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Posts posted by Kashafa

  1. Goobanle & IndaCade swtiched side to support their uncle Xasan Dahir nothing religious about it its all in the clan

    Abti, beenta iska kala yareey. Goobaale is a senior member of Sharwade Ahmed's National Security Council(Gudiga Amniga ee Dowlada), along with Cumar Xaashi, Cabdulqaadir Cali Cumar, and Cabdullahi Cali Muktaar. Goobaale leading the TFG miltia simply got crushed. This recording is right after the capture of Stadium Muqdisho(Isbartiimo) .


    I know you view the world through clan-prisms....laaki n this is one time when you're decidely wrong.

  2. ^^ AT&T iyo aniga aa isfahmayno. Garoon'ka noo baneey. But to answer your question: I support them as long as their guns are directed towards Ethiopia. Lately, they've been turning their guns against the Mujahideen(UWSLF) of Shaykh Ibraahim Dheere(AUN) and have been working hand in hand with western intelligence services. Waxay iska dhaadiciyeen that they are the only armed group allowed to operate in Dhulka Soomaliyeed. Filinkas yaa ka dhagaysanaayo ? Anyway, to fully discuss it will take another thread. Some other time, inshallah.

  3. Link



    Where are the peaceniks ? That's your milita leader Moori.yaan Goobaale describing in detail how Al-Shabaab crushed his forces in a matter of minutes. He describes how black flags(The flag of Laa ilaaha ila Allah) are popping up everywhere in the city.


    Theirry, are you afraid that the 'foriegn invaders' from Jubba, Shabelle, Bay, Bakool, and Gedo are taking over the city from the 'locals' ? Do you still want to call for Israeli air support,as you said earlier(don't bother editing it, Google already has ur comment saved) ?


    Niman caqligaas ku shaqaynaayo aa meeshaan ku haynaa. Waa pure unreconstructed moooriyaan'nimo.

  4. ^^ Oh, I'm straight chillin', boss. Mujaahideenta Soomaliyeed now control 80% of Xamar. Rag'gu ciil jarjaraayo waa layaaqaana. And they are the ones desperately wishing for Ethiopian and Israeli intervention to save their worthless hides.


    If my words seem to be dripping with scorn and contempt towards the traitors who sold Somali sea and cower under the murderous artillery fire of Ugandan baboons, then I only blame my literary deficiency for not making my utter contempt and scorn more pronounced.

  5. ^^ Former Comrade(and current enemy) AT&T,


    Horta waan ku salaamay. Intaa kadib, would you please enlighten us who and what exactly is gonna be doing the 'crushing' of Xarakatul Shabaab Al-Mujahideen ? Oh, I get it. You mean a 'coalition of the willing' that consists of the two brotherly cousins of the ONLF and TPLF will come to the aid of the beiseiged dowlad-ku-sheeg ?


    It all makes sense now. The one thing that unites you all is a virulent hatred and fear of the Islamists. No problem. You will be tamed and domesticated, inshallah.


    Just a word of advice: Do not forget how Al-Shabaab opened up a can of whop-azz on the ONLF when they tried to open a base in Jubboyinka thinking that the Tol'ka would protect them. Tii ka dhacthay weligood ma iloobaayaan. Cagaha dhulka dhig, abti, intaysan ku qabsanain arin aadan hadootee ka dabaalankarin. Afdheer dhibatadiisa oo leeyahay.

  6. ^^ I don't think the Ethiopians will come. Bush and the neocons are gone. The war of terror pipeline is runnning on empty now. But say they come. No problem. They will be fought. And expelled. Again. My only regret is the thousands of civillians that will pay in innocent blood for the rampant greed, corruption, and power-hunger of Sharwade Ahmed and his peaceniks.


    Btw, ur quite right. The main issue of contention was never African troops or (fake) Shareecah law. The main issue of contention is and will always will be this *******ous entity known as the Tigray Founded Goverenment. A collection of the lowest of the low to be found in Somali society. The only issue to be discussed is HOW to dismantle it. There is nothing else to talk about, runtii. Stand by this Xabashi concoction, this Antarnashanal Kamoonity experiment and you shall surely taste bitter death......even if you wear the reddest of cimaamads and sport the longest of beards. It's that simple. It's that existential. It's that serious.

