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Everything posted by Haddad

  1. I couldn't bother myself to answer more than 9. This is who I got:
  2. Originally posted by macalimuu: it will be easily issued to them. This is a free civilised democratic country. Nothing is what seems. Your statement might be true if the US has interest in such a protest. As a proof the US has no interest in such a protest, no protest will take place. Prove me wrong.
  3. Originally posted by Socod_badne: As muslim I'm 100% against this sort of punishment irrespective of what sharia law If you're against this sort of punishment, irrespectively, then you're against sharia law.
  4. Originally posted by macalimuu: I suggest Somalis in DC area to congregate in front of the Saudi Embassy in DC and re-enact a protest They will need a license, which I think will not be issued, because the US has no interest in such a protest, and because they wouldn't dare embarass the Saudi government.
  5. Originally posted by Shirwac: What can we do? Keep talking about the issue for weeks to come. But, I don't think you can, because this is a current issue, and it usually lasts a few days. What is needed is consistency, not being caught with current frenzies. How much of an effect will it have if we sign a letter condemning the Saudi injustice against the six Somalis, and send it to any organization that can give justice to all foreigners living in the Arab kingdom? No effect whatsoever. Only the US can pressure the Saudi government, but knowing they are partners, knowing the US doesn't care about Somalia or Somalis, it will not pressure the Saudi government.
  6. Originally posted by Harvard-Mafia: What the Saudis had done doesn't conform to Islamic Sharia law. As you all know, stealing is punishable by mutation of hand, not by cutting the of head. You have no knowledge of the particulars of what the six Somalis have done, therefore you can't know What the Saudis had done doesn't conform to Islamic Sharia law. I don't know the term you're struggling to use, but it's not even remotely related to mutation. Simply using cutting will do, instead of terms you don't understand its meaning. Maybe you meant amputation.
  7. Originally posted by macalimuu: The Shariah is outdated and should be revised. cutting throats is so primitive and cannot be justified. The Sharia' isn't outdated; it's uptodate for every time and place. What's outdated is human laws, like those advocated by Democracy. With human laws, cutting throats wasn't primitive yesterday, it's primitive today, it willn't be primitive tommorow, it will be primitive after tommorow, and soforth. Don't be surprised if the West adopts in the future cutting throats or other Islamic corporal punishments. The Sharia' will be consistent and effective throughout time, because it's divine.
  8. Somalis in the diaspora are their backbone and starkiest critics. The above statement has no merit. Sure, Somalis in the diaspora send remittance, but it means little. Why? Because, one way or another, people will survive, with or without remittance. In fact, the majority of Somalis survive without remittance. Only about 10-15% of the Somali population live in diaspora. That's not a significant percentage from an economic "backbone" of view. What's more, Somalis in the diaspora have little or no grasp of the realities in Somalia. They are not in the playing field, and therefore do not even qualify to make comments as spectators. When you're away from Somalia and its lifestyle for 15 years, you lose the realities on the ground. Somalis in the diaspora have chosen the "easy way" of running away from responsibility, sacrifice, accountability, nation-building and etc. The bottom line: Somalis in the diaspora aren't their backbone and starkiest critics. Change (or revolution) will come at the hands of those who are in Somalia, have endured 15 years of lawlessness and hardships.
  9. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Bush can't attack Iran. Don't be so sure. Bush can do it, but the price will be high.
  10. So, your point is it's ok to fight in a parliament? But, there's no analogy between the Somali and Korean/Russian/Japanese lawmakers fighting in a parliament. The Somali lawmakers were fighting in a foreign country.
  11. Originally posted by juba: this is probably the dumbest question ever! it is quite obvious we ARE FREAKIN B L A C K A F R I C A N S!! just cause our feautures r a little diff. doesn't mean we have to make our own race! take it or leave it folks! This isn't a dumb question; it's a legitimate question. Obviously, you don't know the difference between "BLACK" and brown. The vast majority of Somalis are brown. Also, you obviously don't know what "AF R I C A N S" means. Being African doesn't necessarily mean being Negroid. There are millions non-Negroid Africans, like Egyptians, Mauritanians, and Caucasians who live across the African continent. Those are also Africans. And Somalis do not have their "own" race. There's no such a thing as their "own" race. There are 3 races: Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasian. A mixture of races produces a hybrid race. Somalis are hybrid (Negroid+Caucasian).
