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Posts posted by ailamos



    To: The Muslim World


    From: Evil Muslims Worldwide, Inc.™


    Re: "The Muslim Agenda: Or, How to Infiltrate America by Learning to Love Ridiculously Good Looking People in The Miss USA Pageant"


    This is a transcription and translation of a meeting recently held in Arizona, U.S.A, the global headquarters for Evil Muslims Worldwide, Inc.™ Several evil dignitaries were present either in person or via Skype. Their identities have been protected.




    A bearded man of average height and brownish hue dismounts his distinguished, but very evil, camel and proceeds to address the distinguished evil guests in a very evil, foreign language.


    Gentleman, our nefarious plots for infiltrating America and creating a "politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate" has yielded mixed results. We need a new strategy.


    It seems that our initial plan of violence and intimidation has backfired. Amateurish acts of terrorism in Times Square, failed underwear bombs on airplanes, and the introduction of hummus has done little to curry the favor (Speaker nods to Pakistani Representative) of the American people to our cause.


    As you know, we are at the cusp of completely taking over and Islamicizing America. What, with our 0 Muslim Justices on the Supreme Court, 0 Muslim American owners of major media corporations, 2 Muslim American congressmen with impeccable records and high popularity ratings dominating 433 non-Muslim congressmen -- and now Obama as president! (Gives a knowing look to the Kenyan Representative for successfully implementing "The Kenyan Birth Agenda")


    Our influential network of covert spies even brainwashed Food Network's Rachael Ray to wear a keffiyeh during her stint as a Dunkin Donuts-monger! We even have News Commentators imagining using falafels and loofahs to sexually harass their young producers! We're at the precipice of creating Sharia USA!


    However, we need a game changer.


    After spending considerable amounts of money and time performing sophisticated research on Google and sifting through countless pages of pornography (for research purposes only), we have discovered the American people do not cower when confronted with terrorism. Also, many are not inspired by complex discussions on foreign policy, and most are not motivated by intellectual debates concerning global affairs.


    However, our research has conclusively shown that all Americans respond positively to one thing: hotness.


    The point is, gentleman, that hotness, for lack of a better word, is good. Hotness is right, hotness works. Hotness clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary, Islamo-fascism spirit. Hotness, in all of its forms has marked the upward surge of mankind. And hotness, you mark my words, will not only save our "Muslim Agenda," but also that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.


    Brief smattering of applause.


    I point as Exhibit A this sexy, hot and nude centerfold from Cosmopolitan's 1982 "America's Sexiest Man" issue. This red-blooded, all-American hunk is now a full-time Republican senator. Need I say more?


    Everyone claps. Moroccan representative looks around scared and asks, "But how will we use Hotness?"


    We will infiltrate and capture America's attention by hijacking one of their most prized institutions: the Miss USA Beauty Pageant.


    Audible sounds of shock.


    We have already commenced the production of modern-day "fembots" in a Southern Lebanon Factory funded by Iranian scientists.


    Our prototype "fembot" that was originally sent to Wasilla, Alaska, suffered from severe malfunctions that made her preoccupied with moose hunting. Subsequently, she went "rogue." Nonetheless, she achieved her "divide and conquer" objective and tested our hypothesis: that many Americans would listen to the simplistic rantings of a hot, brunette, former beauty pageant winner with great legs and really white teeth. They will even give her millions for a biography written by someone else. She did a great job in helping our Manchurian candidate, Obama, win the office.


    Gentleman, it is time for us to evolve. Judging from America's newfound obsession with color and globalization, our next "fembot" will be ... Arab-American!


    There is uproar, commotion and excitement. North Korean representative faints.


    She will be a sleeper agent during her youth living comfortably in the Middle East. During her teens, she will be sent to infiltrate the USA. She will be "activated" in her early 20s right as she achieves peak, maximum hotness.


    She will create confusion and disunity among the American masses with her excellent English, perfect nose, and assimilation into Western culture, but also throw them off-guard with her multisyllabic last name, dark features and Arab roots.


    "Can we please make her blond?" asks the Jordanian leader.


    No! Conclusive research has shown that for the first time in American history blond-haired, blue-eyed women are marginalized and unpopular. Just look at how the mainstream media oppressed last year's runner-up, Miss California Carrie Prejean, who spoke out against gay marriage and suffered painfully with a lucrative settlement and a book deal!


