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Everything posted by Somalina

  1. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2012 Somalia’s president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is today attending a landmark Arab summit due in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Several Arab leaders are set to discuss Syrian crisis, Somalia, Palestine and Yemen during their Thursday meeting in Baghdad. President Sharif held talks with his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani in Baghdad a head of the summit and discussed range of issues including the bilateral relations between the two countries. The host president Jalal Talabani assured president Sharif that his government will support the Somali government in ending Somalia problems. President Sharif and his entourage left Mogadishu on Wednesday afternoon to attend the summit. Cabinet ministers including Foreign Affairs, Finance and several other TFG officials are among the president’s entourage attending the Baghdad summit. Attending the summit are Sudan’s Omar Bashir, Tunisia’s Moncef Marouki, Libya’s NTC Head Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Somalia’s Shiekh Sharif Ahmed, Comoros’ Ikililou Dhoinine and the Head of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. But many other Arab leaders have reportedly chosen not to attend. The UN chief Ban Ki-moon is also attending the summit. Security is extremely tight for the Baghdad summit and much of the city has been brought to a standstill for the summit, which is costing an estimated $500m (£314m) to stage, BBC reports. Bar Kulan
  2. Warsame Joodax, Dhagabadan iyo Gacmadule oo fadhiya gudaha Hotelka Tropical Village ee Dayniile
  3. Ciidamada Dowladda Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM oo is garabsanaya ayaa Saaka waxay weeraro ku qaadeen qeybo ka mid ah degmada Dayniile ee gobolka Banaadir. Iska hor’imaad ay kala kulmeen ururka Al-Shabaab ee halkaasi gacanta ku hayey kaddib ugu dambeyn waxaa u suura gashay inay la wareegaan degmada Dayniile ee gobolka Banaadir. Goobaha ay la wareegeen Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM waxaa ka mid ah Xarunta Degmada Dayniile, Isbitaalka Dayniile, Garoonka Diyaarada iyo xaafado kale oo ka tirsan Degmadaasi. General Cali Caraaye Cobole Gacmadule oo goobta ay la wareegeen maanta Ciidamada Dowladda Saxaafadda kula hadlay ayaa wuxuu ka warbixiyey goobaha ay la wareegeen. Wuxuu sheegay in Ciidamada Dowladda ay goobo hor leh oo cusub ay kala wareegeen Al-Shabaab ayna ku jabiyeen Dagaalkaasi Ciidamada Al-Shabaab. Sidoo kale Abaanduulaha Ciidanka Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed General C/kariin Yuusuf Aadan Dhegabadan oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa wuxuu baaq u diray dhallinyarada ka bar bar dagaalaymaysa Ururka Al-Shabaab oo uu sheegay inay yihiin kuwo la marin habaabiyey sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Wuxuu intaa raaciyey in Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay gacmo furan ku soo dhaweynayaan dhalinyarada la qalday sida uu hadalka u dhigay ayna isku soo dhiibaan Dowladda KMGs. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Baanaadir ee dhanka amniga ahna ku simaha guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Warsame Maxamed Xasan Joodax ayaa waxa uu ugu horayn Ciidamada Xooga ugu hambalyeeyey Guulaha ay ka gaareen Dagaalkii maanta isagoo Ciidamada kalena u rajeeyey in ay aminga gobolka Banaadir ay adkeeyaan. Ilaa iyo hadda si dhab ah looma oga khasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkii maanta inkastoo goobaha lagu dagaalay ee Degmada Dayniile aysan ku sugnayn dad rayid ah oo ay yihiin xaafado haawanaya. Dhinaca kale warbaahinta ku hadasha Afka ururka Al-Shabaab ayaa ku warantay in dagaalkii maanta ay guulo ka gaareen ayna ku gubeen gaadiid dagaal oo ay leeyihiin Ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM.
  4. sharma-arke451;812088 wrote: carabtu wexeey dhahaan, ''kama tadiinu, tudaan''. your too full of yourself, caqli badan. malaha non sense wa amaan. qabkaad dadka afka oogu taagto ayan dhibsaday, waxad uhadashay sidi adoo waardiyo ka ah ''womens section'' maba ila ahan inaad taqano macnaha ceeb, waayo caqliga ayaaba ku diidi lahaa inaad dadka oogu amar tagleeso waxadan mas'uul ka eheen. ee bal hoos isu fiiriyo ogoow, inaad aadane tahay, cidna waxba madheerid. dadka umbaad kacaqli badan tahay. dhibtaadu waa taas. War aniga noocaaga war kama qaato, waxba ha xiiqin, carabta waxay tiraahdana qolkaaga ku aqriso, I don't give a damn. Al muhiim, maxaad rabtaa oo aad iiga daba nac nac leedahay? fikirkaaga ku saabsan qodobkaan dhiibo ama wax kula hadla ka doono meelkale, waa hawl kuu taalo, aniga koley ignore list ayaan kugu darooyaa after this post. Darbiyada la hadal markaas. Ciao. Edit.
