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Posts posted by Juxa

  1. When hooyo somaliyeed comes and asks help to get her son's body released from morgue where she was told it may take 8 weeks cause one of the suspects, another somali boy and his legal team asked for second post mortem you don't say gang buu ku jirey, your heart shatters for her.


    It is time for London community to really deal with this issue. If anyone wants to take closer look, tomorrow at the old bailey the trial of Somali on Somali murder in streatham starts. The gallery is free. Go and listen and come back hopefully with different attitude


    My take is we need greater presence of fathers and we need hooyo to ask where her boys are. We need the community to provide guidance and so on

  2. Waryaa yaan la is caynin waa jumcee


    As blessed said dhaqanka fahma the minute Somali woman tells her family she intends to wed she is told, wiilka ha kalifin, don't shame the family by being a gold digger yada yada.


    When he brings the yarad half goes back. Not to mention everyone is eager to help!

    Of course few families oo iimaan la wey jiraan. So SOL men folks waala doogiye yaan la dacaroon

  3. Rahima


    Whatever happened to 'aroosaa faqiir maaha'. Times must have changed, waxa la joogaa when some men are penny-pinching dhaquulo. It is not inability to give their bride something, ee it is unwillingness to part with anything.


    Women are expected to pay their way, be it the aroos, the furniture, the dahab, then comes the rent, the electricity, water bills etc.

    Subhanallah what happened the real RAG, are they disappearing species?


    By the way, i dont think it is all men, it is some and increasing group that want everything for free, i blame the CEYR system, it robbed our community the sharaf of earning everything they want/have. It made our men shell of their former self. I blame women too for accepting less, tolerating this nasty behaviour.


    I dont think guurka is a business of earning lacag/dahab, and i think we should always follow sunadii nabiga csw and not make it hard. We should live according to our own means and ability.


    And finally I applaud the men that marry with sharaf, that would give their gacan midig to make their somali queen happy. After all dadku ma wada xuma, men and women.


    As to marrying Ajnabi I will always believe it is personal choice and not an act designed to humiliate, belittle the somali men or women.

  4. I think somali people object by way of is-tus-tus iyo halagaa sheego.....when their son/daughter/family member goes on to marry non-somali wey ku faanaan, so and so gabar ama wiil cadaan baa guursaday yada yada, it is like a sign of status


    On public lakin they show distaste, waa laba wajiilayaal. I say qof walba udaa wuxuu doorto and let them get on with it.


    There are plently of xaliimo and faarax still willing to marry one another. What is the big deal?

  5. Cambuulo for her to marry so soon it means markii horeba meel dheer kama joogin sheekada.

    Mid kheyr qabta baad heli ee move on! My ayeeyo used to say if a woman loves you derinta/ prayer matka bey kula seexan


    Reverts must be personal choice or alternative life style. I doubt marrying non-Somali is money motivated.

  6. Another women bashing sheeko

    Sometimes I wonder dadkaan meesha ay ka yimadeen. Decent families value marriage of their girls and encourage them not to value lacag and iyagaaba caawiya the new family.


    I can believe some ladies want lacag badan which is her god given right but please dhaqanka ha ceebeyn.

    If you don't want to pay just say NO and move on. Let her marry monkey if she wants maxaa kaga galay?


    I am too old for this Sh!t. Naga daaya

  7. Being my own boss never appealed to me, i always wanted to be a lady of leisure, unfortunately that dream has escaped me sofar.


    JB you should have owned half hargeysa by now...ka kac fadhiga


    Salaam alaykum dhamaantiin, khamiis wanaagsan oo kheyr qabta

  8. Well in Mogadishu apart from one night I did not venture out. Being a woman also limits your movement. The one night I travelled through tarabuunka in a car that switched off its lights every 10 minutes hade yaasiinka boobsiis baad isku saari


    The xaafaxo I went were relatively safe. No one cares qofkaad tahay.


    As for hargeysa habeenkii baad guureyn. Very dumar-friendly and entertaining folks

  9. Oday, xamar was rough the first few days. I chose to stay with relatives instead of wasting the money on hotels when there is so much need.

    I really enjoyed it. Waking up, seeing relatives etc. I tried to limit going out to places where the qurbawi gather and instead went to the suuq with the girls, attempted public transport, donned indho shareer etc.


    When I got to hargeysa I was spoilt rotten and just relaxed. I also tried to see the locals and have nothing but great experience on both cities. I will go again this year insha Allah, hopefully for longer

  10. Adam, like blessed said those are ajnabi prices. My sister just retuned from xamar and she stayed at apartment hotel. Air conditioned, Mogadishu is very hot with guards etc close to the beach. I will ask her the cost. You will be fine as she is more kaaskop than you and she managed fine


    Ibti it's time aan israacno... Isdiyaari this summer, end of summer nooga dhig insha Allah. It's time you open a franchise