  12. Nah not enabling mouse scroll, but i installed fedora core 3 on my laptop, and i got cardbus for extra usb2 pcmcia USB2A , now whenever i plugg the cardbus the damn thing freezes till i unplugg it even though my modem xircom cardbus works just fine .. I think this might be an issue with how Fedora handles hotplugins. Check your /etc/hotplug file(s). I don't know why most Somalis who use Linux are fascinated with Fedora (formerly Red Hat), but there are many other distros which surpass Fedora in most features & configs. You could try Ubuntu or Mephis. The installation of Ubuntu might intimidate you (it's ncurse-based), but it's one of the hottest distros currently. Mephis is also live-cd, and it's installation is gui-based. Both handle hotplugins and wireless cards very well. I can't particularly help you with Fedora (last Red Hat I used was version 7.2), as I don't anymore use rpm & gui-based distros, but this forum should offer some help: LinuxQuestions
  13. Hey fellow Nomads .. any Linux users in here , i need help!?"! Help with Xorg? If this is about enabling mouse scroll, you need to add this option under Section "InputDevice": Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
  14. Qat contains ephedrinelike compounds. Definitions: Ephedrine: An odorless crystalline or powdered alkaloid isolated from shrubs of the genus Ephedra or made synthetically and used in the treatment of allergies and asthma. Alkaloid: Any of various organic compounds normally with basic chemical properties and usually containing at least one nitrogen atom in a heterocyclic ring, occurring chiefly in many vascular plants and some fungi. Many alkaloids, such as nicotine, quinine, cocaine, and morphine, are known for their poisonous or medicinal attributes. Conclusion: Qat is a drug. The use of drugs that alter the mind and cause addiction is haram in Islam.
  15. Originally posted by juba: parents shouldn't impose it because then it will be from their hearts! The above statement is confusing.
  16. how come they did not do anything about They can do a lot. In fact, they're the answer to Somalia's problems. That's without the interference of the West. But, the time will come when even the interference of the West will not matter. mogadisho is still the most dangerous city in the world There's not such a thing as "the most" when it applies to humans or things. There's such a thing like "among the most." It's safe to say there's at least one city which is more dangerous than Mogadishu.
  17. Originally posted by bilan: where were they when people were killed, raped, and all the things that goes in the city, why did not they fight to death protecting innocents. How do you know they didn't do what you're asking about? Take a look at this excerpt: Yet this ferocious exemplary justice has restored peace and harmony to the streets of north Mogadishu. The markets were bustling with economic life, and you rarely see guns beyond the Bakaaraha arms bazaar. There were even a few unarmed policemen around, directing traffic and keeping law and order, spotting their old uniforms and the familiar sky blue berets. At night the streets were properly lit-a rare sight in the besieged capital. Link
  18. Originally posted by Shirwac: I don't see the Taliban coming back That's your opinion. Others, including American intelligence officers/analysts see otherwise. If you have any doubts, you might want to read Imperial Hubris.
  19. Originally posted by wind.talker: The Taliban called for "jihad." What was their fate? Well, the "fate" of Taliban isn't how it appears. Not enough time has elapsed, nor has the dust settled for an accurate outcome of the Taliban's "fate." What would appear to be a quick victory could change into a humiliating defeat in a span of years. Besides, a clash between opponents of enequal strengths doesn't necessarily result in a victory or defeat.
  20. These are complicated questions that apply to Westerners, not Somalis or Muslims. We have issues that are more important than these questions. In order to answer those questions, we have to be near or the same level of Western lifestyle.
  21. Originally posted by juba: really? what exactly is irrelevant about it? You have asked a hypothetical question asking; of two girls who don't wear hijab, which one is the worse?
  22. Originally posted by juba: Which is worse, a girl who wears the hijab and hates everything it stands for and only wears it cause of her parents or a girl who doesn't wear it atall? That's an irrelevant question.
  23. Originally posted by Modesty: Most of us probably don't like eachother...I think. Only those who practice Islam like/love each other. Most of us who live in the West have abandoned the teachings of Islam, and adopted alien teachings. On what basis would we like each other in the West? Nationalism? Speaking Somali? Well, we don't even like each other in Somalia. Besides, the alien teachings we have adopted taught us individualism and ignoring collective responsibility. For example, you encounter a brother/sister on a path towards self-destruction, and you just go about your business, his/her status not concerning you.
  24. Originally posted by Modesty: I've noticed that muslims aren't as 'united' as I thought. In fact, Muslims are united. When Chechen Muslims are being massacred, Muslims feel pain, and yearn to do something tangible about it. The same about what's happening in Kashmir, Iraq and other parts of the Muslim world where all kinds of injustices are inflicted upon Muslims. The term "Muslims", I refer it to the average Muslim who make up the vast majority of Muslims. What is holding them from "yearn to do something tangible about it" is lack of Islamic leadership. The current leadership is in the grip and servitude of the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Only those who exercise independence, decision-making powers, assertiveness, furthering the interests of Muslims- will make progress and facilitate the wishes of Muslims who "yearn to do something tangible about it." The closest functioning Islamic leadership is Iran. Iran today, is a force to reckon with, and perhaps the strongest Islamic country. It's clear the reason why it achieved that status. Why wear it if your not acting on it? Because it's still better than to do otherwise. ...but it seems like most of the girls think wearing 'arab style' clothing equals being religious. The reason is because Somalia is geographically close to Arabia, and there has been centuries of interactions (commercially, culturally, socially) between the two sides- hence, the influence. I am sure if Somalia was close to China, it would have been influenced by the Chinese. Besides, nothing is wrong with being influenced by people whom you share with Islam.
  25. I am using Athlon Sempron 2400+, 256mb memory, 60gb HD, 17" Samsung CRT, and NetBSD 2.0.