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Posts posted by MiSs_LeXuS

  1. Maybe you didn't mean disrespect our fellow Somali's but you didn't. You are so lucky that my boyfriend is not sitting here reading this because there is nothing more he hates about a Somali guy saying that we or he is a negroe.


    You need to understand that I am black (not really black, but brown) and I don't look like a monkey. Negroes represent niggas. So do you look like a monkey? I will not be suprised if you said yes.

    muraayada isku fiiri

    Cadan maa isku maleesa ?

    I think we need a translater here. Because I won't have a clue to what you just said. :rolleyes:


    So what is your final conclusion huh? :confused:

    I am not a nigga how about you? :confused:

  2. I believe the question is who is hotter?

    I reckon that there are both ugly but...I can't believe I am doing this but I would have to go with Ja rule. :eek: I am so disguested in myself :eek: :eek: Having to choose between 2 negroes :eek:

  3. I believe the question is who is hotter?

    I reckon that there are both ugly but...I can't believe I am doing this but I would have to go with Ja rule. :eek: I am so disguested in myself :eek: :eek: Having to choose between 2 negroes :eek:

  4. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: OG_M maybe you haaven't realised this but I have always showed it :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    And i believe int he theory and i beleive no one

    Another error, Ouch...Re-check your work :rolleyes:


    Jeez, I never knew I had such a effect on some people. I never knew you could rise your voice. Hummm I guess you figure out new things about people everyday. :rolleyes:



    PS: MiSs_LeXuS use some many rolleyes because she felt threatened

  5. Why is everyone writing in Somalia? :confused:


    OG_M you wild child you had me laugh so hard that I all most choked on my breakfast.

    You are your fat ladies...loooooool.

    this one time i was skinny


    and i was sitting in the bus stop chair and this big lady came and she jkust did not see

    Ouch~ Spelling error

  6. Asalamu Alaykum Nomads


    I believe this is a important topic.


    Well where should I start.


    Lately, I have been hearing stories about people with HIV are going around in public places and getting needles on sits and leaving a note saying Welcome to the HIV family after you have sat on it, realising what you have sat on, which of course is too late to turn back time.

    So whenever you are in a public place, for example, cinemas, trains, trams (Australia), buses, etc. Check on what you are sitting on.


    I come sure everyone that is reading this must be shitting themselves. I mean I did when I first heard about this. :eek: It's a pretty scary thought~


    Anyway brothers/sisters take care of yourselves no matter where you are.

    Check before you sit on anything, including a rock ;)

  7. Lucky :rolleyes:



    OG_M I know there was more then 7 but I wanted to limit the list...YOu have got to be a id~ot if you didn't realise that :rolleyes: Not saying that you are a id~ot. Anyway I didn't ask you to correct me. I asked which one you believed?

    OG_M are you looking for a fight or something? :confused: Because I know that I ain't redface.gif

  8. Mindstate, your avator looks like a criminal It's kind of scary :eek: And that comment you made 2...

    1-You, yes, i am addicted to you.

    I really didn't need to know that. I won't be able to go to sleep. You have not just annoyed but you now I see you as a person with a mental illness. :( Possibly with Multiply personality disorder :eek: or Schizophrenia :(

  9. We all use the term intelligence and most of us have a good idea of what we mean by this term. Think for a moment about your own definition of intelligence. Did words such as brainy, smart, bright or cluey come into mind? These are the kinds of words which many people associate with intelligence.


    David Wechsler's theory of intelligence:

    1. Awareness: Intelligent behaviour is conscious and controlled. In other words, you are aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it. Unlike an involuntary response such as a reflex, intelligent behaviour is intentional.

    2. Good directed: Intelligent behaviour has a purpose. It is not just any random ('haphazard') behaviour. It is targeted at accomplishing a particular goal.

    3. Rational : Intelligent behaviour is consistent and appropriate for accomplishing a particular goal.

    4. Worthwhile: Intelligent behaviour is valued by others--it is constructive and useful.


    Charles Spearman's theory: Intelligence as a single ability

    Spearman developed this theory through a statistical method called factor analysis

    He gave a different tests to many children , measuring their ability on various tasks, which he assumed were associated with intelligence; for example, general knowledge, arithmetic and reasoning. Spearman found that individuals who scored high on one kind of task also tended to score high on others. Individuals who scored low on one kind of task also tended to score low on others. He concluded that his relationship was due to a general underlying factor which we all possess in varying amounts. Spearman called this factor g. He described g as a kind of well or stream of mental energy that flows into everything an individual does. On other words, g is the major determinant of intelligent behaviour. The person with a great deal of g is able to demonstrate well-developed intellectual activity in a variety of situations, from excelling in school to navigating at sea. Spearman's data did not a show that a person with a great deal of g.

    His data showed that individuals perform better on some kinds of mental ability tasks than on others. He concluded that his was due to specific factors associated with particular abilities.

    He called these specific factors s.

    For example, tests of arithmetic and general knowlegde would each tap a separate s.

    In Spearman's view, an individuals tested intelligence reflects the amount of g plus the amount of various s factors.

    Performance on a reasoning task, for example, would involve general intellectual ability (g) and specific reasoning ability (s).


    Howard Gardner's theory: different kinds of intelligence

    Howard suggested that there are seven different kinds of intelligence, which are:

    Linguistic intelligence- use of language and words (written and spoken)

    Musical intelligence- musical competence, such as understanding pitch, rhythm and timbre

    Logical-mathematic intelligence- ordering and recording things to measure their quantity, using a chain of reasoning in solving a problem

    Spatial intelligence- mentally forming and using accurate visual images of real objects and events, mentally rotating objects in 3D space

    Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence- using one's body in highly specialised and skilled ways, as seen in athletes, dancers and other physical performers

    Intrapersonal intelligence- ability to understand one's own feeling and to draw on them to guide one's behaviour in an appropriate way

    Interpersonal intelligence- ability to read other people's moods, motivations, intentions and other internal states and effectively act upon his knowlegde.


    I personally would have to agree with Gardner's because I may be good at one thing and not at others but that doesn't mean that I am not intelligent.



    ~Who's theory do you agree with?~