    Moreover, this is the perfect opportunity to hijack "hotness" from white blond women with Christian backgrounds and radicalize it with a brown face.


    "Can we hug the beauty pageant?"


    Pakistan, we already warned you once! You recall the embarrassment when you tried to hug our first fembot?


    Pakistani Ambassador makes a frowny face and twirls his mustache.


    Now, we had to choose a country of origin in the Middle East for our fembot, and although all the Arab countries' bids were seriously considered, we've decided to go with … Lebanon!


    Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian ambassadors stage a protest. Syrian ambassador begins invading and taking over Lebanese rep's chair, but stops.


    We've decided upon Lebanon after careful research. The popular TV show "Monk" stars Tony Shalhoub, a three-time Emmy winner, who is Lebanese American. Old white people love "Monk" and his quirky, obsessive-compulsive brilliance. Tiffany, the '80s pop starlet, and nostalgic icon for middle-aged baby boomers, is also Lebanese American. And, finally, three extremely HOT women who exemplify ridiculously good-looking hotness are part-Lebanese: Salma Hayek, Shakira and "American Pie's" Shannon Elizabeth!


    We've decided in order to successfully infiltrate and destroy the enemy, one must become like the enemy. Our fembot must be able to pass as a liberated, proud Western woman confident and unafraid of her feminine sexuality, but also unwilling to be sexually exploited by men. In order to accomplish this herculean task, she has to master the most intimidating and fearsome obstacle course … the stripper pole.


    Yes, the stripper pole, that symbol of female empowerment, must be thoroughly mastered by our fembot. However, we cannot lower our moral standards, so we'll make sure she does it fully clothed -- this will avoid the Vanessa Williams Playboy scandal from the '80s and oppressed Carrie Prejean nude photo scandal from 2009.


    Preferably, our fembot will have to win an amateur pole-dancing competition thrown by a juvenile radio station. Photos of this event will have to eventually resurface on a tawdry online entertainment magazine. This is our double-edged sword strategy. Even if our fembot loses the Miss USA competition, she can have a successful and influential career on television by leaking photos on the Internet and becoming a celebrity overnight for no substantive reason aside from gullibility, shamelessness and YouTube. She can infiltrate American youth by Islamicizing the masses through her own reality show, which will inevitably be given to her by E!


    In order to upgrade our fembot, we are seeking uranium-enhanced breast implants, nuclear explosive nipples and yellowcake-padded buttocks. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure the necessary materials, so instead we settled on 6-inch stiletto heels and thongs.


    However, we can't leave anything to chance! We must ensure success, and to do so, we must align ourselves with our secret operatives who will rig the Miss USA pageant in our favor. That's right -- Mexican Americans and illegal immigrants.


    We must court power and influence, and no one is more powerful than the dominant illegal immigrant workforce that holds a near monopoly on the thriving and lucrative "field labor" sector of American economy. Indeed, our evidence shows the depths of their immense power and their sly, subversive strategic plotting. They are so shrewd -- having taken over America -- that they rigged Arizona to create a draconian law that would effectively racially profile them, require them to carry identification at all times, and essentially criminalize their entire existence. They've even banned the study of their own ethnicity and history in some Arizona state schools! Now, that's lateral thinking! And we should give our due respect and props.


    If they can rig a state, they can definitely handle a beauty pageant. We will plant a Mexican American judge, preferably an actor on a popular comedy show, who will knock out our closest competition -- a very blond, very white and very "real American" -- by asking a controversial but relevant question about oppressive state laws demonizing immigrants. Our evidence suggests she will answer in favor of Arizona and states' rights, thereby ensuring the liberal media, another agent in our employment, will unleash the p.c. police and further oppress the white Christian minority by silencing their voice and mocking their opinion.


    Malaysian ambassador gets up to ask a question. "This is all fine and dandy, but don't you think the surprising frequency of Muslims winning beauty pageant will make some commentators suspect "an odd form of affirmative action." I mean we're talking about six Muslim women around the world -- including our fembot, God willing -- in the past five years!


    Malaysia, please, no one could possibly be that dumb.


