heer gobol iyo heer degmo.


    isku soo baxan loogu muujinayay taageerada Musharaxa madaxwaynaha ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb qaadanayay ciidanka qaranka iyo kan booliskaba waxaana aad ku arkaysay meel walba iyaga oo taagan iyaga oo u ilaalinayay sidii madaxwayne oo kale,hadaba markii uu magaalada soo dhexmaray ka dib ayaa waxa uu soo gaadhay goor danbe khayriyada wayn ee magaalada Borama halkaas oo ay ugu diyaar ahaayeen kumaan kun oo taageerayaasha xisbiga kulmiye oo iskugu jiray rag iyo dumar, caruur iyo ciroolaba.


    hadaba khudbado dhaadheer ka dib waxaa halkaa ka hadlay musharaxa madaxwaynaha xisbiga kulmiye siilaanyo waxa uuna u mahad naqay taageerayaashiisa reer borama sida wanaagsan ee ay usoo dhaweeyeen waxa uuna sheegay in isku soo baxanoo kale loogu soo baxo maalinta codbixinta ee 26 june loona baahan yahay in la siiyo xisbiga isbadel doonka ee kulmiye Codka.


    ugu danbayn waxaa halkaa lagu soo gabagabeeyay ololihii iyo soo dhawayntii waxa uuna siilaanyo loo kaxeeyay guri loogu talagalay waftiga uu hogaaminayay siilaanyo.














  8. Saddex iyo toban xildhibaan oo ka tirsan mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiillada ee ku abtirsada labada xisbi ee UDUB iyo UCID, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday shalay inay taageeradoodii siyaasadeed si rasmi ah ugu wareejiyeen xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee KULMIYE.


    Sidaana waxay ku caddeeyeen kooxda mudanayaasha ah baaq ay si wadajir ah xalay fiidkii uga soo saareen caasimadda Hargeysa, kuwaas oo xukuumadda iyo xisbigeeda UDUB ku eedeeyey inay hawlan yihiin shirqoollo lagu curyaaminayo qabsoomidda doorashada Madaxtooyada ee loo qoondeeyey inay dalka ka qabsoonto 26ka bishan June ee aynu ku jirno.


    Xildhibaannada hore uga tirsanaa xisbiyada UDUB iyo UCID ee ku dhawaaqay inay taageeradoodii siyaasadeed siyaasadeed ku wareejiyeen xisbiga KULMIYE, waxa ay isugu jiraan 7 mudane oo ka soo jeeda xisbul-xaakimka UDUB iyo lix xildhibaan oo ka soo jeeda xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee UCID.


    Baaqaas oo kooxda mudanayaasha ah si faahfaahsan ugaga hadleen arrimaha doorashada iyo caqabadaha masuuliyiinta xukuumadda UDUB ku dibindaabyeynayaan oo nuqul ka mid ah Jamhuuriya helay xalay waxa uu isagoo dhammaystiran u qornaa sidan:


    “Guddiga Doorashooyinka Qaranku waxay u asteeyeen maalinta ay taariikhdu tahay 26 June 2010 inay qabsoonto doorashada madaxtooyadu. Komishanka Doorashooyinku si wanaagsan bay u hawsha u wadaan, ummadduna way ku ogtahay, balse waxa jira dhaqanno lagu curyaaminayo hawlaha doorashada oo ay wadaan masuuliyiinta xukuumadda iyo xisbigeeda UDUB. Dhaqannadaasna waxa ka mid ah:


    1- Hab-dhaqanka Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Taliyaha Booliska ee ku wajahan doorashada (sida sanduuqii State House-ka oo uu si toos ah u qaatay taliyaha bilaysku).


    2.Hab-dhaqanka xisbiga UDUB oo ku jahaysan fashilinta doorashada iyo abuuris xaalad nabadgelyo-darro, taasina waxaa daliil u ah warsaxaafadeedkii dhawaan ka soo baxay musharraxa xisbiga UDUB oo ku baaqayey inay jiraan xaalado cusub oo argagixiso, isla markaana lagu wargeliyey hay’adaha shisheeye ee dalka jooga inaanay guryahooda ka soo bixin habeenkii iyo xadhig, cago-juglayn loo gaysto xubnaha firfircoon ee mucaaradka sida ka dhacday Gobolka Awdal. Waxa kaloo jira iibsasho baahsan oo ay ku iibsanayaan kaadhadhka codbixiyayaasha, hawlahaas oo ka dhacay goobaha kaadh-beddelka, taasi oo looga danleeyahay fashilinta diiwaangelinta iyo doorashadaba.


    3.Xaaladda doorashada ee hadda lagu jiro waxaa awoodda iska leh GDQ-ka, hay’adaha amniguna waxay ku khasban yihiin inay la shaqeeyaan GDQ-ka si ay doorasho xor ah oo xaalaal ah uga qabsoonto dalka.


