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Posts posted by Kashafa

  1. Aaway Shariifka?

    Aaway Indhocade ?

    Aaway prof Ibi?

    Aaway dadkii Kensington Rd outside Ethiopian embassy ku qaylin jiray?


    Aaway dadka diinta inay yaqaan isku sheegaa ee intaa dhaha TFG waa dowlad Islaamk wax ku xukunta, masaanbaa Islaamnimadu?


    Aaway Mogadishu Society?


    Aaway, Aaway dadiikii, ma afkiibaa juuqda gabay

    Originally posted by Maaddeey:

    ^Aaway reer Sol-ka 10 Polish maa loo baroorto lahaa, aaway kuwa marka been-abuur cad la caddeeyo soo booda iyagoo iska dhigaaya iney shacabka u naxayaan! aaway aaway aaway... aa..aa.. w..

    Like obedient dogs who only bark when their masters tell them to, our homegrown xuthaalah are quiet because they have not recieved the command to bark and howl. But watch them out-do each other with high-pitched screaming and shouting when the Mujahideen ban narcotics(personal freedoms are curtailed!!!) or when the Mujahideen liberate yet another gobol from Is-baaro checkpoint bandits.


    This is the nature of the wretched xuthaalah. Shameless hypocrisy that is without limits. Yesterday, they were against Ethiopia(for obvious clannish and oppurtunistic reasons); Today, they cheer on and clap for the Ugandan onslaught. Of course, in their twisted treasonous mind-set, this is not only logical, but theologically sound as well.


    30 murdered, scores of others grievously injured. All in the name of peace-making. All in the name of the TFG. All in the name of Dowlada Midnimo Qaran. And only silence to be heard from the gaalo-raac khawana.


    Gaalo-raaca la gartay ileen waa xoolo deen'tooda iyo dal'kooda gaday, but I have a few questions: Where are all those Holy Scholars, with their magnificent robes and soft overgrown bellies, who appear on TV telling us that the TFG is a Islamic goverment ? Telling us that this is a "fitnah" ? Amisom troops shelling civillian neighborhoods is a fitnah ? What is the xukm of the so-called Muslim who is directing the Ugandan artillery so that the shells fall on top of hospitals, restraunts, and schools ?


    Questions that recieve no answers because the Holy Scholars are too cowardly to answer them. Because it will expose their wilful complicity in the relentless xasooq of innocent civillians. Because it will show the world that even wearing those flowing garments, they are truly naked.

  2. Mogadisho Man reports from the scene of the massacre:


    Mogadishu is under attack. Dozens of BM rockets, as they are called here, fired by the AMISOM forces have crippled the busy Bakara market and brought the entire business hub of Mogadishu into a complete standstill. Just as worshippers exited the mosques, after noon prayer today, the rockets fell. Hundreds of people in the market scrambled for safety, some hiding under concrete buildings and others rushing back into the mosques

    When the whistles of the rockets had faded, we exited the building, along with a group of angst-ridden residents and shoppers, and made our way back to my apartment. I wasn’t ready for what I’d encountered. Just at the entrance of the apartment, the bloody entrails of a young woman lay scattered in front of a tin-roofed shop. Her face looked unusually tranquil, as if she had finally received that long-awaited moment of peace; her dark hair rested unruffled on the soft soil, painted with blood; her bulging eyes stared into the open space and a trickle of blood oozed from her mouth. Shuddering with twinges of pain, I watched painfully as the lifeless body of a beautiful young woman was being covered with a shroud.

    I was completely gripped by the horrific scene, when the screams of some children pulled my attention, not far away from the young woman. Instinctively, I made my way to the location of the noise and saw four children, of almost equal age, bleeding and crying. Large pieces of shrapnel had punctured their frail bodies. The youngest, a blood-stained 4-year-old, glued her pleading eyes at me as I kneeled down beside her. Lifting her hand with effort, she stretched a delicate finger which I held. Her legs were swimming in a puddle of blood, as her brittle bones were broken by shrapnel. There were no words to console this innocent child. Words would make no meaning to her muddled mind now. Wiping her face with my kerchief, I returned her hand to a relative who came looking for her.

