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Posts posted by Kashafa

  1. Xiin, if ur really interested in getting answers, PM me ur number, I will call you right now. You don't have to wait until I come to MPLS. I stand by all my comments and will provide you with the substance.....unless you want me to post it here, which besides being cruel, is against the Golden Rules. Don't want u complaining to the Admin that I posted ur personal info here.


    Marka, hadaa xaninyo isku haysid(which u don't, but still), PM me your number. We'll talk.


    Otherwise, orodoo shaqo raadso. I've wasted enough time for one day.




  2. Xiin,


    Qosol gareer won't save your hide. Just don't bring your supervising 'handler' with you when we do meet.


    Amaa hadaba wacday oo tiri: Kashaafa aa ii handaday :D



    Mostapha, u got a point about abti, adeer, awoowe. I tend to overuse it in my writing, only because it's part of my everyday speech. Walaal is too formal, aboowe to mushy...abti is just right :D

  3. ^^**** **** *****


    What you don't seem to understand is: I know you, Xiin *****. I already told you, MPLS is a small town. If I know Shaykh Abduraxmaan, r u really suprised that I know you and your shenanigans in the community ?


    Caroor aa leedahay, sidaan isu dhaan. Intaan aa ceeb kugu filan.


    Thanks for confirming my suspicions.


    [ August 21, 2009, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  4. Xiin, that you are a informant and/or obtained your green card/passport in a illicit manner, I have no doubt. Your emotional reaction confirmed that for me. You also confirmed another suspicion that Mintid Farayar recently raised: You write under two log-in names.



    Apology time-frame is expired. Don't hold your breath anymore.

  5. Kashafa, you knowning Xiin's stance, which you deem to be of hypocrisy and lies would you in an instance of him capturing let's say not for warfare but you knowingly knowing that he is a pro Shariif activist and the dacaayad and mischiefs and propaganada he invokes on the righteous Mujahidiin of yours, would you take to killing him?


    Yes or No?


    pls give a short answer of that question and make it as bloodless as possible

    Short answer: No. He is a non-combatant. He is also quite harmless since he's an old man vicariously reliving his lost days of youth by trumpeting the horn of Shariif, the TFG, and the Ethiopians. Apparently, he is also very proud( or feels guilty) of obtaining his sharci :D

  6. It never sat well with me to have the 'E' seen as a normal varient of Somali politics

    Thumb's up. We're making progress. If Paragon, who is on the record welcoming Ethiopian military support for the TFG, is now saying that he would rather eschew Ethiopian involvement in Somali affairs.....that's some progress right there.


    Not exactly a damning condemntion of Ethiopian fara-gelin in Somalia, but it's a good start. He at least acknowledges that Ethiopian meddling is not good for Somalia.


    Again, good job. This is the converging of views that I was talking about. All we have to do is to make sure we are converging on the Xaq and the Xaq alone.

  7. Faarax, good question. I'm simply highlighting the fact that a significant number of Somalis, if not an outright majority, both in Somalia and qurbaha, fully support the Halgan to not only liberate Somalia from Ethiopian hegemony(both direct physical occupation and through client-proxies) but that they are also willing to stomach tough casualities in that cause. Are we less worthy of freedom than the Algerians and Vietnameese that laid down life and limb by the millions against France and Western imperialsim ? Do you want freedom to be handed to you on a silver platter with no sweat or blood invested ? Do you think Walad-Cabdalla and Zenaawi can give you the keys to a Somali state ? Ciyaar aa haysaa, abti. Bal isko noqo. I want to see the Faarax Brawn of 2006, not the Faarax Boor of 2009.


    Che, I strongly believe that peace will come on it's own when faragelinta Ethiopia dalkayagu laga saaro. I believe that Somalis can and will sit together, regardless of differences in ideaology, and hash out our very own Grand Compromise. But that will only happen once all Ethiopian-backed, financed, and directed entites are defanged and dismantled. As long as ay jiraan dad Amxaar isku haleeynaayo, there will never be Qaran Soomaliyeed. Hence, in order to achieve peace, War is the answer........and the only answer.


