Rising Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rising Phoenix

  1. X_Quizit: Thank you for once again bringing up excellent points; you're right, you and I are running on the same wave-lengths. It's rather a lonely road, is it not? Khayr: Are you saying we are twisting your words? Then how about I quote them back to you? Salaamz, I just want to ask a question to b/c many Xalimoos burst the cry of 'Freedom and Liberation' when they say that they have a 'right to an education' and that Islam supports this. Well, let me ask you this, What kind of Education does Islam support in the first place? What is your understanding of what is Good Education v. Bad Education? According to my understanding from what the ulama like Ibn Al-attas, Ghazzali, Sayuti etc., that the Islamic Education is any knowldge that links back forth Allah>>>>>Mankind & Mankind>>>>>Allah That relationship should always be reitrated b/c the Thesis of the Quran is that "WE COME FROM ALLAH AND TO HIM WE BELONG' Well if thats the case then, what does 4yrs at a Univ. studying Engineering have to do with Islam? If what you are studying is not being related to this relationship of Man to ALLAH. You are persuing Secular Education that Seperates Religion and from Knowledge Explicitly and Implicitly. If for example you are spending all time stuyding a particular field, but in reality it is changing who you and your way of lifestyle and hampering your DEEN i.e. No time for Salat, only NonMuslims around you 24hrs a day etc. Then do you still thing that the Education you are seeking is a good for thing? If Yes, why is it Good cause in Islam Good is in relation to how something draws your closer or further from Allah. How's that? If that's not enough, how about this: On another note, let me give you a short scenario.... Say a Xalimoo goes and persues her Education and finishs her 4yrs. Now unless she has a father in Arabia, she's probably racking up alot of money interms of loans for her schooling. So lets say on the conservative said (and this is being conservative), she graduates school with a $10,000 LOAN on her plate. She's 23/24 now, so she wants to get rid of that loan, so she starts to work right after she graduates but she also has to help out the family with whatever money she makes, so doesn't have enough money to pay off that loan as quickly as she wanted to and to add to this, she goes back to slow to get more education to get a bettr job. So she gets another loan for her new courses. Well a few yrs later, she's 25-26 and now she has her Masters, but say min. $15, 000 debt (excluding the monthly interest charges). Now she has gotten a nice job, but it will take her a few yrs to pay off her loan. So 4yrs later, at the age of 30yrs old, she will have gotten rid of her debt. So she's 30yrs old now and looking for a Hubby. Do you think that many money will be interested in her, cause she's 30yrs old now. Not the same as she was say 10yrs ago? She could of tried to get married when she had her loan at a younger age but a Xalimo with a debt isn't tooo attractive to persue for marriage. Ask any muslim man and he will agree with me. Two people with huge Student Loans getting married forces both individuals to Work right off the but and this is where the problem lies. You sisters that think that Getting a Career and having a Family is the Ideal Muslim Family should really check be honest with yourselves. For 1400yrs, that wasn't the model so why is this model for a family where 'Dual INCOME' families are the Ideal sooo much better??? I think this is rather a closed-minded approach. As a woman who has achieved PhD status, I would think she would have some brains. Now which woman in her right mind, would expect a man to pay off her loans? It's the loans she paid for her OWN education, to get a career so she would be INDEPENDENT, so why should she launch onto her husband and ask him to pay it off for her? It seems to me you have not thought out your argument correctly. And who the h3ll thinks 30 years of age is old anyway? What is it about Somali Men that they like women who are 21 or under, who are children themselves? Answer me this: why is a 43 year old man marrying a 21 year old woman? In my book this is called PERVERSION. This concept is not Islamic Deen. If any of these so-called great Somali Muslim Men would ever bother to read the Quran properly, they would cry with their shame. Even the wadaads are spewing this garbage! As it is, their own huge egos have blocked their views. But why am I bothering, anyway? Somali Men will continue with this dumb-a$$ idea until all women wake up and leave their sorry a$$es to be by themselves. You cannot eduate them, so don't waste your breath, sisters. All I gotta say, sisters, is get yourself a career and worry about finding a nice Muslim (preferably Non-Somali) man, much much later. Much later.