    These images are now engraved in my mind and I have lost any appetite I had for food

    Though no encounters between the Islamists and the TFG were reported, yet the rockets were fired from the Ugandan strongholds, increasing the fury of the already incensed public. Tanks were also seen surrounding the Dabka junction, close to the Ugandan base. This merciless assault on the residential and business areas of Mogadishu came at a time when the government forces were holding a Military Parade in the Presidential Palace, in front of TFG president Sheikh Sharif, to mark their first anniversary. Perhaps the BM rockets were all they had for fireworks today

    There will be a cold reckoning in this world before the next. Sabran yaa Aaala Muqdisho, fa'ina mowcidukum Al-Jannah inshallah.

  3. Coupla points:


    “Qadiyada Ogaad'eeniya ma ahan muran xuduud oo labo dal ka dhaxayso, ee waa dal la heysto oo xoriyadiisa loo halgamayo” ayuu yiri Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan oo farta ku fiiqey in Ethiopia ay dooneyso in ay qadiyada gobolkani u xambaariso Soomaaliya si ay aduunka ugu dhaadhiciso in Soomaaliya dooneyso dhul balaarsi.

    Somali Galbeed is a integral and indivisble part of Somalia(juz laa yata'jaza). There is no seperate country called Somali Galbeed or O'ia. People who try to concoct a 'country' named O'ia are deluded and are honouring the wishes of the white colonial master who, sitting pretty in Whitehall with a cup of tea in his hand, divided the Somali-Muslims of the Horn of Africa into 5 'countries' with a few strokes of a pen.


    Any attempt to manufacture a 'stand-alone' country named O'ia will be fought and put down as fiercly as any attempt to secede from Somalia or create a "dowlad gobaleed", and for the same reasons I mentioned here.



    Madaxweynihii Maraykanka ee Ibrahim Lincoln ayaa laga soo xigtey in uu yiri “Inta aadan is weeydiin Dowlada Maraykanka maxay kuu qabatay, adiga isweeydii Maraykanka waxa aad u qabatay”, kolkaasi nafteyda waxaan u sheegey in ay haboontahay in qof kasta isweeydiiyo waxa uu isaga u qabtey ********iya, inta uusan ONLF maraanmarin

    lol@Ibrahim Lincoln. JFK said that, not Abe Lincoln.

  4. I spoke too broadly on the other thread when condemning the Suldaans/Boqors/Garaad system. Not all of them are rotten traitors. Suldaan Axmad indeed is a great example of a noble Suldaan who deserves praise for his qowl-al-Xaq in age where cowards & midgets rule the microphones.


    Mad respect, yaa Suldaan Ahmed. Geesi geesi dhalay.

  5. ^^ You're wrong, bro. I will find the interview and post it. It's disgusting is what it is. Even if I'm unable to find it, his flight to Addis to beg for Ethiopian patronage and help is damning on it's own right. I hope you won't ask me for the flight log to confirm that he actually did go to Addis, lol


    Just to be clear: Nothing personal against Garaad Jaamac. I'm sure he's a wonderful friend, brother, father, and all. I'm using him as an example to highlight the treasonous Garaad/Boqor/Suldaan system in Somalia and the stranglehold Ethiopia has over the Somali political scene ever since the 80's when it starting arming jabhads against the Siad Barre regime.


    Wa Rab'bul Kacba, that stranglehold and that treasonous system will be destroyed, along with anybody that aids and abets it.

  6. ^^ Lol, not necessary, Jaca. I keeps it real. Unlike some revisionist chameleons we got up in here, you won't see me write one thing, erase it, and write something completely different.


    I know you're enjoying my karbaashing of Garaad Jaamac(I would say all I wrote to his face too), but your Garaads and Suldaans are equally indicted as well.

  7. advising political dis-engagement, and for foreign govts not to meddle inside Somali Politics, and to let them form their own solutions to their own problems

    Agreed! Leave us be. The world will then see a strong, independent, clan-free Somalia rise from the ashes of statelessness and anarchy.


    But before that, there will be the inevitable accompanying birth pangs, such as the liberation of the remaining portions of Mogadisho, the conquest of the Ethiopian protectorates of Somaliland and Puntland, together with the final mopping up operations against any armed groups/militias in the country.


    So you're right stop meddling in our affairs; it'll be a win-win outcome for all, the least of it being the eradication of piracy and free, open, and safe shipping lanes.

  8. Showqi,


    There are plenty of strong national leaders in Ardul Soomal Al-Muslimah; you, and many others, just happen to be too brainwashed to recognize them. Ilaahay indaha ha nii furo, Aamiin.