    Duke, thanks, abti. I have developed a grudging respect for ppl like you and Oodweyne. You maybe clannist to the core, but you stay true to your convictions. Oodweyne would follow Somaliland to the gates of Hell. You would do the same for Abdullahi Yusuf and Puntland. Gotta respect that level of conviction, even as misguided as it is. You are 100% right in highlighting the inherent fakery of people like Abwaan who railed against Yusuf but support Shariif today, even tho Shariif is a thousand times more poisonous and dangerous. Frankly speaking, I could tell Abwaan was a fake even back in '06 and '07. Dude just didn't smell right. Jujie is another one.


    Xiin, first time I've ever seen you getting unnerved. I must have hit an especially raw nerve(ie, ur getting ur sharci in return for giving up information) for you to reference my mom, not only is it a sign of a defeated man lashing out in anger when his intellect fails him, but it also sheds light on your upbringing where apparently insulting moms is matter-of-course. The only people I've seen talk like that are ciyaal darbi-jeef who didn't know who their parents were.


    All that aside, I'm in a charitable mood today, I'm giving you the opportunity to apologise and retract your vulgar reference, ....otherwise we have unfinished business to resolve when we meet....and believe me, given how both of us are politically active, we will meet. smile.gif Minneapolis is a small town for Somalis smile.gif


    Don't let false pride take you where it took Alexander Hamilton. smile.gif

  8. Nope. But I've heard first-hand accounts, seen videos, so I assure you that I'm well aware of the humanitarian suffering and pain that accompanies warfare in Somalia, pain that is inflicted largely on women, children, and the elderly.


    Nevertheless, some wars must be fought. Must. Not should. Not could. Not would. Must.


    A dear friend's family are in the camps of Ceelasha Biyaha, outside of Xamar, displaced by the constant shelling. Their shelter consists of metal jiingad. But if you ask him: Is this war worth all this suffering ? He'll say: Without a doubt.


    Conviction, abti. Some of us know what's at stake. The very future of Somalia is on the balance. Give up now and your kids and my kids will grow up calling Ethiopians "our dear beloved friends, allies, neighbors.......and masters".


    Regardless of all and any considerations(which I fully comprehend), this war must and will be waged until victory is achieved.

  9. ^^ Perhaps someone like Patrick Henry who once uttered such a thing when he said: Give me liberty or give me death.


    But I guess he was just 'uttering things' while he sat comfortably in his home.


    Indeed, Shacab'ka Buulaburte aad iyo aad bay ugu mahadsanyaheen sida sharafta iyo gobonimadu leh ay uu ag istaageen walaalahooda mujaahideenta.

  10. In a bid to rectify the imbalance on these boards(the Gaalo-raac to Gobonimo-doon ratio is very skewed), here are some of the reactions of Gobonimo-doon Somalis writing in their mother tongue(and not ESL oo feer iyo faralaab lagu bartay...... b for boy or b for bencil ? ):


    Ali says:




    (Note: Abeed is Amharic for I surrender, I surrender)


    Faysal says:








    War ash-shabaab waa laga yaabanyahay..Taaktii k dagaal oo lala yaabay ayay soo kordhiyeen oo mid walba midka kale ka daranyahay kagana xanuun badanyahay midkii hore.


    Gaalo waa jabaysaaye,,,,Dameer ada halkaan ka dhawaaqa yaa la taliya oo ku dhaha iska aamusa intaan Daanka la idinku dhufan.

    Munaa says:

    Allahu akbar ilahayow adaa mahadleh


    cir iyo dhul baa la idinka yimid bay dheheen

    masahllah anagane waxaan niri oo leenahay

    Xasbunallah wanicmal wakiiil


    Dadkaan ducaynaayo oo gaal u ducaynaayo

    maaalinta qiyaamo amxaar adoo uducayn baa lagu soo saari ayagaana isku meel tihiiin inshallah…

    Ilahay halaaga aad musliminta iyo mujahidinta ugu oyneysid,,meeshaada kuuugu keeen oo halaga sheegeysid adiga kugu soo celi

    aaaaaaaaamin aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaamin

    Bashiir says:

    Ninkii dawlad ahaan u aaminsanaayow tani galbatey, weliba si silic ah ayey u baabi’i Insha Allaah, ogaadana in itoobiya aysan waxba u tareyn iyada oo si dhuumaaleysi ah dalka hadba meel ugu soo geleysa, waxaadna ilowdeen in itoobiya si muuqata ay dalka u joogtay muda halsano ah oo ay wax ka tari weysay iyada oo aan waxba reeban, dadka fadhi ku dirirka ahna waxaan ku lee yahay xiqdigiina iyo af xumadiina waxbana kama tareyso shabaab iyo xisbi islaam iyo inta jecel in ay difaacaan islaamka ee qiyaamihiina ilaashada oo isdaba qabta. haddii wax bartood idinku danbeeyaan.