  5. sharma-arke451;812043 wrote: as if you too knew samafal. warhoooy, qab weeynida iyo islaweyninka, ibliis ayeey meel geyni weysay, ee wax iskufal oo caga dhigo. doqon umbaa kibir badan oo ismoodo inuu dadka kacaqli badan yahay. Aniga Samafal suaal ayaan weydiiyey, fikirkeygana waan dhiibtey, cidna iskuma qorin, cidina maan aflagaadeyn, adiguse waxaad halkaan u timid keliya inaad aniga afka ila soo gasho, xooga waxbaa ku dhiman dhinaca caqliga ayaan u maleyn. Ha igu mashquulin ee orodoo wax isku fal, nin kale ayaad u hadleysaa oo jooga. Ceeb badanaa. Again, ha ila qabsan.
  6. sharma-arke451;811947 wrote: i feel the same about you. i mean the non sense iyo if the site is yours. Isqornimo is addressing and quoting someone that doesn't know you exist. Is qornimo made you address me, and quote me ka waran taas? GET A LIFE nicca. La qabso kuwa kugu caqliga ah.
  7. oba hiloowlow;811836 wrote: Jiijo ayo? lol lol... Xaji Cadde.
  8. Ilaa iyo dharaartii uurkaaga hooyoo rabi iigu uumay unugyada jirkaagaa iniin layga siiyee. Araxdiyo calooshiyo hubucdiyo makaankiyo oofaha dhexdoodana aqal bilo layga dhigay. Intaa dunida joogtoo nolol aayatiin wacan akhirana fardawsaa ambiyada agtoodaanaa eebaan kuu baryaayaa. Naftu waa amaanee ajashaada hooyoo hadii aad ciilaato oo iilka lagu dhigo kuuma cuno abooree. Ayaadaha quraankiyo ducaan kuu akhriyaya naxariista eebaan idin baan la waayeyn....
  9. Showqi waa keentey. Dhoolacadeyskeyga meel dheer ka aragtey yaah! KM4 4 life! sarta jaalaha gadaasheed aan ku gurguuran jirey, diin diin, sagaaro iyo eey ku burbursan jirey. Alxamdulilah waa nasiib badanahay inaan qurbo ku dhalan kuna gurguuran.
  10. Xaji qamseen weli ma buuxsamin.
  11. I met Zenaide Muneton in the offices of the Pavillion Agency in New York, which specializes in hiring house staff for some of the richest folks in the country. Muneton says she knows how to make everything fun for kids, even homework, and that's why she is one of the better paid nannies at the agency. I asked her what that means. "It means over $150,000 a year," Muneton said. Actually, I learned later, it means even more than $150,000 a year. Her last job paid $180,000 and included a free apartment on Central Park West, a generous food stipend, and enough perks and benefits to bring her total income closer to $250,000 a year. That's eight times the salary of an average nanny. Cliff Greenhouse, who runs the nanny business for Pavillion, says they interview hundreds of potential nannies to see who can meet the requirements of the wealthiest families. Their standards are, of course, exacting. "We only place maybe 3 or 4 percent of those that we interview," Greenhouse said. That selection rate makes the Pavillion Agency a notch choosier than Harvard. So what exactly does it take to become a Pavillion nanny? Greenhouse says all their nannies are good with kids and have perfect references and no criminal records. That's just the basic stuff. They also need other special skills. One got a job because he knew how to drive a Zamboni around the family's private skating rink. Another family would only hire a nanny capable of ferrying passengers on a 32-foot-long motor boat to a private island. But perhaps the hottest skill these days is the ability to make friends with other well-placed nannies. Greenhouse said, "A lot of families, especially new money, are really concerned about their children getting close to other very affluent children. How do they do that? They find a superstar nanny who already has lots of other nanny friends who work with other high-profile families, and there you have it." The biggest thing these high-end nannies are selling is their entire lives. One of the perks of great wealth is never having to worry about other people's schedules. Rich families that pay six figures to a nanny can go to dinner or fly off to Europe on a moment's notice. They don't call the nanny to make sure she (they are usually women) is free. Laurin Green, another top-level nanny, says her friends gave up on making plans with her because she would always cancel. "The hardest thing for me is canceling on people," Green explained. "With the families that I work for, it's a constant." She told the folks at Pavillion Agency that she, rather surprisingly, is looking for a job that pays less money. Green said, "My goal for this next job is $85,000. My last job with overtime, I was making well over $100,000 a year, but i had no personal life with that position." For any nervous parents out there who can't afford these high-paid nannies, do not fear. I did call some child development experts who made very clear that the high cost of elite nannies does not, in any way, imply better care for your kids. If you're willing to hire a nanny who actually has a life and can't introduce your kids to the children of the rich and powerful, you can have a great one for a more reasonable amount. This radio story was produced as a companion piece to Adam Davidson's New York Times Magazine column, "The Best Nanny Money Can Buy."