    Si aynu uga midho-dhalinno fursaddan doorashada ee aynu muddada dheer sugaynay, una gaadhno himilada is bedelka loogana baxo dhibta, caddaalad-darrada iyo horumar la’aantan qaranka daashatay, waxaannu talo ku gaadhnay annagoo ka tirsan Golaha Wakiillada, kana soo kala jeedna xisbiyada UDUB iyo UCID oo waajib nagu ah in aannu u hawlgallo sidii loo badbaadin lahaa dalka oo sannadba sannadka ka dambeeya jiritaankiisii sii daciifayo. Mar haddii xaal noqday sidee loo badbaadiyaa dalka? Waxaannu go’aansanay sidan:


    1.In fursaddan doorashada si dhab ah looga midho-dhaliyo;


    2.In cod iyo cududba la mideeyo oo hal weel la isugu geeyo;


    3.In loo guntado sidii dhibta la iskaga qaadi lahaa;


    4.In danta guud la soo hormariyo ta gaarka ah;


    5.In caqliga laga shaqaysiiyo oo la garto inay doorashadani tahay badbaadinta jiritaanka qaranka.


    6. Waxaan dadka ugu baaqaynaa rag iyo dumarba inay ilaashadaan goobaha codbixinta;


    7. Waxaan u soo jeedinaynaa ciidammada bilayska iyo kuwa qarankaba in ay xil iska saaraan illaalinta doorashada oo aanay qaadan awaamiirta khaldan, xisbiyadana dhex u noqdaan, codkoodana ku biiriyaan sidii isbeddel dalka uga dhici lahaa;


    Hal-ku-dheggu wuxuu yahay; ‘Hadhowbaa la hufaaye horta waa la hanta.’


    Mudanayaasha digo-rogtay ee taageeradoodii ku wareejiyey xisbiga KULMIYE ee baaqan soo saaray waxay kala yihiin magacyadoodu sidan:


    1- Md. Bashiir Sh. Xuseen Tukaale – UCID


    2- Md. Aadan Tarabi Oogle – UDUB


    3- Maxamed Jaamac Aadan – UCID


    4- Md. Maxamuud Dhunkaale Guutaale – UDUB


    5- Md. Saleebaan Cawad Cali – UCID


    6- Md. Ibraahim Maxamed Dhaadheere – UDUB


    7- Md. Maxamed Faarax Qabile – UCID


    8- Md. Xariir Siciid Bullaale – UDUB


    9- Md. Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) – UDUB


    10- Md. Farxaan Maxamed Cali – UDUB


    11- Md. Mahdi Cabdillaahi Maxamuud – UCID


    12- Md. Maxamed Jaamac Cali – UCID


    13- Md. Cabdicasiis Ismaaciil Dhulcun – UDUB.

  9. argeysa (Ramaas) May 26, 2010 - Guddoomiyaha Olalaha Doorashada Madaxtooyada ee Xisbiga UDUB Cismaan Cabdillaahi Cigaal ayaa gacan laga jabiyey, isla markaana dhaawacyo kale la soo gaadhsiiyey, kadib markii ay weerar ku soo qaadeen koox dhalinyaro ah oo la sheegay inuu hogaaminayey sarkaal ka tirsan Xisbiga UDUB oo ay dhex martay xurguf ka dhalatay lacag la siinaayey Muraaqibiinta Xisbiga UDUB u joogay goobaha kaadhadhka lagu badalayay.


    Xafiiska Olalaha Doorashada Madaxtooyada ee UDUB oo manta subixii hore uu gacan ka hadalkani ka bilowday ayaa markii uu cabaar dagaal ka gacanta ahi socday waxa la isku adeegsaday rasaas oo labada dhinac-ba waxa ay ku qalabaysnaayeen Baastoolado.


    Ma jiro war rasmi ah oo Xisbiga UDUB ay ka soo saareen falka lagu dhaawacay Guddoomiyaha olalaha ee UDUB, hase yeeshee mar aanu isku dayday in aanu khadka talefoonka kula xidhiidho Cismaan Cabdillaahi Cigaal ayaanay noo suurto gelin Mobile-kiisa gacanta oo xidhaa awgeed.







  10. Calanka Xisbiga Kulmiye Oo Magaalada Hargeysa Ka Noqdey Ka Iibkiisu Ugu Qaalisan yahey



    Hargeysa(GNS)-Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye ayaa, calanka astaanta ah ee ili qabatinka wanaagsan leh islamrkaana, isugu jira huruuda iyo dooga, ayaa qiimihiisu ksoo sadex laabmay labada calan ee Xisbiyada Ucid Iyo Udub, lacagta lagu iibsanayo gudaha Magaalada Hargeysa.



