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Posts posted by maakhiri1

  1. ^Waa ku raacsanahay saaxib. Dad mideeysan baa Ethiopia iska dhicin kara.




    By the way, the Ethiopian ambassador that was supposedly given the end of the short stick happen to be an ethnic Somali. He is a distant cousin of the prime minister which means the Ethiopians are scared and want to keep their influence, so they sent a Somali guy.


    He deserve it, Marabida ayaa ka daran, Tigreega.


    Maa ha soomali, Waa xoolo,These slaves after long abuse, are worse, Waa nooca Abdi Illey oo kale.


    Shacab badan, gudaha SOMALIA iyo Killilka, ayaa indha sarcaad lagu siraa, Ethiopia ayaa khayr u wada somali, qaarna is hayn SOMALI dhexdeeda madaxa u rogtan, oo fahmi karin, I had to chase away this dude, SOMALI ethnic, Tigreega u shaqeeya from SOMALI gathering, cuz doQon kale baa SOMALI ahaan ku keenay, casumey, isna in uu na jaajuuso rabey, ogaade, Dareenka/guuxa SOMALI qurbaha.


    Somali sir la'aan, bilaa dareen bay u badatey.

  2. So why is it wrong? to showcase that you are with your people?


    Alla Quluubta daalacda, Nothing wrong with this pic. Despite the daily terror, one must do and show that you are with your people, and listening to them, It is part of the government


    Well done Khayre

  3. Farmaajo and his MP Khaire doing an excellent job so far, Hadaan SOMALI u CADAWGA u jeben, as usual, Geed buu xirey Ethiopia.


    Ethiopia was betting one of their puppets to be elected, and could not believe Farmaajo won


    Gabre, is even sacked, and even possibly imprisoned in Ethiopia, He failed big time. here, Gabre was fuming and cursing our President before he was deleted/and forced to suspend his account.



    SOMALIA hanoo laato, ,CADOWGEEDUNA ha jabo.

  4. Walaahi, sometimes it makes extremely angry, that such small policy, that has extreme healthy hazard, root of all social ills, creates a financial problem, no government, however small their powers are, why they can't see them


    What doe these Mps do? can they not see what is going on? all over SOmalia


    The first thing you do as government, however your small or your enforcement weak, make it illegal. Nin tuuga kusoo gelin Yeelkis, Qabo, qanax, laakin wadadan iska furan , DHIBKANA ku haya shacabka, Any decent human should act on it, and propose a bill to stop to ban it.


    As for SOMALILAND, I think the leaders are compromised, they are mostly addicts.

  5. I have done the tests early this year and I am too E-V32, also known as E1b1b1a1a1, lke the Gabiley Folks, and I am from D block.


    Found also few D block from Sool and Bari with E-V32


    Majority of Somali men tested are E-V32, also known as E1b1b1a1a1.



    T haplo group?? I think it is very rare one ,


    As this you can see, if you are same tribe, and then not have same Ydna, that proves the whole myth, I knew for years, all these tribes, mostly, are insurance /social defense pacts, and kept together via myth. Some of their people who didn't joining the insurance, became victimised/dispossessed like Madhibaans etc


    More studies are needed, and more tests, that include testing the dead. Some the people SIYAARADA u taga Shiekhda la rabo in la ogaado DNA, yaab iyo AMANKAAG, could be not related. Ma wada dhali karo,

  6. I have done the tests early this year and I am too E-V32, also known as E1b1b1a1a1, lke the Gabiley Folks, and I am from D block.


    Found also few D block from Sool with E-V32


    Majority of Somali men tested are E-V32, also known as E1b1b1a1a1.


    Also, the Arab history could still hold be true,partially, seems unlikely, why, E-V32, also known as E1b1b1a1a1, is 8000 years old, and could be possible SHeikh Ishaak or Darood Came from Yemen, where there are still many E-v32, like reverse migration, going back to the land of their ancestors, East Africa. it is hypothesis, but one thing is for sure, E-v32 came from North Africa, and most somali men are E-v32.


    As this you can see, if you are same tribe, and then not have same Ydna, that proves the whole myth, I knew for years, all these tribes, mostly, are insurance /social defense pacts, and kept together via myth. Some of their people who didn't joining the insurance, became victimised/dispossessed like Madhibaans etc


    More studies are needed, and more tested, that include testing the dead. Some the people SIYAARADA u taga Shiekhda la rabo in la ogaado DNA, yaab iyo AMANKAAG, could be not related , directly, like C,D and E and T hablo group, tracing their roots to Maydh ama Haylaan, to single person, which is impossible!!!

