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Posts posted by Seekknowledge

  1. Who said Africans are Brothers?

    I can't believe you said that? All the problems in Africa are their own makings. No one would have enslaved them without the collaboration of their own people. And yes we are all brothers. Note not only they are our brothers in humanity but also muslims.

  2. The door of Itjihad never closed but it is not an easy topic to discuss because some sect will never accept that especially exploring the History cause it will expose well known pesonalities in our religion. Please share with us your research. Maybe a background history of why they closed the door of Ijtihad would be usefull. Thank you

  3. Farah if the emotion aspect of this incident didnt fade away this long, you are obviously in need of a therapist and fast should I add

    The more I read this thread looks like I am going to need a therapist. I am not kidding. This is shocking. At first I thought you guys were joking I asked the elderly and confirmed my worst fears. I mean this looks like Abu Ghuraib - stripping, torture only the pictures are missing How sad :(

    Brothers let it out talk about it Go to Oprah Show do something YOU GUYS NEED HELP REAL HELP :(

  4. Qanjiiriya, Jinac in your clothes, being hanged upside down, Radio cable cord

    Now I understand why Somalia is so messed up. They all have the abused syndrome. You know the abused turns into abuser! :eek:


    (DUUBIS) means folding your eyes so that you don't see the garaacis.

    Would you still feel it though? I mean the pain :D

  5. You do admit they need to take some responsibility in changing their lives? Speak up but also do some action. Fight the drug dealers within the community. They are destroying more than the white people have done in the last 5 century. Educated African Americans are looked down by their own people. They have more opportunities than Africans. Divorce rate is high, teenage pregnancy is high, school droput and I can go on and on. Even somali refugees are doing better why?

  6. Who were the businessmen running the ports, Airports etc? The same people declare war, choose government change their mind and then call on peace. This war is all about Aweis and Abdullahi and you guys blindly follow them without reasoning.


    The Fitnah reached such a level that the warlords used Masajids as rubbish dumps

    GJ where were the ICU when women were raped by their own brothers inside the masjids? Which one is worse dumping rubbish or rape?


    The only solution is negotiations and right now unfortunately the ICU is the one continuing the war without regards for innocent people caught in the middle. If they really care about somali people they would put aside their pride the same way they changed their cimamads. Then I would give them credit.

  7. I never said whites never enslaved other white. We were talking about this guy who blames everything on white people. if he is going to blame then he should also blame his own people who traded their own. It is time for black people to wake up and start taking responsibility for their own destiny instead of blaming others forever. I mean look at our own somalis it is always somebody elses fault.

  8. GG relax man and read and question get out of the denial stage bro.Where did you buy yours? :D



    African Slave Owners


    Many societies in Africa with kings and hierarchical forms of government traditionally kept slaves. But these were mostly used for domestic purposes. They were an indication of power and wealth and not used for commercial gain. However, with the appearance of Europeans desperate to buy slaves for use in the Americas, the character of African slave ownership changed.




    In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:


    "The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…"



    Some of the descendants of African traders are alive today. Mohammed Ibrahim Babatu is the great great grandson of Baba-ato (also known as Babatu), the famous Muslim slave trader, who was born in Niger and conducted his slave raids in Northern Ghana in the 1880's. Mohammed Ibrahim Babatu, the deputy head teacher of a Junior secondary school in Yendi, lives in Ghana.


    "In our curriculum, we teach a little part of the history of our land. Because some of the children ask questions about the past history of our grandfather Babatu.


    Babatu, and others, didn't see anything wrong with slavery. They didn't have any knowledge of what the people were used for. They were only aware that some of the slaves would serve others of the royal families within the sub-region.


    He has done a great deal of harm to the people of Africa. I have studied history and I know the effect of slavery.


    I have seen that the slave raids did harm to Africa, but some members of our family feel he was ignorant…we feel that what he did was fine, because it has given the family a great fame within the Dagomba society.


    He gave some of the slaves to the Dagombas and then he sent the rest of the slaves to the Salaga market. He didn't know they were going to plantations…he was ignorant…"


    Listen to Mohammed Ibrahim Babatu, great great grandson of the famous Muslim slave trader Baba-ato



    The young Moroccan traveler and commentator, Leo Africanus, was amazed at the wealth and quantity of slaves to be found in Gao, the capital of Songhay, which he visited in 1510 and 1513 when the empire was at the height of its power under Askiya Mohammed.


    " there is a certain place where slaves are sold, especially on those days when the merchants are assembled. And a young slave of fifteen years of age is sold for six ducats, and children are also sold. The king of this region has a certain private palace where he maintains a great number of concubines and slaves."



