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Posts posted by Nehanda

  1. Surely as Muslim we should be respecting other's views rather than ridiculing them.


    I find it silly that just because KK differs from certain views that we hold we should act childish and demand that he is banned. Why because we find it a threat?


    As long as he does not insult the religion, Allah and our beloved prophet (pbuh) then let KK voice his views. Lets us explain to KK why we believe in Islam and enjoy the teaching of the prophet (pbuh). Invite him to share with us why he chose Christianity over Islam or for that matter over other religions. We could all learn something from each other.

  2. King Koya


    For one you are all over the place walaal. Your arguments are weak. You seem unsure of your stance of that you portray wrong.

    Could it be you choose to be deaf and blind to the truth.

  3. Desires hmmm. Such a depressing and ugly word. It implies greediness, something far-fetched and near impossible to achieve.


    People be content with achieving and maximasing things within your control and stop drooling at things outside of your control. Yes have aims and targets without losing yourself.

  4. Johnny

    Sometimes reality can not be justified by our senses. Nonetheless there are various individuals who tend to defend their belief based on what their common sense tells rather than to be authentic.


    It seems that you have formed your conclusions with regard to the existence of Allah if so how different are you from those who are obtuse to question their values.

  5. Totally agree with Lily. Just send e-cards and save few more trees.


    Office party can be fun, people ease up and start enjoying themsleves.


    Gosh Serenity, any vacancies at your place cos we have to fork out our share of the cost the only contribution from directors is towards the drinks which doesn't help much if you don't drink.

  6. ^ yes i think so. Perhaps those that dwell in the amazon forest or other remote areas.


    By the way, how do esquimos bury their dead, especially those in the North pole?

  7. Yes, i have been called for jury duties and unfortunately is not easy to opt out. You are issued with a jury reference number and expected to complete a form.


    I was likely that just before my court appearance the case was dropped.


    At the moment one of my work colleague is serving as a jury for a double homicide. Been off from work for over 3 months now.

  8. I too have lost hope and I am not proud to be a Somali.


    I feel naught but disgust and disapointment towards Somalis. I can not understand how we became debased that we commit barbaric crime towards innocent people who should be more so close to us for we share the same roots. Lineage should be something to rejoice and recount to our younger generation of the bravery and wonderful things our great grandfathers and mothers did rather than use it as a weapon of destruction.


    Even those that have seen and experienced first hand the problems in Somalia now find ways to excuse the insane and immoral acts committed by their own clan. Where is the humanity and justice in Somalia?


    Gosh, it so frustrating and depressing!

  9. Nur


    The issue is not with adopting the children. Any kind person will look favourably in raising a child even if not their own.


    I would be more concerned with the threat of dealing with a sour ex-wife. Hence, I personally would think twice before attempting any relationship with a divorcee with children and an ex-wife. I am aware that my way of thinking is flawed and unreasonable lakiin this is my take for now.


    However, best of luck to the brother and may Allah bless him with a good wife and mother to all his children.