    Ahmed says:

    ASW, Ma Maqasheen ruux lagu diley Kismayo, Baydhabo, Marka, Garbahaarey lixdii bilood ugu dambeysey, amaba qof la kufsady ama qof xolihii laga dhacay? taas waxay ku timid talada ay mijaahidiinta ay tala saarteen Illaahey caza wajalaha, imisa kumanan Somali oo dibeda ku nool ay neefta ku soo noqotey oo dhibkii badnaa khaastan koonfurta lix bilood ka hor lagu soo sheegi jirey ka yaraadeen?


    Laba cisho ay Suufiyada istaagnida ku kaadiya, qaadkana ruuga waxay Beledxaawo ku kufsadeen laba gabdhood, Illaah baan idinku dhaarshee ma waxan baan koox diin wadata ku tilmaami karnaa. Insha Allah dhowaan Doolow baa looga daba tegi doonaa.


    Maxaa Illaahey umadan caqliga qaloocsan ku jira ku hanuuniyey in Bare Hiiraale iyo qabqable oo 20 dagaal u soo taagan ku daba feylaan markale iyagoo u jeeda xumaha ay umada u geysteen.


    Insha Allah nasriga Alle waa dhow yahay, mujaahidintan waa guuleysan donta, Amxaaro hala soo wato ama yaanan la soo wadanin daba******ka sidii kuwii hore u carareen bay cagaha wax uga dayi doonaan.

    Muslim says:

    a/c gaala raacyadii dhinaca gedo guud ahaan waa jabeen oo waxaa laxaqiijiyay in ay luuq kacarareen iyadoo aan laba gaarin kadib markii beledxaawo lugu laayay, kuwa buulo bardena waaba kusocotaa mar dhowna suga fadhigi beledwene ayeyku laabteen , rada ugu dhaw waa iney soo wataan kuwa ay ushaqeen waa amxaarada ileen waa iska dhaxaan jabkooda waana isku farxaan waana isku mid ee saahala ogaado

    allow xaqa nugu sug

    Shahaado Jecel says:

    Alahu akbar farxad aya qalbigayga gashay markan maqlay in mujahidinta gulaysten dad badan o siday o kale way ku farxayan wixi munafiq iyo gal racna way ka xumanayan alxamdulilah maxa yelay manta dalkeygi majogi hadan jogi laha gacn ayan ka geysan laha mantana waxan owoda kaliya ducada ayadana insha alahu gantaal cml u rido don si ilahay ugu gar garo mujahidinta gala racyadana qabto

    ****clan name*** Boy says:















    While I'm still gathering reactions, here's what one certain Paragon of London said when he heard of the lightning-fast recapturing of Balad-Xaawo and the destruction of the Ethiopian funded and trained Ahlul Jinni wal Jaan clan milita:


    Originally posted by Paragon:

    Ba'a! Ma durba!?

    Yes, abti. Durba.

  11. A necessary evil now!

    :D:DNow Ethiopia is a necessary evil for the Munafiqeen of the Peace Caravan. Yaaaa Salaaaaam. Waraa riwaayaad cajiib aa meeshaan ka socoto.


    When Cabdullahi Amxaar brought in the Ethiopians to occupy Somalia, the peaceniks raised hell. Treason, they yelled. Infamy, they cried. We will never forget, they proclaimed. SOL archives are filled to the brim with (empty) declarations of patriotism and 'Somalinimo'. Forward the clock three short years later, when Shariif Al-Khabeeth does the exact same thing(and even worse: selling off Somali sea & soil) and these erstwhile patriots suddenly transform into enthusiastic hypocrites a million times worser than Cabdullahi Amxaar. Say what you want about Abdullahi Yusuf(and u'll probably be right), but he was no hypocrite


    Our Sharifite peaceniks, on the other hand, have shown a mastery of the science of abject hypocrisy and servitude to the forces of imperialism(both Ethiopia and the West). To that end, they have employed the services of a select group of merchant-scholars, known as Gudiga Culamada, who baptized the TFG as a 'Dowlad Islaami ah'. With a few pen strokes, a Holy Fatwa was produced: Now the grave-worshipping Suufis, the Moooryaan warlords, and the Ethiopian army were all 'Islamic'ized', all their sins were forgiven. They were now all part of 'Ciidaan'ka Midnimo Qaran' and were to join hands in ridding the country from the dastardly evil of the 'fringe-lunatic terrorists'. When Sharif Al-Khabeeth hosted a farewell party for the commanding officer of the AMISOM Xasooq forces, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the 'Holy Scholars' was there to 'bless' the Ugandan baboon who has the blood of thousands of Somalis on his hand.