  7. Waw, thanks for sharing.


    I would say 2.5 million Max, possible, and agree the Somali population is well underestimed

    It is all dense, but Mogadishu is not that big, unless people come from outer, and go back at night,



    More people, in small area, becomes illusion, For example , Birmingham could be three times the size of Mogadishu, but has a population of 1.1 Million, where Mogadishu around 2 Million, 10 or more people per house, So if you travel from Birmingham , You will think this is 5 times more people.

  8. Galbeedi , you nailed it bro, 100% agree with you. As for money, any delegation, gets BOORSO first, and UAE just announced, 500 million Dirhams donation to SOMALIA


    THe phrase comes to mind "can't see the forest for the trees", cid cid xasdeeysa ma jiraan, Haduu Federalku daldaloolo leeyahay, as share holder , work towards and fix it, with strong laws, and strong government , we can only prosper. if you see the federal government as problem, you can't see the picture,and you can't have the cake and eat it, say I am member of a federal state, and not follow the rules.


    Laakin ismindiyeey, is dhinac orod, U arag masiibo dawlada dhexe, kalsooni daro, Waxxaas oo dhan waa wax ka harey dagaalkii sokeeye, iyo is aamin la'aan.


    As said before, no single state government can proceed in any major project in federal country, without permission from Federal government.



    My biggest worry and concern for the UAE recent eagerness, and jumping on board is, CHINA, it is not they want more ports, it is that they want to protect their ports, and CISHIIMO, To control this regions, It is a game of chess. But time will tell.

  9. Good point Holac


    Yoniz, marka hOre saaxb, REER baadiyaha Gadh Caska ah, oo Xalaal cunka ah, ayaa dhaama ninka wax bartey, oo nahaabka ah, wadana wax ka geline, Dantiisa iyo Lacag u muuqato.


    Arinkan, runtii States, waa soo xodxoddankaraan heshiisyo, iyo FDI, at the end of the day, it is the decision f the Federal governnment, to approve or reject.


    Wax walba na sharci bay ku socdaan, Sharciyadii oo weli diyaar ahayn, GOBOLADII oo sidii dawlad madax banaan u dhaqmi, ani uma BOGIN Goboladan dhinac ordaaya dawlada dhexe, Hadeey wax rabaan in ay ka dhameeystaan dawlada dhexe, share holders weeye, in sharciga la raaco weeye.


    Laakin States can not act like they can grant rights to any foreign company , some of them could be national security risk.


    As this deal , as I say, it is welcome, but we have to vigilant, with no labour laws in place, Sida ka dhacdey Berbera, 80% of workers fired in the first week, many replaced with Indians, and Philippines, Adeer Hunguri awgiis, in muwaadinka SOMALI ga ahi, wadankiisii uu marti ku noqto, waa danbi.


    Wax walba oo SOMALI u hurumar ah waa welcome, as long as it is the interest of the people, and not few thugs.

  10. Horta SOOMALIDU wax walba extreme by qaataan, xag diimeed, xag, mabda da , ideology, from to the socialism at the past, Arinkan Goitaanka, Many SOMALIS, leaders from South, underestimate the level of madness in Somaliland, It is far beyond rational thinking. Waxa u haysteen , Walalaoow in ay ku dhamaan... :)


    Also, Sharif, Culusow , all underestimate the madness in SL, Culusow at the end understood them, and put them on hold, hadii goitaan waayaan sida loo soo ceshaa, ama looga dhaadhiciyaa, waa alot of work, alot of counselling and therapy needed.

  11. ^Ma hubtaa in Goboladu iska saxiixan karaan heshiisyo dekedaha, militery bass, iyaga oo dawlada Federaalka waxa ka waydiin? Ku noqo!


    Hadaad sas rabtid, ama jeceshahay, maaxa isku tari Dawlad Xamar joogta, maa goaankaaga cadeeyso, sida Somaliland, oo goosatid!


    Meel aduunka ka dhacda, any foreign relationship, business deals, gobol la geli karo wadama, ama shirkado shisheeye,,without the blessing or knowing of the Federal government,


    Soomaalidu in FEderaalka KHALAD wayn ka fahmeen, waa iska cadahay, Waa eegnaa!


    As for this deal, Carab lacagi ka daadan, adeer waa la ka shubtaa, weliba laba sano in ay ku gelin 400 oo million, waa dhereg!