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Everything posted by MAXIMUS POWERS

  1. Originally posted by Norfsky: quote:Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: ^ For someone who is quite well travelled, your a bit dim saxiboow! Tell you what saxib, I think you're in dire need of an excursion or two. I doubt you've ever left London let alone the UK Actually I have been to 1. Somaliland 2. Morocco 3. Dubai 4. Ireland 5. Norway 6. Holland 7. Germany 8. Tunisia 9. France 10. Canada 11. Egypt so far!
  2. JB, Puntlanders dont distinguish between people and politics!
  3. Is he promoting the wavin flag song! (no pun intend)! for the world cup! Yet another illustrous somali talent joins the Somaliland cause. Who could ever forget mariam mursal!
  4. No! Some Parts of the Somali Peninsula have diverse peoples like Somaliland! If she is from somaliland, she could belong to a number of different clans! By the looks of it, I reckon she is from Las Qoray, Somaliland
  5. Universal TV have no ethical standards!
  6. I wonder where in the Somali penisula she is from?
  7. This man is a legend. As far as goal scoring is concerned. Top scorer of the history of the champions league.
  8. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ Damn old are you? I guess the stunners do a wonderful job concealing your true age. lol!
  9. There was a popular saying in Mogadishu in the early 1960s - ''maarnaa waa risaq marnaa waa rashid''
  10. lets not politicise this marka hora, I was talking of Somalis collectively. No need to drag Somaliland into your analysis. 1. ''Look at how we're frequently listed as the worst place on Earth'' who devise these indices?what are the methodologies adopted? are they relaible? are they Euro/American-centric in manner and orientation? do you portray a fair and relective picture of Somalis collectively?
  11. ^ For someone who is quite well travelled, your a bit dim saxiboow! Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ you are a young man who has a bright future insha Allah. A Somali who grew up in the UK is invincible if one is reflective , I appreciate the tough life I had in my youth all the trouble I got in to, the raves I went to the women I loved and the education I had. It made me a humble individual. Thus my brother Max work hard and you shall reach the stars, just get rid of the secessionists tendincies. DD, your developing a habit of building a personality cult here. Share your opinions but I cant help but notice the exaggeration. Also my political leanings should have no bearing on my personal development. thanks again DD!
  12. Somalis are actually a lot sharper than most other people. Take the Ethiopians who literally have no personality. Most people tell me they love Somali people. we are known for our hospitality and kindness and good manners. Somalis are individually intelligent but collectively, some Somalis are languishing at the lower rungs of the human developmental capacity charts. -including many SOLers as well as the poster of the topic who is no doubt dumber than the mark but asking such a silly and self-hating question.
  13. This tread has got me feeling all melancholy! I don't like to think of life sometimes!
  14. People should be able to define their identity by constructing it. What do someone in Hargeisa and I have in common baal? communication technology and cheap transportation have made it possible for people to move from one place to another and for this reason, among many other, people can define their identity since their travels and interactions with other peoples have all contributed to how people perceive themselves. Having said that, I will always identify myself as Somalilander, though I have ever been there once but it had deep and dramatic impact on me.
  15. Music is an important part of life. Its not something I am willing to give. Music determines my mood and emotions. 5 - You should come up with more realistic targets.
  16. Not a short film but one of the best films I've seen in a long while. Tackles issues relating to identity, immigration, and cross-cultural communication in post-9/11 New York City. The Visitor
  17. I am not concerned by a little quarrel which pose no threat to regional security or affects Somaliland’s' interests in the region. Having said that, this is for the people of Puntland and their kin in the ONLF to sort out. I don’t believe in meddling in the internal affairs of other people.
  18. Somali speaking peoples all have a different self-determination and the different trajectories they take should be respect. At one stage Egypt and Syria were all the United Arab republic, they spoke the same language and more or less the same culture. Eventually the union act was revoked when it became infeasible. (in fact,this was not too dissimilar from the collapse of Somalia). Today, these countries have diplomatic and trade relations. I believe its in the best interest of Somalis rather than being delusional, for the Somali speaking nations in the horn of Africa to consider forming a regional inter-governmental organisations working together for greater co-operation. Somaliland Somalia incl. Puntland Djibouti OG (having a special observer status, until, they negotiate with the Ethiopians for formal autonomy or independence. NFD - I don't think these people are bothered to be honest. By having this, we will expand the Somali language, culture and expand the notion of ‘somaliness’ across and into new frontier.
  19. I support the self-determination of both Puntland and the ONLF.
  20. Originally posted by Juxa: ^^ stop being hater and wish the child happy birthday maxy, i dont start threads but i just diarized your special day. bal dhalasho wacan oo wanaagsan, if i see you on green lanes, i shall even buy you firinbi and buufin Thanks eedo Juxa, What on earth are firinbi(whistle??) and Buufin (sounds like food)!
  21. looool@NG Out of touch Somalilanders should be sent to SPAC for lessons in Somaliland political orientation. Anyways, I am glad you didnt come because ppl like you contribute nothing.
