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Everything posted by Atirisho
Very bizarre story
Nice song I use to think Hindi films were awesome. When a new film that come out, I was right there in the theaters watching it. The Xamari translation made it worth watching. Now I don't quite understand why I waste my time watching Hindi Movies. They are cliche, unoriginal, unrealistic and cringe worthy. Bollywood hasn't made one decent film since Khabhie Khusi Khabhi Gham. Nowadays they try so hard to imitate Hollywood. It is quite pathetic.
wyre;809797 wrote: CANTALYAA "Marabou" In english Shimbir weyn oo dhuun dheer le lafaha ayuu cunaa dhuunta ayaa shiiddo kadibna caloosha u gudbiso, But cantalyaa is not xamari, just say Baanbow :D I know! I read the "C" and "A" Somali language is so damn hard. Maaddeey: Marabou or as we call them in Somali cantala or banbow is not vulture. I think Vulture is called Haad in Somali.
unbelievable. AUN
imbili..................I remember playing this game. I don't know how to explain it. laadhuu.................Requires using dice and cardboard kadhimeey kadhim..........? Is this when people sit in circle and a person beats people with a sandal and then you are chased around the circle? phraseska ga iga siiso iga wareegso iga qalee, iga gambiso, ii gambi, ii gooy oo isku wada micno ah...............They all mean the same thing. They mean Give me a break or take it easy on me or something along those lines.
;);) Wallahi that come to mind that is why I had a question mark right next to it. I just thought It might have meant something else. My thought was Darbi=Wall and saar=to put something on/hang something. That is where the decoration idea come from.
1.Antaleel....................Banboow ( a type of large bird. I don't know what you call it in English) or was that antala 2. Bushkuleeti.............Bicyle 3. Waraf......................slingshot 4. Aabiteey..................Kite 8. Darbisaar................Decorations? 11. Kalafooto..............Backflip 12. Wiriq.....................Crickets
Malika;809285 wrote: Honestly, I dont know how men can go through the day without refreshing - 'our' big bags tend to carry things like 'little make up bag' - perfume, lotion, tissues[wet and dry], diary, umbrella, phone, perhaps a water bottle, purse, sometimes a book or magazine, a small quran or dua booklet...dee thus the need for a big bag. The bag represent the house - intaa gurigaa kaa maqaan some of its contents come with me..lool. You forgot female products ;)
wyre;809248 wrote: Lolz so you carry all these things in your bag why don't you just leave it home :D Lol, I can't. I need them. I need my text books for school. I need my ipad and laptop because you might never know when I will need them. I take a long train to my school and work so I need something to entertain myself with. I need my journal because I get inspired by nature and everything around me so I write a lot. I can't live without my makeup. God I will die without it.
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^ K.O.W/Fresh Prince? Why create so man names to hid you true identity? Anyways, Abullahi Yusuf Rest in Peace. AUN -
;) How many times did she drop the F bomb? I was shocked when she pulled the macaroni, noodles and all that empty bottles of juice out of her purse. I too like to carry gargantuan purses. I usually stuff all text books, journals, cosmetics, iPad, laptop and jewelry in there though. Small bags wouldn't be sufficient for me because I always carry a lot of stuff with me everywhere I go. The only other way around it is to carry multiple ones and that just won't do.
Abdullahi Yusuf was a legend and he was one in a trillion. I don't think there is another Somali person that could be compared to him that lived in the last century. He was a visionary and way a head of his time. To bad Somalis couldn't see where he was leading them.
