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Everything posted by Hibo

  1. Hibo

    Punt Land

    International travelers have written about Somalia over 5000 years before the Christian Era. The early Egyptians called them the "Land of Punt". THey believed that their gods were in the land of punt. Land of Punt means the land with had the great smell because of the myrreh and frankensense. The name Somalia appeared to be first seen in History of 3000 years ago when the Phonecian (known today as Israel) travelers came down the red sea and wrote a lot about the Somalis. they wrote things like "tall, skinny people with beautiful narrow faces. they have camels, cattle and sheep. they are fierce fighters and make good friends as long as you don't offend them. When you offend them is there no friendship and the only thing besides friendship that they now is war". The British called them the "Irish of East AFrica". Later on the Somalis grew up to be an empire under the Leadership of Ahmed Gurey in Zeyla. Ahmed Gurey captured all most all of Ethiopia. Later on the British Empire cooperated with Ethiopian kings to divide Somalia and I have a lot documents that Haile Selassie wrote to the Queen of England. I will send you those at a later date. During the Ogaden war, when the Somali troops overran the Ethiopians in just 48 hours and captured all the way to Diri Dhawa, the Russians, the Cuban and the Yemenis, as you rightly said, came to their help. This is documented and both sided lost heavily but Somalia captured over 90% of Ogaden before the Russians, Cubans and Yemenis intervened. Historically, Somalis used to sell Ethiopian Slaves to the Arabs. This was also reported in the Addis Ababa herald journal or magazine. Today, the black people in the Arabian peninsula are all former Ethiopian slaves sold by Somalis to the Arabs. I believe he is a young men like you who has no idea of what the history of the Horn of Africa is and was in the past. Ethiopia too had great achievement in its history. It is a remarkable nation, however, when it comes to war Ethiopia cannot face a Somali army and because of that they always cry to the Christians to help them. In fact, Haile Selasse used to say that "Ethiopia is a Christian Island in a sea of Muslims". This used to get the emotions of christians who always rushed to help him until they also gave him part of Somalia. That story is still going on today.
  2. salaam ya'll, i'm new in here so don't give me hard time about what i'm about to say...aight? I would say It kinda depends on ur family ur believes and values when it comes to any racial related issues. Over the years, i saw second cousins marry and divorce within several months only cuzz they thought since they were related that they would understand each other or cuzz they were forced into the marriage to begin with. I also saw somali sisers/brothers leading happy life with people from other natiolities, though their skin looks different or they speak different languages in some cases, they do understand each other and they share common goals and that is really what matters;they respect each other. Of course as some of you mentioned, a lot of somalis are judgemental including me, but if you really love that person and serious about them my opinion or anyone else's opinion shouldn't matter to you. Of course the family is another matter, but you could always convince them without that woman or man at your side you would lose ur mind...they will come around in time....like they say...every wound heals with time. I hope i was some help, God bless ya all Q
  3. well! well! dont u like to here where i go and what i will do after that. i go to University of minnesota(U of me) and my major is engineering ( coming up world trade center in xamar) hey guys ha ubixina i go to high school still. :rolleyes: wooa!
  4. Hibo


    well! well! dont u like to here where i go and what i will do after that. i go to University of minnesota(U of me) and my major is engineering ( coming up world trade center in xamar) hey guys ha ubixina i go to high school still. :rolleyes: wooa!
  5. Assalamu Calaykum brothers & sisters.Anyone browsing through this thread please offer your fateha for my dad whose gonna have surgery.Thank you guys.Jazaka Allah & macsalaama.
  6. Masha Allah i gained knowledge just reading that piece. well done. asalamu alaykum
  7. Please keep your suggestions coming ... My name is Music Lover and I will be your new friend to guide you ... just tell me what you want! i hate silence so say something atleast ... lol
  8. hey listen najma,wherever you do dont post the jobs on the newspaper, did u think about how stupid they ganna be treated if u post some nonsense about your people, well am telling you sister dont think this is funny to other non somali people.