    Let me illustrate to mudane aqristayaasha just how complete and effective the Ethiopian stranglehold is not only on the traditional Xabashi Protectorates(Somaliland, Puntland, Jubbaland, Maakhirland, Mogdishuland, Hiiraanland, etc), but on the Somali tribal structure itself:


    A few years ago

    was 'elected' as the new Garaad of all Garaads. Hearing all the hyperventilating hype about him would make you go dizzy: He was the bridge between the past, present, and future. He was young, charismatic, and nationalistic. A new Garaad for the 21st century.


    Well, it wasn't too long before Ethiopia invaded Somalia in the fall of 2006 and nary a word was to be heard from Garaad Jaamac. Two long years of savage Xabashi repression in a bid to break the back of Umada Soomaliyeed; said bid failed disastrously. Still, not a peep from Mudane Garaad. Ethiopian soldiers defecate in mosques and murder Tabliqi scholars in broad daylight. Golden silence from Garaad. A silence that speaks volume. Silence that says: " Nah, mayn. I can't speak out. If I do, my bank account is gonna take a hit. Plus, why do I care what goes down in dirty Moga. Ain't my biz! Ain't my Tol! Ain't my constituency! I'm livin' large touring the the Tol-ka overseas with my begging bowl overflowing from qaaraan bucks."


    Then, Somaliland clan militia takeover Laas Caanood(aided by disgruntled locals), and all hell breaks loose. Garaad Jaamac finally finds his tongue and gives a interview to HornAfrik requesting Ethiopian help to 'liberate' Laas Canood. Oh, wait, it gets better: Saaxib-kaa hops on a plane along with Issimada ee hogaanka sare ee SSC(pompous title for a bunch of harlots) to go in front of Papa Zenawi and beg him in person. Just think about it for a second: This pathetic being and his fellow 'isims' are making pilgrimage to Addis Abba, while Ethiopia occupies their country and brutalizes their people!


    In the streets, we have a name for this type of behaviour and these types of men. We call them: b!tch-made faggot-azz punks. It has no reference to their sexuality, only a description of their pliability, their craven weakness, and their harlot-like mindset(use me and in return give me $$$). Garaad Jaamac is a b!tch-made faggot-azz punk. And so are the all of the other Garaad, Boqors, Suldaans, and Nabadoons who are either sworn Xabashi servants, or just pliable have-your-way-with-me softies. I understand this will make some of you upset, but it's the truth, and you need to get accustomed to the truth instead of Is-Qancis/rationalisation: "Oh, Oh, Oh, Garaad Jaamac is only pledging fealty to Ethiopia outwardly, because al-xarbu khidca, in reality, he is a shining Somali star, a patriot! He is the Sayyid-ka of the 21st century"


    As hilarious as that load o'crap may sound, you would be surprised how many people not only believe in it, but propagate it as well. Is-Qancis is a popular tool for the maangaab to cope with their infamy.


    Amin Amir's cartoon shows nothing new that I haven't been saying all along about the Ethiopian puppets in our midst: Riyaale, Silanyo, Sharif Ahmed, Faroole, Ilko-Jiir, Cade Muuse, Ibbi, Janaqow, Indocadde, Xaabsade and some of the newly acquired additions to the pimp's harem like Abdulkareem Jaamac and Abukar Arman. Like little piglets, they feed at the trough of Hog Daddy Zenawi and suckle the milk of Mother Pig Ethiopia. Of a wretched cowardly disposition, bred and born in dhulinomo, raised in a environment where gun'nimo is a virtue and surrender is a instintive reaction, these are the men that want to govern my country and my people. Lol. Right, Right. As if that's gonna happen.


    Contrast the shamelessness and criminal infamy(which will be punished) of these little piglets with the historical accomplishments and feats of the Victorious Youth: The Sons of Somalia, thoroughbreds of rageedi calibre. The standard-bearers of Raayaatul Towxeed in the Horn of Africa. Fahal yastawiyaan mathalaa ??


    Make no mistake about it: Any individual, group, or entity that is affiliated with Kafaratul Axbaash will be dismantled and destroyed. It doesn't matter if you describe your relationship with Ethiopia as "daris wanaag"; we all know that means Ethiopia is the pimp and you are the prostitute. If the laws of Islam and universal human fitra/nature will not stop you from grand treason, then I hope the instinct for self-preservation will.....ee lafahiina uu baqa, ee dalkayagu isaga taga just like Cabdullahi Amxaar and Gheedi, enjoying exile in Yemen and Kenya.