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Well, I only suggested Mudug because I thought that was where he was born. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Here is the most important question. Where will he be buried? He is the former president of Somalia, so it is only appropriate that his body is brought back to the country and since he is the founder of Puntland it makes sense to bury him in Mudug. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
It is still sad nonetheless. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was the former president of Somalia, and Somalis everywhere will surely miss him. His death was tragic and bringing up his pass and debating about it is not really appropriate in this discussion. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Must you guys derail this thread? The man hasn't even been dead for few hours and you guys are already attacking one another. Let the dust settle first. Just say AUN and move right along. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
So it is officially confirmed? Ina lillahi wa ina ilayhi rajuucun! Sabar iyo iman Ilahay ha ka siyo eheladisa, qoyskisa and ummada Somaliyeed oo Idil. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Abu-dhabi (Halbeegnews)– Waxaanu raali gelin ka bixinayna war ku soo baxay shabakadda Halbeegnews caawa oo ku saabsana in Madaxweynahii hore ee Soomaliya Col. Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed Geeriyooday, waxaanu ka cudur daaranayna kana raali gelina dhammaanba akhristayaasha Halbeegnews in warkaasi si khalad ah nooga baxay, waxaananu caddaynayna in Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed noolyahay kuna suganyahay magaalada Abu-dhab ee dalka Emirateka carabta. Abaaro 23:00 fiidnimo wakhtiga caasimadda Hargeysa ayaa waxaa xafiiska shabakadda Halbeegnews la soo xidhiidhay qof ka soo hadlay dalka Emirateka carabta, qofkaasi wuxuu telefoonka ugu xaqiijiyey Halbeegnews in Madaxweyne Yuusuf Geeriyooday, wuxuuna telefoonka noogu dhiibay qof dumar ah oo uu ku sheegay inay ka mid tahay qoyska Madaxweyne Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed, goobta ayaa waxaa laga maqlaayey dhawaaq oohin iyo murugo leh. Markii warkaasi soo baxay ayaanu sidoo kale la xidhiidhnay dadka Soomaalida magaalada Dubai oo noo xaqiijiyey inay warkaasi aanay haynin isla markaana aanay maqal, dabadeed abaaro saacad iyo badh ka dib ayaanu la xidhiidhnay isla telefoonkii nalagala soo hadlay anagoo marka isku dayeynay bal inuu qofkaasi noo xaqiijiyo halka uu warka ka keenay, waxaana naga qabtay qof aan ahayn qofkii Telefoonka nagula soo xidhiidhay qofkaasi oo markiiba telefoonka nagu jaray isla markaana bakhtiistay. Saacad ka dib ayaa waxaa noo suurtagashay inaanu la xidhiidhno qof ka mid ah Kal-kaaliyayaasha Madaxweyne Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo noo xaqiijiyey in Madaxweyne Yuusuf uu noolyahay isla markaana caafimaadkiisu wanaagsanyahay. Dabcan wakaaladaha wararka la mariyo ee Halbeegnews ka mid tahay waxaa maalin walba na soo gaadha boqolaal xidhiidho oo kala duwan balse waxaanu markani ka cudur daaranayna inaanu warka daabacnay anagoon baadhin waxaanay tani noo noqon doonta cashar aanu qaadan doono oo aan dib nooga soo bixi doonin. Waxaanu raali gelinayna dhammaanba Ummadda Afka Soomaaliga ku hadasha ee warkaasi gaadhay iyo kuwii akhristay waxaananu Ilaahay uga beryayna Madaxweynahii hore ee Soomaaliya Col. Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed inuu caafimaad siiyo cimrigiisana dheereeyo. Halbeegnews waxay Booliiska u gudbisay telefoonkii nagala soo xidhiidhay waxaananu rajaynayna in ciidamadda ammaanka ee dalka emirateku ay qofka telefoonkaasi lahaa dan kasta ha ka lahaade ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonaan Halbeegnews, Abu-dhabi halbeegnet@gmail.com http://halbeegnews.net/?p=11332 -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
K.O.W;808355 wrote: A bad legacy. A war criminal, a warmonger, and an Ethiopian puppet. But, according to Somalia, I'm a lier. Abdullahi Yusuf wasn't anything of those things. Stop fabricating. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Somalia;808346 wrote: Actually he is. He's the only Colonel to be given a division in the Somali Army and capturing his target closest to Addis Ababa in 1977, 70 km from Addis Ababa to be exact, a town called Mojo after Nazret. He's also the only commander to have steered the Ethiopian invasion of 1964 when he drove them 15 km into their own territory where he was hailed by the Colonels on the other side because he was only 30 years old during the peace talks. I agree. Abdullahi Yusuf is/was a legend and a war hero. If this news turns out to be true, he left an undeniable legacy behind. -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
K.O.W;808340 wrote: ^ FUK IT! Who am I kidding! The Criminal is dead! lol You are very disgusting human being. AUN would have been enough! -
Breaking News: Legend Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has passed away....
Atirisho replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
It is a hoax. He is still alive.