    Calanka Xisbiga Kulmiye oo dhawrkii maalmood ee ufanbeeyay, aad looga iibsanayey gudaha Magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa dhalinyarada iibiya calamada Qaranka, iyo kuwa Xisbiyadu waxey ku sheegeen qiimihiisa in uu yahey sadex Dollar, oo udhiganta (dhawr-iyo labaatankun) oo shilinka Somaliland ah,kaas oo marka la barbar dhigo labada calan ee Xisbiyada kale Ucid iyo Udub kusoo laabmaya, in kabadan sadex jeer qiimaha lagu iibsanayo.


    Maxamad Cabdi oo ah iibiyaha calamada ayaa, Shabakada Wararka Hornpress u sheegay, in calanka Kulmiye lagu iibsanayo qiima aad uga badan ka la siisanayo , calamada labada Xisbi ee Udub iyo Ucid, waxanu sheegay iibiyahaasi isagoo si daacada ah uwaramaya in qiimaha Calanka Udub yahey, sadex kun oo shilinka Somaliland ah halka ka Ucidna kayahey 2500 oo shilinka Somaliland ah ka Qarankuna yahey 2Dollar iyo badh.



    Sikastaba ha ahaatee waxa daraasadan kala qaalisanaanta calamada Axsaabta Somaliland lagu ogaadey kadib markii ay dadweynaha Reer Somaliland, dhawrkii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafey u iibsanayeen calamada, xuska munaasibada maalinta qaranimada Somaliland ee 18ka may, taas oo iibsiga calanka Kulmiye wali kasocdo guud ahaanba suuqyada Magaalada Hargeysa



  11. Wasiirka Ciyaaraha SLD Iyo Xildhibaan Baarlamaaka Ah Oo Gaadhay Degmada Dhahar Ee G. Sanaag

    Waxa Magaaladda Dhahar ee Gobolka Sanaag caawa fiidkii gaadhay, wafdi wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan golaha wakiiladda Somaliland oo halkaa ka hawl gali doona qaybinta kaadhadhka cusub iyo sidii dadweynaha loogu wacyi galin lahaa inay qaataan oo si mug leh uga qayb galaan.

    Sida uu ku soo warramay weriyaha wargeyska Maalmaha ee gobolka Sanaag C/laahi Xuseen Darwiish oo aanu warkan ka helnay waxa caawa fiidnimadii gaadhey degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag Wasiirka Dhallinta iyo Cayaaraha Maxamuud Sciid iyo Xil-dhibaan Baar Siciid oo ka tirsan golaha wakiillada.


    Xildhibaan-Baar siciid oo weriyuhu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhay ayaa sheegtay in socdaalka iyada iyo wasiirka aanay jirin cid kale oo ku wehelisa sidoo kalena sheegtay in socdaalkoodani yahay mid ku salaysan kaadhadhka cusub ee xilligan laga beddelanayo degaankooda balse aanay jirin wax olole kusaabsan xisbi ahaan Udub oo ay xilligan u socdaan.


    “Socdaalkayaga marka hore waxannu nimid degaankayagii laakiin wuxu ku salaysan yahay in aannu dadkayaga kala qayb qaadanno wacyigelinta kusaabsan kaadhadhka cusub ee la qaadanayo iyo annaga oo markii horeba kaadhadhkayaga ka qaadannay halkan imminkana ka beddelanayna”. Sidaas waxa tidhi Xildhibaan-Baar oo weriyaha khadka telefoonka ugu warramaysey.


    Xildhibaan-Baar oo weriyuhu weydiiyey socdaalkoodani in uu la xidhiidho olole ku waajahan in la doorto xisbigooda Udub ayaa tidhi “Xilligan uma soconno tas waayo lama gaadhin waqtigii axsaabtu ololayn lahaayeen”. Wasiirka cayaaraha ayaa khadka telefoonka awgiis waxa suurto geli weydey in weriyuhu wax xidhiidh ah la sameeyo.


    Dhinaca kalena Maayorka degmada Dhahar Cali Kilwe Cismaan ayaa isagana weriyaha oo khadka telefoonka kala xidhiidhay waxna ka weydiiyey guud ahaan xaaladda degmadiisa iyo hawsha beddelashada kaadhadhka cusub ee codbixinta wuxu yidhi


    “Guud ahaan xaaladda degmadu xag nabadgelyo iyo xagga roobabkaba waa fiican tahay wax dhibaato ahina kama jiraan hawshii diiwaangelintuna gudaha Dhahar iyo magaalooyinka ku gedaaman ee ay ka mid yihiin Balli-busle Boodda-cad Baraagaha-qol iyo meelaha baadiyaha ah intaba waa ka socotaa”.


