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Posts posted by Juxa

  1. Alphoow, you must si deg-deg ah go to your neighbour and offer unreserved apology for your falfalxumo. How could you not help pregnant woman in need? in fact i think you should buy the baby nice stuff for endangering his/her life.


    Dhaqankeena waxa lagu yaqaan inla caawimo time in need

  2. This is very welcome news. I hated flying through the Dubai route (neefta kugu ceshomi) and on top of them you will share the flight with smelly things such as fish and goats


    Turkish airlines have awful customer service records, they treat somalida like qashin, so i dont want to fly with them again.


    Now London to uganda waa meeqa lacag iyo saac? connectionka to xamar waa meeqa saac? iyo welibe transit timeka! bal intaa hala iga jawaabo adinkoo mahadsan

  3. This year i will resist any distractions including food! i shall live very simple insha allah, booked time for cibadah


    Ramadan kariim dhamaantiin, cafis iyo masaabax, ilaah hanaga dhigo kuwi ku kulma meel kheyr qabta aamiin

  4. STOIC;966422 wrote:

    Ninyahoow jinayaal baat Qabtaa.


    You and AT&T refused to invite me for a cup of coffee


    …So you and AT&T are sheegaat Caagdheer...

    Horta inuu jiniyo qaba umadoo dhan baa og, iney somali isku sheeg yihiina SOL dhan baa og oo aysan kugu casumin the who is who cag/dheerta party.


    the final point about the sheegato = waan ka gaabsaday

  5. waadhyee JB south-bashing session in FB mala soo xirey waadigan adigoo qawaafsan halkan maraya eh! wallee shaah iyo cakeba laguma siiyo, you are evicted from southern hospitality


    Ngonge quraan hala saaro


    massive wave with bingo wings@Raula, how is your sijui self huuno? Rahima waa ku kacsaneed oo few cirbad kusocda oo waalan baa ka xanaajiyay

  6. war bal warama?


    not having best day, first anigoo daalan, second a 60 year old saying to reception and my calling F-word, then another insisting a guarantee he will win before he makes payment, waar adeer lacagta bixi marka hore


    i need a holiday! where is ibti when you need her?