  7. Now compare that portrait of Somali Honour and Sharaf........to this illustration of the lowest Gun'nimo possible:






    Those are the competing visions in Somalia today. And the pictures need no commentary. They are self-explanatory speaking a thousand words all by themseleves.

  8. The poster of this thread xooga waxaa laga dareemaayaa inoo yara khafeefay, with his constant nervous laughter. To wit, the title of the thread:


    Eritrea says it doesn't recognize the Somali Government lol

    It irks him that a sovereign country like Eriterea doesn't recognise the sham concotion known as the Tigray Founded Government, hence the insertion of 'lol'


    Of course, he would be ecstatic with another picture and another headline:




    Shaykh Sharif pledging his fealty and allegiance to His Excellency Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.


    The impudence of peacenik qowleysato has no limits.

  9. ^^ Belial, ma maqashay, tuuga intaadan tuug dahin uu tuug ku dahaa ? Paragon knows Sharif is an American Agent. He knows Cumar Xaashi is an Xabashi Agent. He know he himself is a supporter of agents, if not an agent-in-waiting.


    So in order to insulate them(and himself), he calls Shaykh Aweys an agent. Yacni, as if to say, we're all Agents.


    Sheekada qowleysataha fahan.

  10. ^^ If by ****** you mean Cabdi-Qaybdiid, Saciid Dheere, Cumar Xaashi, Madoobe, Xaabsade, Faroole, Riyaale, Lugbuur, Masale, Ilko-jiir, Cade Muse, Hiiraale, Taano, and other foriegn-financed, foriegn-supported warlords ............ then I agree 100%. Those rabid dogs(kilaab al-mascoorah) must be exterminated without mercy.

  11. Lol@gaal employer :D . But check it out, I have nothing against Gaalo per se. Some of my best friends are Gaalo. :D Gaalo have given me an education, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion that I don't have in so-called muslim countries, where torture and oppression is a accepted part of everyday life.


    The unsung heroes of the past 20 years in Somalia are Gaalo humanitarian groups like Doctors without Borders and other NGOs that risk life and limb to provide food and medical aid to the masaakin masses of Somalia.


    So, abti, I got mad admiration and appreciation for some Gaalo. What I am against tho is the Gaalo foriegn policy that insists on terrifying my people, killing innocents, and propping up puppet-clients like Sharwade Ahmed.


    Read here for more clarification.

  12. What will happen when the shabaab start fighting among themselves

    I know that's what you fervently wish for, as a envious Yusufite scum. You wish to see the united ranks of the legions of Raas Kaambooni, Khaalid bin Waleed, Canoole start squabbling amongst themseleves. But that will never happen, inshallah.


    But unlike some fulays up in this crib, I don't shy away from answering tough questions. So here's your answer: After the TFG is annihilated and sent packing as refugees to Addis Abba and Kampala, if the Thoroughbreds then start fighting among themselves, they will lose my support and the support of millions of Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha ah. They will have proven to be as corrupt and greedy as the Afghan Mujahideen who fought each other 100 times fiercer than they fought the Russians.


    And then, a Somali version of the Taliban will rise to chase them away as happened in Afganistan as well.


    Principles, my friend, rule the day. Not men. Not power-hunger. Not money. Not Jago. Principles. You would do wisely to discover them, fargone in your dhaboqhoodi'nimo as you are.

  13. Do you believe what the 'opposition' is doing today is ISLAMICALLY correct?

    In a word: Yes.


    Were it to God that this entity could be removed through peaceful means. Were it to God that the Ugandans could vacate Somalia through the use of words and letters. Were it God that Cabdi Qaybdiid and Saciid Dheere would just walk away from the reins of power.......just like that.


    So to answer your question, Norf. Yes. I believe this government must be dismantled and destroyed. I believe this current jihad against the Isbahaysiga Kufaar'ta iyo Munaafiqeenta Version 2.0(Amisom/Sharif) IS AS legitimate as the jihad against Isbahaysiga Kufaar'ta iyo Munaafiqeenta version 1.0( Ethiopia/Yusuf Yey) which in turn was as legitimate and justified as the jihad against the Nine Warlords of Mogadisho in the summer of 2006.


