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Everything posted by nuune

  1. haaruun,ar maxaa tiri,iga tag.adba way kugu dhacday sheekadaas,that chineese guy was really genies!!
  2. maskiin madax sabuul uu kaa ahaa,qattar hadduu ismooday xariifadaan aa ka halaagsan,funny though!!
  3. good game,this seems to be a game. wajigiisa maka taqaanaa: 1-Sagaaro talyaani ah oo tuur leh typna qaraaceeso 2-Doolli dabagaab qabo oo tukaannka aaw cali deen kasoo qaadanaayo 3-baranbaro bilcaano boqol boqol tirineyso bac wadato basbaas iyo bagal soo iibsatay 4-bakayla bac kujiroo BBC dhagaysanaayo waan soo xasuusan doonaa,waya badanyihin abbaa!!
  4. ShayShay,abaayadiis see caamal adi,waaba iga nixissay markaad idhahday afsoomaali barad aad tahay,just kidding,MMA aa kuu sheegaay waxaan kawaday waxaan qoray,anyway i thought u know this!! waraa MMA,naga tag aan kudhahay,yaa kubaray af reewin,see waaye adi,waad ufassirtay,abbaa saas marrabin ani muggoo,inii kuwareeraan aan rabay sidii ShayShay camal. kaalay adi Af Abgaalna mataqaanaa,lool waaan hilmaamay af abgaal,kan reer arlaadi(reewin) aan qassab kubartay mar hore laakiin waaban sii hilmaamay asaga laftirkiisa. anyway,maag maagdan aan ki sogootihaa Af Dabooling Dahabu. Marti fiiry muumin ii fadhy munaafiqaa lety.
  5. there is no need for explanation,just see and read the quraan and you will see whether it wrong or not!! anyway ScarFace mentioned some of the verses!
  6. there is no need for explanation,just see and read the quraan and you will see whether it wrong or not!! anyway ScarFace mentioned some of the verses!
  7. there is no need for explanation,just see and read the quraan and you will see whether it wrong or not!! anyway ScarFace mentioned some of the verses!
  8. there is no need for explanation,just see and read the quraan and you will see whether it wrong or not!! anyway ScarFace mentioned some of the verses!
  9. yeah it is possible!! i will never ever marry someone through a computer screen!!lool if i do that,people will call me something like this: daya waa kii ee daya oo gabartan computer screenka ka guursaday,terrible. i will have a relationship through the net(a little contradiction in there),but not more than that,what are you thinking of!!
  10. okeey, i didn't see any question to answer :eek: :rolleyes: hey check this out: madiinatul munawarrah magaceedi waqtiga jaahiliga loo yaqaanay muxuu ahaa?
  11. maashaaAllaah,what a great family!
  12. OO ADEEROOW NIMAAN XOOLIHIISA DHAQAALEESAN KARIN MAA JIRO....... damn right,the old man is tight,am with him in that case,ha ha ha hah ha
  13. soul_lady,sis,if you don't like anwering such a question then you should have stayed away,i wonder why critisize us for posting our feedback,if some of the content i wrote seemed to you very offensive,then i have deleted,so happy now!! you are telling us that we should help our mums,how do you know that we don't help them,and also u are talking about homework,maybe u have homework to do,thank Allah,i will never have a homework with the rest of my life,my goodnes u seem to be creating a new argument in here but i don't wanna take part such a useless debate!! anyway chill out and peace :eek:
  14. mataan sxb maxaa kaloo lasamenaa haddiin aamiin ladhihin,intaas leeban awoodnaayee,anyway,aamiin!! :eek: :rolleyes:
  15. Freak,welcome first go on french kiss and if she doesn't like that idea then give her a big hug,hab sii halmar, istaqfurulaah,french kiss lee la'aad,haddaay diido wid kudheh,broke up with her if she doesn't like french kiss!! that is mi ultimate advice to you,but the rest will give you better advice than mine,i hope so!! but you gotta have a way of dealing with girls,my goodnes,are you series,you don't know where to start!! :rolleyes: :eek:
  16. waraa bas naga dheh,that was funny really!!