  9. B,


    Have you commented, even once, on the tens of thousands of human beings that lost their lives, and continue to lose their lives, courtesy of Her Royal Majesty's(along with UN, EU) financial support for Ethiopia, Amisom, and the Tigray Founded Gang ?


    Or is that too jarring a fact that may shatter the mental construct you have of yourself as a civilised newly-ilbax former qaxooti who cares about the suffering of others(mainly, whomever Western media deems fit to 'mourn' as the latest flavor of the month: Darfur)


    Kan oo kale aa biri intaa mardoof jaat ah la soo seeyo ku dahaayo: "Soomali baan ahay, wadan'ka arimiheesa wax hala iga seeyo waayo muwaatin baan ahay, fikradaydu xor baan uu ahay, power-sharing hala sameeyo oo waxaan rabaa shan wasaarad, gaar ahaan wasaarada bariiska, wasaarada baastada, iyo wasaarada jaatka & daruugada, hadee kale wadan'ka dhan aa holcinaa intaa moooriyaaan ilmo-adeer nahay soo kiraysado, oo Ethiopia funding ka soo qaato"


    And the funny thing ? Some maangaab folk will actually agree with him and say: "He's a Somali citizen. His voice must be represented, he deserves his share of the national pie. The Dowlada Midnimo Qaran has to represent all Somali constituencies, including the Graveworshipping Mushrik constituency, the Gaalo-raac Traitors-R-Us constituency, the Warlord constituency, and the "HRM Queen Elizabeth blessed us with Independence" constituency. This is what they taught me in Civics 101 at Hogwarts University, and thanks to that education, I am a highly advanced and civilised indivudual"

  10. Markaas ay ku leeyahiin "waxaanu nahay Dowlada Midnimo Qaran"


    Tuug la yaab malahan, ileen waa tuug, oo weliba ay uu badan'tahay inoo tuug'nimo iyo sida wax loo xado ku soo barbaaray from yaraantiisa, oo sida cashar loogu meeriyay"(Pay attention, boy, this is how you steal from the national coffers pass it off as patriotism)


    Laakin la yaab waxaa leh the men and women who say: "Let's give peace a chance.....by surrendering to Ethiopia." Or "My Holy Scholar said ismacoo waa ateecoo, therefore I must listen and obey the Taaghoot....because I am a f'ing sheep."


    Cawaantaas, oo jaahil'nimada ka dhax guuxayso, aan aad iyo aad ula yaabaa. Mar walbo'na waxaa dahaa: "Al-xamdulilah alathii hadaanaa li hathaa, wamaa kunaa li nahtadiya lowlaa an hadaanallah"(Mahad oo idil waxay uu sugnaatay Alle oo nagu soo hadeeyay arinkaan(Islaamka, Xaq'qa, Siraada toosaan,etc) mana hidaaayay'san laheyn hadoosan Alle na hadeeynin.

  11. ^^ :D . My exact thoughts. Brilliant maneuver. And the cool thing about it: Amal Bank executives are actually happy with the decision. Win-win-win situation for all: Al-Shabaab, Shacab'ka Soomaaliyeed, and Amal Bank.


    ...except, that is, for the peacenik xuthaalah, ayaga murug iyo walbahaar ku furan'tahy on hearing the positive progress of the Mujahideen.

  12. Cawaale,


    I would give credence to your supposed "shacab'ka aa uu naxaayaa" position if you ever, even once, condemened the daily xasooq of AMISOM markee isbitaalada, iyo xaafadaha maatada madaafiiic BM iyo katyusha ay uu qaybiyaan sida roob camal. But no, no peep heard out of Cawaale and the other "Humanitarian, shacab'ka haloo turo crowd". Only silence. And silence is akin to consent for the "neutral-moderates"


    Maya abti, wejiga waxaa soo taagtiin oo kaliya when Usood Al-Macaa'rik been aboor qaawaan iyo brobaganda raqiis ah lala beegsado, after a failure in meeting them head-on in the field of battle. Be the battlefield of Ideas & Vision; Or the battlefield of Iron and Blood


    Sida isu dhaama, abtiyaal. As Shaykhuna Maadeey noted, this story doesn't make any logical sense. Waa been abuur qaawaan. On par with the "Al-Shabaab raped a 13 year old and then stoned her" or "Al-Shabaab fondle women to check and see if they are wearing bras"


    Fadlan, hadal macqool ah, oo nin wayn laga sugaayo la imow. Laakin kalaam al-shawaaric hadaa la timaadid, hadee jawaabteeda ay leedahay.