    Any where treason, oppression, and Nifaaq rears it's ugly head, IT MUST AND WILL BE FOUGHT. There doesn't have to be civillian casulities. Look at the example of the takeover of Baidoba and Merka. Not a single shot fired. Not one civillian death.


    The onus is on the Coalition of Kufr and Nifaaq to put down their weapons and surrender. They will be given quarter, safe passage to Ethiopia or Uganada, and, in some cases, amnesty. One man, in conjunction with his supporters, funders, and protectors, is responsible for all of the xaraam blood being spilt today in Xamar. His name is Sharwade Ahmed Al-Khabeeth(Lacnada Ilaahay ha ku sugnaato. Aamiin).


    Norf, billahi calayk, are you asking me to accept a Kaafir-financed, Kaafir-run, Kaafir-supported, Kaafir-protected entity that has achieved nothing in it's 6 years of existence except dhil, dhac, kufsi, and xasooq ? Here's an example of your so-called 'peace caravan' in action: The soldiers of the TFG erected their Isbaaros/roadblocks in Ex-Control where they resumed the banditry they have practiced under the mandate of 'dawladnimo'. Their latest stunt ? Removing the durooc of women to search them for money. Read about it here. Keep in mind that this is a pro-sharif site.


    And you want me to support that ? Or at least be like "wait and see". Well, abti, I'm done waiting. The time has come to excise this cancerous growth in Mogadisho before it spreads to other parts of the country. With the surgical tools of the Mujaahideen, this cancer will be removed once and for all from Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha ah.

  14. Ofcourse, they will defend their districts and group interest in the city

    ^^ :D Abti, sheekadaas waa hore ay dhamaatay. The age where qabiils 'defended' their 'districts' is long gone. No more green line bullshit. Xamar will be united and secure as it was in 2006 and as Kismaayo, Baidoba, and Merka are today.


    Any 'entity' that comes against this will, very simply put, be destroyed.

  15. ^^ Just take one look at the picture. The mercenary standing to his left is the very same Kaafir enemy that chased him away from Mogadisho, raped his women, destroyed his city, killed thousands upon thousands of maatada masaakeenta ah, shitted in Masjids, slaughtered defenceless Tabliighi scholars.


    Quintessential peacenik response to what I wrote: " No, no, no, no. They are not the same !!! Those were the Ethiopians, these are our peaceful Ugandan brothers who have done nothing harmful against us. Don't mix between apples and oranges. They are helping us build the apparatus of government. They are securing the airport and the seaport. They haven't done anything henious."


    ^^ Markaas waxaa rabtaa inaa caqligaas hal mees la fadheesto oo xukun la qaybsado ? Markaas waxaa rabtaa in jahligaas iyo nifaaqaas iyo qurun'kaas aa la wadaago Dowlad midnimo qaran ?


    I have said this before and I will say it again: The biggest threat to Somalia today is the peacenik threat. They must be put down like rabid dogs they are.


    And they will be put down, inshallahu tacaala.

  16. Was he ever seen in Gaalo Tanks, praising their policies or saying on their televisions that Sharica wasn't needed as Somalis were already muslims?

    Did he ever say let us compromise on sharica or "forget about it"?

    Did he ever authorise their armies to settle in the seas or sell to the seas foreign companies?

    Notice how deftly he dodged every single one of your hard-hitting questions, only as a well-trained Islaaxi 'professional' could. Questions whose answers would damn him and his beloved collabarationist qashin to eternal munaafiqnimo.


    At the very least, abti, have the decency of answering questitons directly when they are posed to you. I understand Fulaynimo iyo Gun'nimo has been something of a cherished heritage for your wretched ilk, laakin bal xoogaa yaro rag'animo iskula har so that you can answer question directly.

  17. ^^ Spoken like a true Islaaxi/Ikhwaani 'moderate'. Xiin, I always suspected you were either a member of the Islaax party or had Islaaxi tendecies but it's pretty much clear-cut now.