    Where is Faarax Brown, Sophist, Adam Zeyla and all the other 'neutral moderates' ? Do you still support the TFG, abtiyaal ? Are you still hedging, sitting on the fence of "We will wait and see" ? Are you still practicing the magical art of Is-Qancis ?


    What will it take you to sober up from your drunken stupor of IsQancis ? A written fatwa from your 'Holy Scholars' ? To see Ethiopian tanks in Mogadisho again ? Or maybe in Laas Caanood ? But wait, wait, wait, wait, if that happens, it'll be Al-Shabaab's fault, just like it was their fault for the Ethiopian invasion in 2006, right ?


    Pathetic, beyond pathetic. But it's aight, it's kool. Every man has his own learning curve, Let's see how long it takes you to emerge from the tunnel of defeat.

  12. Jeermis = Soomaali kale oo khilaafsan sida ay raggani qabaan ama wax u arkaan

    Correction: Jeermis(Germs) = Soomali oo Munafiqeeen ah, oo lacag ka qaato una adeego cadowga Umada Soomaliyeed uu ugu horeeyo Ethiopia iyo African Union.


    Those germs, as Shaykh Nur put it, will be exterminated. No negotiaions. No 'peace talks'. No 'wada hadal'. Not one single concession or tanaazul. Waayo, waxaa lala tanaazulaa nin walaal kula ah oo difference of opinion niga dhaxeeyo. Laakin festering bacteria germs, unrepentant traitors, can only expect a traitor's fate and a traitor's death.


    Baqtiga Cumar Xaashi bal ka war doon, oo warayso xaal'kiisa intoo ku dambeeyay, iyo weliba caaqiba xumida ay leedahay in Kafaratul Axbaash dhabatha loo dhaqo, oo kabaha laga daba qaado.

  13. If we are the only ones responsible for our fall, logically, it follows that we should be the only ones who should pull ourselves out of this mess,
    what is not logical at all, is to say that we are responsible for our fall,
    yet, we seek Ethiopia and its Masters to take us out of this mess



    Gabyaa aa beri hore wuxuu yeri:


    Laqad asmac'ta low naaday'ta xay'yan /// waa laakin laa xayaata liman tunaadii.


    Waxaa aa lahadlaysid waa nin Green Card ilaal'sanaayo, oo rabo inoo prove'gareeyo that he is a 'moderate'. He thinks he can achieve this by slandering Mujahideen'ta Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha ah by calling them names like "lunatic", "takfeeri", and "Alqaacido".


    Xishood iyo Xaq'qa in uu tageero xisaab'ta ugama jiraan nin Green Card ilaal'sanaayo, lagana sugi maayo. Just like his hero, Shareef Al-Munaafiq Al-Khabeeth, Xiin is peddling Gun'nimo and surrender to Gumaysi under the thinly-veiled guise of 'Moderate Islam" and "Political reality".


    Marka, Shaykh Nur-ow, laa xayaata liman tunaadii. I think the audience would benefit more if you continued the discussion with Abu Salman, who although I disagree with, came up with compelling points.

  14. Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo

    Caku iyo jaahil qalin(ama keyboard) loo dhiibay. This is the problem when dhooc-ka-yeer'kasta la daho: fikradaatha dhiibo. MMA markee aa aragtid, sida dhoocil af-baratay oo afka uu kala taaga with smears against Mujahideen'ta and Islaam.


    By his 'reasoning'(if it can be called that):


    - Khalid bin Walid and the Companions were cowards when they retreated from the Battle of Mu'tah.


    - Salaah-ul-diin Al-Ayoubi was a coward for refusing to engage the Crusaders, constantly retreating(or in MMA-speak carar'ing), until he fought the enemy at a time and place of his own choosing, which resulted in the historic

    where the Crusaders were annihilated, jab ay weligood kaso kabsanin.