  12. ROCHESTER (KTTC) -- Thousands of dollars worth of donations meant to go toward Rochester's mosque are now gone. Police are searching for the burglars who broke in and stole from Masjed Abubakr Al-Seddig. The burglary happened between 11 p.m. Monday night and 4 a.m. Tuesday morning. Burglars stole a safe that held about 4 weeks worth of donations, approximately $5,000-$6,000. It's suspected that more than one person was involved, considering the weight of the safe. The money was going toward daily expenses at the mosque. A separate safe, used to help the poor, was also stolen. "First of all, this is a worship place. So you can't imagine what kind of person would come and take money away from here where people who earn their money, sometimes they can't pay their bills yet they donate for the sake of God for the sake of Allah," said Abdi Roble, president of the board for Masjed Abubakr Al-Seddig. Although security is low at the mosque, it's surrounded by cameras. The burglars broke in through the back door. Roble is hopeful footage from one of the cameras will show who committed the theft. "Most of the people who donate to the mosque are actually immigrants. The Muslim population here is comprised mostly of immigrants who are hard working and trying to achieve the American dream," said Ikar Ikar, a member of the mosque. The heaviest safe remained untouched. It holds donations for a new mosque the Muslim community is hoping to build within the next few years. Roble plans to move the last safe. If you have any information on the recent break-in, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
  13. Khamiis, Maarso 29, 2012 (HOL) - Ibraahim Abiikar Nuur iyo Axmed Climi Guure oo ka mid ahaa duuliyayaashii Somali Airlines ayaa booqday dugsigii ay ka qalanjibiyeen muddo soddon sanno ka hor. Dugsigaas oo lagu tababaro duuliyayaasha sharikadda Lufthansa laguna magacaabo Lufthanse Airline Training Center ayaa wuxuu ku yaalaa magaalada Phoenix ee dalka Mareykanka. Madaxa dugsiga Matthias Kippenberg oo horay uga qalinjibiyey isla dugsigaas ayaa halkaas ku soo dhaweeyey duuliyayaasha, wuxuuna warbixin ka siiyey isbeddelka weyn ee uu sameeyey dugsiga mudada soddunka sanno ahayd; isaga oo ku soo wareejiyey qaybaha kala duwan ee uu dugsigu ka kooban yahay Duuliyayaasha ayaa uga warbixiyey xaaladda uu waddanka Soomaaliya soo maray mudadii 20ka sandood ahayd gaar ahaan sida uu u burburay adeegyadii duulimaadyada ee dalka Soomaaliya. Waxayna u sheegeen in xaaladda Soomaaliya ay hadda soo wanaagsanaaneyso lana soo gaaray xilligii dib loo dhisi lahaa khadadka duulimaadyada ee Soomaaliya. Duuliyayaashaas ayaa waxay ka codsadeen sharikadda Lufthansa oo xiriir dheer oo dhanka tababarada la lahyd sharikaddii Somali Airlines ka kaalmeyso sidii dib loogu dhisi lahaa sharikaddii Somali Airlines. Waxaa ay si gaar ah uga codsadeen in arday cusub oo Soomaaliyeed loogu tababaro si ay qayb uga qaataan dhismaha sharikadda. Madaxa dugsiga Matthias Kippenberg ayaa dhankiisa soo dhaweeyey codsigaas una ballanqaaday in uu kaalmo ka geysandoono intii karaankiisa ah sidii dib loogu dhisilahaa sharikadda Soomaali Airlines. Sharikaddii Somali Airlines oo ka mid ahayd sharikaddihii ugu firfircoonaa ee Geeska Afrika ayaa khadka ka baxday ka dib markii xukunka laga tuuray dowladdii uu madaxda ka ahaa Maxamed Siyad Barre. Sharikadda Dayuurdaha ee dalka Turkiga ayaa dhawaan duulimaadyo ka bilowda dalka Soomaaliya taas rajo weyn galisay dib u soo celinta dhismaha duulista ee dalka Soomaaliya. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  14. The photo description says Midhiso, thus It's not the OP's fault. Just saying.
  15." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  16. Nice! post more pics if you have it.
  17. cantarabarash badanaa bisinka.