  12. PICT0523.JPG






    Dad goob joogayaal ah, ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in mudadii rabashadu socotay magaalada Ceerigaabo lagu dhex arkayay dad shicib ah oo xabbado ridaya. Xaalladda magaalada ayaa hadda degan. Ma jirto xaqiiqo dhab ah oo daaha ka roggaysa sababta gacan ka hadalka taageerayaasha labada xisbi dhexmaray dhalisay.


    Hase ahaatee, waxay wararku sheegayaan in Weftiga Guddoomiyaha ololaha gobollada Bariga ee Xisbiga KULMIYE Dr Gabboose hoggaaminayay oo gaadiid badan wata lagu soo dhaweeyey halkaas, isla markaana lagu wareejiyey Magaalada, ka dibna wakhti la gaadhsiiyey xafiiska Gobolka ee Xisbigaa taageerayaal UDUB ka tirsan oo dhalinyaro u badani ku weerareen xafiiskooda, kuwaasoo ka biyo diiday qaabka xamaasadaysan ee KULMIYE magaalada ku dhexmaray.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee, tallaabadan ayaa ah tii ugu horreysay ee taageerayaasha Xisbiyada ku dhexmarta Somaliland. Inkasta oo aanu weli si rasmiya u bilaabmin ololihii doorashada ee Xisbiyada oo aanay Guddiga doorashooyinka Somaliland weli ku dhawaaqin xilliga uu bilaabmayo ololuhu, haddana waxa jira dhaqdhaqaaqyo badan oo hoggaamiyayaasha Xisbiyada siyaasaddu ka wadaan Gobollada dalka si ay u dardar-geliyaan xafiisyadooda gobollada iyo degmooyinka.

  13. Labada Xisbi ee Kulmiye iyo Udub ayay maanta Rabshado gacan ka hadal ah oo markii danbe hub la isku adeegsaday labada dhinac ku dhex mareen, kadib markii uu halkaas gaadhay wafti uu hogaaminayo Dr: Gaboose


    Rabshadaha ka dhacay Ceerigaabo ayaa ahaa kuwo labada taageerayaal ee labad Xisbi ay isku weerareen shied iyo rasaas taasoo dhalisay in magaalada ay ka dhacdo dhibaato aad u balaadhan oo sababtay in xaalad colaadeed ay arrintii isku bedeshay inkastoo markii danbe ay rabshadahaasi istaageen xaaladuna caadi ku soo noqotay


    Labada Xisbi ayaa midiba midka kale ku eedeeyay inay bilaabeen rabshadahaasi, waxaanu guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye ee Gobolkaasi sheegay in iyagoo si nabadgelyo ah u soo dhaweeyay wafti uga yimi Hargeysa xafiiskoodii ay soo weerareen taageerayaasha Xisbiga Udub kuwaas oo uu ku eedeeyay inay iyagu bilaabeen dhibaatada, balse Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Udub ee Gobolkaasi ayaa dhinaciisa kaga dooday inaanay iyagu waxba samayn ee la soo weeraray

  14. Beeneey waa run..gabadhii lagu baahiyey websityada beenta oo nimankii kufsaday noqdeen SSC.

    Warkii 05-May-2010 iyo Qormadii: C/xakiim

    Waxaa wax lala yaabo ah oo sumcadii umada iyo xeerkii saxaafadaba baab'iyey shabakado aan been mooyee wax run ah qorin,kuwaasoo hadh iyo habeen soo daabaca warar been abuur ah oo waalay dadka qurba joogta ee ay wadankii ugu danbeysey wakhtigii dagaalada sokeeye ee soomaali is uur dooxday,welina ay colaada ay u qabaan dadka kale ee walaalahood ah ee soomaaliyeed ay kala weyn tahay ta ay u qabaan gaalada.


    Dadka akhrista shabakadaha beenta iyo baroorta,isla markaana caaya qabaa'ilada soomaaliyeed ee kale,sidoo kalena aan halkaas ku ekayne sii wada ilaa ay aflagaadeeyaan ama ka qoraan warar aan sal iyo raad toona aan lahayn jilibyada kale ee aan jilibkooda ahayn,ilaa ay laba walaalo ah midna amaanaan,midna caayaan,taasoo ka yaabisay umada soomaaliyeed.

    Akhristoow waxay shabakadahaasi si khaas ah u ceebeeyaan gabdhaha ***********,khaas ahaan kuwa reer Laascaanood,iyagoo wax xun mooyee aan ka qorin wax fiican,si ay dadka uga qariyaan xaqiiqda dhabta ah ee wadanka ka jirta,waxaana ugu danbeeyey been aan geedna loogu soo gaban oo ay warka beenta ah ku sheegeen in gabadh reer Laascaanood ah ay kufsadeen rag ka tirsan ciidanka Somaliland,arintaas oo ay isla dhexmarayaan dadka qurba joogta ah ee colaadaha iyo nacaybka dadka soomaaliyeed wakhtigooda iyo dhaqaalahoodaba ku bixiya.