    The ruling class of coastal Swahili society - Sultans, government officials and wealthy merchants - used non-Muslim slaves as domestic servants and to work on farms and estates. The craftsmen, artisans and clerks tended to by Muslim and freed men. But the divisions between the different classes were often very flexible. The powerful slave and ivory trader Tippu Tip was the grandson of a slave.


    Listen to historian Abdul Sheriff introducing Tippu Tip's autobiography followed by a BBC dramatisation of the slave trader's own writing


    The Omani Sultan, Seyyid Said, became immensely rich when he started up cloves plantations in 1820 with slave labour - so successful was he that he moved the Omani capital to Zanzibar in 1840.

    Find out more about the Swahilis



    The Asanti (the capital, Kumasi, is in modern Ghana) had a long tradition of domestic slavery. But gold was the main commodity for selling. With the arrival of Europeans the slaves displaced gold as the main commodity for trade. As late as 1895 the British Colonial Office was not concerned by this.


    "It would be a mistake to frighten the King of Kumasi and the Ashantis generally on the question of slavery. We cannot sweep away their customs and institutions all at once. Domestic slavery should not be troubled at present."


    British attitudes changed when the King of the Asanti (the Asantehene) resisted British colonial authority. The suppression of the slave trade became a justification for the extension of European power. With the humiliation and exile of King Prempeh I in 1896, the Asanti were placed under the authority of the Governor of the Gold Coast and forced therefore to conform to British law and abolish the slave trade.



    In 1807, Britain declared all slave trading illegal. The king of Bonny (in what is now the Nigerian delta) was dismayed at the conclusion of the practice.


    "We think this trade must go on. That is the verdict of our oracle and the priests. They say that your country, however great, can never stop a trade ordained by God himself."

  9. Bro. I rest my case. Helping an oppressor and condoning his actions is one thing but picking and choosing verses of the Quran in unrelated issues is another.


    The ICU was formed after a government was in place therefore making them according to the sharia people of fitna. About the covenant they have with the oppressor has nothing to do with the sharia cause they were never a government in the first place.


    The ICU has a vision for Somalia, any warlord who accepts that vision, and agrees to work under the leadership of the ICU is accomodated

    I see with this quote you are getting prepared to defend Indhacadde and gang cause you know this is were their true colours lies. Here is were people came to know that their cause was never about Islam but the same cause of the TFG. POWER. ICU vision has nothing to do with Islam.

  10. I think they are best left for our elders, religious and intellectual leaders to deal with.

    These are the same people causing the problems. The era of the elders is over the world has changed and the youth of today don't care about qabil. The elders need to retire and give space to the youth. About religious and intellectual leaders I find these group to be more dangerous cause the elders still live in the past but at least they do what they think is best. There is this organization they call themselves somali intellectuals, how do you define intellectual somalis? Anyone with a University degree or belonging to a certain group? Religious which ones are all sects considered religious?

  11. I think they are best left for our elders, religious and intellectual leaders to deal with.

    These are the same people causing the problems. The era of the elders is over the world has changed and the youth of today don't care about qabil. The elders need to retire and give space to the youth. About religious and intellectual leaders I find these group to be more dangerous cause the elders still live in the past but at least they do what they think is best. There is this organization they call themselves somali intellectuals, how do you define intellectual somalis? Anyone with a University degree or belonging to a certain group? Religious which ones are all sects considered religious?

  12. where do u c other muslims that beat each other in community meetings?

    Ehmm Malaysia Indonesia etc.


    To set laws in Somalia


    1. Ban Qabil anyone using that word minimum 5 years in prison.

    2. Ban Khat (death punishment)

    3. The government should be elected by the people somalis are intelligent enough if given the choice they will choose the right candidate

    4. No religious sect should rule over the others

    5. None of the current members government or opposition should be allowed to run ever in somali politics.

    6. Any candidate should prove beyond reasonable doubt he/she is clean from fraud or supporting any of the former warlords, living in other people's properties or participated in shedding somali blood

    7. Any journalist using the qabil card should be arrested.

  13. where do u c other muslims that beat each other in community meetings?

    Ehmm Malaysia Indonesia etc.


    To set laws in Somalia


    1. Ban Qabil anyone using that word minimum 5 years in prison.

    2. Ban Khat (death punishment)

    3. The government should be elected by the people somalis are intelligent enough if given the choice they will choose the right candidate

    4. No religious sect should rule over the others

    5. None of the current members government or opposition should be allowed to run ever in somali politics.

    6. Any candidate should prove beyond reasonable doubt he/she is clean from fraud or supporting any of the former warlords, living in other people's properties or participated in shedding somali blood

    7. Any journalist using the qabil card should be arrested.