    For those of you who don't know what Al-Islaax is, they are the 'Islamic' party that announced it's 'neutrality' in the wake of the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. When some of it's member's decided to speak out(only speak out...no action) against the Xabashi Xasooq in the spring of 2007, they were expelled, or as they put it, excommunicated :D


    Al-Islaax has always been the favourite 'Islamists' of the West because of their readiness to twist the teachings and principles of Islam to suit the foriegn agenda of Western hegemony. Thus, Ethiopia became our beloved ally, Uganda and Burundi became faithful neighbors, and the Tigray Founded Goverment became an Islamic government.


    Xamar waalagu kala baxaa, inshallah. And the filth of Islaaxi collaboration will be cleansed away.

  18. Im allways siding with
    the truth
    . And al-shabab has
    the truth
    on their side. Thus its
    for me

    If only following the Xaq was similarly easy for peacenik/dhaboqhoodi rabble that infest this site. Rabble who are representative of everything that is cursed and damned about Somalia: Treason. Qabyaalad. Dhil. Dhac. Kufsi. Kibir. Dhulinimo. Fulaynimo. Lax-jacayl. Jago-doon. Xukun-Jacayl. Gaalo kabo-uu-qaadis. Gaalo dhabo-uu-dhaqid. Anaka aa iska leh magaalo hebel.


    But then on a dreary Monday morning I see quotes like the ones below and I let out a TAKBEER:

    I want to see a strong Somalia based on princples of the Quraan.


    I want to see a somalia with no clan based system of rule.


    I want to see Somalia standing firm and united.

    We will get there, my brother. If that means piling up the skulls of these lowborn lowbred Gun'nimo supporting, Gaalo-raac loving rabble. Then so be it.

  19. ^^ Sharwade Ahmed's major accomplishments in his first 100 days in office:


    -Crowning achievement: Succeded in donating 116,000 sq km of Somali terortary to our beloved neighbor Kenya, seeing as we already have the 2nd longest coastline in Africa.


    -Acting in his capacity as Fifth Columnist-in-Chief, managed to divide the Muqawama and lure in some members of the ICU with promises of jago and lacag and started the current bloodbath in Xamar where Mujaahid fights against his fellow Mujaahid. A feat that the combined military and economical might of the Antarnashanal Kamoonity failed to achieve.


    The list goes on, it just gets more dhulified.


    Sharwade Ahmed long crossed the lines of desperation. He is the personification of greed and power-hunger.


    Let's see where it takes him.

  20. ^^ I have one question for you, abti. Here it is in, far waa weyn.






















    Now, if you say Muqdisho Society, you will leave me with no choice but to reach into my computer screen, reconstitute my hand into digitial bytes, and emerge from your end bearing a fresh dharbaaxo-slap. Muqdisho Society DOES NOT EXIST. Artists, doctors, businessmen, plumbers, and housewives are NOT a governing force. Singers, pharmacists, shoe-shiners, atheletes, students, and so-called odayaal are NOT a political entity


    So, again. What is your alternative ? Finger-pointing ? Nit-picking ? Caterwauling ?


    Let's face it. You have no alternative. Your so-called secular-nationalist platform is toothless with no standard-bearers, no support from the masses, and no foriegn sugar daddies(Ethiopia, Antarnashanal Kamoonity, etc).


    You are forlorn and forsaken, my friend. Knowing that, you alleviate your misery by denigrating the Islamic Revolution of 2006. A man who is bereft of ideas of his own spends his time farting on the brilliant vision of others. A brilliant vision that now controls and governs over 300,000 sq km of Somali soil. A brilliant vision that has broken the back of that unwritten code of Somali politics: Qabiil Rules All. A brilliant vision that has promised(and delivered) a new Somali order, one where qurun'ka qabyaalada and qashin'ka Ethiopia are ruthlessly exterminated.


    In short, a brilliant vision of Somalis, by Somalis, for Somalis. Welcome to the Islamic State of Somalia.


    I'm not saying the Islamists are angels. But what I will say with all the conviction in the world is this: They are the only force on Earth capable of putting the Somali Humpty-Dumpty back together again.


    Do not get in their way.


    It's um........unhealthy. smile.gif