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Everything posted by Juxa

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^ i think i already vented my dislike, both publicly and privately :rolleyes: :rolleyes: J11, as u said there are kids browsing, moi included
  2. I WANT A DIVORCE :rolleyes: :rolleyes: qasaaro, fowqal qasaaro. i wish i never set my eyez on you! you have brought me nothin bt heartache. what a loser. adoo nool isduug! intee ku ogeed ilmaahada? dont u even dare? when was last time u paid for a gallon of milk? nin maashee? aabe maashee? habarti ku dhashay inaad u saqiirto u rooneed? get off my face! i will tell yr kids that you are dead. they wont even remember u! u are replacable, despicable, deniable. i want a divorce and that is what i hear my neighbours scream at each other, atleast once a month. and u were saying marriag is? :confused:
  3. ^^^^^^^^alow yaaa ku marjiya oo kugu jano taga :mad: :mad: as i said before, it take a man, to reap his miro. naga dhaafa calaacalka badan, most men cant stand seeing. and i dont think they much help anyway. let them have some dignity, intey suuxi lahaayeen, let them pace the corridors. yaa allah, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<am still waitin for that warrior, who does no jiqjiq, and is there thro thick and thin. :cool:
  4. sa wr wb, funny that u bring this up,, bt i think there is an element of truth in it. personally, every cabdi/abdi i meet, i take 2 steps bck. mohamed names i have big respect. and ahmeds just make me feel comfortable. i dont know why, :confused:
  5. Juxa


    anyone remembers AYAAN-DARAN .
  6. baashi, i agree. when push come to shove, its yr wifey and yr baby on da way. so as much as you go, aniga ma samaynkaro, u will be there shoobaro, thnx dearie. i think, and its not only somalimen, the real issue could be something entirely different. when a man is in that room, alot of things changes. yes he sees what his wife goes thro, yes he is a witness (willing or not), yes its bound to change his views of marriage life. insha allah if he has IIMAAN he will realise, its all part of the big plan, and allah never impose on us women something we can not do. its his faith is us and our faith in him that gets us tho finally, research has shown that those men who are present in the delivery room, suffer some phychological after-effect. some even suffer a temperory loss of apetiate for you-know-what, as a result of guilt :confused: maybe that is part of the reason they would rather not go in the delivery room. maybe they dont wanna see first hand, maybe they dont want to shatter their illusions. and next time they go, honey i think iam not getting enough :mad:
  7. sa wr wb, nice topic, few pple have made sense, the rest are what i call, muluqyaalo, they have no idea. NGonge, way to go. pacing in the corridors is worse than been in the same room. its pure agony. qacqaac, impressive. its the ladies choice. i have actually been in that room more than 6 times. and all those times, the husband felt so helpless and out of place. inta tag, xaga istaag, maskiin, i felt sorry for him personally, i would rather have my girlfriend, or sister, or mother. because i would feel like iam with pple who have gone thro with it. as was said before they tell u push, or yell, or ask for drugs alternatively, the husband can be present, if he desires, bt i suggest he stays by the wife's head. hold her hand (laughing, knowingly, and wondering hw many fingers he will break). he can relax her, talk to her, tell her whats happening and basically offer emotionally support. i think that would be real nice i have seen men faint, and feel sick, also men feel quite useless in that room. i was there with my dear friend and his ever (geesiyad) wife. he was so tired, and emotional, he started Questioning every little injection. so brother qacqaac, maybe yr wifey wont appreciate yr too many Qs. pass the epidural, pass the gas, pass the weed, get me out of hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. sa wr wb, dawoco, nice story, bt as NGONGE pointed out i know yr nicely put sheeko is going somewhere. i know the things u saying are (dulmar) i wonder:confused:
  9. iam sorry ma ogi qofkaas meesha joogto. my Q is, OG moti, why is your picture circulating like an aviotar? walee waa yaab
  10. Juxa