  2. What does Brazil produce that no other country produces? COFFEE Here's another question: What in the morning has four legs, Has two legs in the afternoon, And then has three legs by nightfall?
  3. El vino vino, pero el vino no vino vino. El vino vino vinagre. LOLOLOL. I like that one. Here's another: Peter Piper picked a pot of pickled prunes and put it in a pot pickled peppers.
  4. Originally by x_quizit: Rising Phoenix, u asked what's traditional and what's modern? great q....depending on what century one is living in, then people of that time get to say what's modern and what's not, but the problem with that is that it changes according to location, time, cultures, etc....I think modernity in the context of this post, means when traditional household norms are abolished in order to take in new ones, because society is ever changing and evolving. So in this day and age, a modern woman is one that is able to maintain a career, has a house and career and a traditional woman is seen as one who is a stay at home wife/mom (nothing wrong with that) as long as it was her choice and not shoved down her throat by society/culture by such ppl as Khayr. Hope that clarifyed ur clouded judgement bro. Thanks for that, sis. I agree on this point. It seems to me that some Somali men seem to have a field day with the word TRADITIONAL, every time someone mentions the words WOMAN and WORK in the same sentence. Then all the crap about MODERN starts coming out, and how women are losing their Islam. Can I ask, exactly who is so weak-minded that going to work will make you forget about your Creator? Who is so dumb to think that your job is your new God? If Somali men have so much respect for their women (as they claim) then why do they come out with this crap? Why do they insult us, Somali Women, by saying we are losing our religion? Somali Women are not losing their religions, THEY ARE TRYING TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN!Since the so-called fathers are not. Khayr, bruh, like X_quizit, I too have seen many of these sorry excuses for men, who hang around so-called cafes all day, and chew qaat, claiming to be discussing Political Affairs. It would be far better should they go home and relate with their children once in a while. Then maybe we wouldn't have so many angry youths running around. As for me, marriage is a CHOICE and right now I'll doubt I'll choose it when our choices are between Faarax in the Mafrish and Faarax on the street corner. Whereas a CAREER is most definitely not a choice, and number ONE thing to achieve in life. And if that makes me modern, then h£ll yeah, I am modern.
  5. HAZELNUT TREE (Extraordinary) charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment. That's cute. About 95% correct.
  6. X_quizit: You have summed up all I wanted to say. Excellent points, sis. Can anyone answer me this? What is MODERN? What is TRADITIONAL?
  7. As both a literature and philosophy scholar, I delight in using ostentatious phrasing and do not vacillate to do so at every occasion. As some of my fellow Nomads have stated, it does make discussion far, far more fascinating. As I have continuously contemplated, why inconvenience oneself to gain knowledge of a language completely, if one will not exercise one's treaty to employ it at every available opportune? Though, it is habitually those who are prone to an elevated academic milieu that employ an advanced form of literature - or so research has suggested rather plainly. With regards to personal attacks, please renounce from perpetrating such spells since we all come here for some much-needed relief from the daily toils of our lives. To First Lady: Harken, my dear! Yet once again doth I importune thee to undertake a genteel spirit (despite your cries of “Give us leave, vile pepagogue!”) and brazen not thou heart against mine. Chide me not, for “All the world’s a stage/And all the women and men are merely players” so have thou mercy upon us mere players, for harm we wish not upon thee. Hee hee hee!
  8. Originally posted by OG-Moti: 1. Somali women so nice to none somali men and rude to somali men 2. Somali women sees only the bad side of somali men and never the good side thou the good sides of somali men are much more than their bad side 3. Some Somali women is trying hard to be westernized but their hearts resist the idea but they still try hard anyway 4. Somali women seems the only women to take abusive advantage of women's rights and 911 calls 5. a lot of somali women, love means a rich man who can buy her lots of stuff I am still wondering....... 6. Somali women everyone things they are beautiful but themselves. 7. Somali women education is not important .. cause she things once married only kids and husband is her life, nothing else? Og-Moti, what I wonder is whether you have based these "theories" (for lack of a better word) on real evidence gathered through research or just through hearsay?