  13. Right, Right. Feeri, abti. Kan I asik yuu a kuweeshan ? Have you dedicated a thread to this 'newsworthy', 'appalling', and 'shocking'(to borrow a few of your adjectives) slaughter of unarmed civillians ? I guess your kind would brush this off as 'tragic colleteral damage', yes ?


    Moral of B's thread: Tragedy only counts when it happens to Massa Whitey. Pay your respects you damn darkies.


    Fun Fact of the Day: Poland played a large role in the invasion and occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan. The Polish leadership(military and civillian) who planned and carried out that naked aggression against the Iraqi and Afghani people perished in the plane crash. So, um, somebody tell me again why the F should I be in mourning ?

  14. Dhubad, aqoon uma lihi, mana maqlin dilkii marxoomka(Daa'ud Diriye), so taas kama hadli kari.


    Laakin, as far back as 03, 04, and 05, ganacsato, aqoon'yahan, and other civilians were assassinated in broad daylight and then media would cast the blame on the Islamists quoting the usual anonymous Adeerkayga-aa-ii-sheegay sources.


    Which is complete hogwash. Ask yourself, what would the Islamists gain from murder, when their entire platform and mandate is based on having the public trust them ?


    Who has a vested interest in fomenting instability and unrest in Islamist-ruled areas ?


    Who benefits from the killing of unarmed innocent civilians ?


    Follow the moneytrail: Ethiopia and it's Somali puppets.

  15. Dambarsame,


    Inta points aa soo xigatay waan kugu raacsanahay, muran kama taagno.


    Sidaas ayadoo tahay, mar mar waxaa loo baahan'yahay methodology'ga oo "dacniii adhribu cunugahu yaa rasool'Allah". Niman gaalo-raac munafiqeen meeshaan ku hayno waxaa joogo oosan walaal karin, oosan aayad quraan walaa xadeeth nabawi karin, laakin markaa waran'ka galisid, cabaad'kooda laga maqlaayo shanta qaaradood. Because that is the only language they understand.


    Ogow Saxaabada had different approaches. I find the Cumar bin Khattab approach(ithaa takalama asmac, wa ithaa dharaba owjac) to be the most effective when dealing with maangaab upstarts oo deen, aqoon, iyo akhlaaq toona lahayn, oo hobby ka dhigtay inay aflagadeeyaan Mujahideenta uu istaagay difaaca deen'ta, dad'ka, iyo dal'ka. Kuwaas oo kale waxaa haboon in lagu joog'joog'sado untill ii dhiig ka matagan.(literally)


    Waxaan ku soo xasoosinaa sida oo Abi Bakr ula dagaalamay qabaa'isha qaar oo daheen: "Muslim baa nahay, towxeed'ka waa ogal'nahay, wax walbo waa ogalnahay, laakin zakada anaga aa iska qaadayno, anaga aa qaybinayno". Mida uu ku dhigay, taarikh'da aa xusayso, ilaa ay ka dahiin the famous maqoolah: "Waylun lil Carab min Ibn Abii Qaxaafah(Abu Bakr)"


    Marka, Dambarsame, rifq'iga iyo khushoonada waala isku wadaa, calaa xasb al-maslaxa. Ilaahay niyadeena khaalis li wajhih ha ka dhigo. Aamiin.

  16. :D:D @ "wamaxay mujaheedintani , ma mujaheediin ba anaga naga danbeysey"


    I like your style, homey. Straightforward, no munaafiqnimo, I can work with that. Laakin mid aan kaa saxo:


    Erey-ga Mujahid iyo Mujahideen waxay uu sugnaatay oo kaliya ruuxii uu dagaalamo likay takoona kalimatullahi hiyal culyaa, sidoo magace Alle uu kor yeelo. Ma ahan erey oo kuli naaciq iskaga dhawaaqo.


    Mujahid-ka iyo Mujahideenta waxay leeyahiin astaamo iyo calaamaat lagu garto. For example, qeylo-dagaleed, ama the battle-cry of the Mujahideen, past and present, waa mid layaqaano. Waxaa ka mid ah: "Waaaaaaa Islaaaaamaaaaaaaah, waaahaaaa li riixil Jannah". Waxaa kale ka mid ah: " Yaa khayl-allahi irkabii" Waxaa kale ka mid ah: " Allahu Akbar, wa nasru lanaa"


    Laakinse waxan ku weydiyay, macqool ma tahay inay battle-cry'ga Mujahideenta noqoto: "F.aqash'ka Dila!/ Kill the F.aqash" ?


