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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Yes the dam is extremely vulnerable, If the water drops a little, going to Egypt, even if it is not made made , or nothing to do with dam, they will destroy it, they already bought aircraft to destroy it But this can so have flooding issues in Sudan and even Egypt
  2. Big issue This is the kind of capabilities Ethiopia is dreaming to get, control this choke point, can attack Eritrea , Somalia, and Egypt
  3. Mate I really understand the capacity and capabilities of Slers, if only they dropped this secessionist idea, the civil war may not have lasted this long, they are massive block of Somali Republic and huge potential, human resources to great Somali Republic, meesha wax kaa qaata, ummada Somaliyeedna wax Tara, no to isolations. This idea of succession has not only wasted opportunity of you guys contributing to rebuilding Somalia, but also lead unnecessary distruction and killings, and ever worse invited Somali enemy number one to our shores. Dadkiina dhinaca ka raaca. And for south people, specially HSM folks , the culture is rotten to the core, very corrupt, thieves, zero understanding of basic governance, without very very strong legal agreement, in wax Lagu darsado maaha
  4. What is with this jealousy and envy Somalilanders talk about all the time? 9 out 10 dollars going to Somali republic goes to Mogadishu and H@wiya
  5. Big mistake by Eritrea, Ethiopia would have collapsed by now
  6. Is that why Zaylici silent? What is his role anyway? Waiting for Muse to have heart attack? The Jesus clan are more hot blooded , where Samar00n more pacifist
  7. Maakhiri Suldaan not coming, but this has serious and immediate implications on H@rti, if they Ethiopians take Lughaya, Zaylac , who is next? Good thing so far, most Sonali people are uniting
  8. Yes don't underestimate them, I am have been following closely Ethiopia side, if it is possibility or not, they are very serious about it. I think Muse didn't even know how desperate for sea access they are. They may even send atmy from Eithopia, Xaaji diyaar garoow, another war between Ethiopians and Somalis round the corner.
  9. Talaabo, what is your take on all of this? what is this JAR iska XOOR, a blunder by MUSE Bihi regime? what was he thinking?
  10. Taking risks in politics sometimes pays off, but eventually this hubris will lead his downfall.