  9. Originally by Hibo: A very strong woman married a man she thought was all she wanted and a bag of chips. After the first month of immense joy and contentment, her husband started to show off his true colors. He didnot only start chewing Khad, but left her to rejoice in her solitude till 5 am. At first, she yelled at him for being so late and nagged him till he became violent. So she thought to herself " Maybe I ought to use another approach". The following night when her husband came home at his usual hour, he found her waiting for him with his dinner on the table. He was surprised but didn't show. She did it again and again over two weeks. Than her husband started to come home at 2am instead of 5am. She continued to wait for him. After a month , her husband came home at 12 midnight. And again she waited up for him. So this time he came home at 6 pm right after work and didn't leave to hang with his friends rather with his wife. This sounds like an interesting idea in theory, Hibo, but I severely doubt it would work. First of all, if the man is so dumb to stay out 'till 5am to party, the only thing that's bringing him home is guilt. Then, when he sees his wife still up with hot food, he'll think he's the luckiest man on earth. Why? Because his wife is not shouting at him. She has not shown him that what he is doing is wrong, has not shown him that he's upsetting her. Isn't a man supposed to take care of his wife? How is "taking care" the same as coming home at 5am? The next day he will NOT come home at 2am, but at 6am, just to see if he can push his luck. And when his (!diot , might I add at this point) wife is still up, he won't come home at all the day after that. Then patience doesn't even come into it. Since you're article is about man-and-woman problems, Hibo, I say this: women should stop trying to solve men's problems. They made them, they fix them. In this situation, you shouldn't nag at the man, nor wait for him. Simply get him out of your life. A wise someone once said: if you ain't happy with you, how is anyone else going to make you happy? In conclusion, don't please anyone but yourself first. Then, (and only then) can you move onto the world and his wife.
  10. Originally by LUCKY: Rising Phoenix you have got me cracking up.You just gave me an idea i shouLd see what they say about me using other aLiases. Having different aliases is very useful...especially here in Britain. There are many benefits to having interchangable ID's. PM me and I'll fill you in on all the advantages
  11. Shayma, that sample is very nice! I got up and started dancing - on my own. Sad, innit? Also, do you know any more African Music along the sounds of your sample? I'm trying to continentlally educate myself. Ta
  12. ^^^ You're welcome, sis. There just seems to be so much mis-information out there - while the correct information can be found easily, whether online or from the Holy Book itself. Just shows that you shouldn't take someone else's word on certain topics.
  13. I input my two names (you see I live in the UK - double identity and all j/k) and COUPLE of my nicknames and NONE and I mean NONE of the descriptions matched my personality! "I guess....I guess I'm just too UNIQUE to be placed in any category...you see, I let go of conformity long ago..." *looks aside, sees a mirror, sighs and falls in love with herself all over again*
  14. Originally by Darman: I do respect all the views expressed on this thread thus far, nonetheless I have a question for those who think getting married while in school is not an option, Have you considered the age factor? Do you know that the more you grow older the harder it will be for you to marry the person who has the qualities you want! especially the ladies… I guess what I am trying to say is this…. Are you worried you wont find that special person when you are finally done with school and understandably is older in age? Do you fear having to lower your standards because your clock is ticking and your chances are not as good as before? I would like to hear what u guys think.. :eek: :eek: :eek: Age factor??? There is no guarantee in life anyway. Whether you find your ideal partner at 15 or 35, or NEVER, there is NO GUARANTEE. FULL STOP. I don't understand this age factor. Like someone rightly mentioned, when one is done with College or University, he/she will be in their early-to-mid twenties. This is NOT old at all. Is there an age limit to getting married, especially for the ladies? Let me guess, is the age limit 19-21 years old??