    Hadaba akhristoow waxaa shabakada Ceegaag oo ah shabakadaha yar ee xalaasha ah,ayaa waraystay wiil ay walaalo yihiin inanta la sheegay in la kufsaday,(HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO)wuxuuna ninkaasi sheegay in nimanka kufsaday ay yihiin isla beesha SSC,kuwaasoo hada ciidanku gacanta ku hayaan,oo baadhitaan lagu wado,hadaba maaha markii ugu horeysey ee ay qoraan in la kufsaday gabdhaha reer Laascaanood,iyadoo weliba qaarkood ay talaabo kasta ama wado kasta oo ay maraan raga ku abtirsada gobolka sool ee masuuliyiinta ka ah maamulka Somaliland,iyadoo ay odayaashaas ay caayayaan ay ku jiraan awoowayaal,iyo niman sheekhyo ah oo danbi ay ka galeen aanu jirin.

    Tusaale ahaan boga Jibaale oo ay inta kale wararka ka qaataan,sida Boocame,Horufadhi,Riinji, Widhwidh iyo kuwa xaaramiyiinta ah(waa ereygii Maxamed Cabdi Xaashiye) ee Taleex iyo xaysinimo,waxaa ay meel kaga dhaceen sharci kasta oo aduunka u yaala,kan tolnimada,kan muslinimada,iyo naftoodaba,waxayna wakhtiyadii ugu danbeeyey ay saarnaayeen siyasiga ruug cadaaga ah ee Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi,Cali Sandulle,Xaabsade,Sheekh Bashiir,Garaad C/rashiid,iyagoo danbiga ragaasi ay galeen uu yahay oo keliya in aanay jifadooda ahayn,ama aanay ka tirsanayn maamul ay markaan durbaanka u tumayaan.

    Waa maxay ceebaynta iyo dagaalka ay kula jiraan hablaha reer Laacaanood shabakadahaasi?mase og yihiin in markay sameeyaan war been ah sida gabadh la kufsaday,in iyaga laftigooda beri lagu caayayo,oo soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa waran kugu soo noqonaya lama tuuro,taasoo aan uga jeedo,ceebaytna raga aad isku beesha tihiin ama hooyooyinka iyo hablaha reer Laascaanood ogoow in aad cayday walaashaa iyo hooyadaa,isla markaan aad abuurayso xumaan iyo colaad u dhexaysa jifooyinka soomaaliyeed ee ilaahay dhulkaas ku wada beeray.

    Wararka been abuurka ahi ma qarsoomaan oo hada waxaa fudud sida war loo helo,aduunka adigaa ku ceeboobaya,aakhirana tii ilaahay baa kaa danbaysa.

    Waxaan kula talain lahaa hadii shebekadaha aan kor ku xusnay ay leeyihiin dad damiir leh oo beelaha ay magacyadooda wataan leeyihiin ku dayda shabakadaha kale ee ay leeyihiin dadka soomaaliyeed,joojiyana ceebaynta iyo cayda aad dadka tolkiina ah ku haysaan,taasoo tolka sii kala fogaynaysa,colaadna aan waxba kaaga tarayn.

    Hadii rag ilaahay kaa dhigay oo aad wax tabanayso waxaa lagaga baxaa xarago iyo adoo sidii raga u hadla,ama hadaad awoodo cudud isticmaala,balse walaashay baa la jufsday,anigaa la i fuulay,nin baa fiise la siin waayey,oday baa albaab loo istaagay iyo hadalada ay caruurtu isku maaweeliso ragana waa kugu dirtaa colaadna waxba kuu tari mayso.

    Waxaa shabakadahaasi ay soo daabaceen oo kale sawiro ay caruuri samaysay oo programka paint ee caruurtu ku cayaarto weji la kala bedelay,iydoo weliba uu garan karo qof kasta oo sawirkaa arka inuu been abuur yahay,taasoo keentay inay beeniyaan dhamaan webebka soomaaliyeed,maxaa ku maydha hadaad hadh iyo habeenba been qorto,so sidii cumar beenaale,markay runta gaadho lagaa yaaci maayo,ragu siyaasad waa isku qaban karaa,waa la kala adkaan karaa,siyaasada waa la kala badin karaa,wax u qor sida nin gob ah ama u caytan sida ina-gumeed.