  17. i don't know which chinees language it is,whether it is mandariin or cantoneese! ni haoi hu yang jian xian chang !!
  18. xariifkaan reer balcad uu aha,marka canbuulo mareenka aa laf dooro kaga margatay,wuxuu imaaday isbitaalka tikfeer ee xamar. isla markiiba dhakhtarka chineeska ah aa soo dhaweeyay oo baaritaan uu ku bilaabay,dhabarka iyo lafta niikada agteeda uu wiisiteen ku bilaabay. kan reer balcad aa soo booday wuxuu yiri:mahaan meesha ma ahan,kii chineeska marku intaas maqlay waaba xanaaqay because in chineese mahaan meesha ma ahan micnaheeda waxaa waaye dhakhtar fiican matihid baarakuuliyahoow bilaa edeb ka ah kii chineeseka ah shaqada inuu ka tago uu rabay illaa koo yaqaano af chineese loo yeeray oo u sheegay in uu af soomaali ku hadlaayay kan canbuulo mareenka lagu dhagay. somali------------------------------chineese mahaan meesha ma ahan = ma hang meisha ma ahen anyway madhameestirno sheekadan,kistoo aan soo xaday bas li ba aheed!! :eek:
  19. Maa shaa Allah,thanks for that,if we follow those simple guidlines,there wouldn't be any conflict among the muslims!!
  20. this is a tragedy,this is not a joke,really i mean it,feel sorry for him!!
  21. as far as i can tell or remember,wax yar isug maskaxda aan ka shaqeesiiyee,haa,it was around when i was 10 and 11 years,Allah forgive me,it was,yeah,it was when i was 10 years old. but as a child,you know we all cheat and sneak to the kitchen to grab quickly some sanbuus and bursaliid,iga tag saliidiisa aan nacay kan,saanbuuska aan jeclaa,afar afar aan ooga xadi jirnay jikada,lool, but the time i completely become affirmed and addicted to the Ramadan fasting was when i was 13 years,before that time i used to cheat a lot,ohh it is just a lot of stories,can'r recall them now!! :eek: :rolleyes:
  22. libya has withdrown from the Arab league according to news agencies,but to me it was a good step to quit the arab league. what do think of libya quiting dead arab league which somalia is also a member,do you think other countries will follow the footsteps of LIBYA!! anyway here is the news about libya: CAIRO (Reuters) - Oil-rich Libya, whose leader once said he was "ashamed" of Arab policy in the Middle East, asked to withdraw from the 22-member Arab League on Thursday, an Arab League spokesman said. No reason was immediately given for the decision. But leader Muammar Gaddafi in September called on Libyans to quit the pan-Arab body to protest against what he called "official Arab cowardice" in the face of Israel and the United States. Arab League spokesman Hesham Youssef told Reuters: "We received this afternoon the memo for withdrawal from Libya." He said League Secretary General Amr Moussa had made contacts with senior officials in Libya after being informed of the step. "We hope we can change Libya's mind," Youssef said. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher told reporters in Cairo he had received a phone call from Libyan Minister for African Affairs Ali Triki who said Libya took the step to express frustration with "the Arab position." Maher did not elaborate. Arab League sources said Moussa, respected by many Libyan officials for his sharp criticism of Israel, would travel to Libya shortly to discuss the matter. Moussa also visited Libya last month to try to reassure Gaddafi after his September call to quit the League. Gaddafi had told Libyans the failure of Arab leaders to confront U.S.-backed Israel's policy of cracking down on Palestinians waging an uprising against Israeli occupation made him feel "ashamed to be an Arab." In March, Gaddafi retreated from earlier plans to quit the League over his objections to a Saudi-sponsored Middle East peace plan. The League was founded in 1945 to promote Arab unity and help end the influence of colonial powers in Arab states, as well as to confront "the Zionist challenge" of what would become Israel. But it has been racked by squabbling among members.
  23. honey206,are u series about that,actually it is as u put it,but it depends what planet u are in :eek: !!
  24. honey206,are u series about that,actually it is as u put it,but it depends what planet u are in :eek: !!
  25. honey206,are u series about that,actually it is as u put it,but it depends what planet u are in :eek: !!