    But waa ku kaas caqli dameer'eed. Waxaa uu malaysaa jaahil'nimo inay dugsi aga soo baxaeen. I wonder what these newly-ilbax Flight 13s want the Resistance to do. Stand bare-chested in front of Ethiopian T-72s ? Line up in perfect formation and wait to be strafed by Ethiopian Mig-21s ? Just so that they can be called 'brave' by Flight 13s oo welfare Toronto ama Scandinavia ku qaato ?


    Hate it or love it, the Somali thoroughbreds are waging a classic guerrilla campaign that has resulted in unprecedented success in record time. Not even Sayyid-ka or Axmed Guray managed to consolidate the sheer breadth of territory that the Xoogaga Muqaawamda Soomaliyeed liberated and now govern. That's a fact, and testament to the enduring staying power of the Sons of Somalia.


    Expect the Mujahideen to retreat from even more towns in the coming days. Their strategy is clear to any discerning eye: Consolidate their forces, draw the enemy(TFG, Ahlu Poison) deeper and deeper, far away from their supply lines(Doolow, AU base) so that they can't call on Mother Ethiopia and Papa Uganda to ride to the rescue. Ethiopia has been arming, funding, and directing clan militia since the '80s. This latest round of Moooryaan la soo hubeeyay is nothing new. Waxaana la marsiina jid'ka ay mareen their predecessors inshallah.


    MMA, have you read Mao's treatise ? Sun-tzu ? Che Guevara ? Have you read any book on guerrilla warfare and insurgency ? No ? So why don't you educate yourself before you open your mouth with dhooc-ka-yeer hadal ? The cure of jaahil'nimo(ignoranc e) is waxbarasho. Go the library, abti, pick a book on the nature of war, especially as it relates to successful guerrilla campaigns(Clausewitz is a good start, he says that is almost impossible for a state to suppress a motivated insurgency, no matter how powerful that state maybe), and start reading. Your current diet of Toronto Star, Tim Hortons, and H&M isn't working. Your mind is malnourished. Intellectual nutrients oo badan aa ka maqan, causing you to bacaaac bacaac markee isfiilito Al-Shabaab kuugu kacdo. Sida isu dhaan, abti. Nin wayn aa tahay, not a dhoocil. Speak and reason accordingly.


    Nothing personal, kaligaa maahan, dad badan aa jaahil'nimada kula wadaago, my advice is directed to them as well.

  15. Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo

    Caku iyo jaahil qalin(ama keyboard) loo dhiibay. This is the problem when dhooc-ka-yeer'kasta la daho: fikradaatha dhiibo. MMA markee aa aragtid, sida dhoocil af-baratay oo afka uu kala taaga with smears against Mujahideen'ta and Islaam.


    By his 'reasoning'(if it can be called that):


    - Khalid bin Walid and the Companions were cowards when they retreated from the Battle of Mu'tah.


    - Salaah-ul-diin Al-Ayoubi was a coward for refusing to engage the Crusaders, constantly retreating(or in MMA-speak carar'ing), until he fought the enemy at a time and place of his own choosing, which resulted in the historic

    where the Crusaders were annihilated, jab ay weligood kaso kabsanin.


    But waa ku kaas caqli dameer'eed. Waxaa uu malaysaa jaahil'nimo inay dugsi aga soo baxaeen. I wonder what these newly-ilbax Flight 13s want the Resistance to do. Stand bare-chested in front of Ethiopian T-72s ? Line up in perfect formation and wait to be strafed by Ethiopian Mig-21s ? Just so that they can be called 'brave' by Flight 13s oo welfare Toronto ama Scandinavia ku qaato ?


    Hate it or love it, the Somali thoroughbreds are waging a classic guerrilla campaign that has resulted in unprecedented success in record time. Not even Sayyid-ka or Axmed Guray managed to consolidate the sheer breadth of territory that the Xoogaga Muqaawamda Soomaliyeed liberated and now govern. That's a fact, and testament to the enduring staying power of the Sons of Somalia.