  9. looooooooooooooooooooooool stil loooooooooooooooooooooool thats some pretty funny shit yo looooooooooool i thought he was gonna hit that but get ya own shit loooooooooooooooool
  10. that's some joke cuz that made me looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool still
  11. SHOUTOUTz to every thug thugstress in the Nation Wide Regions. Big UppiN to ALL the Somali People, My People. thats all i gotz to say YaLL 1
  12. SHOUTOUTz to every thug thugstress in the Nation Wide Regions. Big UppiN to ALL the Somali People, My People. thats all i gotz to say YaLL 1
  13. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    SHOUTOUTz to every thug thugstress in the Nation Wide Regions. Big UppiN to ALL the Somali People, My People. thats all i gotz to say YaLL 1
  14. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    SHOUTOUTz to every thug thugstress in the Nation Wide Regions. Big UppiN to ALL the Somali People, My People. thats all i gotz to say YaLL 1
  15. hogga cadrada iyo barbaarta halka ciroolaha iyo caruurta hoyga heesaha iyo heeladu habka maansada iyo miisaanka hadaytahay somalia online halabuur aan waqtihaynbaan ahoo bal soo hubsada hadalkaan soo qoro! yo jamaal this is yo cuz caano, long time no seen! halla back
  16. I dont know how a WORLD FULL of females would work. Seriously, tell me. Whats good about ALL-Female Planet.
  17. I dont know how a WORLD FULL of females would work. Seriously, tell me. Whats good about ALL-Female Planet.
  18. Mujahid..Good for you brother..you are doing a good deed for the people of palastine and muslims alike ...and that is very admirable.. but My brother you are so fast to jump to the aid of Palastine's plight but did you once stop and think about the plight that is plundering your Hooyoland..Is somali not in Our itinerary... Somali is the horn of africa & we do not have any allies (i wonder why!!!) we have only ourselves to blame and inevitably we have eachother to rely on..It is just that i find it oooooh sooo disturbing how we hop on the Ban Wagon of other countries and venture to fight for their case and we leave our country to its own dimise..more than one occasion i have seen somalis plead the case of palastine and join rally's and other demistrations and what nots. and they seldom remember or care to express how they feel about their countries status...or even make the effort to plead somalia's case Like organizing clothes and food donations or its even a matter of having a strong community who voice their issues based on the well beings of somalia and somalians to their local politicians and parliaments or even constructing a non profitable organization to aid somalia. Instead this aid pours from foriengn counrties who are Kafurs and have their own agenda at mind... Im not saying don't rally for the Pals with all do respect go for it...just remember they have their fellow arab brethern..( like saudi,iraq,jordan,seria,.....etc) but Who do you have?????... so we should all consider our country 's volatile state.. I know many say somalia is a dead country...But keep hope alive.. Because one day we will rise from the ashes like a blazing phonix..because everything in this world is a test and the only way we will pass is with The Good Grace of Allah and patience and love for one another...theres my two cents for the day..wheter you liked it or not and for the brother who said he was willing to chip in financially!!!!! what the hell is contributing a few bills going to help Palistine??? they have saudi arabia the richest oil producing country!! Why don't you invest your money in your community and country and even for youself..!!! think about it palastine is not suffering a famine, or a full blown war!!! so where well your money go???? im just saying! And yes i know the Al QUds is one of the most important sights of islam..But only with the help of Allah and the Oneness of Muslims all over can defeat all enemies..( i repeat the unity of muslims all over can defeat all evil..hey read the quran!! thats one thing arabs and all muslims are lacking...Especially somalians we are scattered all over the world and don't give a flying @#*! about our country and our people!!! :rolleyes: Miss Somalia
  19. Since Everybody is entitled to their opinions and whatnot, but i don't know about y'all, My thing is she gotta be real good and i gotta be real good for her too. C'mon now, you thinkin' about spendin' your whole life hittin' one woman, so she better know how to twurk. That's Just me. Now i know some of y'all might say, "wouldn't it be beautiful for you and your wife to get intimate on the night of your wedding" and i'ma say "yeah to y'all" but then again, if i'm the one that's been there b4, then it's always special to me. I saw some dude writin' stuff like "it ain't for my pleasure it's just for my future kids" now i'm sorry but that's just the dumpest thing i ever heard. how you not gonna wanna enjoy your wife or the sex and just think about fillin' her tank?. I said alittle too much, i'ma just ended here~