  22. A transcription of my speech at SPAC event: As-Salamu Alaykum Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here today in the presence of a number of dedicated Somaliland figures. It gives me great pleasure to be here today and to say a few words about this crucial and important conference about Somaliland Higher education welcoming the vice-chancellors of Somaliland’s universities to London. First of all, I speak here today in my personal capacity and not as the founder and chairman of Somaliland Public Affairs Committee. This is partly due to my dedication and absolutely commitment to the development and progress of Somaliland in different capacities, not least in education, which is what the event will aim to discuss and concentrate on today. This is because I consider myself to be a faithful advocate of the self-determination of Somaliland and its people which transcends beyond the usual relations between Diasporaic community groups and those groups in The Somaliland Republic. Somaliland recognition plans are on track and gaining momentum. We have surprised the world about creating a safety stability country which Somaliland has managed to establish without recognition, in what is otherwise instable and dangerous part of the world which has been a haven for warlordism, extremist, and more recently piracy. Somaliland is a country with a mammoth potential, it offers an important point of reference and an example worthy of following. The march towards international recognition has not broken down and this is testament to the strong determination of the Somaliland people both those in the Diaspora and those back home. Today, Somaliland provides the only face-saving exist strategy for the long standing conflict that is an outright reconfirmation of the 1960s internationally recognised independent state of Somaliland Republic, which will no doubt pave a way for a mutually and beneficially economic, diplomatic co-operation among the Somali speaking nations in the Horn of Africa. The world, will no doubt be watching the outcome of the South Sudan referendum in 2011, which many analyst predict will redraw the borders set by the colonial powers and open a Pandora box of nations seeking self-determination, which Somaliland is surely primary candidate. anything less than a two-state solution would be rewarding to those who still fail to acknowledge the hard work and self-determination and great strides made by the people of Somaliland. Despite the historical claim to sovereignty, a decade of stability and a referendum of self-determination, Somaliland is perishing for lack of recognition. The international community has acknowledged the political progress Somaliland has made but it has withheld the coveted recognition. There are a number of reason for this but one of the reason, I believe which has hindered Somaliland being recognised is the non-existence of a well organised and co-ordinated lobby group. Somaliland Public Affairs Committee (SPAC) hopes to fill this void and attempts to increase communication between Somaliland Republic and those somalilanders in the Diaspora. Somaliland Public Affairs Committee (SPAC) is an advocacy organisation working for the recognition of Somaliland. Its aims are to primarily develop links between the Somaliland Government and its people in the Diaspora. In addition to this, SPAC aims to engage with and lobby the British Government and other governments as well as inter-governmental organisations to formally recognise the existence of Somaliland. SPAC was created with the conscious aim of setting up an all inclusive, interest based, alternative policy and political lobby group for Somaliland. Objectives of SPAC: 1. Recognition of Somaliland as a national sovereign state; 2. To promote democracy in Somaliland; 3. To promote and support the building of democratic institutions in the executive, legislative and judiciary; 4. To promote elections and parliamentary participation in Somaliland 5. To promote participation of members of the Diaspora to get involved in politics at the national level and local level in the United Kingdom. 6. To establish and maintain links with Somalilanders in the Diaspora; 7. Encourage the Somali Diaspora to consider what they can contribute to the development of Somaliland 8. Provide a means of engaging with and lobbing the British Government to recognise Somaliland as a sovereign state; 9. To establish links with the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Somaliland; 10.To work with local MPs to advocate on our behalf regarding Somaliland 11. Alternative policy formulating Think Tank The dispersal of Somalilanders across the world has indeed facilitated a new, dynamic and innovative age where Somaliland has greatly contributed to the development and renaissance of Somaliland. Although Somaliland Organisations in the UK particularly those in London are working closely together there is lot of duplication going on and the numbers of Somaliland Organisations are increasing. It will be very good if Somalilanders in the UK can put their efforts and resources together in the formation of one strong viable Somaliland Organisation that is well respected by both Somalilanders and non Somalilanders. Somaliland Public Affairs Committee aims to fill that role but needs the Support of other Somaliland Organisations and the support of the Somaliland people in the UK. I believe by co-coordinating our efforts and consolidating it into a single umbella organisation we can push the Somaliland agenda and mobilise those who wield power, not least in the London but also other parts of the world settled by Somaliland. This effective voice would immensely increase our collective voice and would make UK based Somaliland groups and projects more influential and more effective. Having said, I think it’s crucial we have many more organisations promoting Somaliland interests. I believe we can make help Somaliland more by diversifying into different fields. For instance, nomad International has helped to organise many social programmes in Somaliland including education and healthcare. We may also seek to branch out in many different fields including helping Somaliland in terms of the economy, media, and environmental as well as civil society groups. If all the UK based projects were communicating well, the achievement of Somalilanders in the UK and Abroad would be highlighted better at a time when Somaliland recognition plans have stagnated. By sharing resources and working together and having each group specialising in a different field we can put Somaliland firmly on the world map. Thank you very much, thank you
  23. @ NG Did you just observe it from a distance?