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Posts posted by Juxa

  1. hahahahahah i know stoic, sometimes i repeat that is not my field, still they insist so i end up doing research just to help them and they take it so granted. i never complain about the elder generation, my beef is the young, lazy ones:)


    i keep repeating war aniga iskeey uma shaqeysto, my hours are billable and my boss wants ££££


    this girl needs her xalwa

  2. where do i buy calanka sland? mise one of you will donate it to me, i am decorating the office to cheer up my collegue, of course we had agreed on later celebration on 26th june and first of july.


    if only siyaasada somaliya/sland was this cordial and ilbax


    oh yes waad salaamantihiin

  3. UD Ngonge partly answered you, we have to keep paper file for 6 years, many companies are going paperless but still each email have to be filed with the actual file. besides unless you print sidee u charge gareynaysaa? fyi it is £20 per email:). I say this because sometimes things are subject to detailed assessment and odayaasha judgeka ah want to see the actual file and tirikoobid the actual letters, emails, fax etc.


    dheeldheel laguma cuno lacagtaan. how is canada?


    Ngone faro fiiqida waa iska cadi:)

  4. First step is to accept you/friend/family member has a problem.


    Follow Aaliyah's recommendation and also please seek medical help! there are programmes and they do amazing jobs. ilaah waxan kaga baryayaa ama uga baryayaa qofkan dhibateysan inuu ka madoobeeyo balayada oo wadada toosan tuso