    Xaqiiqdii akhristoow shabakadaha aan kor ku xusnay warka ay qoraan 80% waa been abuur,waxaase qurbaha jooga dad aan iska hubin waxa la qoro oo si fudud beenta u gaadhsiiya meel kasta,kuwaasoo maqaaxiyaha kaga qaxweeeya ceebaynta odayaashoda,iyo magaalooyinkii ay ka soo jeedeen,iyagoo u adeegsanaya arimo siyaasadeed ama dan uu markaa leeyahay.



    Qoraalka beent ah ee,akhriso.

    Qoraalkii baant ah ee Boocame oo ay qortay gabadh Ikraam la yidhaahdo

    Xaga hoose ka arag,wasirada been abuurka ah ee ay daabaceen webebka baroorta iyo beenta.

    Sawirkii laga dhigayey in madaxweynuhu la kulmey Ahmed Yasiina waa kan bal eega.(Madaxa waa Ahmed Yasiin lakiin waxaa loo galiyey sawirka Payne oo madaxweyne faroole ay wada fadhiyaan)






    Kanina waa kan been abuurka ah.






    Shabakadaha xalaasha ah oo kala ah:


    kaagayagana isna kur qabyaaladba ha iga


    Shabakadaha xaaraamiyiint ah oo kala ah:


    Jidbaale oo ah xaaramiga koowaad.

    Boocame oo ah xaaramiga labaad.,hada xisaabtu yaanay kaa khaldamin.

    Taleex iyo Xaysimo iyana ha ka reebin xaaramiyiinta. oo ah been abuuraha ugu weyn.


  15. king_abdallah-595x357.jpg



    RIYADH — Saudi newspapers ran front page pictures on Friday of King Abdullah and Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz in a crowd of women with their faces bared, adding fuel to the growing fight over mixing in the kingdom.


    The undated photograph showed the kingdom's two most powerful men together with more than three dozen smiling women at a seminar on health and the community in the southwestern city of Najran held several weeks ago.


    The photograph was published in several leading newspapers including Okaz, Ashahrq al-Awsat and Al-Watan, each with a close link to senior members of the ruling royal family.


    No reason was given for why the picture was published only now; accompanying text gave a routine description of the theme of the conference.


    But the photo appeared amid a mounting and increasingly open debate over the country's harsh ban on unrelated women and men mixing together enforced by ultra-conservative Saudi Muslim clerics.


    In the past 10 days the outspoken head of the Mecca branch of the Saudi religious police, who enforce official Islamic morality, was fired and then mysteriously reinstated after he broke ranks to say that there was nothing in Islamic tradition and law banning mixing.


    Newspapers reported vaguely that a high-level figure had intervened to save Sheikh Ahmed al-Ghamdi, after the president of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, or religious police, signed and published an order naming his replacement.


    Most of the women in the photograph on Friday were also baring their faces, against leading clerics' insistence, often enforced by the religious police, that women's faces must be covered in public.


    King Abdullah has not publicly spoken out on the debate. But last year he opened a new science university named after himself that permits the international body of students and faculty to freely mix together.


    When a senior cleric criticised the university, he was summarily fired by order of the king himself.

  16. 101_1_.jpg


    I sometimes can’t believe I live here; every day seems almost surreal yet beautiful.


    Wow, I’ve been in Somaliland close to a month…and although time has flown, I feel as though I’ve been here for a while. That first week was nice and lazy: just thinking about future projects, scoping out the campus and the area, getting excited and nervous about teaching, meeting some of the staff, getting to know the students, helping out with parent-teacher conferences (which actually consisted of one crazy sleepless night with Kiette and “The OC,” compiling progress reports for all the students from all the teachers…there are about five Mahamouds here as well as a plethora of complicated names…which every teacher wrote differently).


    I somehow knew right from the start that my time in Somaliland was going to work: first, by becoming part of the family with Najat and Yussef (and Najat’s mother) in the plane from Dubai to Hargeisa, and then at the airport, when I got picked up. As the old propeller plane arrived in Hargeisa (which was an experience in itself…I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones film), I wondered if Kiette would be at the airport to pick me up, since the plane was running quite late. Everyone was reunited with their families, except for me, the only white girl for miles around. So I started going through the mayhem of security, money exchange/visa, when all of a sudden there he was: Muuse (pronounced Mussa). Now it’s hard to describe Muuse in so many words, because Muuse is such a character.

    Muuse’s voice in itself, deep and melodious, commands respect and attention. I was calm and curious as I was waiting in the airport, and there, amidst the crowd, was Muuse, asking me if I was the “Canadian Odey. “ So I had time for a quick goodbye with Najat (and met her father) and before I knew it my backpack was getting hauled over Abulahi’s shoulders (one of many guards present at Abaarso Tech and comes fully loaded with an AK47 riffle) and brought into the land rover. Then I was taken out for a delicious New Years breakfast and coffee, which definitely beat my midnight check-in the night prior and the grueling 72 hours of traveling from Sydney to Hargeisa.