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I suggest to those who yapping on about BIOLOGICAL CLOCK, to do their research. At 19-21 your body is STILL GROWING therefore not completely ready to have a baby of your own. There are many misconceptions about getting married in the Somali community. A lot of people get married FOR THE WRONG REASONS!! Such as feeling sexually aroused. As mentioned by Diamond Princess, if one cannot control their hormones, then GO AND HAVE A COLD SHOWER OR SOMETHING!!!. (I've been told that seems to do the trick ) I know some people dont want to have kids when they get married but how can that happen unless you practice what Kafiirs do!. I don't agree on this with you. In the Quran it clearly states that there must be at LEAST two years between each child. Therefore, birth control is inevitable, unless you plan on keeping your hands away from eachother for the two years. Continental Bachelor and Co, here's some info for you all: Article from Muslim relations Tanzim Al-Haml (Birth Control) Birth control is allowed in Islam when necessary, provided its aim is not to prohibit pregnancy indefinitely, unless permanent contraception is valid for medical reasons or other good reasons. One good reason for using contraception exists when one fears that the pregnancy or delivery might endanger the life or the health of the mother. Past experience or the opinion of a trustworthy and reliable physician determine this possibility. Another valid reason for using birth control exists when one fears that the children's health or upbringing may suffer. If a new pregnancy or a new baby might harm a previous suckling child, then one has a valid reason for using contraception. The ideal spacing between two children, from the Islamic point of view, is thirty months. If a woman wants to nurse the baby for two full years, which is the maximum period of the suckling of an infant in Islam, this spacing becomes thirty-three months. Allah (s.w.t.) said: And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother bore him with reluctance, and brought him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months." [Al-Qur'an: Al-Ahqaf (46:15)]. There is no need for birth control for unmarried people, since abstinence from sexual relationships outside marriage is mandatory. ///end of article/// Personally, I would not even THINK about getting married while I am at University, or any time in the upcoming TEN years. It is a matter of what has more importance, and GOOD EDUCATION and a GOOD JOB is SO much more important to me.
  15. Conspiracy, popping the question, eh? Good luck, bruh I like originality. The restaurant thing has been done a million times. Something original would be nicer (and fery romantic). But at the end of the day, only you know your girl. So only you can answer the question. But good luck and keep us updated!
  16. Samurai, thank you! It worked! Apparantly the Driver wasn't operating correctly and I had to reload it. I'm not very techie-wise so excuse me if you don't understand what I mean (I don't). But thank you. A question: can I buy Video Card Drivers? And what is the best Virus Shield? Thanks in advance Wasalaam
  17. Samurai, thank you! It worked! Apparantly the Driver wasn't operating correctly and I had to reload it. I'm not very techie-wise so excuse me if you don't understand what I mean (I don't). But thank you. A question: can I buy Video Card Drivers? And what is the best Virus Shield? Thanks in advance Wasalaam
  18. Salaam all I seem to have this continual problem with my PC regarding the COLOUR. It keeps changing to 16 - (from 250 like its supposed to be). It's also changing the Screen measurements from 600 X 800 to something else (I think 480 X 600 - but I can't be sure). Anyway, I was wondering if you guys know what might be causing it? I've checked my computer for viruses but none are coming up. It's really iritating because I can't access any images and all the colours are messed. I'd really appreciate ANY help!! Thanks in advance WaSalaam
  19. Salaam all I seem to have this continual problem with my PC regarding the COLOUR. It keeps changing to 16 - (from 250 like its supposed to be). It's also changing the Screen measurements from 600 X 800 to something else (I think 480 X 600 - but I can't be sure). Anyway, I was wondering if you guys know what might be causing it? I've checked my computer for viruses but none are coming up. It's really iritating because I can't access any images and all the colours are messed. I'd really appreciate ANY help!! Thanks in advance WaSalaam
  20. ^^^^ Wohoo! Thanks, sis, this name reflects me better, I guess. I like oppinionated: gets directly to the point.
  21. ^^^ Hahahaha, Lucky, those eyes are a work of art! How can we get in trouble? But, oh my! I can't stop pressing them!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: *family holds her back from pressing anymore*
  22. ^^^^ I don't think we are in the same planet for such events do not occur here. And there is no point in taking notes, since I will NOT be needing them. I don't like wasting trees.... :mad: :mad: Lucky, I agree, those eyes are rather handy and much needed in this situation ( :rolleyes: - there you go,another one!)