    As the archaic and fossilized vestige of blond, Western decadence succumbs to her political incorrectness and dooms herself, our glorious fembot meanwhile shall rise! She will simultaneously support our president’s socialist agenda as well as plant suggestive, subconscious propaganda in the minds of "real" Americans to stop them from breeding, thereby giving us yet another advantage toward Islamicizing the West!


    When asked whether contraceptives should be covered by health insurance, fembot will confidently say yes and assert, "I believe that birth control is just like every other medication even though it's a controlled substance."


    When she wins the crown and is asked how she feels, we will remind America that our fembot has assimilated and is "one of them" by programming her to feign nervousness and sincerity when she cryptically answers, "Ask me after I had pizza." However, we all know she secretly wants tabouleh, baba ghanoush and biryani! Ha ha ha!


    Everyone laughs. Even North Korea.


    And what shall we do on that glorious night that commences our successful infiltration and domination of America with our globalized Muslim, Islamo-pandering agenda? We shall celebrate and laugh at them "from within Dearbornistan's Hezbollah restaurant, La Pita, where [our] workers [will] openly sing Hezbollah war songs and anti-Semitic 'ditties' in the kitchen …where falafel, and hummus, and hate [are] all on the menu."


    Iran asks the final question. "But what will we name our Femme Bot?"


    She will be named Rima Fakih. And she will be our great Fak-you to all the haters.


  2. By Stephen Smith

    BBC Focus on Africa Magazine


    This year, 50 years on from the independence of most former French colonies in Africa, relations between France and its erstwhile possessions south of the Sahara remain murkier and more confused than ever. Never mind.


    In the summer, Paris plans to host a so-called "renovation summit" to revamp Franco-African relations. But many critics, both in France and in Africa, say the gathering will be more a sign of business-as-usual rather than something that will encourage reform.


    Paradoxically, protests against Francafrique (the Franco-African shadow state which perpetuated French influence south of the Sahara after 1960) have been far more vocal in the wake of the massive French disengagement from the region after the end of the Cold War than during the three decades - les trente glorieuses - of French neo-colonialism from 1960-1989.


    The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of East-West geopolitical rivalry encouraged public debate about France's role in Africa.


    Just how many first- and second-generation immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa are living in France today remains an open question, as French law prohibits statistics based on racial criteria. However, it is estimated that up to 5% of the country's 65 million inhabitants originate from the region.


    Many have acquired French citizenship and form, together with long-standing French nationals from the Antilles, what the national media refers to as "Black France".


    But since racially tainted riots erupted in major French cities at the end of 2005, many French people of African descent - perhaps alienated from the powers-that-be in Paris - consciously define themselves as "hyphenated" citizens: Franco-Africans with divided national loyalties.


    Renewed, balanced and transparent


    On the eve of this year's Bastille Day, the heads of state of former French interests in Africa are due to gather around President Nicolas Sarkozy "to highlight and to bear out the evolution of Franco-African relations which are to remain privileged while being renewed, balanced and transparent".


    Using less convoluted language than the official communique, the president explained in December that the purpose was "to turn the page of the debate on [French] colonisation and post-colonisation".


    Exhibitions, round-table discussions, publications and academic conferences have been scheduled throughout this year.


    The high point of the festivities is to be the 14 July parade on the Champs Elysees where French and African troops will march in lock-step saluting President Sarkozy and his guests of honour.


    The military show is meant to be a reminder of Franco-African fraternity of arms, notably against Nazi occupation in World War II.


    The African heads of state will also attend the traditional garden party at the Elysee Palace following the Bastille Day parade. The event's theme is "Diversity - the human reality which links the colonial past to present-day immigrant France," according to the Elysee communique, but this in particular is causing a few ructions.


    The person appointed by Mr Sarkozy to run this year's events is Jacques Toubon whose previous political career is quite telling.


    Not only is he a die-hard Gaullist - an ideology named after former President Charles de Gaulle who insisted on maintaining as much control as possible over France's African interests - but he is also a former minister of culture and, since 2005, has been at the helm of a new museum dedicated to the history of immigration in France.


    The museum occupies a pavilion erected for the Colonial Exhibition in 1931, which marked the acme of French imperialism.


    As a result, criticism has been voiced against the mixed messages being sent by the government on the subject.




    On the one hand there seems to be a direct line drawn between la plus grande France - the "Greater France" of colonial times - and immigration.