    Seeing Kiette after two and a half years was exciting and emotion-filled, and as with all good friends, we picked up exactly where we left off.


    And everything else fell into place almost perfectly: I met the students, they left for vacation, I started teaching the Post-Graduate Adult English Business Class (now say that five times) and I took over landscaping at the school. The region here is absolutely beautiful: we’re out of town, on a hill, surrounded by desert and valleys, and off in the distance, where a fiery sun goes down every night, flat mountains meet the eye.


    I went exploring one day with Jonathan, down our hill, in the vast land behind the school; we walked along a dried up river that furrowed so deeply that the dirt walls surrounding it were at least 4 meters high and covered in vines, trees and dead prickly thorns. Apparently that “river” is flowing with water when the rainy season comes, although it’s hard to imagine now: the soil is so dry that it just looks like smooth compressed sand, with numerous cracks. We followed the constantly zigzagging dry gorge, without really knowing where we were going, and we eventually got out and made it all the way to an abandoned farm (apparently the well had collapsed, although we never found the well) down in the heart of the valley.


    On the way I found an old turtle shell and I would have been just as shocked had I found a big ship, as I couldn’t envision the existence of either in the middle of the arid desert in which I found myself. But then Jonathan told me that during the rainy season, there are turtles everywhere! Turtles crossing the road, turtles in the city, and turtles trekking through the desert…it’s quite the image to conceive, and I can imagine it’s quite the sight to see, and I’ll be sure to take a lot of pictures when the rainy season rolls around. The whole three hours that we were gone we only saw one other person: a man walking with his donkey, which seemed almost afraid of me (maybe it was all the colors I was wearing) and neighed and nickered at me…and our guard whom I hadn’t noticed at the beginning of our walk. Hiking is definitely possible around here, although I can’t help but feel slightly ridiculously garbed in my colorful ankle length moo-moo, which unfortunately gets caught in all the not so friendly African plants which seem to attack you at every step with their barbs, creating little holes in the lovely moo-moos.


    I’ve also gone to a few nurseries and gotten eucalyptus, mango, papaya and other types of trees and planted them around campus. Because the land on this hill pretty much consists of a big rock, I’ve gotten hole diggers who are making these huge holes for each tree. Then, in each hole goes a bit of dirt and manure and then I plant the tree! So it’s really not the same type of disdainful tree planting I did back in Canada, but here I find myself nonetheless: half way across the world, planting trees in the desert! About a week and a half ago, Kiette, Ahmed (THE Ahmed: one of the big bosses around here and a man well respected by all, extremely well educated and well spoken, who was involved in politics for a long time –and even about to run for the presidency!- and who, besides all these facts, has a great personality, is funny and great to hang out with), our guard, Mohamed (from Somaliland, who lived in Canada, and who is now living in Somaliland and making documentaries for small grassroot organizations and for the United Nations) and I travelled about 45 minutes outside Hargeisa to go visit Mohamed’s family’s fruit farm. I felt like I was in the outback, or going on a safari: all of us in the land rover driving on this little dirt “road” out into the middle of nowhere; we didn’t see any rhinoceroses or lions (apparently 50-100 years ago they existed here) but we did see a toucan, hundreds of pelicans, and a fox! (ok, not as exciting as a lion, but I was still pretty stoked about it). It was crazy driving through the desert and arriving to, what seemed to be, an oasis. An lush green oasis with goofy looking camels and goats roaming around, not to mention fruit trees everywhere, and cabbage gardens and great big acacia trees covered in healthy green vines. We got some mature orange trees (for which we had high hopes) and some mango seedlings….


    And to my great horror the orange trees are dying! I guess taking them from their oasis proved too traumatizing.

    But on another note….Daniel, the physics teacher, and I are working on a home-made solar water heater! This is an exciting project (although we kind of both dropped the ball when the students left for vacation: Daniel went traveling to Ethiopia and I kind of had nothing but trees and the adult English class on my mind) and will hopefully work and allow the students to take warm showers!


    For a long time it was quite quiet at Abaarso Tech, with many of the teachers gone traveling as well as the students gone on vacation. At one point, Kiette and Jonathan had to go to visit another school a few hours away and they left me in charge of the school! That was fun and I got to give some important people a tour. And luckily I talk a lot, about ALL the different projects to be done and buildings to be erected, including, a beautiful mosque that will have stunning and picturesque landscaping to surround it (“too bad we’re still waiting on donations before we can build”) because one of the people from my tour is going to fund the mosque! And another one, Mr. Sleem Mohamed Sleem Nofal is the general manager of the Egyptian Mission in Somaliland, and he’s going to send us some Egyptian Arabic teachers for the students! He’s also more than apt when it comes to various experiments (like the solar water heater, which he has made before) and said he would help us any time we want! Hassan, a Hargeisa restaurant owner, was also there (he had brought all the visitors) and has provided us with someone to build an outside clay oven, he’s donating trees, and he’s extremely well connected so it’s been wonderful to talk and work with him. Some of the other NGO representatives were present that day as well and told me that they would be interested in participating in the Abaarso Tech project.