    qacbaro, having many kids is a blessing, ma ahan wax la isku cabsiiyo. the more the merrier. bring it on waraaa OG-moti, so u alive haye? that is a relief. i knew yr deep hatred for women, so nothin changed yaah! by da way, mom is wondering meeshaad ka dhacday ayaantan. i told her inaad halowday, 3naag indho yar ah agtooda lagaa soo sheegay
  11. sa wr wb, quruxey maxaaa tahay? good Q J11, waa sidaaaaaaa, u say it the best. nabi alow, nuur alow, ninba afkii kugu amaan. qurux=dooq so basically different pple have different dooq, bt the common similarity should be - diin - dhaqan - waalidkoo baar looyahay. kaalay cilmi boodhari, was ahead of his time yaah! he was promoting aneroxia nervosa :confused: why do women have to be divided in catogories. now lets see what to me is beautiful MAN. - nin aa war badneen. - dantiisa yaqaan - nin dheer. kor u fiirinaayo - no calool, dalbadana ka daran - nin iska shaqeeya, nadiif ah - not a loser, someone with potential - mid aan hariifo aheen, isku kalsoon - can-do-attitude - no maseerlow, lil attitude is nice lakin - nin aan qaboobeen, able inuu yac iska kaa dhaho - respectful - dadka aan yasin, down to earth talow maxaan ilaabay :confused: oh yeah, men who always talk of naag-quruxdeed, waxba iskuma haayaan, mostly ayagaa foolxun. hence they put much emphasis to getting a trophy wife. feebaro, as u said,,,,,,
  12. bad bad bad bad day. i missed the carnival, 5yrs in this bloody country markastana waa la iiga sheekeeyaa, came home and guess what? i started too much dagaal. ma ogi waxan qabo, sometimes i just have a go. its anger, sheer anger, i feel like a bull, geesaha laga gooyay. frustratation :eek: now i feel guilty. i blame my mother, haday babis igu garaacdo i feel better, bt no, she will talk and reason and make u prefer 1000 lashes
  13. i promised to limit, ok actually i said i wont post anything, qeer sheeg ama shib iska dheh camel. however, i cant resist to agree with NGONGE, go figure he is caaqil duqa. iam confused what i object to when it comes to the baro family. maybe it just feels great! maybe for many they are the punch-bag! maybe their names have ring of violance around it and it reads (attack me). :confused: bt seriously, i object mainly to the fact that we starting to fall apart, cause each day the division is getting wider. and the unity is disappearing. by all means we should all retain our individuality and respect the contribution of each and every member. iam sure if we all take one minute and think, no one means to attack another. everyone have yr peace and let others do their thing. enough calaacal. qof walba qofkuu sheeko yaqaan ha raaco inta kalana arag, maqal, afkana xero . again salaams, and sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings. wiilka meesha lagu soo dhawaynayana,,,,,,genuine wlc again
  14. well, what can i say? bal wlc. now i understand the dismay of many nomads. the last thing/person this site needs is another baro addition. is it something in the water? something contagious and catchy?one wonders :rolleyes: wlc again. maybe a name change is something to consider. this is beyond the usual hahahahaha
  15. Juxa


    ^^^^^^^^ is a hotcake,,,,munna u can thnx me another day. u got yr first deer, prey, i mean bahal, :confused:
  16. Juxa


    sa wr wb, munaa wlc abaayo, i dont think such a thing as collective pictures exist, bt it could be inaan ogeen aniga. may i suggest u send a pm to whom ever u fancy, enough to see what they look like. iam sure they will be accomodating alternatively, just a drop a line, and we will describe, who is hot cake, who is not
  17. fine, inthat case, hadalkayga waaba ceshtay, no more jiqjiq. lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
  18. Juxa


    i never thought of the MADI that way, i guess u right, he must continue the family line, insha allah of course hadii ale idmo. hos mother expects a full-house, so u can forget having a career its more like having a kind every single bloody yeah, 9 caloosha ku wad, 3na naso camel xarago, yr Q to qaacbaro, quite interesting, bt aint it tat personal? no one can predict the future, yaa og. bt whatever the situation, a mother waligeed maslaxad ay ka talisaa,,,,unless i mid inkarantahay :confused:
  19. ^^^^^^^^^ yaa muslin ahoo masaarta ku oota. waraa, why hadalka meelkale ula aadee, buslayahow? bilaa caleek, do ya thing! :eek:
  20. ^^^^^^^^another alow sahal in da house miyaa? anyway, i just came in to share my wonderful friday with yous. iam so happy, my heart is brimming, iam afraid it might tip over. its full of hope, and dreams marhore daad qaaday. imagine seein so much mmmmm in 2 pple. its gives ya hope!i remember this saying HOPE DIES LAST. I also remember this poem, i dont know wrote it, bt first few lines go,.... in the heart of friendship, let there be sweetness and sharing of pleasures. in the dew of the morning, let there be rain, at the dawn of day, let there be moonlight! its going to be such a promising week insha allah
  21. ^^^^^^^^taxtal amrak, dooro yaaqaboooooooooy. iam gone, looking for it
  22. Juxa


    kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, jecliyaa. bt some inlaws are smart, they involve the wifey, makin her feel the boss, and therefore equally important as the son.
  23. feebaro, adi qacbaro maalagu dhahaa? huh huh huh? i know a suitable maahmaah, bt i wont say it now. qacbaro, what iam saying is,,,,,,i dont know! why is everyone on my case? :confused: i tried to say cafis all around. i guess maryooley dont appreciate my good intentions
  24. Juxa


    ^^^^^^^^^ saas i dheh,,,,it aint real, i was organising, help mrs ngonge support group. ready to throw eggs on you, on your way to work, bank station aaba banners lala istaagi lahaa. for real,,,,,the best bits, are how the wife wins. each and everytime, she beats ya! how does it feel to be constantly challanged loooool feelin smug and pleased.
  25. Juxa


    just a thought, mothers do not like to live with their sons and daughter inlaws. majority of mothers prefer daughters,,,,,,,horaa loo yiri, gabari waa gacaleey. waana tii hooyadeed ceebteda asturta. alternatively,,,,,,see yr mother inlaw, as if she was yr own mother.