    But, on the other hand, since Mr Sarkozy's election in spring 2007, the French government has intensified efforts to conclude bilateral treaties with states south of the Sahara aiming at a "joint management" of migratory movements.


    Yet while small and relatively privileged countries like Gabon have signed such agreements, more important reservoirs of sub-Saharan immigration, namely Mali, have so far refused to "co-police" migration.


    Mr Sarkozy's government has been more successful in renegotiating the defence treaties which were signed with all former colonies in 1960 (except for Sekou Toure's Guinea which cut the umbilical cord with Paris in 1958, achieving independence two years earlier than all the other former French colonies).


    The revised treaties clarify mutual obligations and, in particular, no longer contain "secret clauses" for French military intervention in case of internal conflict.


    Making discretionary use of its right to intervene, France has staged over 40 military operations to save, or sometimes topple, African regimes since 1960, mostly during the Cold War.


    But since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and especially after the debacle in Rwanda in 1994, France has been reluctant to play the role of the gendarme of Africa.


    As a result, the number of French military advisers on the continent has been slashed from 925 in 1990 to 264 in 2008; in the same period the budget for military assistance was halved.


    There are still about 10,000 French soldiers deployed south of the Sahara, down from 15,000 in 1989. But half of them are serving on temporary missions, often under UN mandates.


    Also, in the past 20 years, Paris has closed three out of six permanent bases on the continent.


    France's foreign direct investment in Africa has also plummeted since the Berlin Wall crumbled. While the African share stood at just over 30% in 1989, it has been consistently below 5% since the turn of the century.


    Furthermore, the bulk of France's overseas capital investment has been shrewdly diversified beyond former colonial boundaries in favour of non-francophone countries such as Nigeria, Angola, Kenya and South Africa.


    Shady middlemen


    Yet, despite France's disengagement from its former colonies, political mores between Paris and the francophone capitals of the continent remained characterised by back-door arrangements and shady middlemen.


    As a presidential candidate, Mr Sarkozy committed himself to cleaning up les reseau: the informal Franco-African networks. "We must rid Franco-African relations of the networks of a bygone age," he declared in a speech in Benin in 2006.


    But since he took office, President Sarkozy has perpetuated France's time-honoured tradition of parallel diplomacy in Africa.


    One set of advisers presides in public over the official business with Africa, while high-ranking Elysee staff, in tandem with unofficial middlemen, is in charge of the lucrative and highly personalised politics that Mr Sarkozy denounced during his presidential campaign.


    The French media regularly expose the broken promises and the new lease on life given to Francafrique.


    The elite collusion of Francafrique has become an anachronism, at odds with the stark realities of shrinking French engagement - both government and private - with its former territories south of the Sahara.


    For example, Mauritania's General Mohammed Ould Abdelaziz continued to visit the Elysee Palace after the coup that brought him to power, despite being denounced in capitals across Europe.


    Hence, if they care at all, most French belittle the 2010 "renovation summit" as a political gimmick, actually not all that different from the so-called "independence of the flag" granted to the African colonies in 1960.


  3. At least 13 people have died in a clash between Somalis and Ethiopian forces who had crossed the border, village elders told the BBC.


    Elders said three Ethiopian soldiers and at least 10 residents of Buhoodle district in Somaliland were killed in a shoot-out after a dispute at a checkpoint.


    Residents say Ethiopia troops regularly cross into southern and central Somalia and fight Islamists controlling their towns, according to Reuters news agency.


    But it is believed to be the first time that they have sought to do this in the semi-autonomous region of Somaliland, which is generally seen as more stable than Somalia.


    'Guns firing'

    The conflict broke out after villagers expressed anger when soldiers searched several trucks and held them for several days, according to the elders and a district official.


    "The Ethiopian forces seized some public transports vehicles from the city. Many people were angered and they clashed with the Ethiopian troops, stirring heavy fighting," Buhoodle commissioner Osman Yousef Mohamed told AFP.


    The forces had crossed from neighbouring Ethiopia into Somaliland - a self-declared republic - two weeks earlier.


    Residents said that more Ethiopian troops moved in following the confrontation.


    "There is so much violence. We can still hear guns firing," resident Safia Yusuf told Reuters.


    "A lot of people are fleeing and we are scared the clashes will continue because the Ethiopians haven't left and militias are getting reinforcements," she added.


