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Everything posted by Mowgli

  1. lol I was recently wondering bout this as it is a phenomenon...I've come across too many ppl that when asked to remove clothing at hospital appointments...dont have any undergarments on.. why oh why? didn't their mothers teach them to always leave the hse with clean underwear in case they get hit by a car and what is about wearing those trouser underneath that are ripped **abu cumars** But i've noticed its a problem with those that have spent most of their lives in would think they'd be used to kastuumos with the many mishaps that can happen whilst wearing macawis
  2. Mabruk walaal. may Allah swt bless you with more happy times than bad, and may the bad times that come streghten your partnership and make you stronger as a couple
  3. Hmmm I guess it would have to be something that makes them content with life in the long run and not just something that only provides a fleeting moment of happiness Every seen an indhoyar person with a proper beard and not just fuff?
  4. Inna lillaahi waa inna ilaahi rajucuun I was very sad to hear about Fuad's death...when I met him he seemed to be a young man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders May those responsible be brought to justice, may Allah swt give his family sabr iyo imaan and grant Fuad janatul Fardos PS Slash, let us not be too quick at pointing the finger, the last time an attempt was made on his life there were no Somalis involved.
  5. Here are some stuff on immungenic contraception for those interested Phase I Clinical trial - Jones et al, 1988 Talwar et al, 1994 Future Prospects - Delves et al, 2002 We have nothing else to discuss folks?
  6. Mowgli

    Today I....