    Marka, abti, yaa la isu gafin. Mujahideentu sii fiican aa loo yaqaana. Urur jabhad qabiil'na(SNM, USC, RRA, SPM, SSDF, etc) waa xadgudub in lagu tilmaamo jihad ama mujahideen.

  17. ^^ Answer this question, my dear murji'ah: At what point & time will you concede that the TFG is a Dowlatu Riddah. In other words, what actions does Murtad Sharif have to do and what words does he have to utter in order for you to concede he is a Murtad, or will he always be Muslim regardless of what he does(even if he bans the hijab & salah like Attaturk), a maangaab, but more importantly, murji'ah position hilariously lampooned by Shaykhuna Nur below.


    Focus now. I asked you question, be brave enough to answer.

    Xiinfaniin's Somali Leaders Exceptionalism Theory:


    Xiinfaniin's theory states that Western Appointed Somali leaders known as the TFG, regardless of what they have done in the past, or are engaged in the present, remain intimately glued in the fold of Islam as long as they don't claim openly to have opted out of Islam by loudly saying DIINTA ISLAAMKA WAAN KA BAXNAY.(


    No action they commit
    , national sovereignty they cede to the enemy,
    alliance with proven opponents of Islam they commit to
    , or any utterance of contempt of Islam they broadcast in the media can warrant their apostasy from the Islamic fold, and for the sake of unity, all Somalis, regardless of their ideological persuasion must
    rally behind their western appointed leaders
    to make peace in Somalia in order to stop the indiscriminate artillery shelling and civilian slaughter of the frustrated African Union Mercenaries who are only responding to the resistance fighters attacks, and who are in Somalia to make peace based on a western vision for the country. If all Somalis rally behind the
    corrupt Clan based warlord-cum-Sufi Government
    the west will be happy with us
    and peace will flourish in Somalia

    :D:D Perfectly sums up Xiin's entire socio-politico-religious outlook(ie, Gaalo-raac'ing Murji'ah-ism). Another brilliant piece by Shaykh Nur.

  18. ^^ Those killings are done by burcad-moooriyaaan in a bid to tarnish the name of the Mujahideen. Like the recent killing of Barre Ali Barre, a Xisbul Islam commander.


    Hubsimo iyo xogta dhabta ah la imow, Dhubad, not wararka sooqa iyo reports from Waxa-la-Yiri times.

  19. Dambarsame,


    Although you make some valid points, you're quoting them in the wrong context. If your overall point is that the Mujahideen should somehow 'talk peace' and sit at the negotiating table, you are both naive and deluded(no offence).


    Remember: Power concedes nothing without a demand....and the iron fist to back it up. For two decades(and even earlier), my country has been the playground of insidious clannists, Ethiopian-funded warlords, and the whims of the Antarnashanal Kaaaaamooonity. If you think that "talking nice to them" is the answer....well, you probably shouldn't study conflict resolution.


    Maya, abti. The iron fist of the Sons of Somalia will crush them into submission, that is, the few remaining warlords and Xabashi protectorates that are still out of their control.


    The iron fist that has crushed Hiiraale, Axmed Madoobe, and other clannist upstarts.


    The iron fist that has crushed Baqtii Cumar Xaashi and his sidekick Baqti Laqanyo


    The iron fist that has cleansed 98% of Mogadisho from the najaasah of Mogadisho warlords.


    The iron fist that has turned Kismaayo and Jubooyinka into a oasis of peace after two decades of "Kismaayo anaka aa iska leh" vs "Maya, anaka aa iska leh"


    The iron fist that has caused Cabdullahi Amxaar to seek qaxooti-dom in Yemen.


    That, my friend, is the gacan bir that Shaykhuna Maadeey speaks of, and that gacan bir will crush, ruthlessly and without naxariis, any individual, group, or entity that opposes Xukm-ul-Allah and the return of law & order in Ardul Soomaal Al-Muslimah.