    Correspondents say Ethiopia and Somaliland often work together, with Ethiopia assisting with security and Somaliland allowing its neighbour use of the strategic Berbera port.


    Somaliland declared independence after the overthrow of Somali military ruler Siad Barre in 1991. Its independence has not been internationally recognised.


  4. Originally posted by GDwonder:

    The point is the Qur'an DOES NOT forbid marrying non-muslims

    I think the verse below disagrees yaa GD:




    "And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember."

  5. Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

    Sxb, I am as calm as the pirates in the Indian ocean. I am cat and a miskeen. But when it comes to the deen and Munafiqnimo, sxb, am I lion and I am ready to munch you. Roar! Roar! Roar! On a serious note, you made your opinion on this matter clear in the quote Ngonge made from your post. So there is no need for Munafiqnimo and playing around with the Quran.

    LOL@the roaring!! anyway, all joking aside, I wouldnt think of munafiqnimo... all I am doing is quoting the Holy Book and trying to see the reasons why certain people think certain things are allowed/banned and what their backups are apart from the usual "it's forbidden, end of story" statement without recursing to any logical or meaningful reasoning smile.gif


    You, Karlito, quoted a verse saying it is not allowed for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men and I completed the verse for you stating that it applies to Muslim men marrying non-Muslim women as well...

  6. ^^^ loool... this is amusing, firstly I don't think Ayan Xirsi will have a son since she will be too afraid that he might become a Muslim and go back to Somalia :D:D and secondly Ngonge if you say that "Of course, this does not apply to Muslim men marrying Ahlu el kitaab" then it would be a logical deduction that the same would be applied to Muslim women marrying men from Ahlu el kitaab since the verse states the same for men and women.


    Karlito, thanks for calling me a na*cas ;) anyway, if you haven't figured out by now what I do and do not believe in then there's no hope for you ;) Anyway, if it's permitted for Muslim men are allowed to marry practising Jewish and Christian women, then it's permitted for Muslim women to marry marry practising Jewish and Christian men...


    Anyway, mushrikoon has also been referred to Christians because of their whole trinity thing... al-Tabari's explanation points to the Nasara as the mushrikoon...

  7. The verse you mentioned is incomplete yaa Polanyi, here's what you left off:


    do not marry al-mushrikaat (polytheistic women) until they believe.
    And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you.
    And do not marry al-mushrikoon (polytheistic men) until they believe.
    And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you." - 2:221

    As the Holy Book clearly states that neither women NOR men are permitted to marry polytheistic men and women... so, I wonder where the generally accepted notion that only Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women comes from? :D

  8. this is indeed a jamca mubarak... u wanna know why? cuz today is a revolutionary day in American employer-employee relations... i was able to negotiate a half the day off for the jumca prayers :D every jumca... the concession was that i work from home for the lost time or make it up (aka work late) ahead of time during the week... either way i'm thrilled!! :D

  9. that's crazy... i used to briefly model for the university student magazine for a semester, they paid us in meals and books from the bookstore, books were very pricey at our uni... :D


    anyway, there's nothing wrong with Muslims modeling yaa Safa ;)

  10. hey Sherb, who's the girl you fancy? ;) don't mind what some have yelled and squealed here, in many cases a mother has more influence on her children than the father (they don't call it mother-tongue for no reason)...


    If you do end up marrying a Muslim Somali girl, then all the best to you man, I'd prefer you marry her than Tuujiye who will most likely make the poor girl's life a living hell through his generally sour attitude and his half-and-half knowledge about anything, in the least about Islam...


    If there's love, mutual respect, understanding, patience, loyalty and basic human decency, then you have the ingredients needed to make a marriage work... nevermind what anyone else says.


    For the religious aspect of such a union, here's a link that might help you out:


    In the end, don't be surprised that a consensus made by men in a strongly patriarchal society might sometimes favor the position of the men and less so that of the women.

  11. The abuse of women in Arab societies is well documented. Here is a tiny sample of the available work:





    The way forward is to first accept the fact that this problem exists and then secondly to formulate ways to eliminate it from the society. So far, the patriarchal nature of the society is preventing the first part of that equation from happening... it's always the victim's fault.


    Just because the author is a non-Muslim does not mean what he is saying has no element of truth in it. Keeping the status quo by resorting to scripture is not just misguided use of the Holy Book but an attempt to direct believers towards the wrong path.