    Today I was chased by what can only be described as a horny squirell
  7. Cara InshaAllah I will come back later with a proper reply. Toleranceand regulation are at the essense of my questions....I can very well see how T cells are tightly regulated. No processed antigen, no activation, no antigen presenting cells, no activation *possible weak activation due to gamma delta T cells - but i know nothing about them* and if the apc is not displaying MHCII - nada. Natural killer cells (NK)to me do not seem to be as tightly regulated...from what i gather, they express thousands of receptors...but the most important of them are: 1- for MHC I (aka killer inihibiting receptor - KIR) 2- the other receptor recognises molecules expressed on all nucleated cells e.g. c type lectins (kiler activing receptor- KAR) Nearly all cells in the body express MHC I (except for professional antigen presenting cells). KIR is needed so that the NK cell can differeciate between its own and foriegn. KAR so that it can bind anything it thinks harmful. However, say a cell comes along (own) expressing MHC I and c-type lectins and so binds both to KIR and this case the KIR signal overrides that of KAR and so NK does not release its cytolytic enzymes to induce apoptosis. So why don't NK cells attack macrophages, B cells (MHC II cells), since they won't bind to should release granzymes and perforin (they have nucleus so why doesn't apoptosis occur?) - also brings me back to why not food etc Is there a disease where cells do not express MHC I? 2. But since the placenta itself is of fetal origin, it also has mechanisms to dampen the maternal immune system. In essence, the fetus either fools the maternal immune system (I've heard of it referred to as "sabotage"), or makes it less reactive overall by releasing certain mediators. There are several conditions in which the immune system improves during pregnancy...e.g rheumatoid arthritis (Ostensen and villiger, 2007, approx in 70% of patients, however 3 mts after gestation and in others they worsen e.g systemic lupus ery...*lol can never spell the darn word lets just call it SLE* It is thought that regulatory T cells play an important role in tollerance and the education of the immune system, lakiin what exactly are they? The only thing I seem to have absorbed is that they are unique because of the expression of Foxp3 (transcription factor) In mice, if you somehow inhibit these molecules in a pregnant female, you get a miscarriage. I discussed this topic yesterday with someone who pointed me in the direction of immunogenic contraception *found to be reversible in all except for one group of seals*, inshaAllah as soon as I get references I'll share. Is there a form of infertility in couples whereby the female makes antibodies against sperm, thus resulting in spontaneous abortion? I'm going to stop here, it seems to have turned into an essay. greatly appreciate your contributions CG and Cara
  8. ^^ Thank you...perhaps it would be better to start off on a less controversial topic just to comment on what you said. At first I came to the same conclusion as you...that both the eye and brain evolved simultaneously. But if we see sensory organs as a means of gathering information, the brain can be seen as an information processing centre...if there is no information gathered, then there is no need for the information to be proceseed. The sea wasp *interesting animal* is a type of jellyfish, it has eyes, but no brain...instead the messages are sent directly to the muscles. Maybe sensory organs began to gather more and more information and then the brain most likely came as a result of this. Perhaps this animal at one point had a brain but due to selective pressure, it no longer exists...but that does not make sense as there doesn't seem to be a selective advantage to losing the brain. On the other hand, an animal living underground may lose its eyesight as there is no selective pressure to maintain it. But moving on...I hope there will be no objections to the following questioins (immunology *relatively safe*) Simply put, the immune system can be described as the body's complicated natural defense against foreign agents. 1. Why doesn't the immune system attack the feutus during pregnancy? Why does it not recognise it as a "parasite"? 2. Why doesn't the immune system of a woman illicit a reponse against sperm? Why not food? or clothes? 3. Commensal bacteria (doesn't cause harm) e.g. of the gut...why does it only become harmful when the hosts immune system is weak and not othertimes? Questions I've always wondered about...
  9. Let me pose a question to you all...something I've been wondering about for the last couple of days. What came about first in terms of evolution...the eye or the brain?
  10. Having worked in the mental health sector...I have seen more men being admitted for alcohol/substance abuse related problems than fact I can count on 1 hand in the last 2 yrs those have had serious issues with it. And of all those that were addicted, all were unemployed...(for whatever reason). Perhaps had they had more in their, supportive family/friends etc, the other issues/problems they had would not have led to the addiction in the first place. If you ban khat what do you really achieve? I doubt mid will wake up one day...thinking...oh darn it, I can't twiddle my thumbs all day long...ceertane toban saano kale ma awoodi e let me go find me some shaaqo The absentee father will not suddenly become a father Midki ingariis baranin after so long wouldn't suddenly start showing up to the english course he/she has been enrolled at for X amount of yrs I am not denying khat is an issue, lakiin there are bigger things that need to be dealt with before hand. PS the 90% figure for qaad users is only on the BBC site *ridiculous*...the only figure the Homeoffice uses *90 that is* is only to quote the percentage of Somalis born in Somalia out of 207 people in London. They say 78% have tried khat at some point in their lives...and only 6% chew daily. Results can be manipulated to show exactly what you want...and a studying involving only 207 people is in no way the representation of Somalis in London...
  11. Mowgli

    Today I....

    Today I find myself in DIRE need of motivation
  12. Venice Do you have an irrational fear?
  13. Yep...I have just finished watching 5 episodes of a programme I dont particularly like just to avoid doing revision... What did you wanna be when you grew up as a child?
  14. I doubt it...but never say never Do you remmeber what your last dream?
  15. Nope slightly worrying...but that was a genuine question Dogs bark, birds chirp, lions roar...what do giraffes sound like?
  16. a family member Do sheep have tails?
  17. Being bombarded with questions first thing in the morning *within half an hr of waking up*... What did you do for eid?
  18. Getting home to the warmth and comfort of my bed. What are you easily distracted by?
  19. That whatever I end up doing with my life...I end up happy and i'll achieve that is a lil fuzzy at the moment
  20. An only child... What makes you happy?
  21. I'd be for it Ismahaan, but not really sure if demand is high, so why not just start by opening a topic in this forum and we'll just take it from there.
  22. It is Shan iyo Tobankii Shumeey [also called Shumeey iyo Shooble], a re-made one, not the original version. Many thanks MMA, got the copy now :cool:
  23. LOL my my brings back memories...anyone know the title of that ruwayad and where I can get a DVD copy?
  24. Mowgli

    Today I....

    Today I ate some questionable xalwo