  20. Since Everybody is entitled to their opinions and whatnot, but i don't know about y'all, My thing is she gotta be real good and i gotta be real good for her too. C'mon now, you thinkin' about spendin' your whole life hittin' one woman, so she better know how to twurk. That's Just me. Now i know some of y'all might say, "wouldn't it be beautiful for you and your wife to get intimate on the night of your wedding" and i'ma say "yeah to y'all" but then again, if i'm the one that's been there b4, then it's always special to me. I saw some dude writin' stuff like "it ain't for my pleasure it's just for my future kids" now i'm sorry but that's just the dumpest thing i ever heard. how you not gonna wanna enjoy your wife or the sex and just think about fillin' her tank?. I said alittle too much, i'ma just ended here~
  21. Since Everybody is entitled to their opinions and whatnot, but i don't know about y'all, My thing is she gotta be real good and i gotta be real good for her too. C'mon now, you thinkin' about spendin' your whole life hittin' one woman, so she better know how to twurk. That's Just me. Now i know some of y'all might say, "wouldn't it be beautiful for you and your wife to get intimate on the night of your wedding" and i'ma say "yeah to y'all" but then again, if i'm the one that's been there b4, then it's always special to me. I saw some dude writin' stuff like "it ain't for my pleasure it's just for my future kids" now i'm sorry but that's just the dumpest thing i ever heard. how you not gonna wanna enjoy your wife or the sex and just think about fillin' her tank?. I said alittle too much, i'ma just ended here~
  22. Since Everybody is entitled to their opinions and whatnot, but i don't know about y'all, My thing is she gotta be real good and i gotta be real good for her too. C'mon now, you thinkin' about spendin' your whole life hittin' one woman, so she better know how to twurk. That's Just me. Now i know some of y'all might say, "wouldn't it be beautiful for you and your wife to get intimate on the night of your wedding" and i'ma say "yeah to y'all" but then again, if i'm the one that's been there b4, then it's always special to me. I saw some dude writin' stuff like "it ain't for my pleasure it's just for my future kids" now i'm sorry but that's just the dumpest thing i ever heard. how you not gonna wanna enjoy your wife or the sex and just think about fillin' her tank?. I said alittle too much, i'ma just ended here~
  23. Don't want a soul bad mouthing DC. Dats my hood 4life. I was livin' in dc for 5yrs and those were da best yrs of my life. It gave me da chance to learn my language and a lil sumthin' bout my culture as well. Dont' get me wrong there's good and bad just like there is in any part of da world...but is who you decide to associate yourself wit or atleast dats what my moms tells me. Anyway to all those dat got there 2cents to add pls come correct and have your facts straight bout dis place I call home. Is all those dat never laid there eyes on Dixon or were visiting Toronto and seen it from afar. Dat aint cool to put down your own peeps you probably got family there for all you know. DC 4life peace
  24. Don't want a soul bad mouthing DC. Dats my hood 4life. I was livin' in dc for 5yrs and those were da best yrs of my life. It gave me da chance to learn my language and a lil sumthin' bout my culture as well. Dont' get me wrong there's good and bad just like there is in any part of da world...but is who you decide to associate yourself wit or atleast dats what my moms tells me. Anyway to all those dat got there 2cents to add pls come correct and have your facts straight bout dis place I call home. Is all those dat never laid there eyes on Dixon or were visiting Toronto and seen it from afar. Dat aint cool to put down your own peeps you probably got family there for all you know. DC 4life peace
  25. Don't want a soul bad mouthing DC. Dats my hood 4life. I was livin' in dc for 5yrs and those were da best yrs of my life. It gave me da chance to learn my language and a lil sumthin' bout my culture as well. Dont' get me wrong there's good and bad just like there is in any part of da world...but is who you decide to associate yourself wit or atleast dats what my moms tells me. Anyway to all those dat got there 2cents to add pls come correct and have your facts straight bout dis place I call home. Is all those dat never laid there eyes on Dixon or were visiting Toronto and seen it from afar. Dat aint cool to put down your own peeps you probably got family there for all you know. DC 4life peace