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Posts posted by Juxa

  1. We cant just blame the parents 100%. At times the youth should break the cycle of poverty by getting education and working hard to gain employment.


    I think many youngster aim for similar life style as their parent's or the community they live in. If the goal is to get a council house and benefits then you will forever be poverty ridden qaxooti.


    Nonetheless, there is an improvement, children are doing well at their exams and many and i am pleased to report even the boys are going to university. Hopefully as a community we will understand that we have to encourage the young people to either work or study.

  2. Blessed in a way this culture of dependency should stop. Naturally we should support the elderly, sick and orphans but walaaley we support young people oo xaaraan ku naax ah. Irresponsible. Marrying once every six months and having 10 kids before they are 30.


    Did you know lacagta la diro now ineyba dhaxleen baad moodaa. You send to their deserving parents who share with them but when the parents die you have to continue otherwise the babies will not eat.


    Ps: $100 is no longer enough

  3. All I can say is we need garguurasho before we run the marathon. The system must fit and serve the people it intends to govern and serve


    Nin yaaban naga daa ciyaarta mise you seeking or already obtained a grant to set up another NGO dealing with law and order if that is the case waa lagaaga hormaray oo paralegalka iyo secretaryga beat you to it.