    Of course, as the iron fist hits harder and harder, you will hear increasing levels of high-pitched cabaad, baroor, and oohin of the gaalo-raac xoolo, especially on the Internet, like my ol' buddy ol' pal Jimcaale( :D ), a cry of desperation at the destruction of Tol-ka and a SOS call for Ethiopia(O Ethiopia, iyaka nacbuda wa iyaka nastaceen, balees naga soo gaar)


    Ugu dambeyn, ku soo dhawaaw golahaan ee Politics section, waxaana rajeynaa inaa kamid noqotid kuwa Xaq'ga taageero.

  20. While the lowborn lowbred Xabashi mutts on this forums and elsewhere continue to bark and foam at the mouth like kilaab mascoora, the Mujahideen in Ardul Soomaal Al-Muslimah continue their historic march towards Gobonimo by liberating lands, erasing oppression and providing in abudance that most crucial ingredient for the success of any society: Justice .


    Mogadishu Man reports:

    The Islamic Administration of Lower Shabeelle region yesterday
    executed one of their own soldiers
    as a retribution for the murder of a local villager while on duty. Muuse Ali Abud’s sentence was carried out in Marka in front of hundreds of spectators by an Al-shabaab firing squad just after mid-day yesterday. The 27-year-old soldier confessed to killing a 20-year-old villager, Ahmed Abdi Yusuf, after a heated brawl in the market of the tiny village of Balow, near Awdheegle.


    Shortly after he killed the villager, on the 27th of March, Muuse was arrested by his comrades and taken into custody. After an investigation into the matter, the family of deceased was called and presented with some options:


    *To forgive him

    *To accept blood money

    *Qisas or retaliation


    The family chose the third option, demanding the execution of the murderer, and Muuse’s fate was sealed. But in front of the large crowd that had gathered in Marka’s main square, the convicted soldier displayed a calm disposition and awaited his final moment. Though Muuse might have been the soldier responsible for arresting criminals and bringing them to the Islamic courts for justice in his earlier days, this time he was on the stand.


    Sheikh Mohamed Abu Abdallah, Al-Shabaab’s governor of Lower Shabeelle, delivered a sermon to the expectant crowd just before the execution. He said:



    ‘Us and the public are equal in the eyes of the Shariah. We pledged to live under the rulings of the Qur’an and whoever commits a sin, he will be punishmed according to the rules dictated by the Shariah.'

    Allahu Akbar. Such is the display of justice in the hands of Ahlul Karam wal Majd, the People of Honour and Glory.


    But while the Sheikh’s speech was received with
    loud chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’
    and Muuse’s case attracted a huge media attraction, another case went under the radar. Just as twilight fell yesterday,
    one of the TFG soldiers shot and killed a teenager
    as he left his house in Xamar Jajab district of Mogadishu. But this case has largely gone
    in the media and no one was brought to trial for the murder. The number of killings has increased recently in the three government-controlled districts in Mogadishu as
    soldiers are said to often rob residents at gunpoint, killing whoever retaliates
    . Many of the residents have now relocated to areas such as Dayniile, under Al-Shabaab, and the remaining persistently complain to the government, which has done nothing so far.

    What a stark contrast. One side enacts justice on it's own; the other routinely rapes, murders, and steals. One side enjoys widespread grass-roots support from the people they serve; the other hides behind foreign tanks(tanks that have recieved theological stamp of approval from wadaad-xuma'yaal).



    I'm gonna let one of the spectators of that historical act of justice, Ali Osman, have the last word:

    They may be branded as terrorists by the western world, but Al-Shabaab continue to gain more support and popularity here from the local population they govern. When questioned about the events, Ali Osman, one of the spectators in Marka, couldn’t control his tears:


    ‘I never thought I would live to see the day when a killer is punished for his crime in Somalia. Never! This is just a miracle. And on top of that he was their [Al-Shabaab] soldier. This is the justice we need and if every killer today was brought to this sort of justice, we would have lived happily. I feel sorry for the man and it was painful to watch but this is the justice we wish to live under.’

    Rest assured Akhi fillah Ali Osman, that is exactly the kind of justice that will be implemented in every last square inch of Somali soil, camaa qareeb inshallah.


    In the meantime, let the gaalo-raac dogs bark, let the ineffectual nitpickers and finger-pointers consume themselves in ciil & caro, let the wretched murtaziqah scholars release fatwa after fatwa.....


    ....for tommorow brings even more heartburn and heartbreak smile.gif .