    It now seems as though my life and work are the same thing…and call me a dork but I’m super excited about working and doing different projects!


    The students just got back yesterday and today, so I’ll be teaching them as well: a writing course. And I’ll be starting an agriculture club….


    It’s crazy but I’ve started looking like my mom; I have a gardener’s hands and I’m always wearing a scarf to cover my hair….I don’t know when this transformation occurred.


    Anyway, obviously a whole lot more than what I’ve just written has happened, but that should suffice for now and from now on (although I always say this) I’ll write nice and short blogs every week.

    Take care everybody!











  17. French Muslim says has mistresses, not a polygamist



    Lies Hebbadj, husband of Anne, an assumed name, a 31-year-old French woman who was fined for wearing a niqab while driving, attends a news conference in Nantes




    By Sophie Hardach

    PARIS (Reuters) - A French Muslim threatened with being stripped of his passport for practising polygamy on Monday denied the accusation, saying he had only one wife and several mistresses.


    The case of Lies Hebbadj, an Algerian-born butcher who became a French citizen when he married a French woman in 1999, has flared into a major political row with opposition parties accusing the government of exploiting the situation.


    Hebbadj's story came to light on Friday, when his wife complained she had been fined for driving while wearing an Islamic veil on the grounds that it was dangerous.


    Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux accused Hebbadj of having four wives, who between them were claiming single parent benefits for his 12 children.


    The accusation came days after the government announced a plan to ban the full veil from the streets of France.


    Hebbadj said only one was his wife and the others were lovers.


    "If one can be stripped of one's French nationality for having mistresses, then many French could lose theirs," he told reporters in the Western city of Nantes, where he lives.


    A person can lose their French passport if they acquired it through fraud -- if, for instance, Hebbadj hid an existing marriage when he married the French woman. Mistresses, however, are hardly unusual in France, where former President Francois Mitterrand maintained a hidden, second family for years.


    Hebbadj's lawyer Franck Boezec said he had not ruled out filing a defamation suit against Hortefeux.



    While it is still unclear whether Hebbadj and his partners have broken the law, Immigration Minister Eric Besson suggested stricter legislation to punish polygamists.


    "If the French consider that fraudulent polygamy and benefit claims shouldn't be allowed, then ... we could well imagine a change to the law," Besson told RTL radio on Monday.


    Local authorities on Monday launched an official investigation into the polygamy and benefit fraud claims.


    Still smarting from a beating in last month's regional elections, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has revived a strident tone on law and order popular with many of his voters.


    He has called for a public ban of veils such as the burqa or niqab, which he describes as demeaning to women, in a legal gamble given constitutional guarantees on freedom of religion.


    The French Council of Muslims (CFCM), a body that opposes the full veil but does not believe a ban is helpful, met French Prime Minister Francois Fillon on Monday to complain that the debate over the burqa was damaging the image of Muslims.


    "The prime minister assured us that the government would do everything to prevent any stigmatisation and make sure that the law (on the veil) will not make any reference to the religious aspect of the question," said the CFCM head, Mohammed Moussaoui.


    According to a poll released on Monday seven out of 10 people are in favour of the law.


    Over the weekend, unknown attackers shot at a mosque and a halal butcher in Istres and Marseille in southern France.


    The CFCM lamented that the government had not commented at all on the two separate attacks, in contrast to the slew of statements on the Hebbadj family.


    "This kind of unbalanced communication ... risks creating frustration and tension in the Muslim community," Moussaoui told reporters after meeting Fillon.




  18. Former Deputy Chairman Of Somaliland Parliament Warns Against Foreign NGOs



    Hargeysa, Somaliland, April 17, 2010 (SL Times) – The former First Deputy Chairman of Somaliland Parliament Abdilqadir Jirde warned Somaliland’s people against NGOs who are in Somaliland but who have agendas that can hurt the country and its people.

    Mr Abdilqadir Jirde pointed out that right now there is a program to write a constitution for Somalia, in Kenya, and some Somaliland NGOs are going to take part in it while Somaliland’s government knows nothing about it. Mr Jirde added that although the NGOs were said to be participating as NGOs and not as representatives of Somaliland’s government, that could still pose a problem for Somaliland, and Somalilanders need to know what is going on, for it could be said later that Somaliland participated in writing Somalia’s constitution because such and such NGO was present.

    The deputy chairman said this in a parliamentary debate on regulating the work of NGOs and humanitarian organizations.