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Posts posted by Ibtisam

  1. I am so glad I don't live in that place - imagine if the New York Times printed that sort of garbage - Jews, Christians, Buddhists would be protesting alongside Muslims.

    really!! i hope so.


    in london we have the daily mail, which has not gonne so far but is heading that way :mad:

  2. 1) people who constantly speak/ write to you in Somali when they can clearly see you are having difficulties, making you say it and then give you a lecture (i have heard it all before, leave it alone)


    2) Religious guys who preach you (if you are so religious you should not be talking to me, my mahram is not here)


    3) guys that try and chat you up and start with "salaam" (talking about making you feel guilty)


    4) Close minded people; its there way or no way


    5) Old ayeeos, i can't stand them, hate them with passion


    6) Somali women who act so religious but gossip and talk behind peoples back all day,


    7) People who go and tell your parents they saw you (soo what i am aloud out!! and my family know i was out because i was not home, regardless of the time) :mad:


    i'm gonna stop before i have a heart attack :D

  3. i don't in any way appose the idea of freedom of speech and for people to express their views on religious issues or none religious issues, however where I draw the line is when people use freedom of speech and expression to ridicule a religious figure, whether it be a sheik, or an individual. i would most certainly not tolerate a corporation making mockery of prophets, whether it be the cartoon pictures of prophet Mohammed with a bomb concealed in his turban or the new film with Jesus portrayed as gay. Muslim people have to find a way to manifest their anger and show that they too are capable of affecting corporation’s.


    The fact that the Danish government has refused to issue a full apology in it self does not show their support for freedom of the press but rather illustrates the lack of respect for the large number of Muslims that live in their country and how little they value them. Not only that but it also shows that the Danish government does not expect the Muslims to take a firm stand nor mobilise against this mockery.


    Boycotting their products as well as expressing your concern and outrage via e-mail to the government is one of the ways of showing that the Muslim people deserve as much respect as anyone else and their views should be accounted for, whether it be in legislations or by the press, while they practice their freedom of speech. I totally do not agree with them practising their freedom of speech at the expense of Muslim people, just as they would not exercise their freedom of speech at the expense of upsetting gays.


    in case anyone has not seen the pictures http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2006/01/danish_muslims_to_appeal_drawi.php

  4. :D:D:D i guess she had really nice ones that stood out, and now we know why, they were paid for.


    in general i think it is easy for girls to compliment each other, than a guy in track suits, and dirty trainers, and then they think your rude for not returning the compliment, but you really can't think of anything that looks "nice" :rolleyes:

  5. i don't understand. these people were fighting for areas. Simple north London verse Camden (which is still sort of north London) why would you do that, they all live in bloody council flats and would probably live somewhere else soon. why would you kill someone for something you don't own, it is not yours. WHY WHY I don' get it :mad: :( st*u**pid*** s*t*u*p*i*d* , that’s two guys dead in 2weeks and one still in coma, we went to visit him and his skull is in a freezer while his smashed head heals, and then they are going to put it back in. the doctor said he is getting better, he sure didn’t look like he was getting better.


    So back to my question WHY


    The youngest was 13, why was he out so late, where the hell was his family, WHY did they not know what their kid was doing, WHY.


    somali guys make me sick :mad:

  6. Note to all posters:


    1. Please learn English before you post a topic in the English language.


    2. Do not, I repeat do not post a poll if you are retarded.

    damn :eek:

  7. But Somali women are the worst, because we all know women hate women!

    :confused: really i did't know that.



    Our house use to look like a typical Somali house until me and my brother redecorated it last summer.


    i have not being to enough Somali house to come to the that conclusion, but i guess it is like when you go to a Somali wedding and everyone is wearing the same style dirac in different colours :rolleyes:

  8. ^^miiskiin you are, lool i think that normal reaction, some one tell you some one said this or did this to you and you start planning how you are going to punish them without check with the person if it is true or not, especially when someone you trust tells you that.


    cheers for the advice. :D in any case they have to find me before they watch me fall and since i live in the library these days, no chance, i don't think those kinda people like educational institutions, so i'm safe for the time.


    cheers smile.gif

  9. hhhm now that would be strange, if there was a balance. i don't know, just plain weird if it was :D


    i for one find it easy to get with guys, so simple and normal, women with the emotional problems constant arguments and talk of men!! there is only so many time i could agree with "can you believe what that "a*sshole did to me" without me pointing out "but remember you did that", and woosh friendhip over. redface.gif

  10. 1. 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear Is fine... Really.


    now that can't be true, especially for a farah, my mum will see you and my edo and my whole clan....



    but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

    yeah right, not when the sofa can only fit 5.5(length) by 34inch( short and skinny) and your 6.1, 36inch. (tall and fat)


    nice joke overall, cheers

  11. Incidently, I witnessed two Somali women fighting in the street yesterday. They were not young women but the cay was out of this world (mix of somali, Italian and English)...never heard so much cay in my life. Imagine a hijabed woman screeching 'Fock you' in a heavy Somali accent at another hijabi. Shockingly surreal.


    My sister and I almost died of laughter.

    :D:D:D shid, no way. looooooooool how embarrassing. gosh thats funny but embarrassing all in one.


    as for the topic. i have never been a perpetrator or a victim of








    Not that i know of anyway and certainly not intentionally. I can't speak for accidents/ misunderstandings/ my sub conscious mind.


    i think GOSSIP is the one i suffered from, at times, but i have escaped that as well. But then again what you don't know can't hurt you


    As for trusting people. i being on the assumption that you can only trust you and family, no else. but some people grow on you for years, but even then complete trust is not something i would give up easily.


    they way i see if you don't trust anyone but you then you have no one to blame but you and on top of that, there is nothing people can use to hurt you. After all it is those that are most close to you that can hurt you the most.


    As for sisterhood. i have one close female friend, and few cuz, all my other close friends are male. so i can't speak for that. maybe thats why i avoid all those problems and complications :D



  12. more like the pretty/ good looking people, leave people speechless, until they open their mouth, and you notice its just a pretty face and nothing else to it. :D:D

    don't worry about me, i'm just hating, turning green with jealousy / envy ;)

  13. hhm, i agree with jimca Lee, its strange, but i hate it when people say "you look nice, or why are you dressed up, or that colour suits you, or your hair looks nice" it annoys me mor than anything, and i try and change the subject as fast as possible "you don't look too bad your self, anyway today...."


    i think it is just uncomfortable. and by the way, i don't mind if the person happens to be female, or married or over 40 or white :D anyone outside of that category. i get ready to ruuuuuuuun