  21. LOL@making tawaf in Addis.


    Speaking of, from another forum:


    ahlusunnah wal jamaacah supporters urgent meeting

    by HutuKing01 » Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:28 pm


    the shabaab khawaarij are very close to dhuusomareeb. They captured a town called mareergur. we need to increase the dhikr and make dua's for the mujahideen fi sabillah


  22. ^^ Yaa jaasoos, dhulinimo waxaa kuugo filan inaa la safan-tahay mushrikeen'ta ee qabuur caabud'ka.(even if you don't share their polytheistic beliefs). Ilaahay aakhiro hakula soo saaro zumratu Zenawi wal Mushrikeen. Aamiin. Laakin waxaa ku weydiyay, waa tii Abdulkareem Jaamac iyo Abukar Arman la siiyay jagooyin, ee adiga maxaa banaan'ka ku dhigay, ileen kama howl yarid ragaas ee ? Basaas'nimo waxay uu baahantahay alotta self-promotion ee fadhiga ka kac, duqa. Dheesha yaa lagaa badanin.



    Thanks, Ukhtii Malika, I consider that to be high praise that I am undeserving of. I can only hope to develop the oratorical abilities of the young brother who was giving the moving khutba. "Adeeryaal, yaala isu gambanin, hadaa deenta Alle(ie, Shareecada) qaadan waysaan, wallahi billahi, waxaa lamid noqonaysiin dowladii shariif, meeshay martay aa mareysiin"




    That young brother has more honour, more dignity, more Iimaan, and more Islam in his left toe than the corpulent 'Holy Scholars' that you watch on TV can hope to have in 10 lifetimes. Taas weligaa ha iloobin, abti. Wax isku dhow ma ahan, mana la isku qayaasi karo dhalinyaro(fit'yatun aamaano bi'rabihim wa zidnaahum hudaa) uu istaagay inay magaca Alle kor yeelaan, iyo niman xirfad ka dhigtay Islaam-ka inay bariis ku cunaan calaa manhaj Fatwa-4-sale. Tom & Jerry ayaga ku haboon inay fiirsadaan.

  23. 61_13.gif


    Ninkii ka naxaayo ha ka naxo. Naagtii ooynaysa'na haa ooyso, Fawarabul Ciz'za wal Jalaalah, Somalia oo idil ay Mujahideenta gaaraayaan kana tahiraayaan najaasada ee gaalo-raaca meel walbo ay joogaan inshallah. Waxaa sugaayaa kuwa wadaad-xumaha ah(holy scholars) oo Nairobi, Madeenah iyo Dooxa ruz maca kabsah ku cunaayo inay cambaareeyaan oo dahaan "Matabaan in la qabsado waa "fitnah" oo deenta ogalayn, waana xaaram, maxaa dhacay Ilaahay quraan'ka wuxuu ku yiri "wal fitnatu asha'du minal qatl", sidaa daraadeeda, khawaarijta(lol) waa inay joojiyaan fitnada ay wadaan ay markaas sida anaka camal uu hogaan samaan Amiir-ul-Mu'mineen Meles Zenawi( xadeeth-kii, wa low kaana cabdan xabashiyan)


    Heh. Al-qaafilatu taseer, wa kilaab-ul-xabasha tanbax. Sidaa hanoo ahaato, esteemed and illustrious culomo-abtiyaal :D


    Matabaan is only a stone's throw away from Shirk wal Zenawi Headquarters in Guriceel. You got Guriceel, you got Galgaduud. You got Galgaduud, you got Gaalkacyo. You grab Gaalkacyo, Puntland falls. Xaal ka ba' :D Is-geejiya, abtiyaal. Bal aan aragno math'hab al-gaalo-raac'nimo wexii laga deefo.

  24. ^ :D , well, for starters, he writes a lot better than I do. Tan xigta, I get the feeling that he's some sorta journalist/blogger type, may not even be Somali.


    But as you can see from his posts, the reality in Xamar(as well as other cities) is mucho differento from what the Is-Qancis Brigade would like to believe. The Somali shacab absolutely hates and loathes the TFG & Amisom. In the words of shop-keeper Mohamed Omar: "They should be slaughtered like pigs." For all of the hullabalo of fowr-bointi-fife(4.5) dimuqraasiyah, this fact alone strips it from any purported(and fake) legitimacy.


    And the Mujahideeen, with all of their supposed harshness, enjoy massive popularity......... a bitter bone stuck in the throat of Sharif Ahmed and his downcast supporters.