Abdinasir Kadawo

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Everything posted by Abdinasir Kadawo

  1. When you are from Somalia, Puntland doesn't mean sh!t. Somalia is the only thing that matters for someone who have health mind and positive outlook unlike you.
  2. You are right about the first one I'm not a Puntlander. I am a Somali and my country is Somalia. You are also right that I am not a judge of history. I am observer of history. And below is one piece of history I have observed; One beautiful summer morning in 1982 Ethiopian armed forces started their assault towards the neighbouring country Somalia which they were in open war with since 1977. The enemy forces of Mengistu's fascist Ethiopia soon captured the Somali towns of Goldogob and Balanbale. Brave Somali National Army halted their march on capturing more Somali territory. Now duke guess who were fighting the Mengistu's side and assisting the biggest enemy Somalia and Somali people ever had. Maybe you should ask your uncle Yeey. I bet he is proud of it and will share with you some of that history.
  3. It's quite the opposite than what you think. I find you amusing, SOL's very own clown.
  4. Obviously Duke didn't understand what I was saying with my "maahmaah" either. So let me explain him in a language he understands. I was trying to rebuff and ridicule your cheap attempt to clear your old uncle Yeey's name. Nothing that you say or happens in Mogadishu now or ever after can wash his crimes. They are in the history of Somalia and they will forever be.
  5. Originally posted by Farancab: quote:Originally posted by Abdinasir Kadawo: Haduu durdur iyo dabaalba galo doofaar weligii ma daahiro. Tixda gabayga ah ee ee Abwaan Timcade ee saxeex kuu ah haddayna ishayda ku dhici lahayn waxaan ku oran lahaa maah maahdan aad is ticmaashay halkan kuma haboona. Waxa koonfur ka taagan waa wax Somalidoo dhani masuul ka tahay. Nin ama qabiil gooni ah in eeda dusha laga saaro maahan aan kaahayn garabyada siyaasada isku mari la. Dhibka iyo qaska taagan waxaa keentay siyasada guruxan ee sida ka fiirsasho la'aanta leh loo istic maalayo. Sxb Farancab, maahmaahdan ma ahayn mid aan u soo qaatay dhacdooyinka masiibada ah ee hada ka socda Muqdisho/koonfurta Soomaaliya iyo kuwa masiibadaasba lugta ku leh. Ee waa mid aan ku quusinayo ma quustahan Duke. Nuxurka aan uga gol leeyahayna waa: A/Y Yeey wuxuu dambi galay waa galay, oo waa mid taariikhda ku qoran. Waxii ka dambe ee Soomaaliya ka dhaca iyo wixii shaqsiyaad caadifaadi ku jirto ay sheegaanba maaha mid ka dhaqi karto ama ka dhaqayso dambiyadaas. Hadaad u qaadatay micnaha ka dambeeya maahmaahdan si kale waa aniga khaladkeyga, maxaa yeelay faahfaahin kama bixin.
  6. The day you make me angry is the day I will quit SOL. Because you're simply a joke. One can't get angry of a joke, or can he?
  7. What irony, you accusing others for being haters. I may hate few individuals among others your warlord uncle Yeey and other warlords, but you - the biggest hater of all, you hate anyone not belonging to your clan, anyone who doesn't have same view as you, anyone who criticise uncle Yeey, anyone who criticise Puntland, shall I go on? No I leave it there. Having made my point you probably don't give F@CK what I think about you. But hey, guess what? I don't give F@CK either what you think about me.
  8. How do you know where my home is? I guess you are SOL's self-appointed psychic. But let me tell you that you are the most rubbish psychic in the world, because anything you have read about me turned out wrong. So give it up, bro.
  9. Somaliland is doing well. Ri-ya-alle should not be allowed to mess.
  10. Garowe,Puntland:Waxa a xafiiska Madaxweynaha DGPl ka soo baxay xeer Madaxweyne oo Lambarkiisu yahay 32,kuna saabsan magacaabida agaasimaha Guud ee hay’adda daryeelka Bulshada Puntland. Magacaaabida Mas’uulkan ayaa waxa ay ka dambaysay ka dib markii ee golaha xukuumadda DGPl ay isku raaceen shirkii Khamiislaha ahaa in la dhiso Hay’ad u adeegta Bulshada Puntland sida Agoomaha,Danyarta,cu ryaamiinta iyo dadka waayeelka ah. Hadaba xeerkan ayaa waxa uu u qornaa sidatan: Xeer Madaxweyne Lr32 ee May10,2009,kuna saabsan Magacaabidda Agaasimaha Guud ee Hay’adda daryeelka Bulshada Puntland. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Puntland qodobkiisa 54aad faqradiisa 19aad. Markuu arkay: Baahida weyn ee loo qabo Agaasin guud oo ka hawlgala Daryeelka Bulshada. Markuu tixgeliyey: Aqoontiisa iyo waayo aragnimadiisa xaga agaasinka hawlaha bulshada. Wuxuu xeeriyey: 1.in Cabdishakuur Maxamuud Cilmi loo magacaabay Agaasimaha guud ee Hay’ada Daryeelka Bulshada Puntland(Puntland agency for social welfare-PASWE). 2.xeerkani wuxuu dhaqan gelaya marka uu saxeexo Madaxweynuhu. Dr:Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud. Wuuna saxeexay Madaxweynuhu.
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Don't worry ....... We simply don't. And you say that in capacity of what? Defence minister of Sland?
  12. ^che, I honestly believe those sleeper cells in Puntland and Somaliland alone are capable to overthrow the regimes there, if they only had the courage.
  13. ^personaly, i would welcome Somaliland sending reinforcement.
  14. ^would you have welcomed if Puntland sent reinforcement to gov's side?
  15. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote:Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Desperate attempt bruh huh but adress these issues THIS We don't like yall and you people don't like us..just another day Speak for yourself mate, just speak for yourself!
  16. You can't say it, can you? Just say it; "you are not the right clan for Hargeisa and therefore you are a sheegato" That is what you are struggling to say, isn't it? To bring this Arab nonsense (markii geel loo heeso inaad goronyo u heesto) is just making you look fool. So brother, just say what is in your heart. Is that the reason I am a sheegato of Hargeisa?
  17. Sometimes I get the feeling I am discussing with a 10 year old boy. Answer me, when did I said I am Arab? I said; "gurigeyga is Hargeisa" You said; "you are sheegato" I said; "what do you mean sheegato" You said; "you believe you are an Arab when you are not and that is sheegato" I asked and asking now; "what has "gurigeyga is Hargeisa" got to do with the Arab nonsense you are vomiting?" Just answer me, what makes me sheegato when I say "gurigeyga is Hargeisa". Or is che right? I don't belong to right clan?
  18. Thank you for your kind words, brother. I didn't mean to criticise. I just couldn't stand you wasting precious time on a trivial matter, like coupling Hargeisa and Garowe. No hard feeling.
  19. What the H3LL is going on here? What are you on my brother? When did I say I'm an arab? Or is Hergaisa an arab city now? confused.com
  20. Actually that is what I was suspecting. But I didn't want to speculate, you know. I just wanted to hear from him.