    Expect the Mujahideen to retreat from even more towns in the coming days. Their strategy is clear to any discerning eye: Consolidate their forces, draw the enemy(TFG, Ahlu Poison) deeper and deeper, far away from their supply lines(Doolow, AU base) so that they can't call on Mother Ethiopia and Papa Uganda to ride to the rescue. Ethiopia has been arming, funding, and directing clan militia since the '80s. This latest round of Moooryaan la soo hubeeyay is nothing new. Waxaana la marsiina jid'ka ay mareen their predecessors inshallah.


    MMA, have you read Mao's treatise ? Sun-tzu ? Che Guevara ? Have you read any book on guerrilla warfare and insurgency ? No ? So why don't you educate yourself before you open your mouth with dhooc-ka-yeer hadal ? The cure of jaahil'nimo(ignoranc e) is waxbarasho. Go the library, abti, pick a book on the nature of war, especially as it relates to successful guerrilla campaigns(Clausewitz is a good start, he says that is almost impossible for a state to suppress a motivated insurgency, no matter how powerful that state maybe), and start reading. Your current diet of Toronto Star, Tim Hortons, and H&M isn't working. Your mind is malnourished. Intellectual nutrients oo badan aa ka maqan, causing you to bacaaac bacaac markee isfiilito Al-Shabaab kuugu kacdo. Sida isu dhaan, abti. Nin wayn aa tahay, not a dhoocil. Speak and reason accordingly.


    Nothing personal, kaligaa maahan, dad badan aa jaahil'nimada kula wadaago, my advice is directed to them as well.

  16. ^^ Zaadakallahu cilman wa camalan, yaa Shaykh-ul-SOL, as always, you make short work of the flimsy arguments of our brothers who are suffering from jah-wareer, wahan, iyo xubul-dunya(refer to the xadeeth, ghuthaa ka ghuthaa al-sayl). To these fear-stricken brothers, who whimper like whipped dogs at the specter of Ethiopia and it's allies, to them I dedicate these ayahs:





    I will add my input when time permits inshallah.

  17. Saciid Afisioone is the quintessential Somali: brash, loud, funny, self-confident, fearless(in front of the camera) with a healthy ego and a ready smile.


    Watch him as he dissects Munaafiq Shariif like a frog.


    On Shariif:

    "Shariif-ka wa shar(evil), waa munaafaq oo beenlo ah, waa khaa'in(traitor) uu baahan inla iska qabto"


    On the supporters who follow him blindly:


    "Ha ogaado nin kasto qabyaalad wato: waa maan'gaab oo caqli lahayn, qabri aa uu dambeyn'doono, waanala gubaa inshallah"


    On Shariif's pitifully transparent($$$) about-face regarding the TFG:


    "Dagahiina waxaa ku maqashaiin inoo Sheeq Shariif gaalaysiiyay dowlada oo maanta madax uu yahay. Hal nin kama maqna rag'ga uu gaalaysiinaayo: Kasoo bilow Salaad Cali Jelle, Cabdi Qaybdiid, xildhibanada oo dhan, kuli way joogaan. Nimanka uu gaalaysiinaayo maantana madax-weyne oo uu yahay, waxuuna ugu wacaaa mu'mineeen"



  18. ^^ Fu-Fu, (**** ***** ******?), what about Saciid Afizione,does his reasoning fly above your head too ? Figures, what did I say about little people with little minds. Hence, the far waa weyn. All you gotta do is focus on the highlighted parts in bold, inta kale iska dhaaf.


    [ August 16, 2009, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  19. It is a sad story but Why are Ahlu Sunnah condemning it if they are behind this act, some serious investigation needs to take place to route out the culprits

    Thierry, don't even play that, abti. Don't even try. The time for damage-control has long passed. At this point, there is only one pertinent issue on the table: Exacting swift and blind justice. There is nothing else to talk about. There is nothing to 'investigate'. The xoolo who massacred our Culumaa, our marti, are well-known in Galkacyo, magac magac aa loo yaqanaa iyo guriyaasha ay dagan'yahiin. All the fake 'condolences' and 'cambaarayn' is nothing more than political posturing.


    Rest assured, abti. The Galmudug administration will be laid to waste inshallah. Taasi waa balan ee hadaba iga qoro. It will not be reformed. It will not be rehabilated. It will be destroyed, just like the JVA was destroyed, and Kimiko will flee to the bosom of Mother Ethiopia, just like Hiiraale, just like Baqti Cumar Xaashi, just like any other two-bit lowborn warlord qashin that is funded, armed, equipped, and supported by the enemies of the Somali people.