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Everything posted by nuune

  1. that is a real story,the guy who was tarjumayey is totally halaak man,veery qattar guy!!! waraaboow,mi heard many times,dadkey ka gahsaa ma'aqaano jilbaha miyaa iyo suxulada,a friend of mine used to have this waraaboow and he took waraaboow medicine,so that is it,cudurkaaneeto daawaas leeyahay,[/b]but i have no idea what the english word for that waraaboow,proud to see that word!!!
  2. saaxibtey sisin eey dubtaa sisintii ceel ay ku dhacday ceelkii furuu rabaa furihii suldaan aa hayo suldaankii naag uu rabaa naagtii ilmay rabtaa ilmihii caanuu rabaa caanihii lo'aa heso lo'dii coos ay rabtaa cooskii biyuu rabaa biyihii daruur aa hayso daruurtii waxay tiri kabax soco inta mar naga tag biyaha ilaah aa utuugaa aamiin
  3. i will go for the kirli gafuureey qoor dheer maskax wareer aa laga qaadaa meeqa magacaas leeyahay asaga,ibriiqna waa ku maqlay!!? yaanyuur waalan or quraanjo edeb leh
  4. i know a couple who were together for 18 years and never got married,but they have 8 kids! all that years they were testing how their relationship is going,and when they thought their relationship is beyond their expectation and is doing well,they decided to get marry soon!
  5. damn it,it is all messed up!!!!
  6. i will go for not to be waan kudili or waan kucuni
  7. nuune


    damn it,liverpool lost the game!!!!!!!!1 ayoooo ayooooooo!!!!! i die for liverpool!!!!
  8. ohooo nice one chick,but i will go for the physical,waa burburinaa maehee eber aan kadhigaa sabaaxato sacuudi iyo jeesto jabaaniis aa kuwaalaa sidii sagaaro talyaani ah oo tuur leh haddana teeb qaraaceeso aa kadhigaa!!! tiibisho or xiiqdheer
  9. i will choose money,this damn paper governs the world,but keep away from me if u want a friend... naag qaawan or nin qaawan
  10. actually and honestly,we don't have any culture. we enjoy being without culture. we have no problem that we are without culture. we don't want to have culture haddii nalagu baryaaya xattaa.
  11. naag madax xiiran aa doortay,jeega xiir macal jacksan dambiile waayo and nin gaaban for MMA: saaxiib,tiiem kama wado biiem,biiem waa magaca qoriga,laakiinse tiiemwaa baabuurta askarta,wuxuu uyara egyahay bagaasaha,laakiin waxaa ween labadooda tiiemka,xattaa tiiemka waxay askarta kuwadi jireen istaag,ayagoo taagan ay wadi jireen,indhaheega ani saaaray qalbi alxaman or wadna la'aan
  12. what a good idea haniif,do u know that you are our hi-tech guy and by the way,we can start anything that we found!!! that will be great!!
  13. what a good idea haniif,do u know that you are our hi-tech guy and by the way,we can start anything that we found!!! that will be great!!
  14. well,to me,i heard that kind of thing,but i didn't do it myself. now that i did myself,it is really damn,yahuud nacalaa idinku taalo. ain't you know that the americans and their yahuud friends control and discover new codes every day for programs and even for text editors!!!
  15. well,to me,i heard that kind of thing,but i didn't do it myself. now that i did myself,it is really damn,yahuud nacalaa idinku taalo. ain't you know that the americans and their yahuud friends control and discover new codes every day for programs and even for text editors!!!
  16. filin hindi,ababaa,see waayo adi mahilmaantay filinka raja hindustani bagaase or tiiem hint: both are baaburta dagaalka ee askarta!!
  17. we are nothing,we just dugaag which has no nationality.
  18. nuune

    fav'rite songs

    this is my favorite: [/b] nafteedaan kuu jirrabanahay waxay heysa jamashada adaan kuu jeelanahay jeceelkaad igu abuurtay majiifsado caawade dharaartii majoogi karo dhinacaad iiga jirtaa[/b] #*dhammeestira idinka.... when i listen to this song,the music is just wonderful and by the way this song waxaa heessay saada cali decades ago!!
  19. death, why live!!! nayroobi or xamar
  20. nuune


    mujahid,you the man wallaahiwhen it comes 2 somtheing about religion,u know what 2 do!!!!!
  21. nothing nothing meel eber waxba kamanaqaano
  22. kamila what was your wedding like,was it expensive,tradional or what,come on tell us,you just sneaked out while we were here!!!! you are talking about wedding celebration,am not even planning to go for the aroos until in the near future!!!! but by the way i don't care what it is like but that doesn't work,i will go for the damn expensive one but it must also have all sorts of tradional like dhaanto,saar and buraanbur aahh,whatever,i just don't care!!!really i mean it!!!
  23. i think the age to be mature anough would be about 40 and 49,am series,that is the right age to be mature anough,if it is not,then it is 6 and 8 years, that mi oppinion